Visual Art
Glasgow 1999 Design Medal 2004 Exhibition l iitil \iiii ill laii \hi-ithxtctl t’lllllt'\ lui tht' .manl that \t'it'i‘l.lit'\ jmtiiijg. \t'lltt'lllllttlal} (it'\lj_'ll '.‘.i'li. Defyra: Winter Wonderland or How to Dress 3 Cold Platter Hat ‘1 i)t'k \llll (t l L‘i‘ \H lt'lllah‘ 3“ L'til\il (it'\l'.,'ll t]ll.llik'i \hmttast' \iL'\l“_'ll\
lllx IlltilllL' lllllllttllt'. .lllll.tllllL'\. \‘..iil[t.iltt'l .lllti iiihht'i \t-j_'t't.itiiiii \t'c iiittiiit' \tlllllltll ’ ' " '
I'll \authichall \tit-t-t. V5 ‘1 lllll l'ti t\ \uii llaiii *piii. \iilll “m t\ \at
Illaiii ipiii
Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l iiiil \\k'li ill \m .‘ll‘l5 .\\ lilt' Kt'l\iii;_'io\t' \ill\t‘lllll .\ \it (i.lilt‘l_\ h.i\ llit\\ chm-it |l\ tilllll\ itll lll.t|tll it-luihixhiiit‘iit. mci lllll til ll\ ll.llllllllf._'\ takt' up it‘sitlt‘iit‘} .it Hit" \lt‘l t'llilll (iallt'iicx 'l hc thxpla}
int Iiitlcx illttltl.t\ l'.it'il\ ‘Iht‘ laxt Hi thc ( '|.iii' .iiiil lx’t'iiihiantll'x '\ Man in \iiiinui'. Pith \Ktllh h} ('haih‘x Rt‘iiiiit' \lat'kiiitmh. Dutch and i'iL‘lllhil .iit.
l could have been a smartarse and looked up the artist -— but that would have been missing the point. Part of the reason I love this work is because I don't need to know who made it (the cult of celebrity hOk 5: little sway within the tough logic of urban renewal in which public sculpture survives or vanishes).
The Clydeport artist had. by necessfly. to speak the symbolism of their day but also had the confidence and belief to invest their talent in a longer time frame. To do this the scqutOr SlltllllIQCl his eyes so as not to see the carVings in isolation but rather as part of the building as a whole. The sculpture and architecture are one. in a surface that transcends the logic of building. becoming a skin made alive.
The symbolism of Clydeport is lost to us now. Rather. we understand the sculptures as amusingly strange. yet the building as a whole speaks an altogether more ancient language of weight. silhouette and balance that connects us with something fundamental in the human urban project - an animate presence aware of its Surroundings and ready to communicate with them. If only they'd knock down that bloody caSino in front of it.
I The Cit/deport Building is on Robertson Street. Glasgow. Matt Baker IS lead artist for the regeneration of Gorba/s. Glasgow.
www. theartworksprogran ime. org
116 THE LIST .:» vs ;: "
I'll \oith \tit't't. .‘\“ :‘l‘l‘l \lwii lhii Ill Wain (i 2“put. I ii \at
I” illaiii Jinn
Nelson Mandela: Images from Apartheid to the Presidency liilil I ii _ .lan \iiuth \llltdll pliotiigiapht-i |)i l’t'tt'i \Iasiibaiic tliitiiiiiciitx \l.iiitlt'l.i\ lilt- lli‘lll tht' llt'.t\llll tiial iii tht' l‘lills to ill\ .ippiiiiitiiit'iit .:\ i)l\'\|\i\'lli «it thc chuhht' «it \nulh \illkil iii l‘l‘l-l
25 \ii‘t‘ll l)ii\t-. its-H Ni Wit
lut- Sal lliiilll hpiii. \uii iiimii (\I‘lll
Dupattas and Scarves: The
Stories they Tell I iiiil \iiii I3 Hut
l'it'c \ tiillt't'tiuii ol \\.ll\t'\.i‘.tllii.ll1.l\
.iiitl tilll‘.lli.l\ tiathtiiiiiall} \‘.Hlll h}
\Ilhillll \Ktllllt'll. along \Kllil
k‘\|‘|.lll.lllitll\ about tht-ii tit‘\lL'll\ .lllti
pciwiial \llellllt’.lll\‘\‘ ' ' ;
KAIJA KIURU l iitil Sun If l)t't
I'IL'L' \‘tilplni kaiia Kiiiiti k'\|‘illlt'\ tlit'
cultural \alut- lli \xtiiiit-ii thiouph
\.lllilll\ \llk'il\'|\ .lllti \pat't‘x that .ltitilk'\\
lilt' ltik'it til lciiiah'x ax Iiiiiiit'iiiakt'ix
{Nil llfv’t l 7 E
Private Galleries
Stiitt' 5-13 i5th iltltll i. l’ialtit~ (‘hainht'ix 5t) \\Cl|lllf_‘ltlll Stit't‘t. 315 WW.
