Blade Trinity I I5»
iii .\ Sul " IIII. I) 5I»
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I 5. iII .\ SuI " SII
Christmas with the Kranks l’( I»
Sui .\ SIIII III “Lilli. I: “I
Closer I5.
HIII liiiilulll. l “I. Dear Frankie I I: \» \\L'li .\ Hi
Garden State I I5»
llIII_ I» HI ‘I |ll
in (x Sul ll *IIuIII. 3 ill. ‘1‘. SH“. III Sll
SIIII linI III “Lilli. 13*”. H”. (xi‘. ‘) Ill
House of Flying Daggers I I5I
ill I\ Sui IIIIHuIII. 1*”. 4 ill. a 4”. III III
SIIII liIII Ii illuln. .73”. *3". S3“ The Incredibles II’III |)uil\ llIIIIuin. IIIII IIIIII Sui I\ SIIIII. ii“: 5 Mil .\ IIII
\I5IIi.llI'iIlI\ Sui Mia”.
\|\ll IIIulIIII'I' Sui IK SIIII. lililliulli.
I} 5II
Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events I i’( I»
|)uil\ IlIlIiIunI. || Hiluni InIII Him.
13 ill. 3 Nil InIIl lIIIII. Vlil. SIIIIIIIIII Inc I\ Him. (I III. S 5‘).
Napoleon Dynamite I I’( I»
|)uI|\ III“. -\ i‘
\Iw hit I II I\ Sui: II (III.
National Treasure I |’( i»
Hull} III iiluni. Iliilunl lnIII l-I'I SuiI. 15H. .‘ -llIIIIIIl i‘ll SulI. 5 III. 5.5” Mini I'll SulI. IS. ill. ‘HIII InIII i‘i'l SulI.
\|\lll'iit\ Sui: IIIIIlIuIn. II5H. UNI. “IIII‘ |lI_lII_
The Phantom of the Opera I I: \» i'III\' Sul: 13‘”. Fill, ~.IIII. INCH. Snn l’lni: IIIIIIunI. | ill. -i-iil.IS.llll.
Polar Express Il » Dull}, ll..‘.iIunI. SuII,
.\|\U nIulInI'I' i'll Ik Sui: 4.3”.
The Ramones: End of the Century I I5» ill I\ Sul: lllllluni. I4“. ii“. “.3”. III. III,
SIIII I‘IIn: Ilfiiluin. 3.3“. Vera Drake I I2.-\»
i).'lli_\l I HIIIum, jIlII. SIIIL XIII). .\l\l\ lulu i'l'l Ik Sul: HIS”.
White Noise I I5»
I41). illll InIIl I'I'I
i'IIk Sui: i”.2(iillll. '23“). 3.1“. 5.40. SDI). Ilifiii
Snn iiilli Illfiliuni. 1.1“. 3.4!). (III). 3.5”.
Without a Paddle I I2.\»
Hull}: |l.l)(luin. I45 I\ 4.1” Mini i'l‘i- Sull. (xiii .k ‘illl InIIl i‘l'ledll.
\IxII i'I‘I .\ Sul: |._‘ii. 3.4“. (xiii. S40. I IIIII.
Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge
SIIImI'uxc iI‘IxnI'c l’ul‘k. lungnnnl‘ RIIud. (‘IIuiiII'Ingfi lnIII lInu: ill 23h 434-134(1‘ honking: IIII‘II43S1NNI. |l)|, [ii]. (5.35 INCH lII‘IIII'I' (IplnI. ('lIIld/().\|’: £4.31);
Sindcnl: [4. inc ull lickclx: (3.").
No details available as we went to press due to public holidays. Check for details.
Showcase Cinema, Paisley
(ii'liiiii .'\\L'liliL'. i’lIIIcnn HII\IIIC\\ i’ui'k. III4I .\'.\‘“ IIIII I. lnIII: III4I SS" IIIIZII. ('(‘ honking: lI|4l SS“ lllII I. [1)]. HI]. .25 H.420 lIcIIII'c 0pm I. (’lnldsl );\l’: » .30; Silldulili (4. inc .Ill IIckL‘ix:
No details available as we went to press due to public holidays. Check for details.
