I Torquamada, the Needles and \oiiguritcrx pcrlorimng Hl'lf_'lll.lI l to t '., m5, \lrgg :j muff ‘ ., .1, ‘ Loss Leader Hui-fly 2(ill (‘I_\dc lllatcrlal it ; L; in, \\.\ ll,” 1,, Strcct. MSW) UH“ (NW), Spin. LES. .‘\n
.lIlL‘l‘llleL' Iloulnana} \llllllxlllilk'lk ol Tuesday 4 Events are "Sled by datei the" I’KI "1 N53"
(lL'lllL'lllL'tl pnnk/mctal lroin CitY- Sme“ "Slings at leas‘ ‘90 I Kellock. O’Donell, Rae and ’Iorqnaniada GIaSgOW days before publication to Smith lL-l H g l, , I» (Q; 3, \ \1,t;. M I The End of the Year Club I IlL' I Suspire 'l’lic I ‘~th \otc ('atc. 3H jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings \nt-t-r 1:0 9w \ toy-l :1 l l 1, I ilh \ott' ('alti 5‘) (ill Kin}: Sticcl. (ill Klllf.’ Slrcct. 55; I635 ‘lpni. L3. .\It are compiled by Jules Graham H zonntlctl or: ll‘. \'\l; ..\ \ti‘Ii.:ll ix <53 1(in Uplll. l-rcc. .\ liu- rock, and Kenny Mathieson. “HIV-~51 “MAW” ~ \‘lttx‘ l~‘t'~‘l't~'t Iloginanan} part} limit-d h} Ho/illa ;\-ilo:m1~l.=:tl.~1 \-m:\-\:\ ly~1;~:r;:-~;;
“huh I""““‘V‘ |'\" “'“‘K ‘m‘l .IMHI weaneSday 5 and I tiilll‘llfL'Il \:t k I\ttl\ I!1.'Zl k lllllL'\ loi‘ thc oldur inallwl'. Thursday ll‘lIII\I.:iI\'II \cqi lent
H _ @88ng I Marty Waugh Quartet w ()1. I:(IlllbUlgh I Kai Axa, Miss the Occupier \ltt'cl liar and Rs tattlatil. \l' l‘ltlgu l I Scissor Sisters, Blondie and and Magdalena HarlI}. 2m (lulu I Stardust: The Hoagy \ngt-l. .‘ *w‘ Ilim \lllx’l i~ Aberteldy I’l'lln'c\ Sll‘t't'l (ialtIL‘ll\. 4—75 Sll'L'L‘l. “H7” VII—i (WIN. 3pm. £1. I‘.tllo. Carmichael Story ( iIII/k'll\i IIlt‘allt'. \otalht \Iallx \\,...:'Ilit1:tt\hl\ at”: t letlll. llllltn. L' ill l; *5. (’Iaxxit~ .\'Y(' indic and all rot‘lt \otlndx lioni I'..l\l II‘I(iillI‘.lI\ Slit-ct. -1_‘"llll33 5 lllptn lIll«‘ll:‘ll \i‘lllt' Rat l‘na \ \t\lt- llllil."t‘1\ dotihlc hill loi' Izdinhtn'gh'x ollicial Kilhrich Kai .>\\ai Ll-l «Li UH l).l\t' \ndciwn and llaw tlnx won wt \l\\ .r ltxtixt- tinnit- .\ Iloginanax comm-rt \kllll hot )otlnj: I Bismarck, Crisis Project, \l.l\'l.t'llll.lll pit-wilt a \t'nlinit-ntal l.i// swam w liookln: pxxt-nlIaI htn'lxx :\hti'rlc|d\ rounding: out the hill. Poprocket and Souldrive ioninu} through lllt' Illk' and unlit ol the I Edinburgh Underground Jazz I The Street. Party Stage I’rinuw Nicc‘n‘Slca/_\. 42! Sanchichall Strcct. gical \lllt‘llt'all \oiigmitt-i Ha I t-tl Hank. ¥ (nullity Strut-l ,‘ “ Slit-ct. lllpni lain. I-ru- hut tickctcd. 333 (NW). ‘lptn. £3. Indic rock. 4 Mi '5 ‘l illpm l \t-.