I Detroit Cobras \ra-‘rr'SlL-a/g.. ~l3l Sauthrchall Sim-I. Hill‘l‘l‘l \pm L" 5n (innd Irrnc parach rml. trnrn a tnllcttrm- that aluath uric iuxt that hit rnnrc uniting than lhu glut nt lh'unrt ath Iltal appcarcd Ill Ihc Iaxl tuu _\car\ l..I\l luv. Inla'h amrlahlc

I Senator, Alleshwindel .Illil Cezare (ilaxunv. Schnnl nl .v\rt. In" Rutlqu Sll'L'L'l. ‘5 l 45*” ‘lprn L-l lhu \I'nalnrx lilllllLll lllL'll hnldi} dchut alhurn I riruri ill/r at llll\ grcat \llltlk'lll \cnuc


I Michael Buble l \llk'l llall. l.nIhian Road. 33 ll55 "pin L3” 5” 35 )L‘dl nld \Ut'dlhl tinru \‘antnuwr \Ihn \ll'l‘ll\ tInIn 'l‘nr ()ncc III \1) Int" In 'Xlnniidanm' \iith waian grati-

I The Spill Canvas Stun-n rtnr‘nrcr'l} (ialal. 33 King\ Stallltw Road. 33‘) "lhn 7pm. £0. 'l‘hc Spill dn Ihc right thing: h} appearing; at thrx \xclluuntcd \\'c\t land

I Band Showcase \t'liixrlclirnkicx. -l (\ Snulh llrrdggc. 55" 5| l-l. ‘lpru l-I'I'c. ('all Ill adxant'c lnr a

Wednesday 24


5:? Kanye West and Talib Kweli (‘arlrng Acadunr} (ila\j_'n\\. l3l l1)_'llllj._‘lrllt Str‘cut. llH7ll TTI 3llllll, 7pm. £3.; 5H. lltc hip hop hchcrnnth trundlo rnln Inun nn Ihc hack nl ll\ lug \Inglc ‘Juxin \Valkx‘. Scc pr'm lL'\\. I Mull Historical Society ()uccn Margarct l'nrnn. 33 l'nrwr'xit} (iar'dcnx. 33‘) 0734. 7.45pm. (Ill. lhc our man \ncicl) l\ Ill \L'\\lllll nnu' again at thc (lllllllL'\\Cllllill \Iudcnt \L'llllL'.

I Jim Bob and Yer Maw King: lurk Wall \Vah llul. 373a SI \inu‘nt Sum. 33l 537‘), ‘lpin, [3. II\ the anc and nnl_\ .lInI llnh. Nn. nnI hIrn lI'nIII Ihc \Vallnnx. 'I'hc nlhcr' nnc Jun llnh. c\»nl (‘ai‘tcr Ihc l'nxtnppahlc Sm \lauhrnc. \\ rth a nun album and hunk In pi'nInnIc.

I Gwen Mcrae lllk' \uh (‘lulx 33 JarnanaSIruul. 3~1V1Ntll ‘l 1Ilprn :l‘t (nu-n \ld'rac Ihc llrllhnard \nnquurrng. IIIIllInn \cllrng. (iraIIIIIIj. nnnunalcd .(‘lllL'L'll Ill l<.llk' (ilrtr'H'I. lllt' \L'lt‘l‘lttlt‘tl ducp will and prnIn drun drxa. Ihu Rtkll. truth and Qiixpcl liIIIII;IaI_\. illj_'llllal} \ihn appcatud aI lrIpI_\th la\I )rar. wiricx at u\ nntu dj.’.llll


I Kristian Leontiou lllk' lltlllhl Ronni. ‘lt \Iglnrra Sui-ct. 335 35h~l “pin Llll lk'cp and Inh \nultul \rual\ \kllll a lllL'llIllt'llUl} cdyu

I The Hazey Janes \VI-I- Ri-d liar. ladrnhurph ('nlh‘uc nt MI. I authan l’lau'. 33‘) |~l-13 5 itlprn L-l rUi lhc l)llll(lL'L' ltllllil LL'lL'l‘lltlt' lllL' lL'lk'd‘C ill Ihcu‘ dchul l'.l’. will a llllell nt punk}. pnpp} Indrc rnt'k.

