Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I ‘."’ at tlie Bull (’luh. lllfillpm 3am. I‘ree l£ii 0 Jan. Monthl}. Stet re and I)a\ id rummage through their records to hring sou all tlie good stull and the odd Il\e hand. Iispect a least ol electronica. disctitechnocaic} and a lot ol other stint as West and Iiarharosaa settle into their tie“ ’l'liursda} night thing.

I Atomic at ('luh Apollo. llpm 3am. £4 l£3i Weekly The teaiii II“ He son to throu shapes on the dancelloor as their resident musical iigsau huilder pieces together It” L’L‘It‘t'lle llll\ HI pitsl lllitslel's and enduring classics. spanning tour decades. I)ancerilic disco and electro ptiitk. northern sotil and some golden greats. all l’or )otlt‘ enios ment.

I Festive Furys at I'tir} Miii't‘ss.

I Ipm 3am. £-l (£3l. 33 Dec otil}. A suletrde drink-a-thon \s ith Stes ie's ('hristmas coltnldoss it.

I Fluff on the Needle at \Vignain. llpm 3am. £5. \\'eek|_\. ('hris Bigul/i. Zeus. Normski. Mark} Mark and Ian Whitelau spin it up at this nets 'l'hursda} part) at this Satichiehall \enue.


1 Ferry Corsten The man otherwise known as System F. one- time Ericsson Muzik Awards producer of the year and crown prince of trance. Rotterdam's Corsteh is but the first big-name headline act. 2 Roger Sanchez The Grammy- winning. Jackson-remixing (Michael and Janet). ‘Another Chance' releasing man from Queens. New York is the very epitome of the modern superstar DJ.

3 Eric Prydz From Stockholm. Prydz is undoubtedly one of dance music's breakthroughs in 2004. The reason? The Steve Winwood- sampling monster ‘Call On Me‘. sexy aerobics Video and all.

4 Nlc Fanclulli Making the breakthrough in 2003. Maidstone's Fanciutli has spent the last year cementing his 'best up-and-coming house DJ' rep. Spots with Cream in Ibiza and Radio One‘s Essential Mix haven't hurt.

5 And loads more In all 19 deck- wobblers over four rooms. with a dam license to boot. Merry fuckin' Christmas! (David Pollock)

' The Arches, Glasgow. Boxing Day.

42 THE LIST 18 Dec 200-145 Jan 2095

I Freakmoves at (ilasgou School ol An llpm 3am £31£3i \Veekl} l‘ltra-tine hip hop night tor the students. with [Us Dana and Nice.

I Handbag Holocaust at tile BarII) llpm 3am £5 t£-1l lh I)ec Monthl} The treak} glam ga} electro part} is hack. so )tttl Itad hetter dress to tlllpl‘ess .-\ rcal alternatise to \\ hat is considered accepted ga} entertainment in a cluh coittc\l

I Instant Access at Sui» ('luh

Ill..‘~llpiii 3am. £4 l£.‘~i. \Veekh Residents‘ nights through l)ecemher. \shicli means It“ Peaches and (ilenn (' in sour lace \HIII the music.

I Loaded at Liquid lounge lllpm 3am £4 «£3 l. \Veekl}. 'I‘hiee lise hands kick the night on. making \sa} tor .loc Katie on decks \HIII some indie. mod and soul at lam.

I Record Player: at (ilasgoss School ol Art. Ill..‘~llpni 3.3llam £3 tl'ree £3 i. \Veekls. In the \‘ic liar the Record I’laser/ I)Js IIi-I-i Sean and Ilushpupps pla} to a packed cross d ol trashed lashion iunkies arid lucked tip l'oi'eign disco l'reaks. 'l'he cltih tliat I-‘ran/ I‘t‘l'tIlllillltI and Scissor Sisters appeared at. long het'ore tlte h_\ pe took hold.

I Speakeasy at the l'msersal. lllpm 3am. Free. Weekly ll sou l'eel like a ten drinks alter tltc ptih. htit don‘t “ant to go cluhhing. Speakeas} is Mr )ott. The music ain't compromised. hut the s the is chilled. I Topform at the Bull] ltlpin 3am. l’i'ee hcl'ore Ill..‘~(lpm; £3 alter. \Veekl} tllot is Jan). I think \se hase to turn met to 'I‘opl‘orm thcntselscs to sum tip this ncxs night: ‘An esti'asagan/a ol' music and tssisted entertainment: think the Rosal Variet} I’erl'ormance hosted h) _\ottt' drunkest drunken uncle. 'l’hink eiid ol' the pier. think eiid ot‘ the \sot'ld. think out oI sour hosl' With Radio ()ne\ (iill Mills arid the ‘\er_\ tall' Is'esiii McKa).

