I Sons and Daughters and Mother and the Addicts l lian \loi. " ll " ii (llt'Jl \\L'\lt‘lll Rinnl. 555 “NW \lllll
t~ 5” luo hiillianl \tolllxh hand\ on t'llL' L‘la dt-limng hill (ht-kl. lln\ on! II] a gun! in: Hymn-
I Tom Crae Kin: 'lulk \\ah \\ah llul. ZHZaSIVmu'nlSlim-1.3M 53") \pm
l_ I: 5” \t't' 'l hu 25
I Babe-e-Dox Collective \ld'hlnll'x. lll High \nt't'l. 553 3| *5 ‘lpm lit-c \lad punk. dium ,\ haw. L'lt'tlll‘ and honw lionl llnx lotal hand I Frank O’Hagan lln' \tona Ital. ll.‘ \lotkucll \llccl. 553 \(\\l ‘lpin llL'L' Mr I ll l”
I Lee Paterson, Mr William Bates, Peter Martin and TheRisingSon. Sit-1cm. l~l Kchmhaugh \nt't'l. Ill 55h” ‘lpm t i. 'l ln\ lil lo lllll\l llllk' up it'pn'xt'nh \oint- ol the llllL'\l .it'lx noikmg lllt' l\.ll\ and t Inhx ol lhc t n} thl nou
I Patrick Porter, Down the Tiny Steps and TheRisingSon Slut-o. l-l Kclnnhaugh Slit-cl. III 55h” ‘lpm, U lhit-t- \Millllk'lllll at'lx liom lllL' til} '\ \Ihi‘anl nndcigionnd. l)n\\ll lhc lin} Slcpx an' twpu'iall} thalnnng.
I The Elvis Collection \l:( ‘( ‘. l'llllllt'\ll‘ll ()ua}. llXVl ll-lll Alllllll.
H35” (lo ll.llllll_\ nt'kt'l L5lll. .\ li'lhult' In lllk' klllfj (ll l’ilt‘kill'lllll. It'lllt‘lt‘ \kllll \lunmng t'oxlumt'x and t‘laxxit' loin-x,
I Charles Wood, The Big Strides and Big Hand \Vlnxllchmkn'x. -l (» Soulh lli'idgc. 55‘ 5| ll (mm. l'i’ct' ht'loit' midnighl; ti allt'i. l'unk iot‘k llom llic ltig Sli'idt-x lllllll\\t'tl h_\ npht'al \ka liom lln' llig lland,
I Horace Andy "I lic liquid Room. W \‘It'lona Slit-cl. 335 35h~l “pm. [I *5”.
A packed line-up of skate punk and hardcore will ensure there's not an
unsweaty corner of Studio 24. This tour is not dissimilar in spirit — if not scale — to the Vans Warped tour which struts its way across America each summer. This one is backed by Eastpak and is headed by veterans Sick of it All (pictured) and 7 Seconds, as well as a host of pretenders to the
()llk‘ ol .laman‘a\ Inoxl dixlmt‘nw and L'lllHlHL' dulmt‘ggac \on'cx. \k'L'll moxl Iu'cnll} pioudmg \ot‘alx lol .\la\\i\t' .'\ll£lt'l\, Sn" PILW IL'\\,
I Micah P Hinson 'l’ht- liongo ('lnh. \lHl'd} llUll\L'. 5H lli\l}l’iiiltl Road. "(ill-l. "pm. LN L'lll. llawd around lll\ hoonnng. \mokc damaged \ot'alx \xhn‘h. i'cmimxct'nl ol Smog Ul' Bonmc l’rmt'c Hill}. ht‘comc lln' lcad nixli‘umcnl lll ll\L‘ll. lidt‘kt‘ll ll} lllltlL‘l'fldlL‘ll l‘Alt‘kal'Ullllxl mnxn~ ol \llllplt' aconxnt~ guilal'x. piano and lhc occaxional drum,
I StockYard Stoics, Wasted Nation illltl Rabid Dogs Splilt‘l‘K \Vt'll (.L'llill' Bar. 258 _\loi‘n\on Sli'ccl. l“ ,i-Vl. Hpm. Lil. \cu York punkx Slot‘klai'd Sloit‘x makt' lhvn Scolnxh dchul.
I The Elephants llt-nr} \ .la// ('cllai‘. .\’ .\loi'i'i\on Sli'ct'l. Jo? 530M. nndmghl. L5 'l'oh_\ li'om Salxa (thin: and lll\ nm hand “ho hit'\\ up a hcad} mi\ ol \ka. Ian and [aim i'h}l|nn\.
I The Darkness, Ash and Do Me Bad Things Sli('(’. l’mnnwlon ()uax. ox‘o (no .iooo, "aopm. also 3mm Io and panel.
I Machine Head lial'i‘o“ land. 34-1 (iallongalc. .552 Joni. "7.3llpiii. L'I-l.5ll. lllL‘ \I‘L‘L‘tl ol llll‘;l\ll. lhc ;l:_':_'l'L‘\\lUll Ul hardcorc and lhc hca\ nn‘xx ol a do“ n» nmcd giiilarx comhmc lo make up lhc Mdt‘lllllc “Ciltl L‘\[k‘l‘lL‘ll(L‘.
