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(18) 90min

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(15) 385min COO. ltt'flz" {M} 'e-Ia

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DVD edrtor Paul Dale and team chose the/r favourite film and TV DVD releases of the

year {fitting .'1V.~"’:tt"l..

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then tam a"

w,- ’:an(:er.r; at:

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(it:lt:ta'li?r:‘.t‘.t: vi)

1'1Atglzg,<;z'lti; '7 Ii-l But for ‘,(7'\A new reaoe' we '.'.::1 (It"l(}lillélii:1l‘.(r net. and saw T;At't3‘.‘.’(:§ to the out.

In no pentzout‘ar

order, there was the

ong; a\.'.'artezl (innitai release of lietnne's La Dolce Vita. Halloween the Complete Coflecfion.The Cheech and Chong Collection ano’ l-lev'xoo's Stroszek on DVD for the first lathe tprarse the Portlr. Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 easily had the host extras ot the

t ear. TV use. we loved the hox sets o Murder One ano‘ Crime Story ano‘ City of Men. But that's ;u:;t today. ask us tomorrovs.’ and would gtvo 0U another ltst.

,\'Y‘. A A 1A A 1 Q'A A l A A’, g ° ‘A AA \


\f \A l“;:. than: 'lfitlt {Kl (H. st).

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t'tat " These page; .t‘e “DA-7.1:: Altl‘iugl‘ t"e 'eu-jw

mitt . :1 at nest s'az‘k art: at :tt'st (7‘ t: A.

' saae yet. .1 new," see

a C' To»; MAMA/rt C

The Kit}; 5" .‘;;)’..':9':’.‘T(?’I " 'l the pages at the newly made LIST. l‘ 2’ Wet s 't‘ p I‘, hemuse we tr, to come: he 't‘étrgtnal. t“e neve'ent. the overlooked a'to' the cult; '.‘.'l‘.hll‘. these pages. But even. year a Whole loau of DVDs get sent to us t'tat Sltt‘llt'. do not nave space to cover and :t meaks n‘t heatt. So here are a hunch of releases from 2004 that ‘vnere unable to eoxer out xxlueh would 't‘axe you the coolest am the haporest dISC Jockey ll‘t town dunno the holidays.

First up. you need to

n‘ake sure you have the Monkey DVD Box Sets Vols 1 to 5 (Fabulous Ftlnts 0... no the house. THIS bizarre Chinese telemeton SGFICS about a man-monkey and lllS Buddhist pals has JUSI come up for its 25th anniversary. and represents the only way you are going to keep that Advocat and magic mushroom high throughout the season of good WI”.

The British Film

forAL‘LY '***ED UP

(18) 80min


(E'tttfltet‘.*i*. release Tl‘e lies! t.“ fillet-1 ~ ‘A’IsLtot‘tt's The Leopard. 'att's Playtime. Coma/z: Orphee angl Melw :te's hrdtrant Le Cercle Rouge are all super-(tum '.'-.'or‘.h;,' l.'.t’-

tltese from

star memes. let's iéitjtj‘ II. t:\ Boxrng,‘ Day night , Au

may want to kill something or someone. so nixhy not hit the o'rea cahtnet ano stick The Complete Jean Vigo Box Set {Artlfrelal Eye 00...}. Vtgo has one of Cinemas truly great artists and these three films are testamznt to that.

OK. you've got eahrn

fever. but you CA n't leave

the heuse because youer eaten too rnueh turkey; Insteao wh, o'on't you least on Fonda's ovev'looxeo classic The Hired Hand (Tartan “COCA.

A IA." OI; M- .Anu ,

f3:"t"\t"":l :Itartitna stsjltaotttl‘al 1.0"." tt‘wter One Deadly Summer tNt ‘u‘ui‘alx PttiitA'A’3‘1.... I. \Y/\‘]l Ya't‘azla's {ltt'tltf'tlllTA Twilight Samurai 'la'tan O... I. P'i'l‘ lik Ratanar law's; heaut ‘ut Last Life in the Universe A'ililg'ltl be 0... . or

‘3‘.”(1 enti't Br )l' w." Ck}: sexy. homers tt‘elt>:tra't‘attz‘ slim» ot sumr-altsttt: e:ot~::a The Story of Sin tNouxeaux Ptritu'es OOOO ,.

ll is; «'tout'.’ Nev; mar. Ext: ant) you are rtonstApatetl anti heqlnntng; to go a Ezttlu hlttto' from reading too many subtitles. why not ten the terntyrnu low huclgtet honor ttlnt Open Water (Retlhus O... l. Evacuation Ill tune for the Hogmanay lt'l‘.’()llll(,‘f3 that; still he an ()l)ll().’l. (Paul Dale;

I All (rt/es an.) avail/aorta on AAA/v.11. the

ass :C/ates.r;o. :Alt, Air-.ANA'A.arngA/Amoo. HP; or l‘AA’21".V.[MALT].UKWOOL)

Jinan r. A: l Hunting?

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