
I Hill City Blues Studio ()nc. (ilH\\t'llHl 'lcriacc. HI 05“) ‘lptn l‘tcc lilllL'S.


I Jam Session SH ()uccn Sticct Bat and Rcstaurant. Sll (Jticcn Strcct. 33o 5ll‘)7. ‘lpm midnight. l't'cc ()pcn \t'\\ltlll \kllll thc l)a\id l’atrick 'l‘rio comc and pla} oi comc to hcar a \kllHlL' load ol ncxx talcnl

Tuesday 23


I Lunchtime Jazz Ritllhllnlll ’l hcatrc. US Ingram Strccl. 553 USU I I5 3pm U l.i\c |.'t// pcilormcd h} \llltlL‘tll\ ol thc l'nncrxit} ol Stralhchdc.


I Allan Jones and Fraser Spiers l.cit|i l-olk (‘Iiilx lhc Villagc. South l-ort Strcct. 47% “Ill. 7. illpm. £5. ltnlct’latntncnt cottt'tcx} ol thc top qtialit} hliicxmcn.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ()\}gt'ii Bar & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 0007, 0pm midnight. l'rcc. Hrttmtncr Bill K}|c'\ latcxt grouping. lcaluring Dong liplad} l\;t\t'\l. l’atil Kirh) ipianot and Kcun (ilaxgoxi ll1;l\\l. I Delta Croft Revue Nc-kiar. 35* ('oxxgatc. 557 37th. 0pm midnight l'rcc, \chtcrn Suing. Blncx and l'lllh'il’lllll} ax Strctch and linan do lhcir thing.

Wednesday 24


I Finlay MacDonald Band lzdinhtirgh l‘ollx ('ltth. (‘aharct Bal‘. (ill 'l‘hc l’lt‘éhilllt't'. (350 334‘). Spin. to 1935 l. Bringing togcthcr thc tiglitcxt ol ia//

lunk gl'oo\c\ \\ ith hlixtcring traditional and contcmporar} tuncx on thc pipcx and liddlc,

I Chaos Theory \cktar. 353 (‘tmgatcz 557 3730. 0pm midnight. l’rcc. Scc l‘ri I‘).

I Clare Daly llcnr) '\ .la// ('cllar. S Morrison Strcct. 407 530i). .S’filhnn. £5. .\ nc\\ ia/x \ncttll\l on thc \ccnc ollct‘ing a lrcxh. irrc\crcnt takc on lamiliar matcrial. I Freddie King Quartet \c-ktar. 353 ('ougatc. 557 3780. Upm midnight. lircc. Scc 'l‘hu IX.


I Tim Williams 'l'olhooth. .lail \\'_\ nd. lll7So 3740M). 7.30pm. L'S (£5.5(li. (‘anadian hlncx lcgcnd mi\ing ancccdotcx \\ ith original muxic on cwrfihing lrom mandolin to \lidc guitar


I Lunchtime Jazz ('ra\\ l'urd 'l'hcatrc. l'ni\cr\it} ()l‘ Strathchdc. Jordanhill ('amptix. 7o Sonlhhrac l)ri\ c. 95H 3438. l.l5 3pm. l’rcc. Scc 'l'uc 33. Edinburgh

I Jan Garbarek l‘xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 33S 1 I55. Spin. [lo £33.5ll. .\'or\\cgian \a\ophoni\t .lan (iarharck hax crcatcd hix o\\n \\holl) dixtinctn c \ound \\ ithin thc _ia// gcnrc. llcrc hc pcrl‘ornh \\ ith hi\ on n quartct. Scc prc\ ic\\.

I Eduardo Niebla ()uccih Hall. (‘lcrk Strccl, (ms 30]”. 8pm. £14 it‘l3i. Scc Sat 30.

I Brian Kellock Trio llcnr} \ .la// (t‘lldl‘. S .\lorri\on Strccl. 4h" 5300. 8.30pm. £8. lidinhurgh'x intcrnationalh rcxpcctcd pianixt lcadx hi~ rcgtilar trio

\\ ith John Rac on tll‘lllll\ and Kcnn} lillix on ha“.

I Get 2 Funk (‘aharct Voltait'c. 5o 55' Blair Strch 330 MW». llpm 3am. £5 til £3). l.ocal outtit thc l"lc';iitt;tt't‘l\ct host thix club night of big band ltink thc I‘C\ltlcltl\ lill in lltc‘ ll\ c \lUl 13-1 \UH l‘olloxxcd h} local hip hoppcrx l.i\ c Scicnccx t l Dccl \xhilc DJRcdh manx thc dcckx until 3am.

