Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to glasgow© and for Edinburgh to henry© Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.
Ticket infomation
Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland 3- t a, .e Tickets Scotland ‘. ' :1}! --
{lit in '-',
Ripping Records t‘ Fir '1')".
way Ahead .. .
Thursday 1 6
I Rich Robinson Km}: itth \Vuh \Vult Hut. 3‘3u St \tnu'nt Sttccl. 33| 53“).
N. illput. LN 'l he )nungcr Rulunwn l‘lttlllk‘t' nl llluck (‘tmxcx tunic play in iilk' [R int tltc lll\l tttnc tn tlu'cc _\c;u'\ tn \llpptll'l nl lux l\ttlllt‘\\il.'li ptulictuhlp I'Utth} t'wk'n't‘nll tlchut \nlu ulhutn I’ll/m: I Maiden Scotland, Syth :utd Tergazzi 'l‘hc ('uthuuw. 15 l'nion Stu-ct. 343 (mun 7. illptu. U» l;lti\;lll\'t‘l. {7,50 ttltmrt. ()wr- l4x \hmx. lt'nn Muttlcn tt'tltutc nutlit.
I Captain Everything, Friction Fx, Not Your Saviour, Kicking Buckets, Spaceman Lance, Room One and Hoax Built}. 3(xtl (lulc Stt'cct. tlh‘7t) t)tl'f ll‘l‘l‘l. Xptn ()wt‘» l4x \Inm. Ska. Watt and pup/punk Itnt'up. lt‘tlllll'lllg hcmlltnct'x \\ hm t'cmt'tl it‘l' thc Hnuxchultl \utnm punk luhcl.
I Kiale, Amok and Neon Underground g2. Wt) Suuchlclmll Stt‘ccl. 35i 3| I I, 7pm. [5. Han} tuck untl IllL‘lili lull,
I Azzuri, the Cinematics and The 8 Men NICL‘WYSIL‘HI}. ‘13] StllIL'lllL‘iltlH Stt'cct. 33% (MN), 0pm. £3. lntltc ruck.
I Asa 'I'hc lith \utc (Kilt. 5t) ()(i King: Slum-1.553 ltfih’. ‘lptn. U. Haunting clnlluut tnuxtc ll'ttlll \ut‘uuy
I Palomino Rtm. ()uccn Murgtu‘ct l'ntnn. 33 l'nnct'xtt} (innit-m. 33‘) 0784. 7. illptn. L33. including: cult} In pmt-gig t‘luh. \Vcckl) \hmwuxc nl _\nung_' lncttl hundx. \\ ith other actx to ho mnl'n'tnctl.
I Absent Ashes, Middleman, Stratos untl Almighty Me Snuntlxcl. Snuntlhuux. 4" Hylc l’ut'k Stt'cct. 33l 405‘). .\'.3(lptu. (4.5“. \lt‘tnhcrx untl gtlt‘xlx. 'l'hc linul Suuntlwt nl' thc )mt‘ lll\0|\L‘\ .1 national battle of lltc hundx mmpcttuun cuttllctl Rock'n'Rnll RL‘MtillllUlt
84 THE LIST ‘6 Doc 300-145 ,Jt‘u‘ ._\\‘:'1
The genius of Link Wray — one of the real
originators of rock‘n'roll — goes worryingly unrecognised these days. There are, however, plenty wilful souls eager to preach the surf rock gospel drawn up by Wray in the 505 and 60$ and the Nucleotides are arguably this land’s most expert exponents. They're mentalist instrumentalists who‘s can knock out a twanging tune with the flick of a wrist. New EP The Town of Golden Stone is solid proof of their skill.
7M: 7'9”, (tyrant/um. Hm t)”.
I Robbie Williams Tribute Buttt‘hutt
Slt‘L‘t'l. IUH (it‘ul'gt' Slt't't‘l. 5.53 “H I. 7pm.
£7.50 (£34.5t) xx ttlt tilllllL‘l'l. ('lu'httnux purl} night.
