The Verdict 3 'z e' '37:“ r'“ : ,1' °
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;ir”l 'lzlliren, ‘r weer, " i- rr'l', art whirl}.
h atmmolurm; hhwl'tw
ALADDIN AND THE ENCHANTED LAMP Perth theatre. 'lt‘rtfl full I", -J«'t'- .‘O.
The t‘i‘: Kathi): for It ll':')tll gnut motile tine (Lertarnlh loyal, rirear' e' Alarlrlrr isn't running
or t.'.«o. ha.rng
'hat ,Mi.‘ rash
short of a ‘rtmt “it lrrrl‘. thanked on an enrhante'i larnp. a rrlagrr,al ring. an enrllesf. slippl, ol rashes and the loa; ot a heautrtnl (i'lll(,‘.:‘;f) ll", all gr ring u.'.'rrnrnrngl‘,r iintrl i-'.'r| sorrerer Arianajar rlerarles to Winkle the larnp trorr‘ our hero's grasp. (lire itlif. 'ri r ri‘.llll".t:t hanges. rrrragrnatrw astral gags. f;|£i[)f;tlt;i\ and (tuna, ‘Jll‘rtifl...
The Verdict there's sornethrng tor tf‘.t.‘l\,r(‘rllt,‘ iron the tiniest ot lots to the harriest ol hearts Ill Ken Alexander 3; enrthantrng prorlur:tron. lhe (tolourlul. energetically perlorrne<l trarlrtronal panto ‘.‘.’il|//(?f; along at (:raelung pace. and there's even trrrte to rlrap the (:lool anrl hae a gurrl srngalong. lhe setting may he anrtrent (Ihrna. hut the hurnour‘ is pure Perth. With a line line in srnutty Illlllltflhtt)()l()\.’|(lt?(li;()ll11(:?;‘, of Paul Nix'rson's lusty washerxzrl lrnan Widow lwankey. r/\|lan lladelrtter
SECC, Glasgow, Thu 16-Sat 18 Dec; Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 24 Dec 0000
The pitch lhe l lappy (Earrg‘s intrepid rnerr\'rnal\ers. Mr P. Nikki and Spat/ agree to llllll(i Matlarn [Son Bon's sweetie shop ‘.‘.’illit? she holidays In l’arrs. /\Hll(?ti wrth her rnagnrlirtent Spell Book and a host ol (:atithy songs, the Gang t‘an‘t tail to have t‘\.’(’l\iillllt) rea<l\ tor lather Christmas or can they? Retort: the hrg rnan arrives. they ha\e to ouereorne a tlulh orange monster. nash sunreetrrlalxrng rr\al and a set ot e\r| spells that turn rnnoeent tottee rnunt‘hers into donkeys. The verdict lhe ‘r lapp\ t‘lang have heen tlorng this luntl ot thing for so long. the\ t‘oultl sing Jingle Bells in their sleep. Happrlx the\ still manage to rnrevt ltlt‘r per eent enthusiasm rnte all el their snous, ‘.'.’hlpp|rlg the \oung t‘reval rnte an exerted tie,an Aside tre'r‘ the mid 'oh no rt l8lli. the torn ins are, more srngalong than panto st\le. which rs perlet‘t tor their core audience at 3- 'A\.earvel;ls. rKellt, Apter'i
Theatre Workshop, Edinburgh, until Sat 31 Dec 0000
The pitch Still rifourning the death of his late \‘ate. an ageing lung struggles
to sta\e oil the Spanish Armada. \.-.hrle
" | 2 I I :7
' l .fii' 3 Thev rdict. «no: '73 (A, 1"," I. L/(' ' <1 r.‘lrt ’ '
x0 0 H.. ¢‘ ,t o . o 1 if 0" y :r' .rv I‘yt ‘ i» t .."l"'t’r,t,“7ltii't‘flr "i"l'rt'."} ’l’;llt,ri'g.’, i‘)’1i«"irl"i:li wt 2'" (t’i’fl‘) Ptfl’l', (1" WITH: 'I'Y‘U'W- " . TM" ill’l‘J'i.l.'l’l"‘tf‘,‘,tt(}i:’r"7 A“ ' H i‘ttl‘,’ (1/; .. l'l/j" itii(irit ’v":‘, (1", . '
the unrle' " this s per‘e’h. rrtt' "ml at outer children a'rt artth {\Wl r‘. .'.oulrl Meet" Hot; l/lonl‘i‘vr :H‘rw
lrrrrm has gripe .r, a gnarl ’lllll‘i' a
\‘Jorkshop Kerl, Apterr
Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, until Fri 24 Dec 0000
The pitch lt‘s (Zhrrstrhas [ anti nex'.’ trrenrts Stella and Stan trnrl tlrerrrsel‘rxes Ill a strange plaee. surr'ounrlerl hi, large unopened presents. ()ne h, one. they tear off the wrapping paper to reveal a hook ot Edward Lear poems. and a well stocked dressing-up hox. Arrtrng out two of l ear's rnost nonsensreal auror'ks. Orrang/e liking/r3 and [he Jurrrh/res. Stella and Stan hrrng the colourful characters to lrte. and cement their trrenrlshrp Just Ill trrne tor Christmas.
