{rt.r;‘t graphs that tr. I“) For example UZ

How to Disntantle an .; ~-. -.g - . - :. .1 K

Atomic Bomb - . . _ ; L4 . .. .I :., 1. OOO

‘tllll""{2.t‘,'-tli)£1‘}l')t'T'; 'Hurnrnel late' get

flltl "If "5/: (it; '~: rlr! \j‘ (‘N‘IU (Tl BOW) For example 'Tf‘ti ar1<‘)t;:;tr::t;r..;t(tt't4 amt nearer Idet to the rerzt-e'aterlly statrt H: t' ;: (trait: 1'": llt’Jlfl' trnzr:| :;t,rr:‘.‘.':l'r‘.ro‘«v t'ttw .Jh l‘m-J: fr) ‘.'./{lfll(?. the hack of rt ‘.'.‘l‘.(:.'l he saw Bell's car barked dutt‘rde l rnda bttrtaetter's house]

N ,t'nwtt r5) rrnpuvtant

T!’ xv. In the sun»: It

GEOFF EALES '_ . -. r. - Synergy KT TUNSTALL

' ' 3 Eye to the Telescope OOOO

wnrr I can lean tr; trrs: rrght or iett M mum .h'lf'trltt :lzttrtttfl Uf


',a;)%~/rrtd. | can do of! (nurse. tut), .l | WIS",

Who 2"}; All /‘l/' it i'.‘ tbrrld'xrrttk 9. \Jacarxxu rs because my destrnatrdn rs; nu :unrtrzr a trxrrd ()nrr.‘

It”? trtttt Hi Tlltll“, Ml

Status (Jun. r:";rrtrnt; :‘ ,-

trwr tranrutrrrr. trrrrn q";

‘lwaln’. rrrrtrtrrs,t.'rdrun‘. L ' H

r Ma ‘.’|(t lungs and h

dunk arwlharlattarn. p- 1 ;.‘: w: v-

For example 'l its : r ' : :- t - 't :r: :

sexual llhltlt) was such I 2' ~ 2 : 1" ~' : . .

thathecnuldn'taturr 2' 'r ‘t. r‘ ',-' a

hrrnst'lt Hllllltt had WhoHug/r Cnrnwer/ : v " ' 2‘ A rt }_‘rr t3. l"'7‘.t -' :.' uranin

turmvarned 'ne_ but I A r'l/fu/t/r‘ude (MS/n}; :' " ' ' .r " r-' " Tt‘ lw t at -- r : ' t’ r 2.

thnuuht ltU was r’l lather Colirnsl rs an t 1 .; = w ; .: aw tr: l :u '- .'

wrndrnt; me up untrl autdtJmttrat)h\,' of the ' . " - " : ' . 2 ' :' r '- ' I

we dot to the studro former Stranglt'zrs "r :~ . 2 2 7 v, :v ' .5 r gar .: r 'r. .' my w 'r'.

andlsawthe irontrnan. '7 r'. ,. ', ; hurrrrra rt t r t . t.'r

rnalxeshrlt semen Jetl For example 'Maybel ' .“ : ‘; : M .r v .tHr-‘le rn ltrr I. a- it t . .wrn ; ‘1» t

had erected next to Who lire Srvrsatrona/ wouldn't have left the '- : " tr; :7. : tr' rt tr: . t‘ t E: I l r w

hrs drurn l\|l. Arm Hart/0r Band group rt I'd been r ' . r r. r rrrv ; r 'r .i r . l" m '

Illt:\’ll(ll)l\,'. rt became Std/y rN\".’Pl rs the tale ham/Ind sex wrlh one of ' k n 1 vi. , Irv ‘tr :.r 1 ltr r. r ' 1

known as tJell's; :rt (Illr: ul the ‘.v't.'err<_les;t them. It) be really sale. :t- .t '- ‘.l : r- ; tt‘ rm! .- tr )tlt »'r " tr: :7 r r. 1 :(w- t

