Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.
Thursday 2
I Music in the University: Ensemble Klang (il.i\::u\\ l'iiiwixii} ('oiii'i-il Hull. l'iiiwi'xil} \wnuc. “ll ill”: I Illpiii l'ii'i' I‘lk'\il HL'\‘- lllll\|\ iiiiliiiliiij; \iuikx h} ki'ii \i'uiiiigi'ix. l.llllll\ \i'lllililx \li‘i.ilililli ( ~.l\l.l|lll\. Litoh [L'l \t'lilhiiix .lllii l.lllll\ \iiili'iiwxi‘ii \oi loi lllt' llll.lil\i'l1llll'llll\
Edinburgh I Gordon Ferries: La Preciosa ill\llllll l l.lllL'.l|\ il‘l‘t'oxxi'. I; Randolph ('i’i'xt'ciil. 335 5 Will (iiiiii, l i'i‘i'. -\ Mlllli‘li' Hi lhi' \iiiilil ol l-i‘i'iii'h .iiiil Similin lmioiiiii' gull.” .l\ pi'iloiiiicil h} (it‘llll‘ll l‘t'lllL'N
Scottish Opera: Tosca l‘i‘\ll\.ll 'l'liiuili'c. | i 3‘) \it‘olwii Slim-l. 53‘) (illllll “.lSpiii. .\ \xi'lt'oiiii' i'i'\i\.i| ol lil|\ production ul 'l'oxi'u. “hit'll hi'iiigx I’iii‘i‘iiii'x puliliml lulu ol IXili t‘i'iiliii} Ruiiii‘ liii'uiiiil in [IN liixt'ixiii ol I‘Hllx.
SCOTTISH ENSEMBLE Queen's Hall. Edinburgh, Sat 11 Dec; Strathclyde Suite, Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow, Fri 17 Dec.
lull. .lllii iil\lllli‘lll_'. \iii.:li | ail-:K linilimlioii ml \iilhwrij. Ht‘xlik I‘llfill‘..‘.. i‘llliilltlll‘li RH“ liiigci loll: lll lh; iiiiitih ml lhm.’ who clitoiiiilt'i ll
I Childline Christmas Concert
l \hci Hill. I «»llii.:li Road. :3\ ll“
" :‘lillll L" '5' Lili'illi'ii yum: lllU\l\|ilH\.1H\1\lliyk'l\lll‘ill.1\lll\\ l'iliiihuigh ioiii llvj;i'llii'i lo tt'ii'hmlq (‘hililluic'x l\ih hiilhilajl. in ('hililhiii' \nllniill
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (Jiii'i‘iiK|. (lull. \uct-l, lili\ Illl‘l
_ illpiii \( 'l ) [‘lllk iiml li.lllll\l \1l\l‘ll \Iiithi'll l‘t'lll‘lllh \lo/.iil\ ( or. . l.'w ‘r l). .l\ \wll .l\ l .iiiii' .illli \li‘iiili'lwohii. uiiiiliii'li‘il h} l’.iiil \li'ii'i
I Dundee Chamber Music Club \liixii’ (.k'llllk'. Iii-ll \lici'l. HI “I *1; Ill“ " ‘llpiii Ullbli I \li'i‘iiit'il ll‘l hi'i pi'ixoiml .ippilmi'h .iiiil \k'|l\t' ol lllll\l\.li i‘h.ii.ii'li'i. pmiiixl \iijgi'ln Itilmuuilyc pin-n Hi‘i'lhmi'ii. (‘hopiii .iiiil [\l‘llllt'lll |.i'i§_'lilliii
I Tippett Centenary RS \.\ll ). lllll Ri‘iili'mi Slii‘i'l. “3 SUV Ipiii U» i Mi ()lli‘ ol th' \lgiix ol lhi' “lllhii pi.iiio \t'ciii'. l’i‘li'i’ |)liiiu|ioi' pi‘i‘xi'iilx .iii liiii‘igiiiiig pi’ogi‘uiiiliic ol civic .‘lllh i'i'iiiiii'} i‘i'pi'i'lliii‘i‘. Illixx' ciiiolinimlh
Their December performances have been described as Christmas concerts without the tinsel. But while there may be no shiny superficiality in Scottish Ensemble concerts, they do have a rather special atmosphere. This year‘s programme — ‘Transfigured Night by Candlelight‘ - takes as its starting point ‘Verklarte Nacht‘ by Schoenberg. ‘lt‘s always a bit of a dream to do Schoenberg's “Transfigured Night“ as it‘s such a wonderful piece,‘ says the Ensemble‘s artistic director Clio Gould. ‘People just love it when they hear it. It's not a Christmas story as such, but follows a romantic, bittersweet poem running through it. There‘s a kind of moody atmosphere.‘
