
The Return 4 13M 0... l'\lltlrL'I /.‘.}a;'iittxc'..l S. DUNK. \ lathmit (iarm. l‘-.tll Doluotiraxox. Koiixtaiitiii l.a\ioncitlw. \atal_\a \ tllI‘-lll.i llt<mm \llcr ati cntitcl} uiicxplaiiictl I: _\cai ahxcncc, a tathct Il.a'xroiicnl.oi icttiiiix hoiiic to hix tuto atlolcxtciit xoiix '\l]tJfL'l iliaiiiii and hat) llhiltttitttaxti‘. i. and xtiL'jJt'xlx lit llit'lt lttttlltct «\tlox lllttt that llL‘>.cx thc thiltltcii on a lixhiii: tiip Jllk' ttio hcatl otit h} imam; hoat to a littlc human ixlaiitl. hut thc hotx ait- tmpicpaictl toi thcit thith iciiiotc anti hititall} tJL'lllttlltllllfJ iiattirc Ihix oiiimotix. xpaixc anti l.tUtlllL lahlc opcnx itxcll tip to \aiiotix allcyoittal .tlltl iitctaphoiital iiitcipictationx. hc thc_\ lt'llleth. political. oi llcthpal. \'-ll|\ll icxoltc .iiountl thc toiillitt \‘.llll patctnal atithotit} liiipicxxncl} xhot h} tiiiciiiatogiaphci \Iilthail Kiitchman m \Ultllll thamctl toncx and in long. tart-lull} tiaiiit'tl taltcx. \thith tomc} lhc haith} clctiicntal iiattiic ol lhc liliti'x tiiii\cixc. l/lt It’t III/II ix le\t'll ical it-xoiiaiicc h} itx lhicc toiiipclhiij: lcatl pcitoinianccx Scat} hcanx \cc pancl. pagc (t-l li/m/iuiiu. lJ/lIl/tlll'u/I

Riding Giants 1 12m 0000 l’cialta. l'S/I-iantc. lllll‘ll 105mm. 'licchcioux. \ l\ itl .llltl t'tllllpt‘lllli}:


tlotuiiit-ntai} ahout thc Jllxltrl'} aiitl l'l\L‘ ol thc ptlpllldlll} ol xurliny. (‘(i( It’t II/I't’l't

SIM t". (i/iiwmt. (i/tixurm .‘ II/ni/ioim. lit/III/Hll'ijll

=2: Rififi t i: l 0000 «tuitx l);t\\lll. l'raiicc. [055 i Jcan Scixaix. (‘ai'l .\lohnct. Rohcit \lanticl. I |7iiiin l)axxiit'x ciioimouxl} mllticntial lilm coiithincx a xt-iitinal hcixt xctiticncc \xith kc} clciiicittx ol noii. |tx impact on -\iiicrican cincma can't hc tllltlt'l'xlalctl, lltm CH'I'. tl lcaxcx le .-\itlL'l‘lL‘.'tll couxinx ol thc xaitic cra xtantliitg. 'l'hc hroatlx .it't‘ hicaxttcr. thc lititrtlx littl'tlt‘l‘ and thc tcnxion highci: ’l'hc plotting: ix at oncc tloont- Iatlcn antl ritltllctl \\ ith ironic t\\ l\l\. .'\IHJ It’iIi/i li\t'x tip to itx iiaiiic: 'rough and ttiinhlc'. ax a nightclub th\a cxplainx during: a raunch} muxical intcrltitlc. l’ai't ol \'i\c I'llogiiiaita}. I’llni/ioiiu'. Iz't/iri/iiiru/i.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show tl.\'i 0... (Jun Shariiian. l‘K. I‘l75i 'l'iiii ('tii‘r}. Stixan Sai'antlon. Barr} Boxtuick. \lcal l.oal. llltlmin. l‘lit' cult lilm lU L'llll all ollit‘l'x. lltlx l'UL'l'x xpool tilt tiltl litit‘t‘ot’ Ititi\ tcx littx c‘t'calL'tl it ltl't‘Ctl UJ Rock) llorror cra/icx. antl packx thcm iii at Iatc \llii\\x ctci') \xhci'c. 'l‘hc lilm liax itx niomcntx. antl ('tirr} ix xplcntlitll} camp .ix thc hixc\tia| l-rank .\'. l’tii'tci'. Srt'i' ('t'iiliu't ('nit'niti. lat/iii/riiru/r

