Timo Maas
Summit special
BOOMSHABOOM and the INDOOR QUARRY PARTY both hit Edinburgh on the same night, Henry Northmore talks to the organisers
omc 2t) .\'o\'emher the capital‘x cluhherx really are being .xpoilt ax two ol the higgext nightx lidinhurgh‘x e\er wen fall on the \'ei'_\ .xame date. lior glammed tip houxe and other hcatx we ha\e the iiia.x.xi\'e BoomShaBoom joining l'oi‘cex with Radio I going live on the linen/iii! .lli'i with 'l‘imo Maax. ()n the other .xide ol the coin we ha\'c the more grunged tip and organic \‘ihex ol' the lndooi' Quarr)
Party with IE hourx ol‘ techno. electro and other
twixted heatx ax the)" commandeer Ratho the maxxiVe indoor climhing arena.
Maax. though. ix juxt the icing on the cake at BoomShaBoom. "l‘he oppoi'tunit} came along with the l:'.\.\'('/ili'ti/ .llit' .xo we thotight. ”\\'h_\' not throw a 2000 capacity pai't_\"."” .xa_\.x co-promoter Derek Martin. ‘lt‘x quite a \ai'ied line-up hut olniouxl} there‘x 'l‘imo Maxx w ho haxn‘t pla_\'ed lidinhui'gh tor a few _\'ear.x. Then we haxe .loe_\ .\'egro in the Bhar which appealx to a \ei'_\' dil't‘erent crowd .xo we get a nice hit of halance. lt‘x for dance muxic lo\'erx. 'l'here i.x an emphaxix on houxe muxic but we haVe a hreakx element in there and the Stereo M(‘.x |l).l xetl.' .t\nd that‘x‘ before we even mention Tom Middleton. l.ottie. Stuart Duncan and Soul ot Man. with l'ltragrome hosting the Bacardi Bhar.
'People will be leaving thinking. “Wow. we got our money‘x worth.” .xayx Martin. '1.on hax heen xpent on sound. lightx and production. lt'.x a hiin coxt. high pI'UITIL‘ affair but at great Value for money
The Ratho e\ent comex from a .xlightl} dil't‘erent angle a.x promoter Ruehen Quatelli. l’rom Iidgeol’chaox. putx it: "The idea ix to pull together all the clubs and creatiVe entitiex in lidinhurgh and
42 THE LIST ‘8 \ .i I‘
(ila\:_‘ow to create a xmall l‘exti\a| and a noii~ commercial l‘exti\al. 'l‘here'x an ai'tixtic element to e\ei‘_\thing we do.‘ 'l'he)’|l he pulling together xoine ol Scotland'x hext cltihx xuch ax ()ptiino. Manga. Mothei‘l'unk. .'\cccxx and I'll. There are alxo xome I‘ll! :Juextx on the cardx. 'l).l Hone'x the one who xtai'ted the populai'it} ot~ Detroit 'l‘echno. lle xtarted hroadcaxting it lii‘xt on the airwa\ex.~ e\plainx muxic coordinator. .lamex Bai‘hour. '.‘\|xo Bandulu are doing a xpecial hip hop and duh xct and Vince \Vatxon ix making hix li\e l'lx' dehut.‘ addx ()uatelli. .r\dd to the mix the likex ol' .'\cid .lunkiex. l)a\e 'l'arrida. l’ei'c_\ .\ in hix .\'-Man electro guixe. Stephen Brown and the \\'ee I).lx. and _\ou’\e got “e\er}thing lrom chill otit and ahxti'act xttil'l' to lunk_\ xtul't. techno and hip hop.‘ according to Barhour. ‘\\c‘\c arranged it xo there are three dil't‘ei‘ent t_\pcx ol' muxic rotating. xo )ou can l‘ollow the nitixic )ttll like or juxt xta} in one xpot and hear all kltttlx HI. xllll'l‘S
The) ma} he on the xame night hut hoth agree thix kind ot hig xcale e\cnt ix what lidinhurgh ncedx. ‘l think it helpx put lidinhui‘gh on the map] xa}x Martin 'I think it'x a \er} dil‘t‘erent target market.‘
The Quarr} l’;ii't}‘x Quatelli comex li'oin a ximilar angle. ‘BoomShaBoom ix \ei‘} dillerent: it‘x more commercial and hatx oil to them tlie}'\e put on xomething decent that a lot ol' people will want to go to. I don‘t xce it ax competition. I xce it ax i'call} e\citing that two big e\entx are happing in lidinhurgh.‘
The Indoor Quarry Party, Ratho Adventure Centre; BoomShaBoom, Ocean Terminal both Edinburgh, 20 Nov.
BoomShaBoom Hair» 1 1"" is the i' “.‘:t"‘:'iii list t"
2": i" f" .i .t‘ t)tt\ltit‘.i.‘li it'uaar‘». fiit‘ttigiil the min tiall .tt‘tt; ‘iwt Tait .ire .‘xllllliilli‘, .t '11; 3.1!“. l‘.l rw’sl *i Mi Steieo lultltz. lam Miiitit-f in. l tiiili‘: and .l Ni:t]t"‘i gii‘tziiiiiut otttiin
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Eskrima .lustut; lx’otinttke ot l<oiviiiakt visits this; hlintling Satiiirla; at the Art School. lhe new gioit Mi Ditty l any is the tesitleitt. (i/(thtHi’ School of ,fi/t, Oregon; Sat ."tt Not.
The Indoor Quarry Party An ahundanee of top quality nights; in l (linhtirgh tonight With yet another unmissaahle event. lethno. drum 8. h; ss and t‘-.‘/lf;i(:(l heats are the flavours as the likes oi llll. ()ptimo. Manga and Mothertunk are ioined by DJ Bone. Dave larrida, Aeitl Junkies and Bandulu. Hat/to Adventure Centre, Edinburgh, Sat 20 Nov.
The Roots Aftershow A hit of a special one With ’?tiestlove from the Roots playing records after what will no doubt he a great gig. Silt) (lit/i). (Vast/out lites 23’ Nov.
Utter Gutter Madame Sannex and l‘lushpuopy are in charge of this lawless, genre less mash up for freaks of every (I(;S(Ll'll)it()ll. lhere's enough lilthy homo—eler:tro. dirty disco, skanky iunkroek and hot) to make you wet your ( 3 - strings. Rivers/r10 C/t/l). (S/asgow Fri 26 Nov.
Homegrown The Defected Records genius house DJ Gregory 'DlCiUde) is in the place tonight. for a set that WI” make the considerable crowd happy. Bamboo. G/asgow, Sat 27 Nov.
Dfrnt Drum Now this is a night we are reali/ sad to see make an exit from the scene. In the last Dirnt Drum they .velcome Peanut (live) alongSide the residents playing out their tat/Ourite skewed and dirty tracks from the last 18 months. Ego, Edinburgh, Thu 2 Dec.