I Gee, Gallo, Minetto 8. Jones SH ()uccn Sttccl Bat and Rcdatnant. \ll ()uccn Sticct. 33“ 5"‘V S Winn L— iL5i l K l‘l.tltl\l Jonathan (icc [k'l'lHlllh alongxidc l‘.t\\l\l |)anilo (iallo and dittintnci \Icwamho \ltnctto. thc ctcam ot Italian |.t//. ax part ol a tour coinciding \kllll lhc iclcaxc ol thcit ncu alhiiin ‘( ‘icatn ol .\landaiin\' \\ ith \pccial gucxt. lt'\k'lL'\l l'l\‘ \.t\lelHllI\l l'.tl ,ltlllk'\ l’lt'u'lllc‘tl h} ladinhtiigli ,la// l’ioiccl


I Dr Feelgood with special guests ‘Lights Out By Nine’ Rulhc\ llallx. Kingdom (critic. HI 5“3 (tllllll.1\|llll.‘clll L|3 l’opulai and intcrnalionallx \llcct‘\\llll l‘lll\‘\ act. iotncd h} l'ilck o\\n lx’t\B‘\lltt\. l.lj3lll\ ()ut B} \mc

Pats ey

I Kit Carey’s Jazz Band l’.it\lc\ ,-\rt\ ('cnlic. \c'xx Sllt‘k'l.1\li\fi llllll

". illpm, L55ll t t V5lli. \ctciam ol lhc (ilaxgou |a// \ccnc. thc \l\ piccc hand pcrlorm l)i\icland llll\ and lL‘\\ \xcll knimn ntmihcrx.

Friday 26


I The Fusion Experience 'l'lic Btill ('ltih. l~l3 Bath lanc. 3-1S ISST Spin. l‘rcc hclorc L'lll. illpm iL'5 altci i, Scc Hi I”.


I Vente d’ESt llcnt‘} '\ .la/l ('cllat. S .\lorri\on Strccl. Jr»? 53llll. Nillplll. U». Bc tranxportcd hack to thc original llot (‘ltih ol l-rancc ax f_'llll;tl'l\l\ lam (‘arlcton and (iraham lligh. \ iolmixt lan King and l‘;l\\l\l .lcrr_\ l-ordc comhinc claxxicx \\ ith nc\\ coinpoxitionx truc to thc g} p\_\ \\\ ing \l_\ lL‘.

I Paul Mills’ Impulse Kt) ()ticcn Strcct Bar and chtanrant. St) ()uccn Strch 336 5007. 0pm midnight. l'rcc. l‘nn lotir piccc lcd h} [S horn. |-'ilc haxcd drtnnmcr and \ocalixt .\lil|\. \xho has \uirkcd \\ ith thc :\\ cragc \Vhilc Band. ('haka Khan and (icot'gc Bcnxnn.

I Chaos Theory 'l‘hc ('cllar Bar. | ('hamhcrx Strcct. 4(i7 35W. 9pm. l’rcc hcl'orc L'lllpm. Scc l‘ri W.

St Andrews

I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra B} rc 'lhcatrc. Ahhc} Strcct. (HRH 475mm. Spin. [ l 3.50 (UH). .-\ tttt\cd programmc lrom Scotland'x hcxl hand plan-ix.


I Eduardo Niebla .litllttmllt. .lttll \\'}itd. l)l7.\'(» 374nm). 7.30pm. t'lll lULSlll. SL‘L‘ Sttl ll).


I Poindexter Quintet Brcl. 3‘) 43 :\\ltl0lt l.anc. .543 ‘rl‘lhh. 5 (\pttl. l‘rcc. (itltlttl‘hl ('ltttl'lLN RL‘tll) lL‘;ttl\ lllt\ linc mainstrcam ia// guartcl.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar INS. Buchanan llotcl. LS5 Buchanan Strcct. .553 733—1. Suillpltl. l’il'L'L'. SL‘L‘ Sat 3“.


I Jazz©Lunch SH ()nccn Strcct Bar and chlanranl. .S‘ll ()uccn Sticct. 330 50‘)". 3 5pm. Scc Sat 30.

I Freddie King Band llcnr} \ .la// (‘cllatz S .\lorri\on Strcct. MW 5300. 8.30pm. to. l'ccl-good hchop. hlucx and hallad\ impircd h} .loltttn} Hartman t'rom thc 'King ot' Scat‘ and hix nc\\ \c\cn piccc hand.

I BOQSt House Band so ()uccn Strcct Bar and chtaurant. .\'(l ()uccn Strcct. 33o 5W)". 0pm midnight. l'rcc. SL‘L‘ Sat 3”.

