
I Jazz@|.unch so Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5097 2 5pm l.unchtrme ja/l with the 80 Queen Street piano trio kids w elcome. I Cathie Rae’s Flow Experience Henry ‘s Ja/l ('ellar. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200, 8.30pm. £0. Scc ltrt 3.

I Groove Diggaz Henry 's Ja/l ('ellar. 8 Morrison Street. 4b7 5200. Midnight. Ur. .-\ dose of the funk from lidinbtirgh's premiere heayyw eight sotil outfit. featuring yocalist 'l‘ony King and the talents of Martin Kershaw on s;t\.


I Jazz Brunch with Bobby Wishart 8. Friends (‘ale Source. I St Andrew 's Square. 548 (i020. Noon. £7.95 lrncluding brunch and tea or coffee I. Leading sasophonist \Vislrart arid friends proy ide tlte perfect soundtrack to a rela\ing Strnday brunch.

I Kenny Paterson Merchant's ('orner. l8 John Street. 552 380l.

5 8pm. l‘ree. A new talent on tlte Scottish ja/l scene. l’ateisorr proy ides smooth sotil and swing yocals.

I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (irosyenor 'l‘errace. 34l (i5lo. 7.30pm. l’r‘ee. Hosted by tlte New Blues Surfers with contributions from Sttidio ()ne regulars such as Rey Doe and the Nimmo Brothers.

I The Big Chris Barber Band 8. George Melly Royal (‘ttltc‘ct'l “till. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 3.53 8000. 7.30pm. £|(i.50 £22.50. The Big (‘hris Barber Band is joined by (ieorge Melly and High) lirirw'eather‘s Half-Dozen for a night of traditional ja//.

I Nigel Clark and Friends (‘afe (‘ossachok. Rtissian (‘ultural Centre. l0 King Street. 5530733. 8.30pm. £5 (£3). The acclaimed Scottish ja/l guitarist presents a contemporary ja/l selection. with special guests.


I JazzGLunch 80 Queen Street Bar and Restatrrant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5097. 2 5pm. See Sat 4.

I Mike Rogers Trio The Waterline Bar arid Bistro. 58 The Shore. l.eith. 554 2425. 3 5.30pm. Free. Qtrality ja// trio fronted by y‘ocalist Mike Roget's.

3:3 The Bad Plus Queen's Hall. (‘lerk Street. 008 20l9. 8pm. £14 (£12). lithan ly‘ersen. Reid Anderson and Date Kiitg ntake tip this radical and iny'entiy‘e piano trio. Sec prey‘iew.

I Paul Towndrow Quartet Henry's .laH (‘ellar. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Vibrant jazz standards aitd asstrred originals from the pen of gifted alto-samphonist 'l‘ow ndrow.

I Paul Kirby Trio ()xygen Bar & (lrill. 3 5 Infirmary Street. 557 9997. 9pm midnight. liree. liyening session led by pianist l’atil Kirby. featuring Keyin (ilasgow on bass and Bill Kyle on drums.

I Three in One Hurttart Be-ln. 2r 8 West (‘rosscauseway. bli2 8800. 9pm. New night at the Be In featuring the smooth. weekend sounds of this cool piano. bass aitd drums trio.

Monday 6


I Michael Simons 'l‘chai-Qy‘na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. (llingU\V'hllSCkl guitarist playing folk. blues and beyond.


I Guest Bands Night Nektar. 253 (‘owgate. 557 2780. 9pm—midnight. l-‘ree. Brand new night with different Jazz. bands showcasing their talents every week.

I Jam Session 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5097. 9pm—midnight. Free. Open session with the Dayid Patrick Trio cotne artd play or come to hear a whole load of new talent.

Q. r \L y;


Keith Tippett has been at the forefront of free improvisation in the UK since the heady days of the late 60$. Now the pianist makes an all too rare foray north of the border to team up

with the increasingly ambitious Burt MacDonald Quintet on their home ground in Glasgow. (Kenny Mathieson)

The Burt AllacDona/d Our/trot nit/i hurt/i fin/tort ("til a: the Cl Di. (5


711 Glasgow lmprovisers Orchestra (‘(‘:\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 8pm. £8 lL'bl. Refreshingly unique semi- structured compositions and spontaneous free improy isations from this ensemble of 25 likeminded musicians from diyerse musical backgrounds including. ja/l. contemporaray classical and ay'aitt/experirnental pop.


I The Big Chris Barber Band & George Melly l'sher Hall. l.othian Road. 228 1 I55. 7.30pm. {l7 £21. See Sun 5.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ()xy‘gen Bar & (lrill. 3 5 Infirmary Street. 557 9997.

9pm ~midnight. l’ree. Drummer Bill Kyle's latest grouping. featuring Doug Tiplady lsases). Paul Kirby (piano) and Key'in (‘ilasgow (bass).

I Delta Croft Revue Nektar. 253 (‘owgate. 557 2780. 9pm midnight. Free. Western Swing. Blues and Folk-a- Billy as Stretch and liw'an do their thing.

Wednesday 8


I Stardust: The Hoagy Carmichael Story (‘iti/ens' Theatre. l l9 (iorbals Street. 429 0022. 7.30pm. £l4 (£3 rm. Dave Anderson and Day'e Macl.ennon present a sentimental journey through the life attd work of the great American songwriter.


