llll HAM llil VA-VA-VOOM: RED HOT LESBIAN ERO'TICA Published by Millivres

Christmas is almost upon you, ladies, and doubtless you‘ll be struggling to find unusual presents for distant relatives, your partner's mother, or your boss, upon whom you have a blatant and irrepressible crush. To fulfil all your gift needs, Millivres releases the answer to all your prayers, and a welcome addition to any bookshelf that doesn‘t already have a discreet and subtly titled volume of pornography nestled amongst the Jane Austens and Bill Brysons.

Described as ‘one big, bad, sexy book‘, it could easily be mistaken for the new Nigella Lawson volume, but this collection of all new erotica is catering for an entirely different readership. Edited by Astrid Fox, it pulls together short stories by some very nice girls with names like Charlotte Cooper, Kay Vale, Ruby Vise and Cherry Smyth. And before you run away with the notion that this is just an assemblage of low brow titillatiorr to be thumbed through with sweaty palms, late at night, on your own, after another repeat of Sex and the City. consider that Fox‘s previous five solo erotic novels have been translated into German and Japanese (so that's your far flung friends sorted, too). Moreover, Fox was nominated for a 2003 Erotic Oscar award, and won Best Writer at the 2003 Erotic Awards. When your mind has stopped boggling at the level of porno kudos present, you can only feel reassured that Va-Va-Voom: Red Hot Lesbian Erotica is no mere peddling of common-or—garden smuttery.

So, that‘s the naughtiness in a nutshell it isn't a massive feat of imagination to fill in any other blanks you might have, and none of the contributors was available for deeper probing, alas. But if you‘re needing a stocking filler this Christmas, head down to your nearest bookshop and ask for it proudly by name. (Gareth Davies)


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Gareth Davies.


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