I West End Show Stoppers (iilmorchillUlZ. " l'niwrxil) Mount. 33“ 5532. “30pm. ‘4" «5|. Song n'om all lhc hig \llu\\\_ including ('alx. l.c\ \liwrahlm. .\li\\ Saigon and ('hcw.
I The Primary 5 and Ally Kerr l5lll \UIL‘ (Xllt‘. 5” (ill King SII'L‘CI. 55.5 l(i_‘\.\'. 8pm. L‘lhc. li\-’l'ccnagc limt‘luh di'ummcr l’aul Quinn'x nc\\ outlil. \upporlcd h_\ lhc \\ondc1‘l'u|l_\-namcd St 111ch lnlii‘mar}.
I Croft No 5 ()ran .\lor. "3| "3.5 Great \lecrn Road. 3.53 Xllllll 8pm. (Ill. The hot (‘cllic rockcrx pcrl‘oi'm luncx from their lalt'xl alhum Iii/A or {In I'll/lint SL‘L‘ [‘I'LW lL‘\\.
I The Damned 'l‘hc (iai'agc. 400 Sauchichall Sli'ccl. 332 III”. 8pm. £13. SL‘L‘ lllll
throne like Walls of Jericho and Unearth. See Surface Noise page 86 for competition.
I El Dog Halll). _‘hll('l}dy Sllt't'l. I: ll~ll-l. 8pm, L31. lxl l)og makc \a_\ hullo again lo lllL'll happ} hand ol dmolt'm li\pu‘l lln' .IllL‘l'llallH‘
I Horace Andy King lnlk \\ah \\ah llul. 353a Sl \inu'nl Slit‘cl. Ill 53’“) 5pm.tl-1.Sccl'n3h.
Edinburgh I Lee Patterson, the Rodents and Six Hour Drive \\'In\ilchnikn~\. l o
Soull1ltrnlgo55" 5| l-l. ohm. l'lt't‘ hclon'
nndmghl; L5 .lllL'l. ('owi‘ \ong\ .md original ginlai' \oiindx
I Dismember lhc \t'nuc. [5 .‘l (allon Road. 555‘ UV}, "pin. Ll l. l‘oundt-d Ill Stockholm in NM lhxlnt'mhu \wn‘ al lhc lUl'k‘ll'Ulll ol lllt‘ dcalh mclal \u'nt' hclpmg hi’cak lhc \onnd ado“ linopc
I The Jamm and Paul Weller Experience 'l'lic llongo (‘lnlx \loi.n lll‘ll\k‘. .555 llill}l'mul Rllilkl. “NH. "pm. t'lll. .-\ n'ihulc lo lhc man} :Jlll\\‘\ ol lllL' \liitllalllt‘l‘,
I Lulu l'xhci' llall. lollnan Road. 325
l I55. "hm. L'le £3.35“. 'l‘lic St'olnxh \ingmg \cnxanon i'clui'nx lo hci' honn'land l'oi‘ hci' ‘ltat‘k ()n 'l'i'at‘k' loin.
I Mostly Autumn 'l'hc Iiaind Room. ‘lt‘ \it‘loi'ia Slim-l. 325 35h1 ~pm {Ill l’l'og lock hand n'om Yoikxhnc \\llH aic .llui lllllllL‘llL'L‘tl l‘_\ lllL' lillk\l\‘l \(lllll\l\ t‘l l‘lccmood Mac and l'an'poi'l (‘omcnnon I Level 42 ('oin l~.\t'hangc. ll \cu .\laikcl Road. 4" ‘5llll 5, illpm £1" 5” l‘.lf_‘llllt‘\ hcrom hack on lht' load again \ingmg \lllllk‘ ol lhc old la\olnllt'\ including “Running m the l-annh '. ‘lt‘monx In low. and ‘lakc a limk.
I Letrix, The Hustlers, The Audioline and Replica (‘alcdoinan Backpackcix. 3 ()uccndci‘i') Sin-cl. 47‘ "334. NFHPm. L5. \ mghl ol clt‘t'liomga. hlucx and pop
I The Underground Apes and Preston Ptanz & the Seaton Sands 'l‘ht‘ 'l'i'on. ‘l llunlcl' Squaw. High Sliccl. 32h “03 l, 0pm. {3, 'l‘hc pnmnnt- gaiagc punk ol' the l‘ndci'gi‘onnd .\pc\ loin ill: \url \oundx ol houxc hand l’imlon l’lan/ al i'h}lhm & l‘lllt‘\ cluh ltcaln lllc
Keeping Rock'n'lloll FREE Bands onstage at 10pm
DJ’s every night from 9pm playing cutting edge and vintage rock/indie.
Bate (Beat 106) - Wed and Sat
“3.55 (:1 - Thurs, Tam Coyle - Fri 31 ‘ ‘23
193-199 Bath St, Glasgow “ www.thebunkerbar.comg .