I Funkafize llcnr} "x .la// ('cllar. .\’ .\lorri\on Strch. 40" 53”“. midnight. to. Scc Sat 3t).

Sunday 28

kzz‘iiSI} ,

I Kenny Paterson \lc'lcli.:lll \ ( «ant-r. '.\ lolzi: \thct. 553 {\Ill 5 \1‘:'.i lrcc \c'c'\lll13l

I Big Blues Jam Studio 1 inc. ( itox‘.cii«~: lc'ttacc. ‘11h5io " 1Hpin licc~ \‘c \lil‘, 31

II? National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland ( ltan Hot. 5 il 5 :5 (iit'at \\c\tcin l\'~ ad. ‘5; SUN“ Winn L\ "5 i135” :15HI l\)lcll.tltl \lichacl tonduth a l‘c‘lli‘lllldllxt‘ ol l‘l'.‘ hand ia// l.l\«‘lllllc'\ liom ll‘il\ M‘tllt‘; hand. \\llll :‘llt'\l liomhonid \l.tll\ Baxxc}

I Laura Macdonald plays Cole Porter lion llicatic. oi lioncalc. 553 H 5') to 5W lx’oiiianlic lioiiiacc \\llll .1\|‘lllt'llll‘i‘l.ll_\ l\\l\l to thc :icat \lllt'llcdll witcmitci liom llll\ [‘Hl‘tllal \.t\o[\llottc \lal

I Alania (alc (auxic hok. lx’tixxtan ('tiltiital (critic. Ill lung Sticct. 55‘ it“; \ illpm L5 \ct- Sun 3'.

13h“ \pm L


I Jazz@Lunch \ll (Just-n Sticct Bat and lx’cxtatiiant. \ll ()uccn Sticct. 33“ 5ll""

3 5pm \cc Sat 3"

I David Milligan Trio lIt-nrx \ Ia/x ("cllar .\ \loiiiwn Sticct. 1o" 53””

.S illl‘lll L5 l’l.tlll\l \lilligan l\ iomcd h} l‘.t\\l\l lom l )iic and ditmimct loin Bancioll tot lunk) |.i// ma llt'll‘lt' Hancock ('liic l (‘oica \t_\ lc

I Paul Kirby Trio ( )\}gt'ti Bat .\ (illll. i 5 lnliimai} Slicct. 55“ ‘l‘l‘V

“pm midnight l tcc Scc Stilt 3|

Monday 29


I Rev Doc 8. the Congregation Sltidio ( )nc. (iltt\\t‘lltll lciiacc. HI ()5 lo 9. illpm. licc. liad Rth \\llll [\lcnt} harmonica action.


I Guest Bands Night \x'klul. 35‘ ('o\\gatc. 55“ 33S”. llpm midnight l'tt'c Scc Mon 33,

I Jam Session Sll (‘lllL'L‘ll Sltccl Bat and l\)t'\l;tlll';tlll. SH ()ticcn Sticct. 330 5H0” ‘)pm midnight. l‘rcc. Scc Mon 33

Tuesday 30


I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ()\)gc'ii Bai' tk (irill. 5 lnlirmar} Sticct. 55" “WP. ‘lpm midnight. l'rcc, Scc MN

SL‘L‘ lth 3.

(lmgatc. 55" 3W”. “pm midnight l'icc.


I Pat Kane 'l'olhoolh. .lall \\}ttd. lll “Sh

3"-1lltlll, S. illpm {l ‘5”, lltc c\~llugh and

('r_\ mcmhcr tcamx up \\llll |.t//

lllHtlL‘llll\l\ Button l’p lot an cwmng ol

quirk} co\cr\ mi\cd mth ncu \cll pcnncd

Wednesday 1


I Chaos Theory \cldat. 351 ('tmgaitz 55" 3W0, ‘lpm midnight l't'cc, Scc hi I”. I Open Mic llcnr} \ .la// ('cllai. S .\lorri\on Sticct. ~10" 53llll, S. illpm. L5 .\ chancc lot thpll'lllg‘ lllthlclttlh and \ingcrx to pcrlorm \\ ith 'l‘odd (iordon and thc

l)a\ id l’atrick lllU. p|ca~c cmatl opcnmicln‘ toddgordoncirm il )ou arc intcrc\lcd in taking part.


I Freddie King Quartet \ckiar. 25? (‘oxxgatca 55~ 37S“ 9pm midnight. l‘t'cc. Scc 'l'lm IS.

