RA How the papers filled their pages this fortnight


Aftershock of Tsunami tragedy

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eart' ; w r or r w : ‘l’d still be doing it if I could ' w r In . tr ' make goodjudgment calls,

«y «.w in Ham; :1 r h and I’d still be doing it if I

i r w l' r: ~ v r . i didn’t blow up to the size of y, , ,r; at , , an aircraft hangar. Because,

you know, it was a great

It treat/Wt ’l (i.

«st itw'iar’: time.’ fatterilmrmnirt‘1’:eerrz.r‘r:'rfactor J:"’l ;. I. It, - ’lll‘:’,l’i' ’r Hfliill’t‘, ii‘r‘: l()l‘,' Cf li‘: .a ii'.lll’,"l'r'l:‘:...‘Jél'iVl'li'.1l")£tii‘:'lll‘r

1-. ,ear or: iriir.’trl.iririru-:r. l ..r_.,

‘Our listeners have huge loyalty, curiosity and

Ville/l in the Human lszrrrarrlr ’ll‘,(l‘;i‘:.’.

litre .‘Ji «,f'.rriar:r. lire other uteri. both

. _\u H stamina.’

papersrrtarxarieritollookInto Has “a i ' Q” w ;,,. .i ;. Z. ' H“ .I‘ .r‘ " . . n

that (ii the photorieriir; f5.‘xerlr:;h ' '

Ullillill‘. Karl Nllfrll’)” '.‘.'arirlerrnr; .99 PRERW)KH\(-

Ht “"1 ' \VURH)“ H)

arouurl l’huket ‘.'.’lill a ineee of paper [‘mulshau

.-,. urmm‘“ , upon ‘.‘.’ll|f;ll was ‘.‘.’llllt:ll ‘Mifmriri 9 . If the public has to endure another dose of this second-rate rubbish, these

creatures should be

Parents 5". 1’ lirothersf lhis ber;arne a rather orlrl repla<:ernent tor the

images of ‘.‘.’(3t:[)lllt] lnrlian fathers and

)rlet; oi unirlentliietl bottles.

Hit}(il/(1/(//(Hi riirl at least offer a I ‘, ., (x, I. taseinatrnr; worl<l airl ehart l‘.‘.’lllr’ill Vggggiflg and frlsggagulde My,“ I A I I ,’ llltllllllllllfi Just how little the UK it; 0 ESF‘HE .,.,. “(my t]|‘.’|lltjl()lll£lll‘y()llifilOlllltfl<1(il()ll|(?f3l 0 X . . l. ,

a paltry S‘r'l’fifibtir opposite a stern of it," .. ~ r ' ' how \.rolunteers from the lVietropolitan a" 'c r

Police are rnoanrnr about lllt}!l ‘1 ‘lt’s too hard to l),;y"l~ ‘()“rv~:'I* I,yl.,.[:' '

do.’ lllill)|l|i\,' to deal ‘.‘./|lll all the rails about .,. ,.

the (lrsaster (tornrnri into the Casualty _ , Bureau Appeal Centre. lhis (:entr‘e " ‘0 I i - ' I, . ‘1‘. was openerl last October at great - ,M A. way 4.,»3 , g r 1. 3,2,. expense to deal \‘Jllll a terrorist threat vi. 3" , Ill theeapital. How to get a new you in 2005 TOIL AND RUBBLE I It‘s time to change y0urself, people. Again. The lifestyle mags have been Glasgow landmark demolished replete with a bewildering array of suggestions on how to better yourself in 2005. Typical is Zest which recommends you to both get outside more because ‘natural light boosts serotonin levels' and to ‘create a sanctuary in

‘l’ve had plenty time to tinker with the manuscript to my satisfaction and I am as happy as l have ever been with the end result.’

your own home‘ which you can achieve ‘with soothing wall colours . . . and I. I, incense and low lighting in the form of candles or lanterns.' Stay in? Go out? Make your mind up. Which is what a magazine like Spirit <2 Destiny should ‘I went 0" Stage and there do for you at the beginning of the year. Amidst all the occult-dabbling and were ten Children in the crystal ball-gazing however, is some frankly disturbing practical advice. from VOW- Nightmare The ‘Never wear tights with trousers. as this will increase the heat.‘ Show was only 40 minUtes Cosmo is conflicted but this is down to the tone of the advice more than long and I had to keep anything. To the individual who says they ‘want to do something more CUtt'nQ thrqugh huge wodhwhile,’ the careers advice is straightforward if ever so slightly wrong in Shunks 0f f'lth', tone: ‘think of your job as a recipe.’ Red is admirably low on advice for fussy I " I " H 1’ ' I g N 4.;‘33; g. issues like careers although it still does create some conflict; apparently both I 1’ T“ ° ' ‘W’4‘~ showgirl and US preppy chic are in this year; but not. one hopes, at the ' ' " "

I On a somewhat more local lex'el of same time.

tragedy The Hera/o. The Strutsrrrgzrr Perhaps its best to beat your own path into 2005 but as you struggle to

and The El'OITIIig Times were among do so. bear in mind the estimable words of Old Moore '3 Almanack. '2005

those reporting the bullooxrng oi the will be a year Of stability . . . there will be no radical change for the world.

beautiful Elgrn pitit‘t‘, Congregational There are no important new initiatives and no new solutions. That leaves us

Churt‘h on Glasgow's Pitt Street on with plenty of ups and downs.’ Things will be different this year. Which is

Triestth 28 December. The Greek normal.

(‘lLiSSlCLll st\le front of the former

church was reduced to rubble rr‘.

minutes after the oernolrtmn team grxrng the property's owner's lr<aprtaé thas situation. ‘.‘.as t'te use can"

took its place rust after 7.30am All little option but to allots. the tearing Bennett‘s wipes-n7; Greek reuse:

the papers expressed sadness at the (lOWll of the heritage sight. editee an. appropr ate ’."(;. grim" f'it;

burlOrng's passing but all put rt in the Ont; a cerrespono'ent in the letters high risk of tre that 80")”‘8 t”, attac"

centext of the building hating been page of The Herald expresseo twi‘at itself to tne car, scene? T'v;

condemned as unsafe iOllO‘.'.’lllg a ‘rre was real; on peOple's minds '.-.hen depressing truth. uke court”;

at a Club night there in late Noxember. r'rtzng; Urgent questions arise from corselieo It‘l‘atflS. "GU/a

10 THE LIST ei.‘ ea."