30/20 Craft 81 Design Fair k. '..:l
( 1111.1'1111.111,:\.1111111;'11.:11\71551 "' "W! 1‘1 '11.:111 1'1111111 3.} “1111.;11..:.'1 1:\111" 111111111» 11115.1 1111111 111; 111.11..'1\ 111.'111\.'1'. Christmas at the Hill House 1111- 11111 111111\1'.1 11111.1( 111111111111111\111'1'1. 111'1.'11111111;'11.‘11141111fi""1‘l 11.1111 111111 111'." (1111'1111111\1111.1\ 1".1'11t 111111111111: .1
11. 11: .11111
(11111.'11111111.11_'. .1.111
111111.11111'11111111.111..'.11$111111'.111111.:j._.1 1.'.111111111..:1111:‘111111111111111:11111111111111111cx Allcraft Fair 1 4111111 111;.111; ‘11 ‘n 1121111111111 \111'1'1. 1‘“ “1* 11.1111 1 ;1111111 \1t\.1111111.111\ 1.111. '.1.1'11 111111111' 1111 (1111\1111.1\
DD4 Jewellery Workshop |l1.~ 11111 \\1»11 1111111. 1111; \1-3111' \111'1'1. \11'11.11 111111\111l“‘1‘1 \"111V 11111111 "11111 11111 11.'.11111111111'111'111'1'. 11111'1111111111111'111'11;'111'1\ .11 111.'} 11111'111111'11 2111111111111 1111111\ 1111' 1111111..1111111111111'1111'
Glasgow on Ice 1 1.111111- \1111.11.a11\‘l .‘11111‘1 111 111.1111 11111111 t_1112,11 \1'1'111 ‘1.
11111111“. 11111111
Sherry Tasting \ 11 111-11111: <11 \\111-111.11111\1<11.111. .331 \.\1111 3 111111 1.1 \\1111 11’1111111 \1.111)1111.1111111111111.11111111111' \1'1'11111'\ 1’.1111>1/11'/1Il11‘/11'1'II11.‘
March Against Fascism and Racism \1 \111111'11 \ 111 1111' \1111.111'. 1111 \.111111.11111'1.\1 \111111'11. \ \111'1'1 111 111.1111 111'1' 1111' .1111111.11 \11 (' \1 \111111'11 \1).11 111.11111 \111'.1111'1\1111111111'11111\111'11\_\11 (' (11'111'1.11\1'1'11'1.111..11111 \111'1.1 \1111..11. (11.1xy1111 \1111 11.11'1\1 \111.1111'1' \1.111'11 |1'.1\1'\ \1 \111111'11 \ 111 1111' 51111.111'. 1111' 1.1111 \1.111\ .11 1311111 .11 ('11 |
Bank of Scotland International Badminton Championships 111-11111 11.111 11111'111.1111111.1181111111 \11'11.1. 1115 \1;1_\11' \111'1'1. 15" 3535 111111'\ 1.11}. ~\1'1' 11111 3*
Learn Flamenco and Tango! 8'11 '1‘ (11'11111'. i;i\\1t11111;lll11\ R1K111. \M 111.
1 511111 L1,1.1'.11'111111111'1111111'x 111111 11111111111111.11 11.11111'111'1111.1111'1'1 '11111' (‘111111' .111111.111_1_'11\11111 \1;_'1'1111111'.11111.1111'1'1'11111111111 (111.1.11111 11.11'1111'1‘ .11'11111 11.111111.
Sunday 28
Activities 81 Events
Scotfairs Antique Fair 11111111 11111 11111'111.1l11111.1181111111 \1'1'11.1. 1-1-15 \1g111' 811‘1'1'1. 15“ 535 111.1111 13111111111. 1111111\1'\1.111~1.1111'11111111 11'111'111'1'1. 1'111111. 11111'11.1111'11.11\.11111.1111111111'\,
Christmas at the Hill House 1111- 11111 111111\1'. 1 ppm (‘111111111111111 811'1'1'1. 111'11'11\111111_'11. 111-13111151111111 11.1111 411111. 1'11‘1‘ 51'1‘ ~\11 3-.
004 Jewellery Workshop 1111' IN N “111111111111. 1 1H1 \1‘;_'_111' 811'1'1'1. \11'1‘1'.11 11111111'.11“151 V1 115". 11111111 "11111 ~\‘1'1' ~$.11
Glasgow on Ice 111-1113;1- 81111111: 11.\"l 31111 1‘1-111 111.1111 11111111. [1111111. ~\‘1'1'1'1‘1 311.
