I Red and Gold Room .11 ML:

lllpin Kiln. l't'cc ltclnrc llpui. Lb .lllt‘l Wet-ll} Bill} \lilligun lll.tll\ lltL' tlL'le\ at tlu\ tinc night «it l..itin littll\L‘ ll )«iur lllL' llL'L'tl\ \pitinj: up. lunk nu lllllllL‘l

I Rub Down .u lllL' Rl\L’l\ltlk' ('luh \L'H tldlL' lltL

I Sola .1! Huh l.l\ llth ‘lpin Run L" tttit'ci \Vu'lxl}. l).l .lulw play multul linuxt- and Alan \lutkcn/w plu} \ l'L‘llH L'lil\\lt\ lll tlux nut. and l.l\l_\ ncu ltui/t’lult Ill Nt‘lwn \luiulclu plant

I Subculture ut tht- Sub (‘luh

llpin iuni. L'lll. \Vcckl} llui‘i‘i .llltl l)ttlllL'lllL"\ llHll\L' putt} |\llll lllL‘ hcxl Ill tlic t'nuntr} l gt-tx l‘ilkh In l‘;l\lL'\ llll\ lttl'lllllell \kllll it I'L'\ltlL‘lll\ unl} lineup. I Together at lllt' liquid lrnungu. llpin izuii. {8-1 but \lunthl). 'l‘lic \lcltitij: l’nt jgcniuxcx lulu}: ux .'\lltll'L'\\ Huck «it l'.lllclj._'t'll(_\. .-\\ ulna} \. .'\lltllt'\\ l’ii'ic l\ tlit- tlllillll} icxitlcnt.

I Superfly ;tl tltL' \Viitttlxltlc Sitt'lul, lllpin Zuni. £5 ~l Hut \lttllllll}, ’l'lic \cnciulilt' lluglt lL't'll l'.\pl(t\ltllt plu} liw git lllt‘ cpu'cnti‘c nt [Rum t'iml lll (ll;i\f__'tl\\.

I VEGAS! at llic chli'cu l-ci'i’}.

‘l. illpin Zuni L“) ifi. J Hum \liintlil), :\ll lllL‘ k'lt'“ :tlL' ltL'l't' ;t\ \'l‘.( l:\S'. (ltlt'\ ll\ t'i';i/_\ thing nnu' lllHlL'. l'i‘uiiluv Stunguiu. lltigx} Scugull. l)|lltl .\l;u’lini illltl lum} l.;i\ \t'ggiix punt'tuulc ;i linc-up tliut ;i|\\;i_\\ plum-x tlic citmtl. liwryint- nigikcx :in t-l'tni't In tli‘cxx up. \'l'.(i:\SY \l}|c. \tl _\Ull \ltitllltl. llltl.

I Voodoo :u tlic ('utliiiuw, 5pm ‘lpin. £5 (£3). Wet-kl}. Sculluiitl'x mil) ultcriintixc lllltlL'l' lX\ clult. 'l‘lic \iglil (it till tlu' \wc puntcrx qucuing up l'niuii Sll‘t‘t‘l ll;t\ put lllL‘ lugu‘ (th ( iittl lltltt lllL‘ guild pctiplt‘ til (iluxgtm lul' \UHIL‘ lltlic mm. \u it )(iu :it‘c undct' llic ugc (it IS. \kll) not «'0 “hi” all llic lu\\ ix ulmutl’ I Winchester Club at lltL‘ Wumlxitlc Suciul. ‘lpni Zuni. [-1. ll Du: \lniitlil}, l’l;i}itig liw zit llll\ lillC\l lll\l;lllltL‘lll til tltc \Vinclicxtcr \hintlig arc 'l't'cinhling llluc Slurx guttl llic l.&lll;_'ll;l:_'L' til~ l‘limcrx. 'l‘licn. ul'tcmiu'tlx il‘x tlic l|\ll;ll tup tunczigc lmm lllL‘ \Vinclimtcr l)J\.

