Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.
Thursday 2
Glasgow Annette Pehnt ( iocthc lll\llllll. 3 Park (‘ircux 332 2555. 7pm, l'rcc.
lrniitcd capacit}. 'l'hc acclaimcd (icrman author gncs a bilingual rcading trom hcr \ccond no\cl IIIH‘I 3’4. thc stor} ol a _\oung uoman with an c\traordinat} plan.
Mark Gatiss lhc .v\t‘chc\. 253 Arg} lc Strccl. 5o5 lll2 3. 7pm. £3.50. .-\ goldcn ()[iptil'lllllll_\ to put _\ottl' gucslions to thc Iurgm' I" (irrrI/r'mr'rr star as hc tll\L‘ll\\L'\ and signs L'UPlL'\ ol~ lll\ ncu hook. /'/rr' \iwrri'rm (‘lrr/i. (iatlv‘ cal'ct'l \L'L‘lll\ lo hc a coppcr— liottorncd \ucccxx stor}. incorporating acting ron in lilni. 'I‘\' and radio (Dr Who. lor c\anip|ci ;t\ \xcll as uriting gigs lor lhc likcx ol /.llI/(' li’rrlurrr.
Big Word Performance Poetry lhc iron. 0 Huntcr Sguarc. High Slrccl. 22o l)‘)3l. 0pm. £3 1L2). tilt)— uord stor}tc||cr Stcphcn Barnah} lcads a hand ol' mcrr) putts. including Richard :\|Icn. Ila/cl Morrison and .'\l(' .lctn Rolls through morc \pcclacular \crscs and laughs.
Reading the Leaves 'l‘chai-( )\ na. ~12 ()tago Lanc. 357 4524. ts’ lllptn.
L' l. .loin gucxt \xritcrx tor an cwning ol' poctr‘} and crcalixc \\ riting. l’l‘t‘\‘iott\ I‘L‘adcr's haVL‘ includcd thosc‘ lamou\ graduatcs ol' thc (ilaxgou l'nixcrsity ('rcatix c Writing courxc. l.otti\c \Vclsh. /.oc Strachan and Annc l)ono\an. l-"or lurthcr inl‘ormation or to hook a rcading contact Nalini Paul at rcadingthclcavcxw
Saturday 4
Edinburgh Book Fair :\\\L‘llihl) Rooms. 54 (icoi'gc Sll‘c‘ct. 220 434‘). ltlam 5pm. L'l. Sccond-hand and antiquarian hook lair.
Monday 6
Piranha Poetry Slam llo|_\rootl 'l'aVcrn. U llol_\rood Road. 557 4972. 0pm. Ll Si\tccn \lammcrs hattlc it out to onc cxcntual \xinncr. “ith a ma") spccial gucxt appcarancc h} thc 2004 World Slam l’octt'} Champion. Budd} \Vakclicld.
Jon R0080" Bordt‘t‘x Books, 08 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. opm. l‘rcc. lhc iincxligatnc journalist (“Ito's modcxt cnough to dcscrihc himxclt as a ‘humour'ixt l'rom London' l discuxscx his ncu hook 'I‘ln' Mar “710 .S'Iurc u! (hulls “hich \pmHtc‘tl thc L‘\L‘L‘llc‘ttl rcccnt TV \crics ’I'lrt' ('mqv Rrrlcn of 1/14' liill'ltl. In it. Ronxon looks at lhc \xcird. and somctimcs outr‘agcous psychological ltlL‘llC\ tlcpltt) Cd l1} lhc l'S militar} inspircd h} (‘alil‘ornian ncu agc thinking of thc Nous.
East v West: 1st Annual Write- Ofl Blackl‘riars. 3o Bcll Strcct. 552 502-1. 8pm. £2. :\llllttil\ trom (ilasgou '\ \\';i_\ Out West and lidinhurgh'x \VrilL‘I‘K Bloc gt) lk‘atl to hcad. armcd \\ ith short tiction rcadingx. in lltix litcrar) \xar‘ ot‘ \xords.
