Their recorded output is does not fully do justice to their warped

sonic wonderland. Best to witness them live as they stumble over the bones of the Cramps, The Fall, Nick Cave and Ivor Cutler with a bottle of cheap cider in hand. This cunning triple bill also feature two other crews of sharp eyed malcontents in My Latest Novel and Odeon Beat Club, making this the perfect spot to work off those pounds accumulated over

the festive period.

}(\i/,l: [.1. ,li‘iliftiuu. u-t'ii'. "ILI‘

I UK Subs .llltI The Vibrators ('iti‘ux ('Iuh. ll) 42 (irindlti) Sheet. 022 Tuxo Spin. £‘l. legendtii‘} old school punk douhle luII. hoth loiined hiiek in '70.

I Open Mic \Vhixtlehinkiex. l (i Sotith Bildge. 557 51 I4. ‘)pin I lee. Just tuin up :utd pei'toi'in.

Tuesday 21


I Snow Patrol, Eugene Kelly and Laeto Barron Itind. 244 (iilIIl)\\ gate. 552 -l(it)|. 7.30pm. S( )I .I) ()I "I‘. (Met I-lx \Ito\\. See letitui‘e Itll' Snim I’;iti'o|. Support tonight Il'tllll (iI;t\_‘_'tt\\ '\ indie godttithei‘ Izugene KeII}. \\ ith it l'tHdSlL‘l' ted to his \onguritiitg these d;i_\\.

I Raising Kain, the Blimp iind Ludovico King ’l‘iit‘x \\';ili \\';ili IIllI. 272d St \lIIICL‘III .Stl't‘t‘l. 22I 527‘). 8.30pm. £5, The i‘oek‘u'roII artists [)l't‘\ltlll\l_\ knoun us Killll headline. \\lIIl tIteulrieaI roek \uppoi't ti‘oni the BIinlp.

I The UK Subs, the Vibrators, Fire Exit tllltI the Red Eyes RUL’KL‘I'S. I4 \IItIIdlltI Sll't‘t‘t. 22I U720. Spin. I‘iee. I’unk \etei‘;iii\ pl;i_\ing :i tree

I The Deltas, the Vinyls and Rio Grande Rebel Stereo. Kelxinlmugh Street. 570 5lll.\'. Spin. £4. I.oe;i| indie punk hand\. The I)eIt;i\ take their IL‘;ttI

88 THE LIST 'i; [\'\,\. 1 I

In)!” the Stitlte\ .lIItI [I1L.\llllk‘\.tlllt'tll-K' pioinotiug their eui'ieiit "I.o\ e Will Die" I'.I’.

I The Afterthoughts, Moment of my Explosion, Bovine and Martin’s Room Biii'l'l}. 2(il) ('|_\de Stl'et-L MSW) ‘lll7 ()‘)‘)‘). Spin, £4,

I Ladyfunk, Jubello itlltI The Jakals Bartl} lllp\l;tll'\l. 2N) (’|_\de Street. 0S7” WI)" ll‘l‘N. Spin. £5. Indie luck.

I Pulse, Mr Kite itlltI Recliner \it't"ii‘SIt';i/_\. 42| Sauehiehull Street. 333 (Will). ‘)pm. £4. Indie i'oek.

I Sycamore 'l'lie I3th .\‘ole (kite.

5“ (it) King Street. 553 |(i3i\'. ‘)pin. £3. .\Ii\ ol indie and eltixxie i'oek.

I The Kiteflying Club IL‘Ilill ()\lltl. 42 ()t;igo Lane. 357 4524. Split. £|.5(). Iinpi'm.

I Rock Idol 'I'he (Hithouxe. I5 l'nion Stl'L‘L‘l. 24S (ititlti. 7.3llplll. £2. The Illltll ol the lad I);inie|'\ sponsored hitttle ot the hundx eonipetition.


I Band Showcase \\‘lii\tlehiiikie\. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5| I4. ‘)pin. I'i‘ee. (all in iidmnee Int" ti gig.