I Xmas All Nighter ut thc Siruthclulc l'niwrxit} l‘iiiiin. 8pm Sum. U5. ll l)L‘L‘ Hill}. ll‘x gttltlttl ltL‘ tt ltlgglt‘. l'LlL‘L‘ll'lC Si\. ('ulin \ut-tm‘ tlicwl' Murru). (ii‘iiu Nni'tlicrn Suciul. St‘ixwr Sixtcrx' tnur DJ and lutc night ’l'l‘l purl} :ictiun zill mnic lngctlicr :it llll\ lllll‘;l-lllt'\\) \ludcnt \hintlig.

Chart & Party I Cubism Hedonism :u ('ultc.

ll)..‘\llpiii Jam. £81L‘(ii.\\'ccl\l_\. Smtt play thc hut in lutth linincgnmn :uul

‘b.ding continues to push boundaries with her new creative spark SuDo, a multi talented DJ,

artist and designer bringing you the best in disco, hi-NRG and electronica,’ explains b.ding. ‘Part social commentary part hedonistic mayhem, this is an opportunity to catch both b.ding and SuDo, creatively charged, dressed up and ready for battle.’

$831! -I Om; Scott/xii Cnnnanfivtu (Io/um, (9-: Army; 8mm. (31:15,;

f);>/7i~;’zi/77, .‘I’x

l’S linuw. llht'tl \\ lllt cununcrciul and club cluxxim in but our. (‘111/ and l);i\c .\l tll\(i mntinuc tn ltccp tlic tluncct‘lmirs puckctl iii (‘uhc 44 \\llll urhun butt»

I Saturdays at Wigwam :it \Vigxxuiu. llpni 3mm. [71%). Vii-CH}. Rubin ll llll\L‘\ up Rtle wul and club cluxxicx \xliilc tlic Icgcntlui'} 'l'nn} 'llihuk Pl;l_\\ upliczit mninicrcizil tuna zit lltix um

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite git tlic ('utlinuxc. lllfitlpiii Ruin. l‘i'cc hct’nrc 1 1.30pm; [2 ti; l .50) :it'tcr. \Vcckl}. A milder mi\ til indie :uitl ruck

tliun _\iiu‘ll find at tlic at} \ pit'uuci‘ i'm‘k \cnuc tin l'i'i or Sat.

I Brazilia ;it ('luh l.i\ my. ‘lpin Run l‘i‘cc lwliil'c l lpiu. \Vcckl}. .\ ucu but that turnx intn ii clult. in tlic (‘m‘nci' «it Mundclu Squui'c tilt Buchanan Strut-t. “K

D] uctiun illltl |i\c [lL'l'L‘ll\\lttll :ill lllL‘ \\;l}.

\\ itli tuliiquiuiuxi l't'\l(lL‘lll ’l‘ilt l’mt'licx and :i llU\l til tiniiiciitiunulilc nthci‘x.

I Cabaret ut thc 'l‘unncl.

ll..‘~()pin .‘mm. H (U). \VL'L'hl}. lllL' 'l'unnt'l‘x \ccuntl gu} club night. 'l'liingx :u‘c tlctinilcl} lkihtilutix :it llll\ Suiitlu} night putty

I Disco Badger :tl Bunitmo.

llpm 3mm. (5. Wall}. lluuxc lllll\lt' L‘l£l\\lL‘\ all night lung li‘uin Dominic


\l.utin .znti 'txwyic :uncx tznn‘. \l.-.\ IY‘. tit: lounge

I Free Sundays .11 tltt‘ t ttt\\'t\.ii llt‘iii :.llll ltcc \\cci\l_\ llll‘ limp. tunk. wul. ruggjizc. 3:]! Yl‘. lll‘.\ gttxit. \llll‘t,tll\ lllllxlli‘Htl \cinic ‘l'.\l lx'luntl \.itl\lll\‘ll.ill \lltK'l

I The Good Vibrations Sound System Al I l\llll\l l uunyc l lg‘ni Rant 1; ‘1'1' l\‘\‘\2\lt‘lll\ lllt‘ lltmnttmn llll\ll\‘l\ .intl llic lx'cxt'ncc \l‘ltl ,it llll\ :icut (flul‘un inxpiictl putt I Mungo's Hi Fi .«.i tlic Hun