Chart & Party

I Firewire at Bamhoo. l lpiti 3am. £4 (£3l. \Veekls. (iraham l-‘erguson spins Rtkli and chart classics in room I. \shilst l)J toast is in the red rooin plating indie pop and rock. In tlte lounge. Rohin Ii pla)s an L‘L‘IL‘L‘IIL‘ Itil\ ol‘ disco. Iitlltk and soul.

Glasgow Fridays


I Back to the Future NYE at the ('arling Academ}. 7.30pm 3am. £33 t£3lll. I‘ri .‘tl Dec only. l'lti‘asonic. Rhythmic State. QliX. ('asio Brothers. Bass X and I)) e Witness all pla_\ lise. I)Js are 'I‘echnotrance. ()hsession. Bill} Reid. madman. Joe Deacon. M(' .\'.\'.\' and Korrupt. I.ocki. All_\' K and ('huhh Km} and Manni.

I Basura Blanca at the Brunswick IIotcl Basement. 8pm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. l)a\id ()kuino (guitar) and Tom Skinner tpercussionl deliver a li\ e imprm ised set over Jont} Kenton's 1)] skills. (ireat next cluh idea. utttch this space for more details.

I Bob’s Emporium at The Big Joint. llpm» 4am. £6. l7 I)ec. Monthly. An ii‘i'eserent next \enture from a hunch oI cock) )oting upstarts \\ ith a had attittide. The} 're putting out a disrespectful ini\ that ranges from suh-lou to ('e—(‘e I’eniston. Spread o\ er three rooms. the main one \\ ill he headlined h} Scotland's t'oreinost 3 Step arid (iarage outlit .\'u-|nhreed (ieneration. Joining them \sill he 1)] Alert}. a dirt} girl trom l’aris ssho'll he hringing along some lirench hip hop. slea/) electro and a troupe ol~ can-can dancers. Also t'eaturing B ' Ding. Lord ot~ the Dancehall. Stet Macheth and Stes ie Sanders. ()h. and a tree huttet. This cluh certainl} doesn't adopt a ‘less is more' approach. See prei ten;

I The Buff NYE Party at the Bull. t)pm—-.‘~am. £35 t£3(li. Fri 31 Dec. ()n Hogmana}. Boogaloo Ins estigators join Mr Bull Mark Rohh land Alecl in ringing in the hells at the Bull's Hogmtitta} Parta}. John Ross spins part} toons doon the stairs. I CALEDONIASOUL Christmas Party at \\'ood.side Social. t).3()pm——3am. £3. 1" Dec. .\'o Christmas paraphernalia. hut plent} of heart) t‘estise cheer on the soul

Sons and Daughters are the live act at this year‘s Optimo new

year extravaganza. They're slightly less glamorous than Grace Jones.

but probably less of a pain in the arse. On the decks. there is a couple of guys called Twitch and Wilkes. You may have heard of them. They like to play music that you thought you would never hear in a club environment.

Fri (3’7 Dori. Outfit/JUN. Sti'roo H'M'f. 4am. 5‘23").

side as guests Mike} (’ollins tl'rida} Streetl and I'rank Murph} pla} northern soul alongside residents I.enn_\ aitd Martin (ias in.

I Christmas Eve at the Buff Club at the Itutlt‘luh. lllpm 3am. £S. ('liristmas Ii\e UllI}. A \er} special (‘liristmas lise \sith a lise pertormance lrom Rohert Scott. \\ ho suings the night ;l\\;t_\ in a kinda I‘rank Sinatra st} lee. A crooner is tor lite. not just tor ('hristmas. Butt lax es Is'esan Stcsens. (‘raig and Dec p|a_\ otit in (ilasgois 's l'unk palace.

I Coded at Vault. llpm 3am. £5 t£4i. \Vcekl). The} ’re limit a record store. so the tunes are going to he t'resh and highl} l'unk). aren't the} '.’ A rotating roster oI l)Is alliliated to 33rd l’recinct suppI} the house-led gromes sou can rel) oit. Steseii Mc('reer} is the main man. hut the pool ot' IIIIL‘III includes IiIII} Is'ilkie. Bill} \Voods and Amanda I’i‘ice.

I Colours with Hed Kandi at At‘chaos. Spin slam. £33 t£3lll. I‘ri 3| l)cc onI}. You knots the score. Stonehridge tl’eaturing 'I’heresel does a lise PA. the main room has llatt} l.o\ehearts. Mike Van l.oon. .loii Mancini. laii Bone} ('lark and Ilugg}. Anne Savage. (iiosanni lierri. Stuart (ireen. And} King. Detonator. Michael Kell} and a host oI others populate lieu} ‘s Masonitaise. the Ilothar arid the Skslitii'.