Food 81 Drlnk
Pink Afternoon Tea 1 )111' 1)1'11111\11111' (1.11111'11x. 3.1" 311111 {3-1. 111111} .1 \1'11'1'111111 111 \.111111111‘111'\. \1‘11111'1. 11.111111'1. 1.1111'1 .11111 1'11.111111.1;_'111'..111111111.1111111111 1111111' {51111111 1111‘ 111111 1‘1 1‘111‘11 111‘111‘1 g1‘1‘\ 11‘ lil1‘.1\l (‘.1111'1'1 (‘.11'1'.
Rangers v Hearts 1111111 81111111111. 11111111111111111-11111131111111! 1W1 311111 111'.11'1~11.111'1 111'111'11.1\1 111111111 Sl’l 111.111'11. Bank of Scotland International Badminton Championships 1x1'11111 11.111 11111'1’11.1111111.11 Spurtx \1‘1'11.1. 1445
\1‘;111' 811'1'1'1. 35” 3535 1.11111'1 \.11'_\ 811' 11111 25.
BBC Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets (11.1\:—'11\\ 81'11'111'1'(‘1'11111'. 511 1’.11'1111' (311.1}. 43115111111 311111 1K 411111. 1'1'1'1'
'.1.111\11.'\l111‘111111111'111'\111.11 v.111'11.
1'1ctl.1tl<::; 1"; Ben’s
French Language Cate \111.111..- 11.1111.11\1'111'(1111:1121. 115.11 ('11111\, 1‘" 151 ‘ ‘111111 111'.' \ 111.11111'111111111111'..' 111111 1.111;'11.1;'1' \11111x'.1.111111l111'1 11.11111 1111'.11.1'1\ ( .1111111' \111.11111'11.1111.11\111
11'\1'1 ‘. 1' .1 1‘1.11 '1‘
111115; Glasgow on Ice 111-1115,11 \1111.11.-_11\"l 31111111 111 1111111 11111111 11111; \\-\- 1H
Beginners Capoeira Workshop (‘.11111\.11 \11\. 311111111111. 1; \11111111\111'1'1. <§j M11- (1 ‘ 11111111 1111131 \1'.' \11111
Tuesday 30
Glasgow on Ice 1 11-1111'1- \1111.111-. 11\"1 31111111111 1111111 11111111 1111111 \1~1' | 11
* Conversation Pieces: Jimmy Reid 11’111.11('11111'1'11 11.111 \11.11111'11111' \11111'. 3 ~\.1111'1111'11.111 \111'1'1. 111-11 151 5111111. 111111 L'1*11.111.111\.1111‘1'. 17111111111' 1111111 \(1111.111111111111111111.111\1.1'\ 11.1111' 111111111 .11‘1111\1. 1111'111111'1 1111111'(‘1111111111111\l 1’.111} 111(111'.11 11111.1111.111111111'1.11111111 1’.11‘11 .1111111’1'1'11111111111'1 11111'1x111 111 (11.1\j:1\\\. 31'1‘ 111111\1
FOSS Tools for Artists 1 '1‘ \. 1511 8.1111'1111'11.1118111'1'1. ‘53 1‘11111 “11111 1‘11'1' 11111111'111'11'11 \ 1.1111 1111111x11111111.1111\l. 1111'111.1.11'11\1\1.1111111111'1'1111 111 1111' 11111111lx1' l1'\111.11.1)1'11'1111111/1'1.p11111g.1111111'1111'11 111 1'11'1'11111'11 8111111411'S1~11'111111111\.11111 1111\\ 1111‘} l1'1;111' 111 .11’11\1\.
Wildlife Witness \\1'~l1'111 111111111111 1.1'1'1111'1'1111'.1111'. 1'11111'1'\11_1 111 (11;1\3_'1111‘ 1111 1111\1'11111 1’1.11'1'. 113 “115. 71511111. ‘5 ("511. (1111111111 1411111111111 1.11111 .11111111 1111' 11‘1.1|\ .11111 11'111111.1111111\111 111.1111113: 1111111111'11111'111111'111111'11'x. .11111 1’1'1111'xx111 _\11111'1'1 \1.11111111g_' 3:111'1 .1 1.1111 1'1111111'11I111 1111/11'1'1/1: I111! 11111/ / 1111111.