\r‘ranlxrnt) bdnthf and rnns’ wonderful ll‘rtiyhf} I should have '.: t . Jr t'v '~ 't at u r! r tr 'r‘r. ml - .r F- :T rr=nr Scr‘rtttah bands ever. been :avrnt; sex wrth " :T ' ' .'.n r 'r ; tr : t t. "t rlr, '~..r' 2 lrllllrr} a:; told by the survrvrnt; all ()l them. The Only wt l-r. .- «r r :. r p' r: N :L members. trouble rs, ~gee th. ‘; : "’ '.; ‘ri :rrrt : l.rltlir| ‘_; _! w; [Hr-t For example 'lt I'm not that way r- 2 ' - 2 rurr ,r. 1‘, :rrr- rutlr 2' rr mutt started off wrth Zal tar) rnrtlrrred' .; " 'r r.. yr :r r. t It tr. :2 l tm .rtrr, r 5. '.'Ir dancrnr; on a metal .' :‘l ‘rrr; r r t r. 1‘ tr. :1 art; 4'“ III '1"‘{"j.‘.lnilr\1

rt, .tltrl

tray. recrtrnt; the :rulrluuuv from Ht‘t/n/et. lhen lltl Rubbe. the

anthonykredrs . 4 rm, tr, r Mr, rpm,“ it“ h...“ :' :rmh-r tllfllh‘rlhkfl' .'.r't r .4 rsumr‘

TrOJan Beatles lrrbute l- r t .l rt l tr rt r. r r

ISIX$001{ltt‘ll‘ll‘flt’llllll‘lt} BOX Set t2 - ll.’.\1"tl t‘ l l r‘ ‘2' t" 1. .2’1 r“. rt r- f. r; r . PA t2()'l‘.l)£lll\'. \‘rnuid tr ‘1,1..... r rt: (2 l w . rtvlit. .'.”ru' .rrI' Who Bub [)l'r'dl.’ [-l”/'It',‘8. come on wrth a lentard «tn-nu H r“: .1: :rl ntrr: r'. , .rzr. 1:~

I:)(5£,’--L?t)(>/ (Slll‘rtfll and and a crash helntet on.‘ Schusten Is a complete list nt the great man's classrt: lyrrtts nng lrnm hrs debut. Heb [JV/an, thrOutgh to 130013; love and Theft.

For example ‘(Zume senators.

congressman Please heed the call Don't stand rn the doorway

ilttlid‘l'tI' :' ;-‘.I‘..

BEA uas TRIBUTEI THE 41 1 "t: = ~ Between the Sheets ' "]"’.. ‘t 1.. . riftl.‘ 'vlr’lr‘rl‘.

M 1r .t t :v‘rr .: {\II Ill

.l .; i raw I’lllt‘l Who Scar Trssue , 0 June Warner) rs a trawl through the r predrctably t .;' : : unpredictable ' '

l-t 0): 'Sl CAN Monster Movre,

Soundtracks, Tago

Don't block up the hall upbrrngrng of Anthony ' : r ' : r 1‘ '7 v ' M890 and E90 83'“ For he that gets hurt Kerdrs through the ' ' z I 'r r t z : Ygs' . . . . .

erl he he who has smacky lows to mrldry 'r : r ’r r- 'z’ .~ "\ "' " 'V

stalled.‘ anodyne creatrve hrghs t " t 'r

Who Btu Star were the

of the Red Hot Chrlr _t'- -. '. r‘

brggest band that Pepper. .‘t ' r 'l‘hr-Wilm Book now: was. Desnatc For example ‘Three : . “NH,” “1‘ t"rrtrt:a| approval and years ago there might , i- 1 herng rrrentroned as a have been Chrna \ t 'r source ot rnsprratron Whrte herom rn that .r for muszcrans such as Syrrnge . . . but today I " v w ~ : t ' '1 gm. n #2; V Ni :n7 :a; , REM. prrrnal SCream get my rnrectrons from ~ ' .~ w r l r .2hfr j rm; than:

and Jeff Buckley. they a beautrful nurse. ; '- . : ;' 2: ’.'_: r ,tr '1: tr.r~, tinter never attarned whose name rs Sat : 't ' :' ' F .r:: tn '1’ )z; N. tan-{pf commerctal success. Harr. And the z 1 z: -' - ; a: :‘t. _:r 2+ ;,, ,' 1m: ! ,tt‘v -' 1:.-, tax 8'5) Star. the SIG/"t ot Substance she rnrects ' 2" v : r: . ~ r' r :u: tr um. :: ll .al. arrmw: Rock's Forgotten Band into my bloodstream rs :" ' : t :H 'r . ' . 1:: .n ~',r':_1 ltr'r’lnd " ~: mr‘ '1 rf ’t‘rc : rFounn Estatet tells ozone.‘ T' -- r; ' w :«1. 'r; L- H In ‘. rht y: r, y r tMarkRobertson) " .1} :2 ~ 5 r.l~"':l.v_;.‘./3ll ;y;.v ; Irv” 1].,2151

V‘rn planar: t! -- -, (it;

Who The til/co Book (Pictureboxl is an

immense COIIBCIIOH of art. phrlosoph; and therr stem.

" i- 1 THE LIST 87