Wednesday 22

Glasgow I Joe Strummer Tribute Night King 'I'ut’x \Vah \Vtih IIut. 272a St

\ intent Street. 221 52'" S 3Hpin Lb (it'IL'l‘lttIlitlt HI the IIIC .tlltl lllthle‘ HI [Ilt' iedouht.ihle Joe Strummer. i.ii\ing moire} toi Struinineinlle, the eh.irit_\ uhieh i.ii\e\ mone} toi' inuxie-orient.ited _\outh l‘l'itlt‘eIS

I Stonesthrow, Glasvegas, Raspberry Badger, Delta Mainline .ind Wildtype B.ulI_\. 2N) (lute Slieet. llS-‘tl Wt)" ll‘)‘)‘) Spin {4 \mcliexktyle indie ioek tioiu headliners Stouexthioxx I The Pedestrians, Red Snowman .tlltI Stone Cold Rumours Bull} ltlp\l.tlt\l. 2N) (‘l_\de Street. llhqll ‘lll‘ ll‘N‘l Split £5 Rock I Mendeed, Co-Exist, Argonath .ind Apathetic IIlt‘ (Zilliouxe. l5 l'nion Sheet. 248 (iotto. 7.3tlpin. £5 i£4i ()xer l4x \ho\\ .\ line up.

I Gram Solo, Psykonaut ttlltI 0 Without U 'Ihe 13th \ote (lite. 5t) (it) King Sheet. 553 M“. ‘)pin. £3. .\Ii\ed hag. ineluding eounti‘itied retro ioek tioin Izdinhui‘gh\ (ii.iin Solo. and the l'S-inllueneed underground \otlnd\ ot I’x} kon.iut tllltI () \Vithout I'.

I The Endrick Brothers \iee‘ii‘Sleti/_\. 42l Suuehtehtill Street. \Hlltlttlt ‘)pin. £3. .-\It eounti'} li'oin e\-ineinhei\ ot Rented}.

I Club Tromolo Illt‘ Bull Hill». NJ Btith I.;ine. 243 I777. ‘)pin. £5. .\Ionlh|_\ e\tr;i\;ig;ui/;i. IIllS tune \\ ith it punto theme and Il\ e llltlle‘ li‘oin \lll‘IL‘l‘ dudex I’re\ton Pam and the Setiton Sgindx.

I The Last Project and Nameless RHCKL‘IN. l4 \Iltllttlld Street. 22I 0720. Split. I'ree. Indie i‘oek.

I Open Mic Stereo. Kehinhtiugh Street. 570 5IIIS. Split. I'It‘t'. \Veelkl}

I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Btu'. Iht) \\'oodl;ind\ Road. 352 99‘"). Spin. I'ree.


I Hannah O’Reilly and Tourismo \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5l I4. (ipin. Iiree. (iuitgii' roek Ii‘oin ’I‘ourixtno.

I Bear’s Got a Raw Deal tllltI The Hormones ’l‘he Bongo ('luh. Mora) House. 37 IIoI}i‘ood Road. 558 7(ill4. 7m. U. I)ouhIe hill ol' milit- roek.

I My Electric Love Affair The Three 'I'unx Wine \liultx. 7 l I Iliinoxei‘ Street. ()I3I 225 54l2. 8pm. £3. Indie with px} ehedeIie leanings.


I The Music and The Dead 608 Burro“ hind. 244 (itlIItHVgitlL‘. 552 4(illl. 7.30pm. £15. ()xer- I4\ \Ilt)\\. Spaiee roekerx trout Leeds eontinue their \ti';ito\pltei'ie ti‘ujeetor}.

I Poor Old Ben, Clearfall rind Mogul King 'I'ut'x \Viih With Hut. 272;: St \‘ineent Street. 22| 527‘). 3.30pm. £5. See pi‘e\ie\\ l‘oi‘ IiIeeti‘ie Hone} \tglllllg\ I’oor ()Id Ben.

