I Student wanted for lllt'lllll} lulllnluiijgli t II} kk'llllt' llul. \lliilllljfl \kllll inlln'i» £l\£lll;illll' I»I Int-cl. nl lh‘k‘t'llllk'l £350 [um i lull» 'll-I H7307 1/32 77‘) Ill HHUIH

l {h ill-l

I Leith double room Ill mnllmn 3 lu-Il lull} lliim»lml lIIII. .ill Illllil uui». l»llkllk'll. Inning-c. lmIlI mill »lin\wr. lill, [lll\:ilt‘ t'iil lldllx. \llll \lllfi'll' Iun lL‘\\lllll;il L79” lull! I lu||\ I (lk'lllhll. 'lt'l' ll7H {-1 ‘53 l-ll

I Single room in mun-II .lllllL'lll\\ Hill. :1” llllul Hui» ;l\.'lll.'llllt‘ L'élll} lk'tk'llllk‘l ill £33” pun i lull» ll'l “77-1” 050251. .'\llt‘l 7pm

I Double room in lull} In: mxlml. n/» lluI. In »li;m' mill) ll'IImlt'» liIIinInn l’luu'. lllll\lIlI'. il\£lll{llilt‘ January l. [333 pan 9 lull» 'l'vlv (IT/HI) 107.10?

I Short or long lI‘llll. II/». [Hnlcwmnul nI lllllllllI' \lllllk'lll lt‘llléllk‘ \mIIII‘Il lnI Impl- rnnm Ill I.I'Illl llul. [37% pun. :Ill IllL'lll \Iw cu‘cpl plinm'. 'IL'I: lll il 555 5054.

I Sunny room in xput'lnlh llul \\llll lillll;l\llt' \icxx» nn l{n_\;i| l’urk 'l'ci'raiu'. xhnu- \\ llll l nIllci'. L'ZHll pun. lllt‘lllllllif.‘ lull». 'I‘cl: IIISI (ill) I(»27.

I Double room in (II) t't'nllt' lllll. Snulli lll'lllfJL‘. l'.lllllllllllel. lit-M} Ilt't‘nI'IIlul. IIIIut' kilclicn. 3 hulhrnnm» \(lllllii. (i( ‘ll. \llilll‘ \IiIlI inlht‘l’» \llll lillllt'\\lllllill nI nmlurc \lllllt‘lll. £237.50 pun l bill» I l. W” (lt‘llll\ll. 'll‘li H707; 5(i7 -l H.

I Room in Marchmont ll.ll \\ .\\.lll.llllk' l\l lit'u'llllu'I Lllill [um * lull» (‘l II-l HMS” "M "8-1 l'\llt'l “lulu

I Large, freshly deco- rated IHHIII HI l’nllnlu'lln ll.Il .\\.lll.llilt' lllllllt'llldlt'l} In \lldlt' \xllli l nllm k .7 Mil» LUV pun Including lull» I\ ('l lk’l ll’r'hll *R',‘ §§ll I.\llci (uuiii

I Room in Bruntsfield llnl In »li;iII- u llll .‘ nIlIcI» l’InlI-»»Inii;I| pcwui lk'tlllllk'll \\.'lll.'llllt' lu'puuuny nl lk‘u‘llllu'l l lI‘\ll\lI' \kllll Il.IlI'\ £3le lull I lull» lt'l H] il YIN 0‘)”,

I Single room available Ill luijsliI k'llllllllllJl‘lt' ll.il. l'.;I\lI'I Rngill IIIL'II SIIIIIIIIj: \kllll l lllillt' SIIII gun/334:) IIIt'IIIll} [li'lllt'\\lllll;ll. [.7 ill [Mil I IlL'PlNl I ("l l lull» 'll'l' “7‘53 ()7‘) (ill?

I London Road - 5 min- Utes lll l’llllt't'\ Sllk'k'l, Sllllll lk‘llll I‘llli Hat'mlu-I In k'llll nl l‘cluuui}. \Vuim llnulill- innm. L illll Iun lllt'llllllllf.‘ ("'I, 'lcl: (Winn II): IIIIS.

