Flying high

Paul Fischer meets LEONARDO DICAPRIO in Los Angeles to talk about Martin Scorsese, Howard Hughes, Alexander the Great and immortality.

eonardo l)i('aprio ix tired and eontrite. ‘lt \\ ax the premiere la.xt night‘. he xa_\x. \\llll a xheepi.xh grin. rel'erring to the t‘irxt l'S .xereening ol' 'I'lie ."t'ltl/UI'. in \xhieh the aetoi' axxumex the role ol' )oung and eomple\ millionaire madman llouard llughex. Wearing a blaek t—xliirt. blaek eaxual jaeket. \x'ith hix hair xlieked baek. the perennith )outhl‘ul .itl—_\ear old xtar hax remained intenxel} passionate about bringing llugliex‘ Me to the xereen l‘or .xe\eral Manx. ‘.-\x an aetor. )ou‘re Cottxlalill) .xearehing tor that great eharaeterf l)i('aprio explainx. '.-\l.xo. being a lii.xtor_\ bull and learning about people in our pa.xt and the ama/ing thingx that the_\ '\ e done. I eame aet'o.x.x a book about llouard llughex and he ix btisiettlly. the moxt multi-dimenxional eharaeter _\ou L‘otlltl e\er eotne itet'oxx. ()l'ten. people lt;t\ e tried to define him in biographiex. but no one xeem.x to be 3th [U eategorise ltlltt.‘ Hughes the ‘in eroud‘ eelebrit} ol the it).‘~().x and 40.x" - otters a parallel \xith l)i(‘aprio in hix uilder

days. but unlike llughex. l)i(‘aprio i.x not a eolleetor

of women. ‘I honextl_\ l‘eel that ax mueh ax he had low and adoration tor thexe \xomen and genuinel} eared for them. he kind ol‘ looked at them like airplanes. He wax a teehnieal genitix and obxexxed with tinding the new. l'axter. bigger airplane] he addx. laughingl}; ‘and that \\a.x ximultaneoux \\ ith \xomen.‘

Stopping to think. l)i('aprio \xearil} eoneedex that

there \\'lll be obvious parallelx made betxxeen himxelt

and Hughes b_\' the pi‘e.x.x. ‘I think he eertainl_\ took

52 THE LIST Tee .“ -1 v .


thingx larther than I eotild e\er iniaginef he xa_\x. 'I want to be around in the buxinexx loi‘ a long time. \\hile he had an intenxe lear ol' being around people and gerinx.‘

While The .li‘ni/or ix a lilm about the earl} _\outlil'ul ambitionx ol llouard llughex. \\hen it eoinex to l)i(’aprio’x o\\li ehildhood dreamx and obxexxionx. the aetor xa_\x there \\ax reth onl_\ one. ‘l:\ er xinee l got into thix buxinexx at around Ii _\L‘;tl'\ old |l‘\e \xantedl to be in thix buxinexx l'oi'exer. “die in the lirxt hundred _\earx ol einema. \\liieh ix xtill in itx inlane} and I'm \er_\ eurioux to xee \\ll;t[ t_\pex ol lilmx laxt into the ne\t thouxand _\earx. giuxt like \\ltat paintingx people xtill look at. l \\ant to be a part ol pieeex ol' art ax lar ax einema ix eoneei‘ned. that people \\ ill want to xee l'or generationx to eome.‘

.v\x l‘or l'uture proieetx. l)i(‘aprio xa_\x the_\ do not inelude Ba/ l.u|irinaii\ .l/t'uiiii/i'r l/lt' (m'u/ itlue 3(ll)(ii. \thieh at one time \\;t\ going to be a Seorxexe projeet. ‘.-t/etuiii/er l/lt’ (iri'ur \\ax one ol‘ thoxe thingx \\ here Seorxexe and l itixt xhare the xame taxte iii ximilar thingx. \Ve were both l'axeinated \\ith .'\le\ander ax \xell ax Howard llughex. 'l’he_\'re eompletel} dit'l‘erent time periodx and dill'erent men. but ximilar d}namiex. men that keep on reaeliing tor their ultimate goal and xtop at nothing until the_\ ilL‘lth\L‘ that. Stitliitlx llle‘ l.L‘ti ltlltixell.

The Aviator is on general release from Thu 6 Jan. See review, page 55.



>3: Bright Leaves Hi ms; Mel l-.‘.» t,‘ returns to hit; 'l;tlllt‘ state iii N. ;rth (Lii‘tiiina ti » tinil oiit it t'it- ‘tifi'i t 321", (horror film Bright 1 oii.‘ was, 'éx‘itr,‘ tarsal on m; tohtir‘tm haion tii‘xti gi'avirltatlitzr. Stunning. froe ('iESfS(Vil{lllllt], droniniy (lt’)r_:tiniorittir, from the man who taught Michael Moore twoi‘ytliiiio he knows. Size lt?‘\.«i(‘:‘v'.’. (3/ /. (hasgott' Info/f R, ‘. 2t ,‘t t 5’!) /)t >r: or that >2: The Aviator lit/tart”: Scorsese's long awaited hirii )lt‘, oi liviiinilt()l1(li'i£t(‘ "illll()l‘.£’.l,"(? l'lr:)‘.'u./;tr‘:l l ltighris; ;:; hit; host nat‘ii'lx in years. See preview and l(}\/l("'\.’.’, (Jone/til release if/oin lhti o Doc). :3: Good Morning, Night )ompollint; r'oirnagininti ol the kidnapping, mock trial and murder l:y Hod Brigade afttIVIsts oi the ltalian Christian Democrat Prinit: lt/linister Aldo Moro in l 9 [8. Mn i! rot 1st). [rd/i ihu/g/i from Fri i/ Dec. =2: Scrooge llit-l- l)(-}Si llllli version of Dickens's A Christmas Carol there Will ever he. Starring Alistair Sim. GFI'. Glasgow (Sun 19 and Mon 20 Dee on/yi. Oldboy Your last chance to see the film of the year on the big screen. Revengetastic! Film/rouse, [dinning/i ASH/i ’/ to Tue 4 Jan only). >I< Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday Classic Tati. a wonderful holiday trim. (5N. Glasyow (Wed 29 Dec only). White Christmas Bing Crosby. director Michael CUFllZ and trying Berlin are going to make sure you have one. CC/t. G/asgow Sat 78 and Sun 19 Dec 0/ )/‘/). >I< Vive L’Hogmanay A selection of ClaSSlC French movies to see you into the New Year. Includes Amelie and The Big Blue. Fi/m/iouse, Edinburgh {starts Sun 26 Dec/ >I< Ring Trilogy Benchmark Japanese horror triumVirate available together for the first time on DVD With loads of great extras. Tartan.