The alchemy of night and candlelight started to suggest a theme and Mozart‘s ever popular piece of night music - ‘Eine Kleine Nachtmusik‘ — was an obvious choice. ‘It‘s a bit like planning a menu in that you want music that complements and balances,‘ explains Gould. Next up was Bruckner‘s ‘Adagio‘ from his String Quintet. ‘lt‘s incredibly beautiful,‘ says Gould ‘and can easily stand on its own.‘
For Clio Gould, the programme marks her last Christmas as artistic director of the Ensemble. Other commitments have grown over the 12 years she has been at the helm and deciding to move was not easy. In these years, the Ensemble has been a huge part of her working and personal life. ‘It‘s given me some of my best musical experiences, my dearest friends and my husband. It's family,‘ she says. And in the best of traditions, it‘s all being kept in the family as Gould‘s husband, violinist Jonathan Morton, who she met through the Ensemble, will take over the position of artistic director. ‘lnstead of me bashing his ear about it, it will be the other way round.‘ she says. ‘But I hope that I might be invited back as a
guest.‘ (Carol Main)
Olly-givinl \ \ slink “numb .:.iil muslin-morn \ .1
lslt ~‘.«‘!i\\ l\\ IX"..\\\ “unintitx flit
.i‘i\\l. “. \\‘\\\‘I|l‘\
[7 l‘v\k /\)v\;r\ I Edinburgh University Wind Band Kciil ( oiiti‘ll “ah. I iliiihuighl lll\\‘l\li\.
Hileu \iiii.ii.1 ’Nl a o_ ' zl'i‘ui 1*
-: 1' \ll i-iili'il,iiii;ii-.' pinpi.:iiiiii.' of
I Faculty of Advocates Christmas Concert (Jun-ilk Hall. (lull. \uccl. NW .‘lll" \i‘lii lli‘t' Hi." i .itiill} ( ill‘ll it'llllll lni lhi'ii liiiilh .iiiiiiml twiiti'il ill \.lll‘i\ illlki(ihll\1lll.l\ i.-.iilii:§.:\
I Friends of the RSNO Lunchtime Concert \l ('iilhhcil\ ('huit h. * It‘lill.1ll Ix’imil. Hill :3“ {MN I: l‘iliii U \lx'llli‘k‘l\ ol lh.‘ Royal \uilixh \ ()ii hi‘xli.i [\‘llllllll \‘.l'lt\\ l\_\ Iti'i'lhmi'ii. “ll/Al .iiiil lx‘i'i/i'lixiciii
I Royal Scottish National Orchestral \lli‘l l|.il|. I nilimn lx’iull. .‘3\ ll“ “ illpiii Lll ill :3" \I.iiiii \lwi‘ iliii'ilx I l:'.ii\ llll'\lll_‘._' ( . ".l
r. \Kllll ti'llixl \il\.i \\\'ll\"|\l\'lll. .iliil It'li.ilkll\\k\\ MHz/l/iuui \u 3 Pic t‘oiit'i'il Lilk .il l» lgi‘lll
( will i If:
I Something There I .i\i;.:.iii- llli'Jlli‘. l.i\l;;.ili'. lll")! "3* "a “ illiiiii 'A it") (‘uiili'iiipoi.ii_\ i‘niiipmci .iiiil wilt: \iiili‘i l).i\iil l‘.iii| .lllllk'\. \\|]H\L' lll\lllll Hi .iii loiiiix lt'l‘lk'\i'lll\ .i iinlioii ul .lll\ \\ll|llll|l hoiiiiilaui'x. [‘li‘\k'l1l\ill\ Illll.‘ \ilii‘lx ,\I’III( Ill/Hz: //n It . .i ximlw lllll\|\.li C\Pllll.lllllll ol whim} .iiiil l.l|ll.l\_\. l\.l\k'\l \‘H .i Pl‘t‘lll h) Saiiiiii-l Iti'i‘ki‘ll
Saturday 4
I The Kelvin Ensemble lliiii- ll.i|l. [lint-ml} oi (il.i\;_'u\\. l'iiiwixil} .\\ciiiic. Fill ill”) “. illpiii UiSll lL-l.5lli. ltmh.” l.iilii;i i'oiiiliii'lx .i [ici‘lol'limllt't' lil .l'.l_\ lol \ //Ii' .\l'i il/i \ ()\( Him lSi'uiiixh l‘ii'iiiii'ii'i. .\lo/.iil\ \III/lllllll' (lull ( I'll/lily lu/ i/u/m imi/ lIU/ll. ;illil Hiulllih‘ i'i'xolillc .\\IH/’/ll'H\ \u 3.