Meditation Classes 111111111111 ,\1'.11l1-111_1. (.1111'111‘111111 511'1‘1‘1. (131111111. 1‘5 1111. 51‘1‘ 1111' 3.1.
Wednesday 1
Activities & Events
Weave a Willow Garland ll1|lh1~;11l (11111111111111) 12111114111111('1'1111'1'. \11'11111'11111 1111.111. 115111111111. 111.1111 11111111. 1'11'1'. (11'1 1111111111'('1111\1111;1\ \1111'11.11111 11'41111 111111 111 111'.1\1'.1111111111 9111.11111 111111'1'111'.111'111111 1101“ 11111111
Fairs Glasgow on Ice (1111111 811111112 11.\‘l 31111 311.111, 111.1111 11111111. 141111111, 51-1- 111
Beginners Capoeira Workshop (‘.11‘111\.11.\1'1\. 31111 15111111. 3~1,\11111111 8111'1'1. 5535113711 531111111. {1111-11. 81'1' .\11111
Absolutely Christmas 8111 '. 1111111011111 (‘)11.1_1. 115-1111411 4111111,
111.1111 1111111, £3 (11111" LEM. ('1111\1111.1\ 1111'.1\. 1111111 .11111 \11111111111g 111111111\111.11\.11111 111'1'111'.1111111~ .111 1111111'1~ 11111' 111111
Glasgow on Ice 111-1111;1- 81111111: 11.\‘l 21111 3‘1 411. 111.1111 11111111. (111541, 811111
Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry 11111-111'1x 111111kx.‘1.\ 1111111111111 811'1'1'1. 333 "1111. (11‘111. 511‘ 11111 1.\.
Around Town
1\1“.“.1‘.11=s .\ E '.1‘-r‘t:1 The Scottish Hi-Fi and Home Cinema Show 11.11111.111.1_1 11.11.-l .\
1« f.°.'\‘t1.'. 5 (111111111 (11111, \1 11111111111911.
Aislinn Hunter \11'112\1‘.1'1'1'11_\ 12311.1:1.‘ 111.1111 ‘ 11111111 1111111 1121' 111'11111\ .11111
(12.11111'1‘11111x' ( .111111‘1-_'.11.'. “i IV" 1.111'1111 111'1'1‘11'\.'111.11111n\11111111'1.111'\1 11111111 :1 L: 1111;1111f1112111111111211 11‘1111111111~.'_\ 11111111111'1 ‘11 .'\1111111111\
11:11.11]. .1..1.:1:11.'1ij.11111:1_'(.1:;.:11:.11:K1':1.' 1.1111111:1111111'11.'~1.1111111111\l 111111111113
\ix1llil111112211‘?1111:1'1;‘111‘!\11111111'\l111’ti1\ 2:; 1111111.'.'1111'11.11n1n1'111\1\11'1n\.1111111111
1111.; l k * Inspector Rebus Tours
\ \111111111111111111,\\11k11'111111x1'. 1'
51 Q". (11111111; \111'1'1 X“ \11“ 111111 211' 111111 Edinburgh Capitals V Fife Flyers 1111111 \11111111'1 .111111'111111 111112111 1111 1111\ \11111.11t'1.'1111..'1{1111..1(111'1x11.:11'( 11'\11'111 11111111 111111 11.1x1'11.1111111111 1.111 11.11111111'x 11“ 11‘“? 11111\11.11n1111\ 111.11.1111'1 1’.11111l 1111' 1111'1.111111' 111 1111'( 111 l1'xl11.11 \1'.'
"1111‘111 11111:“ 1.11111I1 1:11 ('.:1.'111111:.:(1:1'111'111111..'\ 111.11.11‘.1.1111'.11.'