\ hi/fi tn-xlzz lIol \a|\a \tilllltl\ lroin l,a Sonora I The X-Certs, the Lucinda Edlllbtll’gll \hout .t\ll._‘.' lht' ti ‘.:ll\\' l.ii\‘lll\ ot w ill (‘alaxt-ia atld icgggat- llawurcd |a// Console, Azriel and Irrelevant I Freddie King Quartet \t-lttn 3*? or I tlmlunplik int «i \. um :mmt >. In ltoln .Ia/l .I;llll;llt‘;l \kllll hot IlUlllC- Ihc I3th Nolc ('alt‘. .51) (ill King: ('ougalt‘. 55" ZqSll. ‘lpnl midnight int IlliIl’lj.‘ t'tllldll‘xl \lll.s \wlwt a lI groun t-lcctropunk danu' \tar NI} Io on Strcct. 553 1038. ‘lpni. £3. liino hnc l'rcc, lirand nc\\ lIIlllStI.l_\ night I‘.l\\l\l l\t~\ :n ( ll» -'o\\
altcr lllltlllljJIll. up. l'L'HtIL‘llt'} tor the \ot'a||_\ .ltl\t'llllllllll\ I Live Sciences llgmx \ I.t.'.' l til I I Urban Dance on the Mound 'l'lic ‘Kltlg ol Stat” and t-momagt- .\ \lommn \nt-ut ‘m‘ \‘oo llllt'.l'l Mound. ‘717\ Mill). Illpni Iain. I‘il'u‘ Thursday 6 I The Dyad I'hc I t‘ll Hank. i" (illIIlllt‘ 2,5 'IIIl‘ Iiill‘ t‘l'lil -n: lhun on n \ htlt llL'ht'lt‘tl. SL‘otIandK pt‘clnicr hrcak Strt‘cl. 335 M75. ‘l illpin l.‘_ illanl \ llll\lllf,' :n picnlj. t t t.l// I.llll on llll dancc crux kick thingx oll \xith Rccd GIaSgOW ncxx axant-gardc lllfJIll lot a lit-xx aunt an \l(' and .1 HI
Richards on [)1 (Illllt'S. lolloucd h\ I Aviator Shades, How to Swim gardc \cnnc ax the [had aka (‘hiix
I't‘cnt‘h danu‘ act Ilaxlnng Roxm and and Conestone King 'I‘nt'x \Vah \Vah Rn“. Iicniainin St'hoglci. I’atiI Kt‘t‘nt'. I IilIIII'“ )II
hip hop collcctiw l’hasc 'I‘. Hut. 373a St Vinccnl Strcct. III 537‘). Dan- Roxx and \it' and Inn \looic. tim- I Tam White & Shoestring ll t
I Highland Gathering Ro}a| 8.30pm. £4.50. Mod and (illx \onnd\ clu'tronlo \\llIl innmalnt' tnxltnint'nlal lonn llonxu. lll.‘ tad/rm \t-t-t-t, illo‘ Highland ('cntrc. Inglixlon. 335 (illlll. lroni ;\\iator Shadcx groom‘x at lhc It'll Hank hai »l5_‘.“l‘l " illpln 9 ' 5H l phi-at lil it \ Spin Sam. £70. .\I;l\\l\L‘ 12—hour I Handsome Dan and Knowe 8- I . V Ilillll Illk' _‘.'l.l\x‘II\ rout-ll \\ lntt- .ml Iloginana} haxh \xith an cclcclic linc- the Volcano Barll}. 2m) (‘l_\dc SillIlllg imml
up (ll Mix and Ii\L‘ ilL'lS including: Sll'u‘l. (I870 ‘)()7 00‘)”. Split. I Lights Out By Nine Iolhoolh. IalI
Snpcrgraxx. Armand Van Ilcldcn. Slant. I The Safe Rave Gang, 0 \\'}ild. lll ,"Sti T-lllllll "_ illpni. LS
Ra/orlighl. Iirick .\lori||o. Luv Without U and the Decider t£5.5lll. Vtk‘dllSl ;\l Ilnghcx tronlx lIll\
‘St'ralch‘ l’crr}. thc I.c\cllci\. Sch \icc'n'Slt-al}. .lll Sauchichall Stu-ct. cwr—popnlar \toniping I‘lll\’\ onllit.