I Ken ('ullii'i' l'hi‘ulit'. ‘H “5 H\iiil|.iiiil Sli'ci'l. Nil 552:. ". lupin, Unis) 'im» lid} l‘;l\\ L"). Sn l'.iilli‘;il i'uiliplm'lx \Hlll \l\ mu \\l\l'i\\ .lt'lll\\ ixiu ll.l_\\, S.iiiiiil.i_\ \i‘i'x ('oliii Hiiiuiii. (Lil'i'lh \\ l”|.llll\ iiiiil .luliii ili' Siiiioiii‘ lolloxwil \lll Siiiiil.i_\ hx l‘cli'i l)l‘\\ lllifJ. .luhii ll;ii’i’i\ and HM ill l'i‘iiiii'xx}.
I Glasgow Chamber Orchestra RS \.\l|). lllll Rciilii-u Slit-cl. “I ‘0‘“. Npiii. LN H5 l. l’i‘lci’ ("\iili‘_\ii .lllllL'\ i'oiiilut'lx ,i pi'iloi’iii.iiii‘c ol Siluth
()lf I'lllll In /)/i I /( ill I'Hlu'lfl. lh'liiix‘
im i;il .\/( IL'II li‘ii/l . cut-i‘plx ll'lllll lliiiiipi-i'iliiit'k'x iii-ligghlliil Ilium / lull! (in /( / and .i \i'li-i'lioii lllllll
'l i'li.iil\o\ \k} \ lxilli-l \lllli‘x
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rli_\.il (‘oiit'i'i'l Hull. 3 Siiiit‘hii-hull Sli’i‘i‘l. ‘5‘ Milli) {I ‘ 9-35 ".Rlliiiii. Sci- in i
I Two’s Company (Lilli-i} ill \lnili-in \il. :[illi l‘i‘cc .il illmi'. Hi't'loi Scull Hll \ioliii. \iilh Shiiiohii \Iiki on t*|.iiiiit~l iiiiil .liili.i l._\l]\'|l on [H.lllll. iii ;i \t‘lk‘L'lll‘ll ol l]L'\\ iiiiixit' iii lhc pimcriu‘ ol ll\ t‘oiiipmcix. .\|l .ii’c \it'lt'oiiii'. iiii'liiiliiij: t'liilili‘cii.
Scottish Opera: Tosca l U\ll\.li 'l lit-.ili‘i'. I) 3‘) \it‘olwn \lii'cl. ‘3‘) (ililili “,lipni Si-c Hm I. I Boot RL'lii (illllt’i'l'l [ziliiihiii‘gh l'iiiu‘i‘xil}. Hl'hln Siiiiai'c. of“ lel". "Kllpiii. l‘i‘cc. ('oiilciiipui‘.ii‘} \ioi‘kx h} c\l,ihli\hi'il poiiipmcix. xiiiilciilx .iiiil \ldll ol lhcl lll\L'l\ll_\ ol [ziliiihiii'gli including'liciiiii;iiiii\ \L‘ilL‘lIiClil Kim/i rx/m l and l‘clci \clwiik illlllllll'illh \Ii Iimum I Handel’s Messiah Si .\l.ii‘} K llpht’fli‘di (Killiciliul. l‘.iliiihiii‘g_'h. Nth Illl‘). "pin. £5 LII. \lullhcxi (mt-m coiiiliit'ix lhc cgilhcilml t‘iil‘ll'. \llilll\l\ and
Nigel Kennedy iii an“: lizvr" il‘ii'l7:33.-‘ fry’r» i\~_>'l'il* :, ~,',.tli thy illf3l‘l1’l.ll"i‘ll"(lll‘fl‘txtlit'llit iili illiil‘il'li' AT Vth l. .il.\\il.'lit‘f»_ s‘ol‘ia- (if .'.hi_ h it‘.i’i'.i'l‘ :"i lit:- ‘.'llilll)t%\>‘.’l()llllifli'f1lilfvtflilllllil'i lily» Sixilllsli yolilwits lili' illi‘ Mill in. Mfr. oi ital! on (ill night :ltoii 1 ll\' lull!
