SiANl) lJl’ MARK THOMAS Cottier Theatre, Glasgow, Mon 6 & Tue 7 Dec.

If, like me and a fair number of indiscreet police and security guards, you miss the sight of Mark Thomas on TV, rest assured that the bolshie comic just felt he’d got a bit too ambitious. ‘We weren’t getting the budgets,‘ he explains of the Comedy Product’s demise. ‘We didn’t have the support and freedom needed. Channel 4 weren’t budging in a sense so it became time to call it a day.’

Sustained by ‘ego, malevolence and spite‘, this impassioned live performer and political sniper has instead ploughed his considerable energies into a series of increasingly challenging ‘big’ projects, such as the ultimately successful campaign to prevent construction of the llisu Dam in Turkey. Underwritten by the British taxpayer, the dam would have displaced up to 78,000 Kurds from their homes and had massive environmental consequences.

At the time of speaking, however, it’s Sir Mark Thatcher and Jeffrey Archer‘s alleged involvement in a failed coup in Equatorial Guinea that’s making him tremendously happy. ‘They’re two of the Tamagotchi grudges I constantly feed.’ But for now he’s got a show to perform with just lraq, his arrest at an arms industry fair and the malpractices of a certain fizzy drink manufacturer providing material. ‘About a year ago, a friend and I were making comparisons between New Labour and brands. And then a shitload of stuff came out about Coca Cola. It’s huge the amount of conflicts and disputes they’re involved in. With Labour, though, nothing shocks me any more but I am occasionally surprised: “Oh, they’ve done that have they? Oh, well."’

And while he believes those who thought President Bush would be voted out of office were foolish, he is adamant that the good fight is worth continuing. ‘You get some left wing groups who are constantly priming the membership, saying we nearly beat the war. Look, we weren’t going to stop America going to war. But it’s morally imperative you actually get out there and oppose it, because by opposing it we certainly made it impossible for Blair to support any other adventure on that scale again. You can call my gigs passionate or whatever you like, but if you know the people involved or the situations it’s not difficult at all. It‘s just me and my Tamagotchi grudges.’ (Jay Richardson)

56 THE LIST .‘ 'vfi "-

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy© Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lt'llg'lt'llh. l'( i(' Building. Renlieu Stieet. llh‘ll“ Vlflr Spin [tom t I” ‘l5 Huinpei eonted} \hou \kllil\1lht‘\‘l“lg_‘.lll. Kexin (iildea. lllthlL'I \t§ |e eoinedian (ieoll How and \ti\\it' .lini .lellrie\

The Thursday Show Hlt' Stand. :11 “oodlatnlt Rn,th ovo hi to (\i >55

S “lpiii to i :5! Pie-weekend touted} olteiingx li'oin top dog ho\l R.i}itioitd .\le.ii‘ii\. loeal ho} .loliit I lint. (iieg \It‘Hugh and Hruee l'uniiiie}


Big Word Performance Poetry Hie 'Iion. ‘l Hunter Stluaie. High Street. 33h H" ;1 "Pill. U IL: t. l‘lil} Moid \toi'}tellei Stephen Hainah}\ .i hand ol nierr} poetx. ineludtng Riehaid \llen. Ha/el .\Ioi'i'i\on and \l(' .leiii Rollx. tltiotigh inore \peetaeulai \ei\e\ .ind laughx

The Three Tuns Comedy Night The three 1 un\ \\'ine \aultx. " ll llanoxei Street. til—0H” 55: H5. ‘lpin. l'iee. \ llll\ ol lrexlt latex and e\pei'ieneed eoined} talentx limit the (‘apital (Mined) eieu, The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 \‘oik l’laee. 555 "2‘2. ‘lpin. to it5i. taxi and lurioux llU\l l'i'ankie Ho} le hi‘ingx on the laughter»indueing talentx ot Bueketliead Siiiion \ltiiinei'}. .loe Heenan and Riehai‘d 'l'hoinxon.

The Snatch Social The l.|qlllti Rooin. ‘le \ilL‘IHI'lil Sll'L'L‘l. 33.5 350-1.

lllfillpin Rain. U tU5llt. i‘lllll} eahai‘et dixeo ltl\ltlll teatui‘ing 'l'ap \Vatei .\\\ai‘d \\ inner 'l‘on} ('ai‘tei‘ and Hart} .-\in\\\orth. Hahex and trend} \\end_\ iinontltl} l'L'\ldL‘llll \tippl) hip hop and lunk) tunex. ('ht‘t‘k lllt'll' \\ t‘i‘\llt‘

\\\\ \x.xnatehxiteialeoin lor inore iiilo.


Ha Ha Comedy()‘.\‘eill\. 457 Sauehiehall Street. 353 4350. Split.

to L' I“. .-\lan .'\lltit‘l‘\tlll inti'oduee\ a eonied} tl‘to ol Neil |)otlg;tll. .lo .Io Sutherland and Sat.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .Iongletiix. l'( i(’ Building. Renl’i'eu Street. 03707 370W)". Spin. i‘l'Ulll £10.05. See Thu 3. The Stand The Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road, (LS-7“ (itltl (i055, S.3()plll. L7 (UH. Raeonteur .\'iek \\'ilt_\ join\ the hillllhiISIlt' Ra} iitoitd Mearnx. Jantex i'L‘l'L'llSMlll and lioxt Suxan Morrixon

The Vault Comedy Club The Vault.

l l Ill Pollokxhaxxx Road. 04‘) Hill)". ‘lpin. L5. liaxt eoaxter (iordon Hi'unton lllll'tltillL‘t‘S .\1aneunian laughter—ineixter :\le\ Hoardinan. plux Sandra Johihtoue aitd Sunderland\ Reg :\ndei\on.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltlllglt‘lll'S. ()ntni ('entre. (il‘L‘L‘lhldL’ l’laee. lib-’07 $070.", H.l5pin. l‘ront U005. l'rida} night laughx il'Ulll :\d;tlll ('rou. Irixhinan liddie Bannon. loi'inei‘ undertaker l)oin ('ai'i'oll and Riehard Morton.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York I’laee. 55S "2‘3. ‘lpin. L" tt'hi. Suri'ealixt Siinon Stunner}. Joe Heenan. Riehard ’I‘hoinxon and dial? hoxt Jane Maeka} hi'ing oil the liitiglh.