I Trianglehead chr} \ Ja/l (‘c-llar; H .\lorri\on Strcct. Jo" 53”” S. illpm. L5. 'lrio tcaturmg .\lartm Kcrdtau on \a\. Paul llarrixon on piano'lccp and Stuart Ritchic on drums. [‘la}tttg hard. lad mu m t1\l\‘\\llltl\\ll\h-(V\L'lll.

Events are listed by date. then City. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 18


I Vin Garbutt \t \ndicu K in thc Stitiatc, oll Saltmatkct, St \ndtcu '\ \ticct. 51S (ill_‘ll \l‘ltl L" d5: \ctcian notthcin l nglixh lolk \lllt‘t‘l. tomcdian and \\lll\llt' pla_\ct

l. dinbtirgh

I Eric Bibb l‘hlt‘t‘llS llall. ('lcik Sttcct. (MS 3lll" 3 Nlpm Llo 5” \n .lkl‘ll\ll\ \ct liom tltc lll.t\lt‘l hlttcxlttalt \kltuxc mllucntm l.ttl‘.‘t‘ liom tlic \ll\\l\\ll‘l‘l llclla through l tiiopc to \ll|\.t

I Out of the Bedroom \\a\cil\ Bat. \l \l.tl_\ -\ \llt‘t‘l. 33“ \533

‘lpm midnight ()pcn imt \t'\\li‘ll loi ldinhmgh haxcd \oii;'\\iilci\

Friday 19

Cl; tsg }( )W

I Ceilidh Dance St \Iltltcu \ Ill lllt‘ \t|ll;llt‘. oll Saltmaikct. St \tlill\'\‘- '\ Sticcl. “I ‘So .\ 1" 3-1" Slim midnight l." it5i \ltixit liom thc l )\\.l\lllll.ll\

I Ceilidh Dance lx’i\ci\idc (‘lttlx lo\ Sticcl. 3-13 ill-l Spin Ur \lll\|c liom l\’cll lt'll


I Michael Marra St Biit|c\ ('cnttc. ()l\\t'll Iciiacc. Ho l-lll5 .S lllpm tS lLlH. l)tlndcc\ pocl latitcatc ol lhc piano \ htillianl wngmitci

if’ Heat the Hoose .\\\L'Illl\l_\ lx’otimx. (it-oigc Sticct. 33S l I55 S Ill illpm

L l 5 it I” l; *3. Iamil} llclxt'll ()pcnmg conccrt ol Ill/(Ill 3IIU-J. \\ ith ('hailic \lt‘Kt'iiiiii i( apcicaillici and lt|\ hand ol top lltltllt'H lll Scxxion .\‘). and thc all \xomcn ('lotid ‘l'x contcmpoiai} talc on (iacltc ll;ltllllUll\. including lllt' Highland \a\ophonc.

I Kimmo Pohjonen and Bongshang ()ticcn'x llall. (‘lctlt Sticct. (MS 3lll‘) Spin. Ll i iLl ll. \lntant a\ant gaidc accordion lrom I'mland\ timqttc lllthlt'ldll/[k'lltll‘lllttllct' .tl'll\l. plux liittl\_\ Shctland pop lolk

Ceilidh Dance .v\\\cmhl_\ Knotttx (icorgc Sticct. 33S 1 I55 ‘Ipm lam LS iUii, l)ancc lllll\lc lrom llaclann l’lacktim 'licltct Inclttdcx Scsxion and ()[K'll Slétg't‘ l’at‘l Hl llr/r/lr‘ 3””!

I Callum’s Ceilidhs .\lttiia_\ licld \Vandcrcrx Rugh} (‘lnh \ltiii';i}lit-lil Stadium. llS-15 35" HW5 "pm midnight L" it'5i. .\lll\lc liom l,a\l 'liam 'lac :\cllcn\llttgglc.


I Burach \lacRoht-n ('cnltc. l’nncrxit'x ol Stirling. UPS!) turmoil Ill ‘llpm lam. {H.5ll iL5i. l2lcctiic ccilidh cnct‘g} lrom tltc cclcctic Scots hand

Saturday 20


I Eduardo Niebla (iilmoichill(i l3. l'iti\ci\It_\ ,-\\cntic. Hll 5533. A illpm

t' l3 it llll. \irtuow llamcnco and g} px} ia/I. comhmcd \I. ith :\rahtc. Indian. and l.atm c'l;t\\lc;tl lllllSIL ttlllltcnccx lrom onc ol Britain'x linc\l lelllttl'l\l\.

I Ceilidh Dance Rncrxidc (‘ltilx l'o\ Strcct. 34S ilJJ. Split. U). Scc lit 1‘),



Lee .<' THE LIST 97