6 Kevin Macdonald


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Dunnm} l);lf$(?<l<il(3£il()’.JUSTl{15;lfl‘fi)lll’l . . . ll .3 I. m, ' 5 th<z>National(Enllmm;announcouthat 3 MU '? A v ’: f ' 2': ARTIST thu‘, 3.42m hunng [he [,(Arnp t>.l"f5;n:/w‘m> ARCHITECT "zla' ;,v« A rm 5 A 7 , A lookupPlum:olVl/orshlpunthu l()l SVUKXX).AHXKEHI[>Lll?l|(?£lll<)'l{lf} l'u:(;;‘:t;l:;zl‘ .‘.Wt.l*l"(l.‘rl,r‘ttt"3‘4“-ll , z" 'A: 2 Ar ,1 than”: A: :,.:.o:', »-. {wilhmu'l Yul/ox. Rigor: (llld .ou'li flnu' :‘nrt of n::; :f(:zll|‘.(? Scotland plo|<><fi Int", Aron. t'nlf I'lzi Mitt-‘1’. (:r'f'wtw A l! 1'12, ' {Anna-'7 ,»'- :v L‘tx‘oontnotyNtrnnx \gllklllllllfllllllfilll .'.ll(l(‘-lll(?f3f$(?f§l§l()lll.£1ll<lll(klf$jllf§TMle ,<:;:"<;l1« r1 ‘5-‘ filmy/m“ «town um: ,;,é:".o:’: law/21:: «1‘ ~,-": : : ‘.‘.'h:ch\mzcgtnwax.mtmct. thlnlxnnll l!()ll‘.lf$l;l(‘:l. '.'.’ll(}l(?ll(: 3.11:; 5;hoot:ng;n [).lll<l"‘fAlll'tll" tuv' ’r‘l' r 4' Snafu: “Amway-J . '.'.‘nrt;hlh Nat‘hzlnliolt‘m lt?l)l|(7ill(?(llll(‘ll‘ lllll‘;tl)()lllzipllO'ltflllUlK)“Klli).'.ll£if;tll(- {UH/thy?T'V'LV/VmV’iltfi..,'l:'l’; t'“ u z, ' R" w: .I/' Alli Ill (‘nvtlhtwu n‘lnmtu'c for [no l mu,” Jonlssalon‘ Syndrome. m ‘.‘.’lll(7ll ;,lig;rlrv‘:: Ho',m/);: 4w: lumn; In» Tu" m7, t, Away 1 -: : .,' w t .l 31,»,- ;'

ohmic/we, ."t‘w‘o‘fl’ucm t>f".'.ors;h/:H1t hiXZOlllO <:onxln(:o(l that the; gm;- lmno u‘ (lrlltjuifitthlrniuntllm{wt/M:fwd/:41“, " ,',_.‘",‘7_l..’1.'7:ll‘;', " ',,

hit: lust nullo' St‘tlIIIESl‘. solo shots; at tho Josus'lltotnnolt‘.'./Ilforn:p;1rtofgln s;u<l<l<;n rlmt" ,f M;- (NH: ;’_'M ‘w- «we: Urn/1 :, «'1' '; ' , 1

l‘rlllt'htlrlxl‘t Gallon this sumnw, With oxhlhltlon at Duncan of Joulglnssttxntr'té :‘hgln‘wr‘. [Lam :l)‘:.'.n' : ."1 '31“) :,~-~’.-' :: t.- "'71' tiw'fixb' 1: ' tlllllllglll otton streaming Il‘ through the Uéill‘, next Amt. l-lglllolujnhf RH tc T'l" .-.n',;w: a " " " : d .'."7"'.' Ana-«3': . :' .

ultra: mot. inesc- nxmols '.'.t‘-r(‘- ,xt ' " w 11.: ," A: ' t.- :1‘92" Illunnnatml‘.‘.lth llt?d\(‘lll\ shlo'ltlou." {1| 9.1%» ~ " ,'~’"ll,‘ A: "I :' : A-"t'

lhtlhm‘x'l l“. tho Ruskin quote: "It It: not /}A:,;'_' -v A f.g. ,,- ,1 ,;,.« y’

the church want. hut thc- sucrmco: v ,v " g r 3.5-":,- we»; '51 ,':: ».-:

not tho on‘otlon of outnumbon. m: Inc M ~ " , ' "" A w z z' : '. act of LillOldllOlli not the gltt but the ~ 1' - ' " ' ' ' '.

glunu.’ OT tho gonomtlon of “Alasuov; .' ' ; : 1 ' 2' g: ' . : School ol Alt outluatos such JS ? ' z " A ' ' :-’ z ' 2 Douglas Gordon and Clll'lb‘lllm“ Borlganu. H A : a: : -'- » 'I' " I

Colox has long been "mo on the A/ ’A' A’ " :, :;, :I,‘ f" 4": ,. Intov'natlonas scone Ho lads tho owl“. : . ’2' ’1 "' :- A ' ': " 1' ' ’1' r Bl'lllSll artist to he selected to Shov. a: ":20 a." ' .' : f .~

the Sm’nm Blonnaal ths \mr cant"; hos 1 " -, ' ’: :;- 1‘ 2' ’1 been In shoxxs at Tate Banal". ant: to ' " ' .'_ '-' :‘ ' “9:2” ' 1' ' " " £- Nexx :edland. Llsbon and Munstcv 2 my: ' A I; ' 1’} ' v “:r ' Slnco 2030. But 303$ v.38 thc 1" 1" ' " '»' - E' " : A": .' xxhrcl‘ Scotlana :ocognlsea the ' : ' ' .3

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