I Figure 5 Md’hutllx. 4(l High Stu-ct. 553 3H5. 0pm. l-t'cc. Mud \(lllllti\.
I lain Ross 'l‘chtu ()xnu. 43 (Mayo
lune. 357 4534. 3pm. £3. (iil'tctl :Jllllitl'lxl.
I The Revivals 'l'hc Hull Bur. Ht” \Vnmlluntlx Rutttl. 353 0000. ‘lptn. l‘tu‘. I Hunky Dorys, Firechild, Malice illlti Stitch Mut'Snrlc) \. 43 .ltunutt'u Stt'cct. 34.\' 8554. ()put. l’t‘cc.
I Roost Studm ()nc. (it'mwnut' Hotcl. (inmcntu‘ 'l'ct‘t‘ucc lull Bum Rmult. 34| (w5l(\. 0pm. l‘t'cc.
I Phil’s Session l'ixgc Bcuthu. 233 \Vtmdluntlx Rnud. 504 1590. 8pm. l‘ \Vcckl} jutn.
I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc Sam. I I2
ll4 Stuckxwll Stt‘cct. 553 .\'(»,\'l. ‘lptn. l-‘t‘cc. Pupulut‘ uncrx.
I Jam Session Sumtth l)tm\. (f ."I Nitltxtlulc Road. 4330107. 8.30pm. l‘t'cc. Hmtcd h} lttdctwntlcncc.
I Live MUSiC RUL‘RCIX l4 Midland Sit‘L‘L‘l. 33l U736, 8pm. I't‘L‘L‘. i‘itllll' t'm‘k/tnctul hundx In hr wnl'u‘utctl.
SL Records Christmas Party The linttgn ('luh. \iut‘u} Hnuw. V linl}t‘mul Road. 553 "(ill-l. ‘lpttt hill]. (4. Thu ttngltt} SI. RL'L‘UHi\ tukt- mct' lhc Hungn t'nt‘ unnthct' \lll;t\ hmlt lcutut'tng u \L'ik‘t'lltlll lt'nut lilt‘ll' l‘H\lt‘l \xitlt httlllm). l)c3_'t'.t\\t. tltc 55\. [hr :\p|tt'ndt\t;ic\. the Stut'lctx and l’cunut tutd mpcct u lcu tnuxltctl up ( 'lunttnm (luvtcx \\ llh lllL‘ SI. RL'L'UHI\ :\H\l;tt Mix on hum] tn plug: thc _‘_'.'t[‘\ I Starsky, Toro, Taylor Kane illlti The 3rd Man \\'ltt\tlchtttktc\. 4 0 South Ht'tdgc. 55‘ 5| l4. 0pm, l-t'cc. ()t‘tgtnul guttut' tuck \tlllllti\ all night. I The Dyad ’l'hc l.ctt Hunk. V (iutlu'ic Stt'cct. 335 3(35‘ 0‘ illplll l3.3l);un. \wa ;t\;tttt _‘_‘.ll'\ik‘ night lut‘ \thktc Houw'x ttcu il\;llll*j_‘;ll'tik‘ |.c|t Hunk hut ux thv l)_\;td. ukn ("lu'tx Rn“. chtunnn Schuylct'. l’uul chnc. I);t\c RH“ :tlttl \Ic and llltl \itutt'c lllu‘ clcctt‘unn'x \xtth tnnmuttw tnxtt‘untt-ntul
I Will Young Sl'.(‘( I i'llllllt'\itlll ()uu}. (LN—fl) (l4l) 4(l(l(l. "fillpttt. [3&5”. lltc tct't‘ihl} ntcc _\nun;_' ’u/t ll/U/ gtmluutc \ll'lll\ lux P\L'Ukill'illlli\_\ \tutl tut .l \ccnntl tintc tn ;1 lnt'tntgltt.