The verdict licketysprt tlor’rnerl in; ex members of the exeellent Wee Stories) speeralrse Ill li'arly Year's entertarnrrmnt. and as such know their target aurlrenee inside out. Like er’o/ly l".//rrrppre and Wee l’l/rte/res hetore rt. Orrarrg/e Wang/e rnrxes rnusre. aetron songs and silliness wrth genuine lilOEiil'Kiili skill. Changing characters in the hlrnk of an eye. the two pertor‘rner's (lo lustree to l ear's lll(1l'(3(ilt)i(} rrr‘agrnatron. ensuring this is a tun. intelligent introduction to narrative theatre. (Kelly Apterl
THE SINGING KETTLE IN SANTA’S BIG SURPRISE Until Sun 19 Dec, Braehead Arena, Glasgow 0000
The pitch Dressed rn pyjamas anrl tlufty slippers. Crlla. Artie. Gary and Kevin vow to wart up for Santa on Christmas Eve. s sleep beckons. the Kettlers keep themselves awake by singing and (lanerng a host of festrte tunes. ()M and new. Each shiny kettle holds a clue to the next song. and e\.er\one rs lil‘.’|i(?(i to sing along and torn Ill Will) the aetrons.
The verdict Onee upon a trrne. the Singing Kettle '.'.'er'e hurnhle lolk singers. re—xzor'krng traditional Scottish songs for the next generation. Now ‘.‘.‘lill an MBE atte.r the” narr‘es. fans 'l.'."or‘l(l\.~.roe and merchandise (:Olhrrlg out of their ears. SK have founo’ that little kids rr‘ean hrg ousrness. Sticking to the same i >r'rhuia {.ear' in. ear Out. n‘ax seen: uninspired — but if there‘s one thing children loxe. rt's TCPC‘iltlt/‘Tl. The laxrsh sets and sea of happ, faces ensure rnun‘ and dad get therr
rr‘eney 's ‘,‘.’0lttl. rKell‘, Apterr
Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh, until Fri 31 Dec 0000
The Pitch Isn’t that just like a girl? A little bit of penetration and they’re straight off to sleep without a word. Well that’s how wilful little Beauty (Laura Donnelly) carries on after a spell cast by wicked Talasa (Julie Austin), which gives her dad the King (Eric Barlow) some grief. Nothing her Mum (Eilidh Fraser), the good fairy (Shonagh Price) or her potential squeeze (Brian Laurie) can do about it. Well there is, actually . . .
The Verdict Whether giant Weegie frogs really turn into Princes is debatable, but it happens here. Tony Cownie’s production of Stuart Paterson’s charming reinvention of an old tale contains unrequited love, loss and guilt in abundance, as well as an irresistible and charming pay off. Some lovely performances set it all off, with Austin’s wicked witch, Fraser’s loving mum and a really charming young lead in Donnelly among the highlights. Doug Russell’s dancing bear doubles as a princely suitor with Vindaloo arse to fine effect. Up against some stiff opposition, his routine surely gets the farter 88 award for best incontinence this season.
(Steve Cramer)
MOTHER GOOSE King‘s Theatre, Glasgow, until Sun 23 Jan 0000
The Pitch Starring tiléilli‘; C Snvth iv the trtle role. Mother Goose aw: 'rer son Glarkrt Gussre Gerard Km, are (loan on their 1trek: therr 0hr, spur, i)tli31.".(:f5?)if;l“',‘s‘:(l:'.ttlf){t'l’}T tr~,.ng Mr. “.'.hr:r‘ Gert'e Goose starts lél,"‘.{} guide". eggs. .'.’:il this in: the e'Vl
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The Verdict tr: arr: Van. ran;
if? I ",Il ' ‘f’i'ril .//()rt .'i( .'. I v 'r 1 t ' ’ "‘,¢ ° 4! . :r : .' z, ' ,. ir', /“,,r,,/., oo‘_o, ,,,.‘,,, ,v I"( f x '7 it I 1" r. A ugli/ I“ |)/ r ". r 1 'r ‘r r. r r jrlrrjhv Urn}
pif‘n' /‘«."’lt‘: lt' (,ffl'xfl'lifrffl ',. ’,’,,'¥ K; ‘1/’.‘:1‘:r’"C’bil"‘:',fill/l}:“hill/","l/ii/ gar/i .rie') r' ’;'-’H’)‘: rl, ’2 rue arrl ,ufie a ' e' ,r, .r r anrl', [1‘54] “: [10” {:7, ', 'r 2",” ’l.‘;"ll’i 'li‘: (Jllrtnl,i(i{,”,-
tr“: :l‘ . )l’l’fi': l,‘: «1,, ’
x " THE LIST 103