I Aled Jones l‘\llk'l llall. l nIlIIan Rnad. 333 | I55 " illprn. LIN 5H l‘rnrn WVCIL‘ “Illlxlllg‘ Ill lltL' :\II‘ in \ullw r‘l I’IUIH'. lllL‘ \\L'l\ll jJL'llllClllall ,Il\\.I_\\ \Illj_'\ right tr'nIII Ihc huar'l

I Gray Star and The Jackals lllL' llnngn (‘lulx \lnla} llnuw. V lln|_\rnnd Rnad. 55X “(ill-1.3prn. Lil. l)nirhlc lull nt mph with \PL'L'lill gume \llll In hc cnnliI'InI-d.

I The Handsome Family and Robert Fisher ()uccn'x llall. (lurk Strut-I. (inx 3lll‘l. Nprn. U3 Ll-l. \ llllell nt Indrc .v\rncr'ruana ax l.Hllt'\Illltt‘ llIgIma} pit-writ Ihc laiiiu‘ l.nun_~:c. lughhghlrngg Ihc Ialcnt nn chpcclcd l,lHl\L‘ .\lll\lk' I'L‘t‘ultlx CHILI! a lt‘\\ \ur‘pr‘rw \pu'tal gllthx

I Sub-Opt, Sharp 9, Mommy Maria 8. the Malt Bros and Special Ed llannci‘rnan‘x \Iddi'} Strut-1.55M K351. Xprn. l-r'cc. Singlc launuh part} lnr ping: lunk lhr‘coprm'u Suhl )pl iIn hcar' thc \Inglc \l\ll \\\\\\.\uh nplxnnu \xrth hack up tr'nni Sharp ‘) r|a//i. .\lnnun_\ \lai'ra & Ihc \lall llr‘nx ltunki and Special lad ldr'urn «k l\;l\\l.

Q‘Efigh With touches of Mark Eitzel, moments of Elvis Costello ° ‘3‘“ and a considerable streak of Springsteen in him, Ritter

serves up some emphatic country blend that is understated and

beautiful. His latest album Hello Starling is startling proof of this.

QMU. G/(ngOl‘.. Sat :0 I\’O‘..

90 THE LIST 7:4 .‘ l‘vc

I Blackjack Blues Band and Earthwalk \\ luxtlchznlu'cx. ~1 II \nth llrrdgc. 55" 5ll-1 Uput l rcc (iuIIar llle arid hluw Iznrn lllill u. rIli altcrnalz‘w- rntl. tznrn l arthualk

I Get 2 Funk ( alum-I \iillallc. in W lilarr Slit-ct. 33"“1‘“ l IpIII ‘ani :1 rLl L3» lmal nuItiI the l lualllalhcl hnxl llll\ I luh night nt hr: l‘aud lunk lhc rordcnh till III lllk' Inc \lnl r31 \nx- lr“.rne

I The Human League \lagrium llIcaIII'. llarhnurxidc. lll3‘t-l ll :ultl

lllprn L l 5 5“ lhc urnundhrcakrng llunIaiI l caguc lk'llllll In pcrtnrrn rnan} nt Ihcrr lalllnllx llll\

Thursday 25


I Sons and Daughters and Park Attack ( )Ian .\lnr. ‘l H *5 (ll’x'Jl \M'xtcrn Rnad. ‘55 \tlllll \prn L“ 5”