I Dogs D’Amour 'l‘lie (‘aiihouxtn l5 l'nion Street. 243 (ilillo. 7.30pm. £‘). ()\er- I4\ \hon. (ilainin) old \ehool i'oek hiind \\ ith their root\ in the hair metal dtt} \ HI. the S()\.

I Still illltI The Humour Bar”). 260 (4er Street. ()S’7t) ‘)()7 ()‘)‘)‘). 3pm. £4. I Viva Stereo Nit'e‘ii‘Slt-zi/y 42l SauehiehtiII Street. 333 t)‘)l)(). ‘)pni. £3. Indie roek.

I Poprocket Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 22I (I726. Split. I5ree. Roek.

I Colin McEwan 'l‘iiiderhox. 18‘) B}re\ Road. 33‘) 3108. ‘)pm. I-‘ree. .-\L‘tttl\tic \et.

I Subdermis itlltI Just Sunday MaeSorIe) \. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 85:“. ‘)pin. Free. I.oe;iI hiind line-up. I Blue Xmas Studio One. (irosyenor lIoteI. (irt)\\‘cllt)r 'I’errziee lot't' Byres Road). .34I (L5H). 9pm. I‘ree.


I Mars Patrol, Fred and Earthwalk Whistlehinkiex. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5l I4. (ipltt. Iiree. Smooth dream} \oealx \xith guitar bueking from Marx I’utrol.



1 They wanna fight the White Stripes People think Jack and Meg invented the duo, but back in l995 Daytonian guitarist Dave Doughman and then drummer Don ihrasher were bashing out visceral two-man rock'n'roll With bite and bile. Doughman recently challenged the White Stripes to a rock tight two bands. one stage and a Clap-o-meter. No reply yet. 2 They’re an imaginary band Well. they‘re not. but they took their name from a flyer DOughman had designed for an imaginary band. He used to do that sort of thing a lot, apparently. 3 They could be famous if they wanted ‘My mom loves Swearing at Motonsts.‘ says DOughman. “She just thinks I shOuIdn't turn down offers lrom major labels. I don't want to be lICIl or famous. I just want to make records and play shows for a living.‘ 4 Having said that, they’re more famous than the man on the moon Dave Doughman was once standing talking to Neil Armstrong when someone came up and asked. 'Hey aren't you that guy from Swearing At Motorists?’ 5 Free pretzels The band's debut EP was called Tuesday '3 Pretzel Night. To promote it they played their first ever show. On a Tuesday night. With free pretzels. Sadly. this show's on a Monday. (Doug Johnstoneji

Barfly, Glasgow. Mon 20

I Status Ouo I'xhet' II;iII. I.othi;in Road. 228 I I55. 7,3llpin. £205” See Mon 2().

I Boogaloo Investigators 'l he Bongo ('Iuh. Morn} House. 37 IIoI}rood Road. 553 7004. lllpin 3zini. £5 (£4l. Retro lunk and rhythin'n'hluex eoinho lll\ ite _\ou to their pre—i'eleiixe lexti\ e knees up tor their I'ortheoining :ilhuin Dunning/iii tor a |i\'e \et. I)J\ line In” Paul and ill Iettxt 'one hall" ()I Mtitllel'lunkl and


I Peter McLeod and The Young Hips King 'I‘ut’s \Vzih Wtih Hut. 272;: St Vincent Street. 22! 527‘). H.3llpin. U). I Robert Scott The Butt (‘luh 142 Bath Lane. 248 I777. Illpni. £8. Seott performs a set of Sinatra standards,

I You Can’t Eat the Word Food, Luma, Avatar and Chiles Barll}. 2(i() ('|)de Street. 0870 907 I)‘)‘)‘). 3pm. £4.

I Stax Of Soul Rockerm I4 Midland Street. 22I 0726. 8pm. I‘ree. Commitments-st}Ie soul/Rodi CUIICCIIVC.