Ian Rankin and Alexander McCall Smith .-\\\cmhl_\ Rimllh. 54 (icor‘gc Strcct. 22“ 434‘). "pm. L4. ()ttakar\ ('hrrxtrnas c\cnt \ccx lhc mo lzdinhurgh hascd litcrar} glttllh \\llll diamclricalh- opposcd litcrar} st} ch takc to thc \lagc togcthcr' lor thc lirxt timc. as thc_\ tll\c‘ll\\ thcir Iatcst otlcringx.
Jim Carruth Scottish l’oclr} l.thrar_\. 5 (‘r‘rchlonK (.l(t\C. ('anongalc. .55— 237i. 7,3llpm. l'rcc. lhc Scots poct latinchcx lint lIl(' I’tnlurul. ll|\ pim ct‘lul. iniagrnatix c and \cqucntral collcction on lhc topic ol rural dcclinc.
Wednesday 8
Jim Carruth ll‘llL' (il;l\:_'\i\\ Sc‘llutil Ul :\rt. lo7 chlrcu Strcct. 35.3 45]». 7,,‘stlpm. l‘rcc. Scc 'l‘uc 2.
Angus Calder ( ’axcntlixh/l )i\a. \cht 'l‘ttllc‘l'nxx. 223 32.52. 7pm. l'il‘c‘c‘. lhc lllxlttl'ittll. author. acadcmic and pocl ltlllllc'llc‘\ ltl\ ncu poctt'} collcction. Sim [iv/INN] I/Ir' (int/r2 in thc hcar't ol' lhc 'l'ollcroxs \xltich it cclchralcs. l‘or morc inl'ormation. contact .lcxs at l.uatli l’rcss till lll3l 225 4320 or L‘tlltlil
Finding Fergusson Scottish l’oclt‘} l.ihrar'_\. 5 ('richton‘x (‘lo\c. (‘anongatu 557 237(i. 7.30pm. .-\n c\cning dcdicatcd to lch ccntur} lidinhtrrgh [MCI Rolk‘t't l'lL'l'glthHl llhc nc\\ \tatuc outsidc (‘anongatc Kirk is hillll. lttlllL'\ Rohcl‘txott tll\L‘l|\\L‘\ lhc cclchratcd poct \xith pcrl'ormanccx ol' his work gncn h} (‘olin l)onati.
Thursday 9
Liz Niven, Angus Calder & Roderick Watson John Smith. (ilasgoxx l'itiwt'xit} Bookshop. l'nixcrsity Awnuc. 33‘) 14M. (rpm. l‘rcc. Acclaimcd pocts l.i/ .\'i\cn. .-\ngtt\ ('aldcr and Rodcrick \Vttlson launch lhcil‘ tic“ collccliom. Burning ll’lrrm. Sim [iv/rim] I/lr' ('rm/r' and Into Illr' li/ru’ lliri‘r'lc'ngrlr. r‘cxpcctchl}. l‘or inorc inl'ormation. contact Jcss at |.uath l’rcxx on 0| 3| 225 4.326 or cmail
cvcntxm |
David Stark Bordcrx Books, 98 Buchanan Strcct. 222 77()(). (i.3()pm. l-‘rcc. lixcryonc kttotVs that thc godlathcr ol‘(}la\go\\' architccturc lit _\ou'rc prcparcd to discount lhc inllttcncc ol' .-\lc\andcr ‘(ircck' 'l‘homson) “as (‘harlcs chnic Mackintosh. But not so many pcoplc arc awarc that thc architccturc tirm hc \x'ork‘cd for is still \cr) much ali\ c and kicking in \Vcst chcnt Strcct. Managing dircctor ol' chpic l)csign. l)a\ id Stark. gixcx an illustrach talk to launch his nc“ histor} Ul' thc practicc. which t\ \L‘ll\lhl_\ titlcd ('lrur/r'x Rr'lllllr’ .llur'AiIrIm/r um/ ( 'u. INS-1102004.
Wednesday 1 5
Tom Atkinson (‘arncgic Lihrar). 12 Main Strcct. (H202 286385. (rpm. Tom Atkinson latmchcs S/u'r‘lru‘ln. 'Ii'xlr'r'lr'x. [um um! Marc/rm. his action-packcd histor') ol~ RM" (‘ommandox in World War II. .-\nd ot' coursc. as is onl} appropriatc uhcrc \tlc‘ll \\\'£l\thL‘l\llll:_' talcx arc conccrncd. thcrc \\ ill bc \\ inc to accompan} lhc c\cnt.