\ltiii I'l'l Illaiii 5pm; Sat Illaiii lpiii. The Christmas Exhibition l'iiiil “at 33 Du: ()wi Wt [ltllllllllfJ\ h} iiiaiiil} St'iittixh ill'll\l\ iltllll iilt‘ Will and leth ct‘iitui‘} aiiil [trust-iii tla}. .\i‘ti\l\ iiit‘liitlt' l).\'. ('aiiit'ioii. .lat'k Ktiii\. [ch/ahclh lilackathh‘l'. .1 Stuart Park and lll;lll_\ llltll'L‘.
I73 \cht lx’cgcnt Sll't't'l. Ill (rial). .\liiii Sat lllaiii Sillpiii.
Compass Christmas Exhibition 2004 [but Sun 3t) .laii. .\Il\t‘ti \iltl\\ ol' artists including: in} t‘t' ('aii‘iix. (ii‘ahain Hawk and (icorgc \\’_\ lic.
I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART 143 \VLNI I<L'_‘_‘t'lll Sll'L‘L‘l. 32] “NS. Mon Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.
The Winter Collection 2004 l'iiiil Sat 3‘) Jan. lli'itixh paintings. drawings and \ctilplui‘c including: picccx b} Roger H}. Duncan (Brain and .II)
l't‘i'gtixxi iii.
lh'a \lt'adtm Road. 337 I333.
.\loii l-ri llaiii 5pm; Sat lllaiii Ipm, Gangster, Hookers and Other Scottish Landscapes Sai .1 Sai l I Du: l’igtiratixc paintings tlcahii; \Kllll thc litii‘opcaii \c\ \lau' ti‘atlc. Pith t‘iintciiiporar} ltlllti\(;l|k‘\ h} (ilaxmv born artixt .Iaincx Rtl\\L‘H. NE
Si l( )‘.“.f
I MANSFIELD PARK GALLERY 5 H}nt|lantl Strcct. 3-12 ‘1 I 2-1. the ill llaiii (ipiii; Sat llaiii Spin. Christmas Exhibition l’iiiil Siiii Ru .lan. Paintings. pi‘iiitx aiitl \t'iilpttirt's.
I THE MODERN INSTITUTE -3 RUI‘CHMH] Sll‘L‘L‘l. Suilc (t. limit I. 348 .VI 1. ItlL‘ l'ri noon 5pm.
Chris Johanson 0. [mil i'l‘l Ill Dug. i‘ill'\l l'K L‘\|llhl[lllll tor llll\ San l‘raiicixco artist “how L'\lli‘t‘l'illll \xtirk rangm triini xiiiall \calc paiiitcd obxciwations ol' the folk around hiiii to larger abstract \\Ul'|\\ and lll\l;li|;lllttll\. [AST til i»\Nt IE it) 8H
Check out the
* on-page
I SCOTLANDART.COM ti Hiiiizttcitt Road, (iztlttiuk. \ii'l‘. li: Hail; “pm. \a'. Ellatri ‘ limit;
§ ll livid
(i1\ i:tlll
\ui: niwzi Christmas Group Exhibition 1 mi
i ii it list this hunthqtl TEt".\ .illuiilal‘lc l‘.1lll[ilt‘,'\ .li‘l\i\ii.1'~‘-iii:\ “_\ xclcttct‘.