For films showing between
I 'r
'K"‘. a
Mom“ ,ht
This may be your last chance.
for a while. to catch Marco Bellocchio‘s stunning, moody drama based around the real life kidnapping of Italian
President Aldo Moro by members of a terrorist organisation in 1978. Good Morning, Night is definitely one of
akind. .(i/ f, (I: 19;» I'V'H'
iIS' iIIInII' SII'I'I'l. ill ii 22S 4l-il, ('(' IIIIIIkIng: ill il 23S 4|4|.liul', 24 HIIIII‘ IIIIIII‘InulIIIn |.InI': Illil ISIS 3S0”. ID]. (55” I [45“ ill inc iII‘IIII'I' (IIIIIII. (‘IInI'xz [35“. Mon Icu‘cpl Hunk HIIIIdu}\I uli lickulxi L35”. Hunhlc i‘l|i\ ISIIn Inullncc/luiu nluln I: [4.5” I L' *5” ennui. i)l\L'llliiii\ uquIuIIII' lIII‘ I'I'Icndx/lindgcl ('ul'd IIIIIduI‘x pluuw I‘IInluul dn'u'i. i’lcuxc iiiiiL‘ iliig SI'II'uIn \I‘I'I'cningx IIII' PIII'L'III\/L‘;ll'L‘I'\ .iund lilL‘lI' i‘di‘iL‘S IInl}.
Enduring LoveII5» 2.IIII_ I».5II. Garden StateII5» I..III. 4.l)l), I»..I5. IIIII.
House of Flying DaggersII5I I.II5. 5.45. I».35. II.II5.
IHeart Huckabees I I5» 4.ll). 3.55.
Amarcord I Ix»
\lulincc i‘ll Ik Sui. .\iIIn 'i'lnI: :\|\U “I'd: 0.4”,
The Blue Room ili‘L'I
.\iIIn: (x31).
Enduring Love I I5»
i‘l'l ‘I'nc & 'i'liu: (».4(I. Garden State I I5»
|)uil_\: 4.(l5 InIII SnnI. WIS. .'\l\(l lulu ill I\ Sui: ||.45. Hero I 13m
lulu i'l'l Ik Sui: inidnighl. House of Flying Daggers I I5» I)ui|\: llfii 3.4M. 0.25 Mini .\iIInI. II. III.
.-\I\II lulu i'I'I Ik Sui: IISII.
Raise the Red Lantern Il’( I» + Hero I13.»\I
Sun: Iii).
Vera Drake I 12.\»
I);Iil_\: 12.5II. 5.55. I».2II. IIII5.
[IS \L‘“ hulllu iL‘I‘I‘dL‘L‘. iii.” 4—1- 4-.- 1. Info: III .II 44‘ 3(»IIII unII 44" S451). (‘(' honking: HUI 44" 4"]. RL‘\l;lllI‘;Illi. Bur. [1)]. .-\du|l: Slundui'd 55.2“. Superior £5.90. (‘Incnlu 3 4 £5.00 I(‘incniu 3 i'il‘ldu} £50”). HL‘i-Uil‘ (1pm. \iIIII-i‘l'i: Slundurd £41m. SupcriIII' L40”. (‘incniu 3/4 {4.00. ('IInccxinIIix’('hildi‘un: Slundui‘d USU. Superior {4})“. (menu 3*4 L4IIII. l’ulllnum: .-\llcrnI»I»n LVN. iiwning WWI. Sl‘iiiVRL‘CliiiL‘i'SI .-\Ilcx'nIIIIn: UH)“. iiwning {I I‘M.
('IIII‘niu I SIII.I\ \IchnIIIIn UI ‘HI.
I \I-ninu U ‘lll SindI-nlx ISIIn iInII
L V)" InI'IIIdI'x u dIInk iuInI|_\ III kI'lx [mm L" 4H III-i III-iwn
Alexander I I5I JIIII. “ III,
The AviatorII3.\» ILIII. .I.II5. " 5II Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I I 5I x, III.
Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events II’III I IIII. I 35 The Phantom of the Opera I I: \I “ 35 Polar Express Il'» I345. I.II5. 5 35 I III[ I/va/ II II final MI»
Alexander I 15»
Hull}: JIM. “MI.
The Aviator I I2.\I
mu»; I:.3I». .III5. “.SI».
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I I5I Hull}: S25.
Ladies in Lavender I I3.\»
Hull}: 53“.
Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events I l’( i I
I).III_»; I245. IIIS.
The Phantom of the Opera I I: \» l)ull_\: Mill.
Polar Express I l '»
I).I»I_»: III5. I. III. 5.5.5
Edinburgh Film Guild
ul 'l‘hc i'lillliithL'. ISIS IIIIIIIun RIIud.
HI ,il 23S ZIIISIS. \icnliwi‘xlnp L2H (illL'\l lickclx III‘I' \I'I'I'uning: UNI, i’lcuxc nIIiI' liIuI IIIcI'c uI'c nII ll'.l|lL‘i'\ III udth und \I‘i'ucnlngx \'i ul (Ipin pix-pixel}.
8! INK I/I'V
Ossessione I I5» min. This Sporting Life I I5I I»I»I».
SIJNi 'I Kind Hearts and Coronets Il’( I» I»I»II. Psycho I I5» I»IIII
ISIS I.IIlthn RIIud. Ill}! 23S IIISS Hui. RL‘\l;llII';IIli.[i1].[i)].\i;llllc\t'lllllg \cl'ccmngv £5.50 I54 Sun ‘l'hn IInl_\ I laul'l} iawnlng \gI‘ccnIngx 4pm "pm: {4.51) I U Sun iiill uni} I. \idilllL'CS {3.5” I L: Sun 'i‘hu will} I; i'I'Idu} bui‘guln InuIInI-w: {2.5iilfli.:llI.
1. SharkTaleIl'» I.IIII.
House of Flying Daggers I 1.5» I. III. (14’s. Sy4ll,
2. Look at Me (Comme une Image) I|_‘ \I IIIII‘ \15
Ae Fond KissII5» I» I5
3. Mondovino II’( 'I» .‘ III. 5 .‘II Zatoichi I I5» 5 I5
1. House of Flying Daggers I I5» .‘ III. I»II5. \ III
2. Reconstruction I I.‘ \» .\ l5
HeroII.‘\I II5 3.AaltraII5» .‘ I5, Radio OnIIx» III»
I» I5. ‘lllll
1. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers II » I fill
House of Flying Daggers I I 5» a :I»
I» (IS. \ .III
2. HeroIIJ \» .‘IIII Reconstruction I I.‘ \» I I5. S 45
3.Aaltra I5» 3I5. Radio On I l.\» I» .15
ll iii.
lill. ‘Illil
1. House of Flying Daggers I I5I I IIII. {I ill. S 4H.
2. Reconstruction I: \» ,‘ I»I»_ I» <I». x I5
HeroIIJ \» .I I5
3. Radio On I I5» 315
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers I I » 4 III
Aaltra I 1*» I» 15. ‘iilll
1. House of Flying Daggers I I5» .7 II (xiii S ill
2. Reconstruction I.‘ \» HeroIIJ \» I» III
3. Aaltra I ISI IIIII. IIIIII Radio On I IxI I» I5
I {II‘ \1<
1. House of Flying Daggers I I5» 3 II I.
I»IIS. x In 2. Reconstruction I: \» I II» (» III. 545.
3.AaltraII5» illll I» I5. ‘Illll
1. House of Flying Daggers I I5I 3 III. (xiii S 4H
2. Reconstruction I I: \I I III. I» III. .545 3. Aaltra IS» IIIII. I» l‘. ‘Hlil
1. House of Flying Daggers I I 5. 2 III. (HIS. x_.1II
2. Reconstruction I: \» x45
{ill I» III.
llllr I» IS *HIII