67 Muriel Spark


' o ' I l v ,.:' '1 2 " 'o r' 'a' I" .II ' .' all. r' ; )‘l; : E‘)I I 1' 1, , ' 'D " p r 73 Neil Murray ~ ~. .

ARTS PRODUCER 69 Cllo Gould . n . v ~ .: . . AftertherfepartirreofI/Irr1haelBo',d VIOLINIST, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR ' 'r 2 '~ " r' - t " . 'r ‘rorr‘ the I'on son‘e ,ears ago. there Sn»- : .v r r " r' r. u :r : z . : .'.a‘,cor‘srrferatrleanxiety ahout the s wrxfilrwi} r: _:~_r"~~‘ ' " r' r‘ r rnrrrrtrnrr's frrfzrre. tin? the arr’rual of thls *ll'e" '." ,' fl‘»- :3 first E r‘ a t t . I" :T 'r ' r r 2 " :" ' nsrgntful \"t/elshrrran '.'.'ould soon hea rs sexfr‘ 5T h.- r‘T»-' Mr w' rv ~ ' . .; .4 h 'eassur'e. and rndeed present new ,ear‘: 7‘ the r’ 3' .'.:lr r w re; a w: ' r 2’ « ' r r .r :' "r ' r ' challenges to the hurldrng's regular l“, tJonafhar‘ M r'.‘ tn He 'r ' a.~ - 'r "- :u: r' r' "w punters. Murray's ahrlrtres asa hard act t< '< pr ir'iv: to r 'r ,t w r r ’y ' t r r w

programmer. producer and general theatre thrnker‘ has meant that there was never a dull year at the Tron, wrth an adventurous programme. from the smallest experrrnents to full-scale productrons. We mrght thank Murrat for Nerlson's Drssocra alone. yet such torrrrng work as the Thrs Wax Up festrval would he enough to rustrfy hrs elevated posrtron rn the Scottrsh arts. :80

72 AL Kennedy


Ant new hook I». Glasgowl>ase<l ‘.'.’r'rt(}r‘ Al. Kennedr, makes the perfect excuse to hreak aut the party poppers and drag the multrcoloured huntrng across the street. And thrs year's eagerly

antrcrr rated Par‘adrse. Kennedy’s fourth novel, told of a wrrter scalrng new lrerghts of wrt and rnsrght. The hook follows the self-destructrve downward sprral of ~1(l\'()2tr~0ld alcoholrc Hannah luckraft who. hawng prcked up and drscarded x'arrous dead-end rohs. now \.‘.ror'ks ‘rn cardhoard'. Wrth extreme humour. Kennedy charts Hannah's \anous trouhlesorne relatronshrps. Blackk ftrrrm. rnovrng and uplrftrng. the most strrkrng aspect of the novel rs the heautrfully rendered character of Luckraft. whose harrowrng search for ‘paradrse' rs a pleasure to follow. tARr

71 Optimo


There's not much we can IO'dII‘, add to Optrmo's rergn as the coolest antr-cool Cluh rn Brrtarn. Twrtch and erkes came up wrth the concept sexen r. ears ago of let's rust pth what the fuck we lrke' and Inn mg the best record collectron known to man or beast certarnlt helped. It‘s eas‘rer to descrroe, what they don't play than what they do. so rncluSr\e rs therr' remrt. samplrng ounk. electro. dub. techno and far more beSro'es and

18 THE LIST 7'5 Dec JCS-1J5 ea" £332"

somehow rneldrng rt rnto a coherent u'xhole. Puttrng therr' frrst rnrx (If) the confusrngly trtled How to Krr’r the [)t/ /Par‘t No] v rn 20013! further cemented therr‘ posrtron

out rn Glasgox'x rfull rerease of unlrkel; taste drctator's. ll IN.

70 Frank Deasy


After 2003's venture rnto the thorm terr'rton, of rrrstrtutronalrserl chrld ahuse uvrth Real Men. Frank Deasy took the chance rn 2t) )3. of takrng hrs foot from the controx'ersrai pedal and grvrng us a pleasant lrttle two—part drama ahout the hell of lrvrng rn Brrtarn as an asylum seeker. ln Eng/an ‘fExptxrts. Deasy centred hrs drama \.'.'rthrn the persp<x2trve of a former whrte power actrvrst :played I); the marestrc Stc—xen Mackrntoshr who returns to hrs fascrstrc. bully hot ways. hlan‘rng asylum seekers for hrs own prtrful t2erstt2rr<:<,-. Harsh.

