


With so many of us doing it, last minute CHRISTMAS SHOPPING has become a sport, rather than an act of despair. Rachael Street introduces our guide to the ultimate mad dash.

l' the hype was beliey-ed. everyone would have started their (‘hristmas shopping months ago. ()beying the heady call of advertising jingles. seasonal lilms and sparkly shop stock. we'd have linished buying gills before December had a chance to rear its alcoholic head. But in reality. tnost people (58%. according to a John Lewis sury‘cy') don’t even start buying (‘hristmas presents until November or December. and according to US retail giant Sears. 25% of men are still shopping on (‘hristmas liy'e. When the majority do begin. its more likely to be a shopping sprint than a spree a carefully charted. time consciotis journey around a few carefully selected shops.

This moye towards more last minute shopping is something to be celebrated rather than berated for a start. our titne is important and we want to tnake the most of it. But it's also a small step away l'rom the consumerism. Whether you're out for a lunchtime dash. a late night shopping run or

just a couple ol' hours plucked from a precious

weekend. it‘s possible to pick up some great presents with a little planning. The best way to get the most out of your shopping hours is to minimise the area coy'ered. while maximising the number ol‘ shops Visited. And despite their very dil’l’erent characters and geographies. both (ilasgow and lidinburgh are well equipped to deal with high speed shopping.

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lo saye you time scouring cycry shop and corner ol‘ the city. we haye hand picked a rare and beautil‘ul selection l‘rom the most l'ruitl‘ul and accessible areas. So it you want to ayoid the packed high streets and yet still l'ind ey‘erything you need in a short trip. this guide shotild contain all you need to know. Not only ltay'c we got the essential wish list ilcttts to get even the most alcohol-smikcd ol' hearts racing on ('hristmas morning. w c‘ye also created a directory of all the great places to shop in (ilasgow and lidinburgh.

There are only 23 shopping days lel't until Christmas. l'ancy spending 32 iii them doing something much less boring instead'.’ Then read on.

'u-z-z .'/,',r'- THE LIST 21