l'iontainc. I‘L‘Ii\ da IltHlSt‘L'ill. l)o3_'\ l)ic H3 (woo, 0pm. I; i. lndic royk
lll lIot ('arx. I)a\c I’L'atu‘. I'ititnrcxhock. , m Edinburgh
.Iah Shaka. I.i\a I,a\hc\ and Sixtcr llhxx.
I Lee Paterson, Mexico, U- I The Dyad 'l'lic I.clt Bank. 37 Glasgow Know-Hoo and Roguestar (ittllll'lc Strcct. 325 8075. 0.30pm I Stardust: The Hoagy \\'|ii\tlcliiiil\ic\. 4 ti South Bridgc. 557 12.30am. Scc 'l'hu It). Carmichael Story ('iti/cnx‘ 'lht'anc.
5| I‘l. .iplll. I'rcc hcl'orc midnight; £3 altcr. Big; lloginana} hill cowring l‘nnk. t’oL'Ix and Clil\\lt' Ci“ Ch.
I Hogmanay Hoot (‘om lixchangc.
I I NC“ Markcl Road. 477 3500.
7pm 3am. Lil). lidinhurgh'x larng indoor part). Back h} popular dcinand Ill Dougit' Rohcrtxon and thc Scott l.c\|ic (‘cilidh hand plus traditional Scottixh hullct.
I New Year Revels :\\\Clllhl} Roontx. .54 (icorgc Sll‘CL‘l. 330 434‘). ‘lfillplll 5.5(Ialll. £40. 'lilll‘CL‘ IIool‘x oi ncxx _\cai' [warning \\ilh l).I\ Aqua Ilavilto. .lo .\I;tIiI\. Claxxic txxo-tonc l'roin 'l’hix R 2—'l‘onc. and ccilidh llltltIllL'\\ l'rom I'il'AISL‘l‘ McNaughton Hand and llclla .\lc.\'ah\ Dancc Band. I Hogmanay Hip Hop Party ()\_\gcn Bar & (irill. 3 5 llllil'lllill'} Strcct. 557 9007. lllpm 3am. L'thc .\lll\lcl;lll\ l‘roni Manga and MW Scicnct‘x join lidinhurgh'x lincxt l).l\ prox iding cwcllcnt Iixc lllll\lL‘ and part} illllltlSPIlL‘l'L‘ o\ L‘l' t\\o l'Ioot'x to \L‘L‘ lll lllL‘
\t‘“ Yuri:
I Skarsoles and The P453 Barth. Ztill ('I_\dL‘ Sll‘cct, 0870 007 (NW). Spin, £4. Ska hill.
I Ernest 'l‘lic Scotia. l 12 I I4 Stock“ cII Stl'ccl. 552 Shh‘l. 4pm. l'il'cc. (\(IS-ilhpil'cd originals and coxcrx.
I Phil’s Sunday Session l‘ixgc Bcatha. 333 Woodlands Road. 564 I506. (ipni. lircc. Bring }01ll‘o\\ll Illxll‘lllllt‘lll.
Glasgow a“, . . I Jenniferever, the Search and » «i . _ i i i" ‘ Redana Barth ttipxtairxl. 360 (‘I_\dc f} i ,1: ,i
Sum. 0370 on? 0009. Split. ()xcr- m xho“. Jcnnilcrmcr are a mclodic poxt- h rock hand from Sxicdcn. i;
The Hogmanay Festival jazz programme continues with a performance from
I Acoustic Jam “Can-SIN“ 43' London-based Scots trumpet star Bruce Adams, expertly backed by local hero sauchmmn 31mm 333 (mm 3p,” Konrad Wisznieski, pianist Paul Kriby, bassist Ronnie Rae and drummer Bill Kyle. I'il'L‘L‘. \VCCH) shim casc for local :3 80 Queen Street. EC’WDUTQN. IVGC 29 DEC.