Rosenstrasse tl’( il .00

t.\lai‘g_'arcthc Von 'l'rotta. (icrtiian}/\t-t|ici'lantlx_ Illtlh Katia Ricmann. .\laria Schratlct'. .\l;irtin l-cilcl. litiiiun. ltixcinatiiig ttio\ic inxpirctl h) lhc titic cxcntx that tinltirlctl on a Bcrlin xtrcct during \\'\\'|l uhcn a group or \xomcn took oit thc SS and “on. I'i/Iii/ioim'. Izi/iIi/riiruli. Santa vs the Snowman 30 (Hit t\'ariotix. l'S. IlNJZi 32min. l.\l:\.\ hi; xcrccn pi'cxcntation. /.ll;l.\’ I'lit'titrt'. (iltituoit. 3%: Scrooge t l l O... tlh‘ian l)cxmontl Iltirxt. l‘K. 1051 l :\hxt;tii' Sim. (icorgc (‘olc. .\lichacl Hortlcrii. 80min. l’rohahl} thc hcxt \ct't‘t‘lt tltlttplttlltltt til (‘llttl‘lLN Dickcnx‘ .‘l ('lirixrmtix (11ml. 'l'hc xtor} coitccrnx thc

o\ ci'l) -pi'titlcnt htixincxxman lihcitcc/cr Scroogc tSim i. \\ ho hccomcx a xaint

o\ crnight. l)ic|xcnx \\;i\ nc\ ci' alraitl to tach lllt‘ l‘ig l\\llL'\ lttm C\ L‘t‘l thc llil‘cttl l0 chiltlrcn'x h\cx. \xhcthcr thc} arc prix ilcgctl or poxci't} -xtriclxcn. ix ottc ol' thc main thcincx. Still. nonc ot' thc tlai'kiicxx gctx in thc \xa} ot‘ a cracking ('hi‘ixtmax talc. (i/tiwou I’i/ni I'lit'titi't‘. (iliiwoit.

The Secret of Roan lnish mm C... tJohn S;I}JL‘\. l’S/lrclantl. l‘NJr Jcni ('ourtnc}. liilccn (‘olgaiL Johit l.}itch. ltlfimin. .\laxtcr tilmmakcr 8a} lC\ tlclnci'x a \uiiitlci'l'till} \ttxtltil (‘cltic lantax} that xhotiltl appcal to oltlcr and )otingcr \ 1c“ crx alikc. (‘apttii'ing thc mood ol~ rural Irclantl and thc lcgcntl ol' thc hall-htiiiian. hall-xcal \L'JKJL'\. hc xptttx a rich ltth of L'\ L‘t‘} ultt} magic \xhich tapx into the cultural idcntit) ot‘ the xctting \\ ithotit a hint ol‘ cotttlcxccnxioit. (i/iiwou l'iilni 'I‘lit'iitrt‘. (chfltflt.

Shark Tale it» 000 tltitm Bci‘gcron/Vick} Jcnxon/Roh l.cttcrman. l'S. Still-ll Will Smith. Rohcrt Dc .\'iro. Jack

68 THE LIST '6 Doc Qt‘C-l—tfi Jti" 203:"

lilacL \lartm Scorxcxc ‘Iltmm l)xca: iSiitithi ix a httlc lixh \Nl‘at h‘xcx happtl} IZ‘. lllL' Hc L'Hll “til onc tla} ltL‘ gc'lx lll tlt'l‘l lit a '-C:._'Clttl'l.tll xhark ililatlxu uhoxc iitatioxi tathcr l)oii into “c \lliH rtilcx thc tccl. uhat can hc do to gct himxclt otit ot thix xittiation’ l.i\cl_\. xill} it occaxxionall} tlat (ti animation that ix tlcail} ll'}lll:_' to htixtlc m on lint/iris \t NIH tcii'itor} l'i/nilrwim Ia/tIi/iiug/i

Singin’ in the Rain it .0000. (tit-nt- Kcll} tk Statilc} l)oncit. l \. l‘l5lli (it-tic Kcll}. Donald (H‘omtot. l)L’l‘l‘lL' Rt‘}iitiltlx. ('_\tl (‘hatixxc lllliiiin [It‘ll-\\\Ulltl uiitlci'gocx thc tiaiixition ttoiit thc xilcnt cta to thc tallxicx aiitl tcptitattonx iixc and tall _\hxo|titc|} \wiitlci'ttil iittixital cntcitainiiicnt. \xith thc xlickcxt ot xnapp} thalogtic. cntltii'iiigI} catch} nuiiihcix. a \J‘l \\ tth jJL'lllllltL‘ charixiiia. and an citggaginf; picttii‘c ot lhc intltixtr} iii tiaiixition iiito thc l‘.tlj._'.lllt ()tiitc xplciitlitl Scc pancl hclott Ii/ni/iuim. Ia/iii/rm'gli

Sleepover t M ii 0. tJoc \uxxhatittt. l5. :lJlJ~1J.'\JL'\.l \t‘ga. \Jllxa lititil'cltl. .J.lllL' l.}nch. Sam Huntington H‘lmin Scc lL'\lL'\\. pagc Silt ( It (I I'¢'/t’tl\i'.