I Female flatmate want- ed. l.cIIli l,llll\\. (’nlnn} llul. Rnnill ;I\;Illlilllt'. l.;li'}Jt' kllt‘llt‘li. unillt'n. SIIII lllilllll'L‘ \lllllt‘lll/[llll lt‘\\lllll;ll, .\'» Your [ll't‘lk‘llt‘ll £250 [mu I lull» 'l‘t-l: ()77‘II s07 (.53,

I Huge double room In \llill’t' Hi | llul mill l llllit‘l lt-mulc. lil'unmn'k Slim-I. t'lnw In Ilu' l‘lil\t‘l'\ll_\ & Imm t't'nli't'

nI l‘.llllllllllf._'ll l'k‘llldlk' ll.lllll.llt' Iuclcnul LTg pm i lull» lcl IF‘H“ I‘lllllih

I Double room available ill \l.ll\llllllllll. \I‘\\lll;'lllll linuw \Iu' quch .ilm I'm-mil} ll.lllll.ilk' I lmllunnm» lmtl. l'.illlt'll \Muilll \llll [lllllk'\\lllll .il l'lk'k' lInIIi (ll/ll/Illlll {I‘ll ' ('l l lull» 'lI-l HI *I (ml) I‘ll-I

I New Town - Large Illlll lllk' innm lli lellllllll lII|l_\ I‘Illlllllk'll llu'llinnm ll.ll \\nu|ll \IIIl C.I\_\ I'Iull}: llIl_\ Illul \IIIIIl. my [lllll\'\\|llllill ;\\.lil.il\|c linm |»l December I_ 4M) [um Iiit'lmliny (‘l I\' lull» Icl

n777| Inn $37

I Single room in »lmml 'lnllt'Inxx IIIII :\ll IIInIl t‘nII» .'\\Llll;llill' twirl} lh'ct'mlu'I ll-l L33” pun + lull» 'lcl (Pi-1’ (lily 23-1, l.'\llL‘l 7|illll.

I Large double room m \[iilt'llllh \wll Ilu'nigilul llul lll lilgicklnill SIIII [)llllt'\\lllll;ll nI pn»I fJIIlIllllllI'. L' “U [mu Inclull III}: gill lull». ("l «k llllt'lllt‘l, id: 0770‘) iii MS.

I Large bright quiet llullll + lug: »IIII|_\ \rmu'. Stunning: mun} \t-u Inun llul. (igirllcn. \Vluull'n Ilnni» SIIII lllilllll't‘. IIIIII'I pnxl pianluulc/[u‘l)Ic»»inii;il I’k'l'mlll. Llifil) l lull» 'lI‘li “77-13 Iii, Hm.

I Large room available Ill k'll} ccnlrt' ll;II \\llll L'L‘llill'. kIIL‘lII-n. In Ill}! rnnm. (i( 'll. :III lllllll um» £375 pun. L'\L'lll(l III}: lull» & ("II 'l't'l: ll7.\‘|(i 353 H8

How to place a Flatshare ad

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate and what's more it's free, you only have to cover the cost of calling our Flatshare Hotline to place your advert.




Flatshare cont.

I Marchmont - Sunny single Innni Ill llll_\ IInIi mink inf: ll.iI \t'xx kiltlicn. wpnmlc »IIIIII_:: .IIm. ( i( .H I\ |)( i. .ill llllul \l‘ll\ Lllfi lllk lIIIlIIi;' ('l II-I IIIRII I'm jfiil n; Ii".\n< lllll l(ll

I Double room. All llllul uui». .l\.lll.ll‘lk' llllll lk'tcmlu'I Lllill [um i lull» lI‘l UNA" s1; ads

I Bruntstield - Huge double rnnm Ill Linu- Ilicnlllx H.” In \liiilt' Hill) .1 '\Illlli‘.' [un luxnuml» (Lilllt' .\ lilnnlllmml ,\\;III;Ili|t' lhlll lkxmnlwr Mill [um i (‘l l lull» lk'l HI {| 23‘) Hi“:

I Double room in l‘I'.lllllllll Luau- ll.iI \I'l} t'clilml ln \ll.ll\‘ \kllll Al lint-mil} tum gnmp ll.ll mull-x \Mllldl‘lt' linm *Ill lh'tcinlu'l \\nu|ll \llll pinh'»»|nli .ll lk'lllJlk'. Iin killlplk'\ nI llllllk'l j.,'l.IIlli.IlI'\ LWI ptm. .ill Illk Imm- III u («.3 Iuili n. IINI 14“ Mi I Very nice double mum Ill \lmt’inu» lllllllk'lll llgiI lll 'Inllt'ln»» .'\\.lllillilk' llH\\ Ullll 'lclt Ill *1 3.?! IZ‘H ni 07310 {H 7 l (l.