'l hc} iu\I lu't'l‘ _L‘Hlllj_' lrnrn \Irunglh In \Ircnfglh \xith Ihcl K rclcaw nt lllt‘ll duhul l l’ Inn {/14 (ii/r. with a \Irrnjg nt paylu'd Hlll hulllhll llk'dtlllllk' \lll‘\‘.\ lk'dllli‘; \\llllk'\\ In Ihcu llll\ nt nun) pnxt punk. \IIII‘IIpaIIa. tnlk and \ltaIIL'lI l.a\ \l_\lc \nnfguritrng l‘ndnuhtcdl} nnc nt lltu rnnxt curling and \IIaI hand\ In ynrnt' nut nt Synlland Ilux _\car

I Tom Crae l'\dll“_' lutk \\ah \\ah lluI. 353aSI\'Inu-nlStrut-1.3M 535‘) \prn {l3 5”. lun nrgghlx nl \\l_\ \Inggcr grail lInnI \li \lur'au. \nl In by Ittlxwd

I Martyn Joseph ('nurcr lllk'dllk‘.

‘l‘ “5 ll}ndland SII'L'I‘I. *5“ {Mix l p and unrnrnu \lllj3t'l"\tlllf3\\l'llt'l.


I The Damned lhu l.lt|llltl lx’nnru. ‘lt’

\ it‘InI‘Ia Strut-I. 335 350-1 ~pIII Ll l. luggcndar} punkx Ihc l)ainucd pull-luau lhc r'clcaxc nl Ihcu' lir'\I \llltllrl alhuru III M )t'arx. l'caturing: nriggrnal lllt‘llll‘t'h ('apIaIrI Scnxrhlc and l)a\c \anran.

I Eastpack Resistance Tour feat. Sick of it All, 7 Seconds, the Bones, Unearth, Walls of Jericho and Slapshot Sruilrn 3-1. 3-1 3!» ('alrnn Rnad. 555 V53. 5pm. Ll5. \lil\\l\k' hnc up nl dllalll} hardqu punk .tt'llrlll th-nu' lllt‘ call} tllitll'\l. SL'L' [IllHlH (aplrnn p.130 ‘H and Sur'tau' \nrw payc Kn.

I Blues’n’Trouble 'l he \L-riuc. l" 3 (‘allnn Rnad. 55" ill" 5. 5. illpnl. U). llaId r‘ni‘krn' thI'x aglrnn lI'anI Syntland'x anmcr' In the llluu lllnlhct'x.

I Rang Zen, The Big Hand, The Hustlers, Los Agostitos and Nick Middlemas lllL' liilllyii ('llllt. \lula} llnuw. 5" llnl}tnnd Rnad. 5.55 "(ill-l lllprn. Lil hclnrc llprn; t5 .1!ch l'undI'arwr' nl Inc mum and DJ \ch lnr lhc l'l'L‘L' 'l'IlIcI ('arnpaign.

I The Last Band “ludlulunluux. l (i South llr'rdgc. 55" 5| l~1. ‘lpru. l'rcc (iuiIaI I'ntl \kilh a da cduc lllllIllllletl hand \Irll llk‘ l.


I The Darkness, Ash and Do Me Bad Things Sl:(‘( ’. l‘rnnrcxlnn Qua}. iix‘ii ll-ltl .Iiiriri. ". lupin. L335u. ()ld \t'hnnl nxcr‘ ll;lllll‘tl};llll Inclal. hut hax Ihc lulu" qut your nnc \IL'P Inn tar’ Hut-III \uppan. iIIInd )nu. Scc [\lllk'l.

I Gilbert O’Sullivan ('nurcr 'l licairc. l): 05 ll_\rIdland Slit-cl. “VH3 3lll I In. «Millprn. {[5 .\ r’ct'nrdrng.‘ aruxh \Int‘c Ihc lalc (illx. Ihc Inan lwhrnd Ihc llll\ ‘('|aIr'. '.\lnnc ;\§_'ain I.\'alurall_\ i‘. (iul l)n\\ n' and ‘Nnthrng: Rlnrncd‘ nn hrx lit-rt} \'c\l ()t‘ gr'catut lIIl\ InIIr \\ IIh hrx ncu hand

I Jill Scott llat'r‘nu land. 3-H (iallnugalc. 553 Jlilll. 5. zllprn. L3H. 'l‘hc gum-n nt l’hill} ~nul Inala-x annllIcr’ appcal'angu and rt lhu l.le \xax arI_\IhIng_' In gn h}. \xc'r'c III tnr' a lr‘cal. Su- l'il\L' RL'aMllh PdllL‘l.