Spanking the Monkey t 1.x: 0... ll)a\it| l). Ruxxcll. l'S. l‘NJi Jcrcm}

|)a\ icx. .’\Jl‘L‘l'l.’l \Vatxoit. licniamin llcntli'ickxon. 03min. lzitiotionall} hlackmailctl iiito looking altcr hix l‘Ckl ritltlcn mothcr during: collcgc \acation.

Ra) 'x lllc lk‘glltx lt) llp in ct lJtL‘ L'tljJL‘ .ix anno} mg cii‘ctiiitxtaiiccx cxcalatc antl xcxtial tcnxion hcgmx to laGC itx toll. 'I'hc xuhicct iitattci' ixn't xcnxationalixctl. hut pla}ctl otit iii px_\cho|og_'ical|} rcahxtic tcriitx. ’I'hc pcrloi‘manccx ax ollhcat ax atx kuartl antl tincoiitloi'tahlc ax thc} \xotiltl hc in i‘cal lilc. rathct' than lacing; ollhcat tor thc xalxc ol it. ('tiiiii'u, Iii/iii/riii'uli.

Summer Madness t l’( t l ll);t\ itl I .t-ttn. l'S. 1055i Kathcrinc llcphui'n. Roxxano lira/Ii. 4min. chtoration ol' l)a\ itl l.can‘x adaptation ol' Arthur l.atircnt'x popular pla}. 'I'lit' IJHH' of [/N’ ('iit'lim. about a iiiitltllc agctl xccrctai'} \x ho ptnx all hcr tlrcamx on a oncc tn a lil'ctiiiic trip to \cnicc. .\lo\ mg. paxxionatc and matui‘c, l-ilm/ioiitt'. lit/iiiliuru.’i.

Super Size Me t 12A) 0000 Morgan Spurlock. l'S. Still-ll lllllmin. (‘omical

tlocumcntar} m which Spurlock ptitx himxcll

throuth a goltlcn \l-oiil} tlict l'or 3t) tla}x. in thc proccxx catixing ltiiit gricxoux hotlil} harm. Spurlock'x ix an ciijtnahl} chcck}

-lt,- .4 ‘M .r .. x .. ' -' Singin' In The Rain

,-. ganja-W iffizr"-§*4v‘r>f ' . - «by? ’1. ‘. ' “t... 1;} finrfflfig‘} 1‘.: 2.55.3“ .wr- «by; V of "i

xattrical approach to thc ttntlcrtakirig hut 'tk-_\oittl thc pla} ttil humour and tltc tlzxturhmg xclt-ahtixc. 'tic mach a xcriotix iiiauir} mto thc coiincctzoii hctxtccn ohcxtt}. taxt tom! and thc \mcricaii \ka} I ('l

(lax-“It i’ti'II; ( :1‘1‘ ha"); I ( Iliil’iJ‘J’Qli [tit/thatch

Surviving Christmas l: O

[\lllkt' \lllkllk'll. l \. ZHHJI lit-ii \ttlctk. Jamcx (iaittloltiiii. ('hiixtma \pplcgatc. (‘athcrmc ()Jlala ‘llliitin \ttlcck xhamcx himxclt h} mugging hkc Jctr_\ lcxxtx on xtcioitlx through a xccnatio that itt\ol\cx hiiit pa} lll:_' Jatttcx (i.iiitloltiiii antl (‘athcimc (J'Jlara m ho itoxx ll\ c in thc houxc hc gicu tip mi \ZSlHiiiti xo hc can xpciitl ('hiixtntax \xith thcir tamil} “clam-ti liom itx initial tclcaxc tit lhc Slach MN". 1‘. my (hint/mix tttil) hxcx tip to itx icputatioii ax thc laxt ttiikc} tn thc xhop \t [(t [tt/ ’( i'ttm Swadesittmt '\\l1lllt\\lt(it\\\.tlll\\'l. Intha. Itlt L1» Shahrtikh Khan. (ia)atit Joxhi. Rala ,\\\tt\llll leliiim \lohan Ithaistoa IKhani ix a _\otin;_' xcicntixt \xoilxin; ax a piotcct iiiaiiagci tor \3\.\f-\. \tho tlccitlcx to go on a ttucxt to find hix childhood naitit} 'lhc lilin t'itttll‘axlx lllL‘ lttgltl} tlk'\k'l0pk'tl \ktit'ltl 0! .\':\S.-\ and thc \torltl hack ltoitic iii Intlia \lohaii'x ttticxt hccomcx thc lotii'nc} that cxci'} otic ot tix malxcx in xcarch ol that cltixi\ c placc callctl hotiic Big hutlgct cpic ll'Ulll lllC tlll'L‘L‘lHl' til Illtll’tl/t ('1. ,‘t It i It i/ I't'lt'tlH.