( 131W}! //i'1l‘i, [ili‘l'll’i‘il'l,'i., SJ“ .‘r I )l.“. ,. Hoia/ (Xi/ti ‘N'l / {ll/i. (insulin-.1. luv 1' [)(Fl’j,
Tosca Scottish ( li will}; Filliihuigh luli gralt; iiilli It: Sill ll?- ".Vlill tho com; mug“. :stiirii lllli’; lifVlYill ol Allil‘wflll‘, Hi mall's [Jl'()(illliill)l‘. ol Pliocilu's i) lusiolmli: tail: of lilo (lllll low. first soon ill 1087). Updated from Home at lhl: turn of tho lEilh century ll: Mussoliiii's fasmsl l‘i-‘nls: Hill}. ll really is uiiiiiissiil )li:. [ill/iiiulgli fesliiz’il fliozill‘o, lliii ;‘ ‘.‘ ‘. lop/iv, Sal -1, 7M) 7, Mil F). Sal ,7 7 Ulfl‘l
Steven Osborne illi’.l'l‘(ill)!l;. free of Charge opportunity lo hm! lhis fz'ihuloi s ‘,oulig Scollish l)l(llllSi in Messiaoii's l/i/igl Raga/(15; sul'l Ulla/ll Jesus. our: ol the most iiiiixirlaril iiiaiio works; of the Qillh century Osborne's (ll) of the piece. l'()i(3118(3liEl’IOlll)ll:0i ‘-,1l-:arsag'). was met .‘Jlii‘. slaggei‘iiig praise. ll's own-r two hours long. ‘.‘.'lli‘GLlI internal, and lickels are esseiitial. Call l’) l .11 Grill JUGS) 2. (.3!;1sgo.‘. l/rw/la'sMi/ CO/li’Qe’J’l l-la/l. l‘r; lo Doe.
llit' i lllill\ “Jillklllk' ( 'h.iiiihi-i ()ii ll\'\ll.l lll .i pamllchl Pi'lllllllldllx c ul Il.iiiili-l\ jgloiiuiix ll: will];
I New Edinburgh Orchestra \it'olwii Mimic \Ik'lhlllll\l (‘hiiii h. 3* \iiolwii \iiimii'. NW I‘ll‘l ' lLl L ii Ix’.i\i'l\ lllllltdlt' I: lulu/u rm 4/:
' gllpiii U»
(mi/u Ill} 1\ ioiiiiili'iiii'iili'il h} l)\\ Jl/i \ini/u'w/ii. ‘.‘.llil Hk‘dlllhil .iiiil Hillkil. poiiiluili-il h} liiii l’.i\loii
Glasgow I Ken ('ullii-i 'l hCJHt'. ‘I4 ‘5 llj.iiill.iiiil Sli'ci'l. ;ill ‘53: - H’plll U» If.;l 'lmi
{Ll} [xiv U) \i'i' \ll 4
Nigel Kennedyl \lli‘l ll.ill. l.lllill.lli Rl'dti. 33‘ l 15*. — illpiii Ll< L ill 'lhi- [‘Ul‘llidl ‘.|llillll\l \hilh [ilk' hi: [\i'iwimlil} clinics in [UV-ll xx iili lhc lii\h (‘liaiiihi‘i ()i'thcxli'u illl .1 pi'ogi.iiiiiiic ol illfJil ot'luiii- \imliii l.l‘~llllllli'\ l’i‘c tniit'cil lull. ill’l.1(l[‘lll. ll'i'L‘ in [lxixk'lhlllllk'l\
'- THE LIST 105