I The Fusion Experience 'I llL' Butt ('luh. l-l3 Bath lane. 34% l'". Nprn. l'I'cc lIctnI‘c ‘elll..:llllllll1.< .IllCl'l SCL’ l‘rr l‘)

I Hiding Place and No Hope in New Jersey Barn}. 3m (lulu Sin-ct.

33l ll-llJ. Spin. L5. l’unk pnp autrnn

1 She’s a proper diva Sui itt'u

t/r’ \)t (ht

lllll()(lll(i(?(l an (lingu'iriti llt"'.'.’ LITlI w

(l(,‘l)lll alt)um, ‘.'.«”III :5;

lllllll(3ll(2(}(l l)‘. and adopt III taizii (India/.1 Selling millinnt; and gaining awards galore. rt Ind In portorrnanran; \‘Jllll Aretha l ranklin, Puma:- and Will E'Smrth.

2 She’s a poet Scott filitlllfrl out performing poetry mailings; or». thi: Philadelphia spoken word (:ntiur: house (:rrrarrt until. encouraged l)l, trrorids like Ila/N doll and thr- Roots. she started to pan tunrev. and Sing. Slit} also r(}i:(:rltl\,r [.)Lll)llt;ll(3(l a book of poutrv. lhu Minutes. the ll/7()I7l(;’lllf;, l/lr,’ / /()l//.‘;

3 She’s been on Sesame Street Maxrmum rotspnigt to anyono lll‘.’ll(,‘(l to walk down thr: famous mupptrt lllllétlJIlltll avonur: With Big Bird. Scott ra l()llllt,‘l teacher who used to SUM) tn hrrr ()lflSSl pr-rr‘tor'mod a lllll(: callod 'Wr: are all liarthlings' which. we assume. was brilliant. 4 She’s a babe OK. thit; shouldn't matter. but 3hr: did appear lll Poop/r2 rrIaga/rrrrftg 'r'iu Most Beautiful People lll Ilir: World'. Also land thit; mall, is; rierthor here nor there) 3hr,- rr:r;r;nt|r, lost 3:3 pounds; hotorr: thr: l'(:l(:£lf;(: of her second album. Barr/tri‘u/h» Human. 5 She’s a TV star Scott r(:i;‘:ritl/ starred in a prime lililf: f)|i(;’)lll. Glil/flG/ldii. in the States. Shel; also appeared on Oprah Winfrey. Jay Leno. Davrd Letterman. fl/e/i, been in a handful of llllllf}. Willl‘fil soundtracks. directed Videos; . (Doug Johnstonor

Barrow/and. G/asgow, Fri 20 Nov.

tI'nIII tun qualit} up and Lillllk'l\ Su- phnIn captinn pagc \5

I Poor Old Ben and Wake the President 'lrnn 'l hualru (ii lrnngatu. 553 43!: \prn U 'llII\ ycar'x lululrn llttllL'} l‘illlkl l’I'Hl ()lll llL’lt lt.I‘-L' l‘L'L'lt dcwi'ihcd .I\ pla_\ in: ‘taI'rrr}ard pnp' hut llll\ undcr' \ullx Ihcrr ulnxnlurcd pnp lunw I The Battle (irlrnnrchrllIil3. ‘) l'nncr'xrl} \xcnuc. WI 5533 " zllprn L" rL5i Balth- nt Ihc handx night lL‘.tllll'lll_‘_‘ up and gnrninj.‘ Ialcnl than all nxcr Stnlland. pli1\(ila\:_'n=.|.\ \l}llpl,g