T-Rex 30 ill iBt'ctt Iconartl. l'S. l‘NHi 4llmin :\llltl/lllf_‘ looking l.\1:\.\ mo\ic about a tathcr antl tlatightci‘ iii tlangcr lroiii a \ icioux carnixorotix thnoxatii. (iicat ttin /.\I.-l.\’ Hit tirrt'. (iltixqoit,

Take my Eyes (Te doy mis ojos) i|5i O... tlciai' Bollain. Spain. with [ma .\lartil|. l.tiix 'l‘oxar. ('antlcla l’cna. l-ci‘nantlc/ l.tltia. lll‘hmn. l’ilai' t.\lariilli l'lccx hcr homc li'om hci‘ \ iolcnt htixhantl Antonio t'I'oxari. 'lalxiiig lltL‘lt' _\oting_' xon tl.unai. xltc ltcatlx liti' xtilcl} \Hlli ltL‘t' xtxlct‘ .v\na tl’cnai. htix} pit-paring; tor hcr oun marriagc to a Scot tl)a\ c Mitotic} i. l'nahlc to acccpt l’ilai"x tlcparturc. .-\ntonio mum to i'ctorm. c\cn ciitcring thcrap}. l’ilai‘ ix pcrxtiatlctl to rcttii'n and thc incx itahlc ix xct in motion. l’ottcrltil auai‘tl-txinniiig nattii'alixtic drama that tlocx not iitixx a hcat. ('tinii'o. lit/In/riirgli.

The Taste of Tea tl’(ii tKatxtihito lxhii. Japan. 3007“ Mina Banno. 'lukahiro Sato. 'l‘atlanohti .-\xano. l-Umin. l)ircctor lxhii ix hcxt knotxn hcrc l'oi‘ hix Kill Bill animation

Yeah, so its gonna be on the idiot box over Christmas, but so what? Be wise and see it on the grown-up screen. You won’t be disappointed. The talents of Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds (look at those pins) and Donald O’Connor will make you happy to be alive. I Fi/mtiouse. Edinburgh lit/ed 22 6.45pm and Fri 24 Dec I2. 75 and 5.30; only.

xctittcricc Hzx ncxx Iiim. ltottcwt. \“lll\l not h; mot; tlittcicnt \it mid. xtiiical l‘ittcixtxcct l.tll‘tll_\ thama. tl tcllx tht‘ xhaggx do; xtoi} ot thc xhaiiil‘oln llaitma I.llllll\ \xho hxc otitxitlc lokxo l’ait ot ~\l\il‘i'\ori. a ctrlllt‘llll‘t‘lal'} Japancxc tilm xhotxcaxc I1.'":i:i 'axt l..’i'.‘"':i' git

Three Kings tS~ 0000 llJaHtl ti Rtixxcll. l .\. IINNM (icoigc ('loonc}. \latk \\ahll‘ci;_'. Itc (‘ul‘c ll-iiitm \t thc hutt cntl ot thc (lull \\ai. totii l \‘ xolthctx “ho ha\c xccn no action \xhatxoc\ci anti \ll‘lhl c\cti untlcixtaittl \xhat thc \xai ix ahotit. tolloxx a ticaxtiic map to \xhcic \atltlam Htixxcm hax hitltlcn xtolcn Ktixxati goltl \ itiaxtcipiccc ot iithtiiiianit_\. Rtixxcll‘x \xitt} xciipt .lll\J xupci xhaip thicction cal‘llllt'x thc tutilitx ot lhc xittiatioii Ihix liliii hch xomc ot thc moxt pcitmcnt political titicxtionx cxci axkcti m an \mciican iiioxic llotx oit caith \Jl\l ll pct paxt (‘ongicxx ' ( turn it. la’inhiogii