\pm Knit ltt't‘ l‘clutt‘ ll;‘lll. 1‘ .zttc: \\t‘t'l\l§ \tutluiitlk lltltlll‘x‘l nu; tawnic \l.lll\\'ll.tll tullcttiw. li‘llllt'll_\ it'xitlt‘titx .ll tliu \Mnulmlt‘ \nt l.tl, \ll‘ “lltll tlitw lmc Illi‘\l ,il tlicu nth \cnut'. plum-3 :n .i \l‘llll\l \t \tt-iii \t\ It: .lll\l [Mu kin-J ill [in lll.t\\\‘\ \\ itli lllt'll li‘itl\ ll\l\lllll\ and nut

I Optimo (Espacio) .ll lllt' \utx t 'lutx llpii. Run Ur Lat \M't'ltlx lt'x unt- mt lllk' lth tlun;'\ lll lllk' “linit' \\\‘ll\l, it\ ()l‘lllllt‘_ it\ | \tmt‘in. .llltl tin lit-t tltt'vn‘ fjnt lllk' \t't_\ lint (iu' luun tu pl.i_\ ll\k' lHt _\uu l: l)k'\ \t't'x tlit'ui put wiiictliiny lxit k unit I untliuiw. .l \ lt.tlll\ night litl tlit- lmal \nnununitx llim 'll lll.tl\ll.tll}llllll}‘}ittl\li\ll.tlt‘ttllllll\lll1‘lll, wt pct _\Htll lllt‘ll\'_\ ll;,‘lll nut \.

lintxxc ,int‘. Lt}

"ll! ill H

I The Priory at lilunlu't lll‘lll ;.tlll £5 \M‘t‘kl} llux t’lule wtiit'tliing‘ til .i llll\lllllllk'l l lll\'\\ tll tniuxc tl.uit lllf.‘ .ill night ll' \llhlk'lll .llllllk'lll\ .uitl RAH l\ llll\‘. )«iu tlL'lll\ ll’ .llltl tlit' Intuit-IR lx’it‘liuitl l m lll\Hll .ut‘ tlit‘ lltt\l\

I Spunk .it the ('.itlinti\t' llpiu Run L‘tlit~ \Mx'klt (iv! .1 g'mul \lmnkuix' wit the Sulilmtlt l).l H.iii_\ plum .illt'inutin'. punk. gluwit‘ tm'k. lup llHl‘. lllt'l.ll .llltl t'itnwwi |lltlll\lll.ll tn .i l.llt' \xt‘t'lxntl t'imul.

I Sundays at the Buff .u tlit- Hutt (’luli. llpni Run U \Mw‘klt \illllt‘ Hull tll\\‘ttg1lt‘tl\t‘\.llltl llllllxt'tl up |.l// ll'itlll llull llL'\\ put \lllJll

Chart 61 Party

I Vinylicious at I mulmx n

\litlniglit Mun LR Ugh \\\'t'l\l_\ lllt' \L‘l'} \t'\) [\L’let‘ llHIII Sulllxi l‘llllf.’ ll\ uiiutlit'i llllt' night «it llllll\k' tun .llltl _L';Illlt'\,

Glasgow Mondays

Chart 8 Party

I Passionality .u (“ulst-

llaillpin Run. Li iLZi. \Vt't-ltl}

l’lcuxinp \"llillll\ll_\ llHlll l).l Shaun Rtllk‘l'h. \\lltt lltlL'\ lllx l‘L'\l tn lt‘\ll\\ ll.ll\' tlic \\L't'l\L'lltl lttl llic gut/iniwtl \‘ltl\‘.tl

,, Lo-arsc :fcter'eal the uc OuLS«O€

Dione: RULE [

“t: has acme. _ "m 4.0 be L”? Hut qua/La

No Iona ((1 8h“: bojom tho fme

Copyright 2002 D Jackson M Collin

Dj Mingo-go put them away

They made almost as many friends as enemies in the clubbing fraternity, but we loved them (and we’re getting right stuck into their new ‘Ubiquitous Girl’ strip as well). Relive some of their best DJ-baiting moments as they release their second

Glasgow Fabulous

annual compilation. I Glasgow Fabulous Annua’ Par? 4‘. at. a.“ I) e I? Gasgtm Irmsws 3‘ Font

BCVCC’S. We CCH at”; mix/1:2. "’ti.