I Emergency at Tom Tom Basement. lllpin 3am. £5. liri 3| l)ec. Monthl). l-‘rank Inn is Il‘ttlll the Black :\I'I‘o\\ sound s_\ stem plass at this Iimergenc} cluh night. A great _\eai‘ l'or this cltih is topped ot' \\ ith a night that keeps the tunk high and the price lo“.

I Friday Street at I\ot‘_\ Blacks l()s\\;tItI Streetl. 9pm Jam. £l3. Fri 31 Dec. Monthl}. (‘lassic Mod sounds, (\IIS l’s}che and .\'ortern Soul. from regulars Mike} (‘ollins and Paul Mollo_\. Iiigure 5 is the hand pla)ing lise. onstage at l lpm.

I Friday at Wigwam at Wigis ant.

llpm 3am. £(i (£5 l. \Veckl}. James (iardner plass a mix ot' Rtkli and commercial classics. \shile .\'orinski and Zeus pla} funk) house and disco heats.

I Funhouse at Bartl}. l lpm 3am. £4 t£3l. \Veekl). A night ot' clued-up punk and cathartic indie pop nonsense. It's pogo-a- go-go \sith Radio I's \ic (ialloua). Mr Paul Needles and [)1 Alpha Mitchell.

I Funk Room Christmas at the Arches. llpm »---1am. £l3 l£|lli. 1" Dec. Monthl}. Special guest oit this date is It. Also in tor this night on stiletide tunk are 1)] Barr} King. a plethora ot~ hreakdancing Santas and residents Andress l)i\ inc and Simon Bigheat? Note the late licence.

M. iii P..«‘.".,\)t.'~ I.“

I Furys Christmas Eve at l-uis Murrss. llptii iam £3 «Ni 31 llec onls \o t‘\L‘e\\t\c prices here. Its I‘titss opclt hoth rooms tor a hig old (‘hiistmas do I’Icnt} ol cheap hoo/c all the \\.i_\

I Inside Out Hogmanay Party at the Arches. lllfillpm lam. £33 I'l'l il I)ec. Morithl}. (ius ()rnadel. Is'atana. Adam Sheridan attd Richard I tilip drop the homhs in room one. Alan Itelshass and |5raser I.atta pla} some nice records in room tsso. In the pl;i}iooiit. there's Reliesh to keep )ou. \scll. relieshed. \olc late licence .M'i' [)I't't It'H.

I Liquid Lounge NYE Party at ’l he Liquid I.ounge. Itlpm 4am. £lhc I'l'l il I)ec old}. The nets )eai mash-up.|llltI stsle. \tith Seinan. (iianm and ('olin. I);tllll_\ Sharke} and lot more still to he conlil'tited.

I Lite at the (‘orinthian lllpm 3am. £thc. \VeekI}. 'I‘he (‘orinthian lacelilt gets into lull suing. \sitli the lite har and cluh taking in er the action on I‘l'ltIit}\. All the top I)Is Il‘olll (iI‘s other \ellllcs make regular appearances.

I Melting Pot Hogmanay Celebration at Riserside ('luh.

l3.45atn 4am. £3ll llll adsance. and price includes escliisise Melting Pot 3tlll~l Mis (‘I)l. I'l'l .il I)ec. \Itllllltl) \Ve'w heett sasing it all )ear: this is one ot the hest parties in Itl\\lt. 'I‘he \tonderlul Ilill} \Voods spins alongside Simon (‘oi‘dineix and esei'}tliing is right \sith the world.

I Mish Mash Hogmanay Party at (‘uha .\'orte. Tillpm Jam. £30. I‘l’l ‘il I)ec. Monthl). Another great idea lrom Mish Mash. as highlighted in our pres iotis (ilasgou Next Year supplement. The cluh has It“ ited chel Derrick Sutherland to ptit on Iood lor llltl people. and then this great cluh kicks oil at Ill..‘\llpiii tor a night ol the \er} linest music. “as into the Nest Year. It's a celehratioii oI a )car in Much the cluh has come hack to lite in the ell}. ()scar. Xtit'tIllt itlltI I)L'\ ill make the llltlsle that \till rock sour heart atid soul. A \er} reasonahl} priced part}. and an original one at that. 'I'hree course meal. drinks and then the usual silliness.

I Mixed Bizness III the (ilitsgtm School ot‘Art. ll|.3llpiii 3am. £thc. l7 I)ec. Montth Iiolloxsing on limit the success ot their ('harit} night. entitled Ji\e Aid. there's this class night \sith Ninja 'l‘une's latest signing. Irma \‘v'hatexa. Boom Monk Ben and Pro \'}nalist Karim.

I Mix It Up at Ad I.ih. ()pm 7 Jam. £lfl. I"ri 3l Dee onl's. ('hrist. make up )our mind. would sou .’ This \enue announced that it would not he putting on an} more