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg i l’( it C... '.I.l\\lllk'\ Hcm). l’ltlllx c. l‘lh-li ('athciinc l)cncti\ c. \niic \ciiion. \ino ('axtclnumo ‘lliiim lx’otttancc hcttxccn a xhopgiil and a gaiagc attcittlaiit ix it'kintllctl \thcn thc} iitcct again attci Manx apait lh'lightttil xciccit opcictta uxmg oitl_\ xung' thalogtic. \xith tlcltncxx ot catncia iiioxcmcnt antl tlcliciotix ptotluctioii \lt'\l}.‘ll that maintainx thc mtcicxt cwn \thcit thc plot crcakx l’ait ol \'i\ c I'llogmana) li/ni/iuuu. lat/iii/tiirgli

Un Animal, des Animaux ll’(il t.\'icolax l’hihhcit. l'iancc. I‘J‘Ni Sltiiiin l'.at'l_\ tlocuntcntai} tiom thc thicctoi ot [in t'! .ltoir about all thc t.t\it|ciin_\ c\hihitx that Ito“ xit rctltintlatit in thc xtttiltig} xcction ot l'rancc'x national \atural llixtoi} \ltixctiiit I'l/NI/II’HH'. Iciliiilrurgli

Veer Zaara tl‘i iYaxh ('hopia. Intha. zoom Shahi'ukh Khan. l’i'cit} /mta. Rani \ltikhcricc.:\n cmotional lo\ c xtoi} xct during: thc trauma ol lntha'x partition ()(ll'UN .-ll I‘lit' Quin, (i/titgoit. (i/tiwott

When the Last Sword is Drawn I IS» .0. tYoii 'lakita. Japan. with Kiichi .\'alxat. Koichi Sato. Ytii Natxukaxxa. 'l'akchiro .\ltirata I iNiitin, Scc rt-x it-tt. pact- 55. Xi'li'i li’t/ I't'lt'ilu‘

3&3 White Christmas t Pt it 0000 t.\lichacl ('tii'til. l'S. l‘JS-li Hint: ('roxl‘}. Darin} Ka}c. Roxcinar} ('looitc}. \cia-lzllcn llllmiii. .-\ltcr km in): thc arm) ltillt)\\lll}1 WWII. Boh t('i'oxh) i and Phil thl}C| lL‘.tlll tip to hccomc a top xoiig-antlrtlancc act. ’l'hc) tcam tip “till a patrol hcatitilul xixtcix t('loonc) antl lillt‘ltl htit \thcn thc lattci

ll'.t\ cl to a \criiiont lotlgc to pcrloriii a ('hrixtiiiax xhott. thc ho}x lolloxt m Icalotix). onl} to find lhcii' lHl'ltlL‘l’ coiitiiiaittlcr. (icncral \Vatcrl} tI)can Jagggcri. ix thc Iotlgc oxt ncr. A xcricx ol romantic llll\ upx t-nxtic ax thc pcrlormcrx ii} to hpr thc (iciicral. Saccharinc hut totall} lcxtiw muxical larc lUI‘ lliC lint} lllL‘ttl til hcart. ('( 'xl. (i/iltwm Without A Paddle t J23\l oo

tStcxcn Brill. l'S. Still-ti .\latthc\t |.illartl. Scth (ircctt. Hurt Rc}noltlx ‘Nmin Scc

l‘L'\ 1C“. pagc (it'lli'l'tl/ I‘t‘It‘ilu'

Zatoichi t lh’i C... t'l'altcxhi Kitano. Japan. lellii Bcat 'l‘alxcxhi. \JlL'lll}ti ()oltuxti. Taka (iatarukanarti. I Itimm. Hat in}: rcinxcntctl lhc copx anti )tllxll/th gcnrc. Kitano makcx a xtah at tlHlll}: liltcttixc \tith thc xanitirai liliii. antl oncc ;t_l_';tllt xliccx through comcntionx likc a lxllllL' through huttcr. llcrc hc hringx hix niaxtcr xtrokcx to thc I‘hh ccnttir} Japancxc hcro [atoichL a blind xttortlxiiian iiiatlc lamotix in thc Shintano Katxti lilm xcricx \thich ran

l‘)(i2 H‘). Thc ncu. [utoii Iii ix lull ol Kitano- xt) Ic toital changcx hcttxccn comic and \iolcnt. tcntlcr and graphic. llclpmg a rcmotc mountain tottn that'x hcing: tcrrorixctl h} thc (im/o gang. [atoichi tlraux cloxcr to hix ncnicxix. thc ronm Hattori t'l‘atlanohti .-\xanoi uho'x hccti hirctl h} (inn/o to cnlorcc hix rtilc. Thc tightx hccomc cxcr titorc tl)n;imtc ax thc tcnxion ttiotintx. (’utting cdgc xttil'l’. Scc pancl. pagc 73. I'l/Nl/lltllw‘. [Lt/lIl/Hll'L’ll.

Fri film-flit! “all