:11 Phil Bancroft Quartet Henry \ Jan Cellar. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £8. The acclaimed tenor saxophonist tours witlt his band. promoting their new recording. ‘Headlong'.

I Chaos Theory Nektar. 2S3 (‘owgate. 557 2780. 9pm~midnight. l-‘ree. ()riginal funky four-piece playing liy e improy ised jazz and standards.

Glasgow I RSAMD Academy Brass Glasgow University Concert Hall. l'niyersity

:\\L‘llllt‘. 330 4092. |.l0pm. tree. from classical to ja//. serious to lunatic. the Brass return from a triumphant totir ol (‘hina to perform works by composers such as ('lai‘ke. 'l'ui'itage and Parker.

I Stardust: The Hoagy Carmichael Story ('itl/cns‘ 'l‘lreatre. l l‘) (ioi‘bals Street. 4290022. ".30pm. [I4 043 (to. See “ed 8.


I Malcom MacFarlane 8. Lynne O’Neill and Macfarlane, Caribe 8. Gordon. Henry ‘s Ja// (‘ellaiu 8 Morrison Street. 4o" 5200. 8.30pm. t5. Double bill of great liy e ja// w ith l.y ime ()'.\'ctll atrd Malcolm Macfarlanc in intimate duo setting and the catchy grooy es of a new trio featuring Maclitt‘lane on guitar. Mario ('aribe on bass and Tom (iordon on drums.

I Freddie King Quartet .\'ektai. 253 ('owgate. 557 2780. 9pm midnight.

l'lree. SL‘L‘ ll)“ 2.


I Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra (‘lyde .»\trditorium. l-‘innieston Quay. 40" 5200 7.30pm. £25.50. Holland and his Rhythm'n‘Blues ()rchestra ptiiit their latest album of family -friendly RRB. swing and pop standards which features guest \ocal appearances from trusty Sam Brown. Ruby 'l‘tirner and es en \ick ('aye.

I Stardust: The Hoagy Carmichael Story ('iti/ens‘ 'l‘lteatt‘c. l l‘) (ior'bals Street. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. {l-l M3 Uri. SL‘L‘ \Vctl S.

I Amateur Surgery Bastira Blanca. Brunswick Hotel. Brunswick Street. 552 000i. 8pm. £5. [)1 Jonty Kenton skillfully fuses the liy e improy sounds of BBC Rising Star 2004 nominee. guitarist Day id ()kumo. and fellow Jade his band member. percussionist 'l'om Skinner. with cuts. beats and scratches on the decks at this special gig presented by Zig/ag Jan.


I Edinburgh Underground Jazz The l.ch Bank. 37 ('iuthrie Street. 225 307.5. 9.30pm. l'TL‘L‘. Sec l‘l’l 5.

I John Rae New Jazz Henry 's Ja// ('ellar. 8 Morrison Street. 4o" 5200.

8, 30pm to l)itiitiiirei .loliii Rae leatuies the talents ol Ryan ()iii;.'ley. Konrad

\\ is/iiiewski. Martin Keisliaw. l’aiil Harrison and \idaii ( l'lloiiiiell

I Las Soneras llciiiy ‘s .|.i// ('ellai. S Morrison Street. llrfi 5200 \lidiiiglil !_5 llie sensational Bia/ilian r.i// band take lltc classic \lio (‘tiltan Son sound through a llll\ or original material and traditional sounds


I Scott Annison Quartet lliel.

39 -1‘~.\slitoii I am: 312 49ml l ltt‘lll l'ice llie young trombonist leads his quartet through some iiiaiiistieaiii iax/ \l.tlltl.’tllls.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar ISS Buchanan llotel. l85 Buchanan Street. “2 "lol. lllplll. l lt‘t‘ St't' \tl ~l

I Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra ( lydc .\tiditoi'itiiii. l‘llllllt'slllll Quay. 10' 7.30pm. £25.50 See l'll l0

I Stardust: The Hoagy Carmichael Story (‘iti/cns’ lliealie. ll‘l ( ioibals Street. ~12‘Hlll22 Spin LI 112.3 {to Sec \\k'tl 5.

sjl lll


I Jazz@Lunch 80 Queen Sheet Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 220 50‘)". 2 5pm. See Sat 4

I John Rae New Jazz lleiiiy \ .la// (‘cllai. 8 \loi'i'isoii Street. ~10“ 5200

8. 30pm. Lb. See l‘ll IN.

I BOQSt House Band 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 22b 5097 ‘Ipiii iiiidiiiglit lice SL‘L' Sat -l.

I Rumba Caliente lleiiiy \ ,l.i// ('ellai'. S Morrison Street. lo“ 5200 midnight to Si\ [‘lL'ct' band led by Salsa ('eltica ti'uiiipetei 'loby Shippcy. proyidiiig the finest in hot raunchy l.atiii

\t tlltltls.


I Kenny Paterson Merchant’s ('ornei'. I8 John Street. 552 380i

5 8pm. l'rec. Scc Stiii 5.

I Big Blues Jam Studio (me. (irosycnor 'l'ei‘r'ace. 34l li5lli. ".30pm, l‘t'L’L‘. See .Slttt .5.

‘1 THE LIST 103