I 2 large bedrooms available Ill »ll;m-Il (nun-I} Hunk llul. \I'ul} It'luilu»liul lII\III_\ :It't'nnunnllgilnin. (i( "ll Llillt'llk'll i lull» 'lL'l “77‘” -1 ill 70.1.

I Small double room Ill :iIlI‘IIt‘IIw ilu'llrnnm llul In \lilil'L‘ \Hlli | mule \mi \lmrlnnlumk \lIiIlllllll LT” [mi Include» all lull» & ("I 'lt'l (i7HI illii 353.

Phone the Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610

You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and daytime phone number including dialling code

I Albert Place - Leith \\.Ill.

.‘ Hlllt'l\ lnnklnfn lnI I'.I»\

<l‘t'llllulllh lH \ll.Il\‘ ‘~\llll

pnmy \luiii'.‘ I‘lI‘lI'\\II‘ll.Il InI \Imt It‘ll» \lll"ll‘ InnIII \yxx Llltlicii l‘.lllll|‘l'lll. ll‘illl“ InnIII umlnl llnni» l,“"l .Ill lllt lll \Iw Icl lll il l”‘llh‘

ll ill-fr}: nI Rm ll.l\'ll

I Morningside single room .l‘~.l|l.il‘l\' |ll\l nil \lnIIIIIIt‘xlIlI' l\’n.lll (illnil lmul .llllk'llllll‘\ \IMIIIh' \\Illl lt'ux» L‘hll {um - lull» lI'l lll ll 11' \WII

I Brilliantly located flat lll \I‘llllt' Ill lH\\ll liullJll‘.‘ ll‘l lll'll \lllllhlll‘.‘ lllIll\|Ill|.ll In \ll.ll\' .‘ l‘I‘IllHlllll llnl \\.lll.ll‘ll' IInIII .‘IIII l.i|lli.ll_\ .‘lllh l_‘\ll v ('I o lull» Il‘l ll"ll ' l \ 'hl

I The Shore - Double InnIII .l\.lll.ll‘l\‘ In \ll.llI' \\|lll l nIlII'I Ill \llllll\ ll.lIl|l|llll.ll ll'llk' lllt'lll ll.II nn'Ilnnlunp llll' \\.ilvl nl l I‘llll \IIII [illlll'\'\|llll.ll LN” [kill 0 lull» ll'l lll ll \\\ sgfln

I Bright double room Ill Ill-uh lk'lllll‘l\lll‘ll l|.II_ linuxvll ll'l|.l\\'. nll It'll} RHIIIl. \ lll\t‘ lll »lIIuI‘ l\' ()II‘AII lt'llllllMl l_ inl) III III I'\\ lll\|\l‘ Ill ('lk'klllk I\' I'.I\ lI‘l “Hill “7 Hi!

I Flatshare, Short term, I‘llli llk'tl'lllllk'l I'llll nl ll'luliniv |n\I-|_\ mum llllllllll' Innm. l nmlnn lx’ll. 5mm» “All. lInIII l’IIIlu'» \I llllllu lll

IIII lllllllll‘ ('|_ lh'u'llilu'I II'III lII'I' ll/\[\ll‘ll‘lll'll II'I (Willi) I”) lllli

2 Up to 30 words description about the fiatshare including the room. rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought

3 A contact number for would-be flatmates to ring

v“... advert in; in the next available issue

{The LIiIsI ublishedlp "mi—ha 651m- - ~ finite-gauntlet mgr ;_;; g"?

Terms 8 Conditions

; ..~ _ n _ 1,. 'advertsplaced after *

I'll/"89559? films. ca" writes

during the Edinbu h Festival. deadline for lacin your Flatshare advert is his deadline will appear in t e fol owing issue. I

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes. Calls from non-8T and mobile phones may cost more. ‘ii you are unable to get through please ensure that your phonellne is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. In the barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone. ‘Advertisers must supply full name and address (NOT for publication). ‘Please note the Flatshare Hotline is for people seeking a iiatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted tor publication. any adverts advertising whole rental properties will be removed. ‘The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

We advise that you do not give out personal details when receiving enquiries about your flat and always ensure you

have someone with you when showing people your property

1/ '5 Mi, 7,0". THE LIST 131