hr'utal and shockrng. rt arso gaze larr

the <r',narr‘rr. tt'cut, .t t".‘-:tl I‘l.t.r:"r lllIf‘rffllffflIIIlt'ItrtKMECISINIW;r'll‘rfr'"I)I"‘ rn the .‘Jtrtltt. Apa't frrrrr‘ herng an outstandrng ‘.rrzirttr‘;t. (Boultr has yr _;rft tr r rrr‘agrnatr:e-r‘rrrtrrarnn‘rng But sc-mn she's off to concentrate <rr‘ her M as reader of the Hora! I)IllIItttI'l‘.(‘l‘rrf Orchestra and of l ondon E‘SIITIOYHHIIII. And to haxe he! frrst bah, (IMI

68 Michael Clark CHOREOGRAPHER

2200.1 auras the I?f)th annryersar‘, the Mrchael Clark Dance (lorrrpan, 8:) mayhe now. at the age of .11). rt's frrr‘e tr.

stop callrng Clark the 'enfant terr:l;re' ’r modern dance. Because rn teaa, world. the unork he creates reall‘, rsn't

that ter‘r'rhle. Yes. the costurr‘es are strl. a lrttle rrsgue radorned hurns 'ert‘arrr somethrng of a Clark callrng carrlr htrt he's grxen up on .-.ankrng rn pthrc. Instead thrs year. Scottrsn audrences enroyed On r'r. 7r. Can;rt2:;s. a stun'rrnr; return to fornr for the talented Aherdonran. Ana '.‘.'rtn drugs a flung ’r‘ the past. .'.e car: .usk ’,".'.a.'d a 'r‘m'e

(,()Ilf)lf)t‘_"lr ’ftrrl‘ rtlr'r'7 I ~.",I‘ L"', I? r171

66 Where the Monkey Sleeps CAFE OWNERS

lh~- \l'.l‘.‘.frr"‘v'7‘ rt rl.:‘ I: ryl/llrt‘.t)|r-trt‘. r’~'l";r ' r l, l.

lH "' rm ll furl-- 1' In?! ‘r’a‘reu 1'1'l'tw-wf'3 tw'r'v’.t~" h" (farthest 53H,“ rrwvirr‘rwmr‘r‘ I" "r‘ r“ v I." My -, ,‘f, t, t,(I,(,' “NIH, r)l.’ tr..‘ A»)l|lri" I},/',rr1-:Ir“’.'.»:(”1,f.:’:r’,.r hr: l‘fr..$;rr

tltelastl'r:..a,;r..rl.<::r .rr.t 'r, .ear randwtt'rer vrr'trr t‘ '.' W t" .‘.'Ith:r‘. trrt-frrasrl’ N? i) t" .."-w

ZI‘.‘,'II III.'IJ("I!IIIrII; Ir" r" Ilw.’ :' Ii'rw

at, lr‘ ,;,~:r,;:re~trw>~ 1" tr.“ :r'wr‘rr '

a, :r m m w ,tt."' ~“t.» .-

(’(I‘HIHT,4‘T., “‘1‘”, ‘Izr r, [Hm I

{JI<;I‘)411()(/(xl;i“;l',:'x|'|lI 1’:r 'vi‘, mate'ng as HIM» («at u- .xr w z»;

f;’)ll‘.ln’:IrI!’;ll. flat the“ "re, .rrwr

therr Stank/m, '! .tf'rr 1‘" --r‘ ‘:XI,‘:l'rf:llf,‘: if‘I’» 3’," U" '1'; ;: tn {,i; on

than The zfifittlr‘r t,.:',-’:} "m tn. I,. r:

65 Pauline Goldsmith STAGE ACTRESS

Its ceen a atmwr .ear lac-m)

hunt. (mas/ta: ' er: azt'e'x, .xre

rent, ’I‘:‘/;.".trlf; [he Stage”, pea actress 5:.‘.ér"’} at ’t ,ear", r n' '3‘; at er ar‘ ere",t'rf,.r”; certx'” a' he I lie’re‘t”

(1“.rrll‘,'z'/ ‘rrr,r,- ,r/Iv

I‘,/t(/'r/) I‘d. / ', r..." I

()(,.l(l/)'I .‘u/lr' L1, ,III.I )'l ‘1‘, I ‘, ;

a't’I rer/eser re : a 1/, , ,r ,t r, m

Golasnfinamt/"art, wrmrr',spew/1v: arches r,r,'r'r,::'r.. G0 t‘t' r: 'r a','e' UTIIW:‘H‘Uf'TtV/I’M.'41.}’}"i:’1‘;irf.i:'t‘:

for "terse. re ,1, ,r a. ,.

t'r ra. c. an M arr make. [xv/rt. Cr, ,

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