( .11'11.:1\ 1.111111: 111'1111111'
1:1kre After Hours: Keeping Faith in Conversation \.1111111.111’11111.111(1.1111'11_ 1 (.1111'1'11\111'1'1.11:l113111| 11 11 11111111 111'1' 1.1111.'\1111111111.:1,11111'111111111111'1’11111.111 (1.1111111111111111'1\.111111111111111111111'1 111\11111' 111 11111111111111.111111.11111111111111..11
Why So Many Orchids? 11’111.11 11111.11111 (1.11111'1111'111111' 1111'.1111'.11111'111'1111111111 “I ‘1‘" ‘ 11111111 L 11*1111'111111'111 111 1’1111111(‘111111.(111.11111111 111'11‘1111111111 11111111111111.1111111111'1111111'11.111111\11'.111111;' .1111111111111'\1111111111111x
Wildlife Witness 1111' 11’111.11 11'11.111' 111111'1.1\1\’1‘}.11 11'11.t11‘. :1: _~ U ‘11 11.11111 1111.1; _1_'1\1'\.111'1'11111'1'1111111'11 MUM/1.27 01111111 /’1'111'11:311.';11'11'I:L'
Hearts v Motherwell l1 111'1 .1x1l.~ \l.111111111.(1111:'11'1(11.111 .‘1111 .7111 111111 111'.111\ 1.1111' 1111 \1111111'1111'11
Shore Poets at Artcommunity \111111111111111111.\\11k11'111111\1'_ 1' (111111111' \111'1'1. 7.“ \1' S -‘11111 \111111' 11111'lx \111'1'1.1\11 \1'11'111'1. 1.111 \11'11111111111'11.11111 \111111'11 1’1111111111'11111111 .1\11.11111l .1\1'111'\1111".1'111\ 11'11'111.11111:' 11111111111~_'11\111'11. \l.1111\ .111 \1\11)'\ 111\1('11_\1111111'1.111111111.111111111x11 1111111 \11x1111 1\'1'1'\1'\
Women Behind the Scenes \.11111n.111’11111.111(1.1111'11_ 1 ()111'1'11 \111'1'l.11_‘1111111 111111 111'1' 111 1'1‘11111111‘ \\1111 1/1'1/1113 111‘11111". .1 111111 1'1 1111' 1’11111 11’1111111111111 1111111'1'1111111111111. 1111.11111 111 1111' 11’1'11'11'1111' \1'1111111
A1,:tivitlos 1% 1 1111115;
The Scottish Hi-Fi and Home Cinema Show 1).111n.111111 111111'11\ (‘111111111 (11111. .\1 11111111111911.
111.1111 511111111 11111-11 \1'1'\.11_,‘ll Signed Tour 11111.11 \111111\11 \1.11l1-1111. 1111' \111111111.111 11 33*1111wl
11.1111 11111111. 111'1' 111111111 //11 1:71 111 III/111111111111141811111.1111'11.1:'1'.11111 1'111'11111 \11\.1\11'1111|1
Edinburgh Capitals v Newcastle Vipers \11111.11111'1111111111111.1(1'.1'1\11.1|1' ('1’1'x1’1'111. 11" 11‘) *1 1111111 1.11111. '1. 1.1111111 {:11 \1'111'.1\l|1'\ \1111'1x 1111\x1111' 11111111'1 1111.11'1'111111.11111111'1'.1[111.11\
11R fi 1111111]
11' 1211141111:
Friday 19
Actlvlt1os 1‘; Events
Winter Observing Evenings 11111.11 ()11x1'1’\.11111\ \1111111 (‘1'111112 111.11'111111111 11111. (111.\ M111 . .\ 1511111 1151111351111" 1.1111111 1'1111111111111111 111111111\.11111'11..|1111111'1. 1111'11'111 x1111111'1\.111111'111111'1\1111111'11.11k 1111111'1' \111.
A Raeburn Miscellany \.1111111.1l (11111-11 111 81'1111.11111.'1'111' \111111111. 113-1 1131111
13.15 1.1511111 1.11111'11111111'11'1'11111'111 111'11'11 8111.1111N. \1'111111 1111111111 111 1111' \.1111111.11 (1.1111‘1'} 111 511111.11111.
Richard Demarco,.\1'11'111111111111111. \\1111|1‘ 11111111'. .1"(i111111'11'811‘1'1'1.335 5175. "11111 [511$1111\11'1'11'1111111‘111'11 1111' .1111\1. 1'111.1t111'.111111'1111'1'111'1'111'111'111\1'11\\1'\ 1211111111113:11\()111'1111111.11111 111111.111.” 1111' 111'.11‘1 111 121111111111'1'11'1 1'1111111.11 \1'1'111'
m d SM ms Leith is the scene of visionary I projections in this winning entry In the RMJM Award for Art and Architecture. The idea is to save the six cranes that line Imperial basin and move them in new rhythms sparked not by industrial needs, but by text messages from the public and website visitors, allowing them to dip and rise and turn with steely elegance. .‘L, “If: 0 , .75. ,t,,l,’ 4-,, Li’,’,..,’,‘, ,,'_, . , ,'. / /.,',:, "a"
'- THE LIST 37