The Bedlam Improverts Hedlain 'liheati'e. 1 1h Brixto Place. 32.5 939.5. Ill..‘~llpnt. £3.5lltt'3i. \tanding late itight laughter lllSllIllIlHll. lli\ol\ ing inueh audienee participation. drunken re\elr} and \pontaneoih gainex.

Saturday 4


Ha Ha Comedy ()'.\‘eill\. 45" Sauehiehall Street. 353 43-0. Spin. U) L“). SCC Hi .5.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lt‘llgh‘tlh. [(iki Htllhilllg‘. Rt‘llllt‘“ SUCH. l'\“r \"ll‘ll‘ \pni l ioin :1" "5 See lhu.‘ Madcap Comedy Club the \tate Hat. IJS Holland Stieet. 11: :15" S Illpin :5 «1-1' lop ( il.:\\\egian Ra} inond \lt‘dllh takex to the limelight \\ ith \‘tll‘j‘i‘l'. lioin \eil \IJ ailane. doul‘le .itt \l.:ll\ .\ \Iaitin and Quentin Re_\nold\

The Stand the Stand. 1“ \\oodl.ind\ Rtt‘uL HX-ll (\lNl (\ll55 Urn] L\ \t'\' l [l 5. although latte \li'llhflll LlhtN o\ei ax ht‘Sl

The Vault Comedy Club llie \.ltlll, 1H" l’t‘llt‘h\h.t\\\ Rikki. U3" Htqu "l‘lll L-\ \t't‘ i‘ll 5


Jongleurs Comedy Club .Iittl;'lt‘tll\. (linni (‘entie (iieenude l’late. “Sail” \‘ll‘tt‘ S l5pin lioin Ll" W5 See I ll 1 The Stand lhe Stand. 5 \oik Plate. 555 ‘3": ‘lpin LES See I it i. hut \tith eonipeie Stlxall \loiiixon


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service the Stand. i§1\\ood|.ind\ Road tix‘ii (loo no“ .\ lupin 11.1%. Riehaid Illi'lllMtIl It‘lll\ deadpan Ill\il lioxt \liehael lx’edinond loi [ilh end ot \xeekend laughtei \t'SSIHll

Xmas Comedy Talent Competition lhe \Idllll. Ill“ l’tdlttk\ll.l\\\ Road. “1" “Hit. "pill t5. Hie lllNl ioiiiid ol the \ault‘x (‘hiixtinax eotned} eoinpetition. eulininating \xith .i giand il'ldl on Ho\lllg Ha}. Ixaeh \xeek the inoxt populai pei'loi'inei i‘eeei\e\ L lllll. \\ ith L5H .iiid .i ei'ate ol lai’gei going to would and thiid plaee eontextantx i'expeetnel}


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? llie Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S “3.”: lpiii l-iee Regular lreext} le t'ttlllt‘d} \\ i/.iid\ l’aul (ii'ahain aitd Stuart .\lui‘ph_\ liie tip the iiiiagination \kllil .inothei \Iiee ol iinpiox

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge The l.ig|it|ioti\e. ‘3. ;Al the Shoie. l eith. 55-10405. Spin. Li (it'll) (iiant. \haip \hoolt'l' \iek Hood} and .loliii ( ioidon line up the laugh in the eonipaii} ol eoinpere Reg.

Bruce’s Sunday Social Fund 'I lit" Stand. 5 Yolk l’laee. 55S ‘35: S illpin L4 lL5l. liruee |)e\ |in\ iegulai Suiida} night gathering \\ith guexh gingei John Hint aitd loeal ho} .l.llllt‘\ I‘t'llelMill

Monday 6


Mark Thomas: The Product Placement Tour ( ‘oitiei lilt‘dllt'. M US H}ndland Street. llSHll Ill) lllo. Spin U4 lLHll. 'l'he llllPHSSItlllt'ti. politieall} ehai'ged eoniie l't'llll'lh tor a \t'l'lt'\ ol dttlex. See pre\ le\\.

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'I lie Stand. 3 Vi \Voodlaudx Road. HST” (MU (M55, S. illpin, L-l.ll1eiiioitkt"\ ho} \ tSaiid} \elxon. Raynond .\leai'n\. Joe Heenan and Hex .\le|.eani line-up unit the aid ol guitar and piano tor a night ol lllthlt‘td iinpi'm eoined}.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York l’laee. 553 7272. 3.5”Plll. LI. Bruee i'llllllllt'} and ('hrix Henr} lead the \ia} loi a huneh ol eonied} neueoinerx.

Piranha Poetry Slam lloloood 'la\ern. ‘) Hol}tood Road. .55- 49-53. 9pm, LI. Si\teen \lttllllllel‘x battle it out to one e\entua| \tinnei'. “Hit a \ei'} \peeial guext apjx-aranee h) the loll-l World Slant Poeti'} ('hainpion. Budd} \Vakelield.

Tuesday 7


Mark Thomas: The Product Placement Tour ( 'oitier 'l'lieatre. UK ()5 H}ndland Street. 03"“ 2le I l M. Spin, L'l-t tillii. See Mon 6.

Red Raw The Stand. 55“ \Voodlzinth