Interpol untl Secret Machines (Ruling .-\cudcm_\. l3l ithIIIIIHH Stt‘cct. (NUS (l3l) SUVU/tlxw “Tl ltltlu, “pm S( )i .i) ()l "i. ()\ Ct- I 4x \Inm. SL‘L' prcxtcu l'nt' Intct’pnl. the NC“ \‘nt‘k \httt'p til'L‘\\L‘t'\ \\ ht) ttl'L' L‘\\L'ttlt;tll} .ltt} Dnmnn \xitltnul thc llllcthll}.
I The Saw Doctors But't'mxluntl. 344 (iullmxgutc. 553 4(xtll. ". 5UPHL U750. ()xct‘- l4x \hmx. 'l‘hc pct'cnnmll} pupulut' tm ml ('cltt'm‘kct'x unm- ut'utttul ugtun.
I Forgotten Sons 'l'hc ('ttlhnuw. I5 l'ninn Stt‘cct. 24x (mun "30pm. t“ ()\c1'-l4\ \htm. \ltu'tlltnn tt‘thutc hand, I The Janes, Big Red and Youth Law :13. 40M Suttgluchull Stt‘cct. ‘53 3| l I. "put. L5 Melodic llltilL‘ t‘tk‘lx ltttc— up,
The lite stvon s that floated t lus'c Edttor Mark Robenso't's boat 'I‘ 3004
"" ' ' " .z‘ Scissor Sisters ~. -~ 1. ~; :1, g.
l:\ A
Kt. 2‘ I .
'- 1' ~ Ptxues : ‘ r, .' in" ‘1 i 2" h, It i ,‘
m w ,t}. n u .. s u l'i '5 i l‘ i
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ttgv‘ltwt‘nrt w.
cavelt: U‘Jflt 'Y ‘1'. lrgttt::;;ttt u:;\;,:‘vr‘v,-' t‘ L«l"l"l A(.;t.:l»+nw, fr ,7 l‘.~‘ wt"? . 2" N'r‘Jttt‘lm-t Slp’ .'; ’7 w i'r". :T" ‘ HE}; ltén'.’ ttuttwr'tttl ti'r'u lw- tutsmtr‘ :ttt l: ml my: I l? t‘.
.fli (tilifltii-‘I’t ')'1 M”:
.‘."Zl;"'(ltlf it)“; tuttl‘tf; lit-fort.- ttztt‘y’x; iit'tltl'iiZ tl further an? t)? W; in mm mung, {it‘ltl fut: than 1" ~:- ézr‘ttwtm-‘Wu lull? "15) (ttttt.
()l Iltt: ‘t’Wtit-H ’19 that'rii'mw. pt‘ti-t:ttlng; nus/awn ‘:.'T1 f'l",.'."w; f'w-r SOCUt‘. lltzttz't Ulnar: {L‘wtr 1': : it‘t‘t. tit unsuspontutg unwary/:2. The Bravery .'.(;-t": zt't‘tij; tl'w HUM? tlttttk‘,’ tutti Stnltt‘r', but return/wt vi'. edgy; uwv' (LUH'llljili’ll‘) J‘Ll’l :1“th llii.’(;, An (:‘.’€;rl?f‘i‘ 200‘; beckon, 7’! them rm (it’ltt'tlt,
Tut», tl‘él‘,’ Slflflltl levy, on Mr products wvl ~"7()lt: w ill "z’l'llz‘; rucurtlf; that. tilt,- ana‘, 1/1.? I‘m,- Super Furry Animals w,- 37+ ()f tilt; f:ttt2‘;t tléttviv {ltzu imlt; 3‘ Newport Pagnm. le.’ g'trm :zt tw- C(N't‘» EXCl‘té‘xllfj‘:#3182:’litéttl’l’lfllfl'.’ IQCllttt’rllml) rr; umntrr {:7 T at W.-
lmrse 0* Illt; mar elm: am lt‘It’I‘:
{t {Yttll(l-7tl‘:liltlfl firm.