L'tiilt‘l‘x .illI\I\
i \l \i.il_‘.'.ilt'3'\ Matt". "N\i: “HT- i; lhti \al 1 {l‘lll
Kate Davis I ml \at .‘..‘, ,I.iii
\L'tit tili'tl\ pciit il \il.i\\lllL'\ lli‘lll iiiit' til the .tlll\l\ who it'pitwciitctl \\l‘iitlli\i .it my \t'iiitt' Iticiiiialc Ill It’ll? ciiiplutiiic \Niai \llllli\'\ .iiitt iiit'taithnix tit iiatiiic .lllti \ iiltiiic. .li‘\ [It'll .iiitl it'pit'xt-iitatiwii. luaiut} .lllti tataxtiiipht‘ \t-c itit llllt' t .tl‘lilll‘.
I TRACEY MCNEE FINE ARTS l" l’aiiiit' \llt't'i. “.7 *lif“ luv \it llaiii <I‘lll
Gerard M Burns lhii 2 [M .|.iii \tilii \ill‘\‘. ml iit'v. unit. in
lhu ti
(ii.l\_‘.'l '\‘. txixt‘tl .illhl
Glasgow Artist Spaces
lb Kiii;‘\tit't't.**3:*1ll I).ii|§
iiimii (min
A Measure of Detachment l iiiil I It ‘ lk‘t. \ iit'u \hmi. [‘Ik'\\'ll[\"ti h_\ (il.l\git\\ i“l\t‘ti .tlll\l\. titlh‘t‘llh' ‘\i||tllllt'.
I MARKET ‘33 t\ ‘3-1 Iliikt- \tit't'l. l)t'iiiii\tiiuii. Rah “37‘ Illt' .\.ll llimn him]
3%: Kingdom 0... t iiiit \.ii ll list \‘M'iitccii .llll\l\ .iit' i‘tillctl togethci Ii‘l .i lx‘aiih that l\ ‘tit‘uclx aggicxxiw' .tlhi .iii ‘tiigt til tlctatlciitt“
\k'x' Htlitsl
l lti \unitl \tit't't. ialtt‘i \laikct (ialh'fl I. llt'niiistouii. it‘s]: (MYTH l).iil§ l hpiii
Cathy Wilkes \\t~ii \ \at IN I)\‘\. l hpiii liiial thai‘tt'i iii tht' \i}ll.lllll\ \\\ilth\t‘atc \li‘l_\ \t‘t‘ \lii‘k'.”
.‘\ i\lll‘_‘ \tit'ct. ‘3‘ l\l§ luv \it llaiii *piii
>11 Torsten Lauschmann O...
l iitil \at lllt't \ win \him l‘i itxciit \xnik h} Ii‘l\l\‘ll | .tllMlllllallll taking: l‘\\'l hoth iii‘t‘l\ wt ll.lll\llll\\lilll (iallcix till .i pit'xt'iitatiiiii \‘i liliii. \ Ili‘t'l‘ .tllti pt'iloiiiiantt' \xuikx |\t'i\ Illti.t\ .it ‘piii .lllii \.itiiiil.i§ .it lpiii iii the i‘.l\t'lllt‘lll Iiitiiiz‘t' l .lll\\il|ll.tllll I‘l\'\\'lll\ .i \k'l|\'\ til t'\pt‘iiiiit' tiliii .lllii \itlt‘n \xoik\ b\ .tlll\l\. llll|\l\l.ill\. lllllllll.ti\\'l\ .tllti iiit'iha .lxil\l\l\ \t't‘ iill|l\l
GREGOR wnioHT s.” ii a.” I.\
I)k'\ ()llt' \\ (Uh \ttlit \il\\\\
“ ‘ ll.iiiwi1\tict't. |)\'lllll\litllll. “l \jiiti
Graphic Art Collective I ll 4 \\t-tl .73 Du \t'\\ _‘.'.li|\'h\ [llt‘\t'llllll;' \\l‘li\ ht iiitt'iiiatiiiiial t'niiiiiit'it’ial kit'\l_‘.'llk'l\ int'luthiij: [‘.lllll||l_‘.‘. \ilkxt’it't‘ii .lllti thg'ital [‘llllh latiiit'h pain I ii {Hm
New work by Venice Biennale participant Davis, whose work was also recently part of the Country Grammar
exhibition at GoMA. Folded fork arms in a defensive pose and a string of letters spelling the necklace ‘PARTICIPANT’ is a characteristic play on
words and picture.
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