Donald Smith Blackucllx rtormcrl} Jana-x 'l‘hin South Bridgci. 5.3 5‘) South Bridgc. ()2 H222. o.3llpm. 'l‘hc dircctor of thc Scottish Storficlling ('cntrc cclchratcs thc mid“ intcr \L‘Ltsull in Scottish landscapc and communit} lit'c \\ ith a rcading from his nc“ collection of pocms. titlcd .-l Lung Stride
msrr’st‘t‘bw“ ‘ " Qanvas
remas bake. tlirarhw lit1-{fl :\Ill(c/Iv’2)(ii'ltilu"i
.‘ftli"(,iti (li' 'l(iil‘i.‘<i
Canvas she's tlith‘R. see l'iriri‘ sexua: innocence to experience. During the course of (llf3(l()‘.'(:.’ll‘.{l the pleasure of a boy's lXXl‘, ias sell as her C)‘...‘lll. Cannas ri‘ust rteal with an assortri‘ent of horn, teenagers irricluding one eriterprising young buck who takes haung lost a hand in order to gain syrnpathi,’ and thus congressi and her overly protective parents.
It's a reasonably insightful coming-ot-age tale With some nice touches. such as Canvas' riiother and father being drawn in the image of Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog — that being how the grown ups are seen by their guietly rebellious daughter. lMiles Fie (leri
The Mischievous Art Of Jim Flora lFantagraphicsi oooo
The kind of obscure kitsch which either delights or leaves you cold. this release collects Jazz album covers.
tilt-"at? ' L t ' it“ ill";t)L/1t:13 i" Cutawt a" iri‘i..r"‘ t'. .Llil apf'. ctescritiu: t‘. rtritu as ‘Bwti ir‘ f";- ems' ll‘d'lh‘; It its 'iiixturo at uut‘is'". sii'real;srr‘ an: t'u- azarit liar/re
Flora later wrote an l illustrated a range l ,9 children’s books. arii th s tribute. awhile occasioriaii. (ODOWI‘J? due to slack editing, is an excellent introduction to his oeuurr: for a whole new generation. iDam Martini
MOLLY KIELY Diary of a Dominatrix rEros Fantagraphics .0.
Molly KlOl‘,’ has no intention of git/trig up either her dagv ]()l) as an executive's assistant in San Francisco or her night-time work as a professional enahier of the peculiar l)t(:(lll(3’£il()llf} of certain ri‘aies — she pen and inks coriiics in her spare time. Autobiographical |."i nature. Kiely's (liar, written as spank mistress Zelda Zonk; is part hos:
f \7 O.
'7 iiuirttm Juriiisriii r .iiiiiii rm Jfllttt arm I um Milli! .- L'il urinal
Your imam (in-vi} that wall.
il‘i‘C‘fl‘JllLl .ou is John (Llrcmo i’l.’i()'.‘f, M i'i‘ifl' anti /.ii'. Towers. '.'.itir, had a ta'il in this Vi'lltitfll ti. soniritiri‘r: lwr‘, clarity, “Ltillzllxtirtltwl gllirl i'.i'r;';.". Pt tire." aft/,ioriai lrr Kiri ‘llr,‘.','arrt" Juries '.‘.'i’.li 30!“: help itirix.’ ’l'lll,ll tir;'r, l?) a uyster ,i lt’ill (finest: Urilrirtiiriatel, this iii/am: collaboration with artist John Bani: I', a pit of a flop. Endless auti'. ri‘ tea, cricket ll‘érit,ll‘:‘, arirl stilt upper lips as Superriiar‘ tM/rrr e‘, Colin Clark let-ping his powers ittirlm .'.r;ip‘, lll: .‘fl/i'li til/("fl il‘it:
ri :ight/iurs. If", t'itr: arirl r;lir,lierl_ like arr on," innit. 7).":“lel‘lnil'1ll‘;H‘fr't'i’) strip and the ’ll’l‘) at the tabloid .‘.’r,rirl are TM: or», spark pt excite“ erit and “:al lllllll’1’lt.
iHerir,' Nrirtlir"'irr:;
24"; Der, 2’ THE LIST 45