


University 8. College Courses Dance Learn to dance . in 1 night! , ° Learn to partner dance to any music. Jive. Latin. Club... SCOTTISh . 0 Come alone or with friends (no need to bring a partner). . Arts Counal - Complete beginners welcome every week at all nights.

GLASGOW: Tuesdays: Jumpm‘ Jnks, 292 Snuchiohull Stroot Wednesdays: Glasgow UIII UIIIoII_ OFFERS AN INNOVATIVE SUCCESSIUI Plate-Spinning: Managing 3? LIIIIVtPTSIIy Avontio, Wost ond I Multi Ie Tasks EDINBURGH: Mondays 8. Thursdays: PROGRAMME OF TRAINING FOR SCOTLAND S p I . . ' Marco's, Sf) Grovo Stroot ARTS AND CULTURAL SECTOR. Keep Your Plaie'ép'"”'"9 manageab’e - Tuesdays: St smut-us hall a course for multI-task managers and anyone St Slophons Stroot. Simmmigu WE ARE NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR THE who wants to approach their work positively STIRLING: Tuesdays: South's Rostiuiidnt. FOLLOWING COURSES. TO BOOK A PLACE. and productive/y Korso Rd (A91 ‘A9()f) Roundabout) ' PERTH: Thursdays: SéIIUIiIIH)” HotI-l. PLEASE CONTACT gal" ON (Open entry course: 31 January 2006. Edinburgh) 34 South Stroot 0131 317 3970' E-MA||__ gam(a)qmuc,ac,uk _ . DUNDEE: Mon. IIIVUHZEISU hotol. 3/1 I’orth Rd Show me the moneY- Strateg'es ABERDEEN: Tuesdays: Tho Ctilltrl Mills. (not). OR VISIT www muc ac uk/ aIn - - 'q I l g for Sponsorship 8: Fundraismg Cairn Road~ Potorcullor Strategic & operational A practical course for arts managers who m‘id'l‘deag: J‘:'"‘"”' J‘W" Marketing Planning find themselves reSponSible for “Indra/Sing 1T): Loft ((1) ()‘Uoimghiios. Explore the implementation of your (Open entry course: 1 February 2005. 1‘3 JUSt'H? MI“ 1 «‘"W I 1H .|ii I |.I‘.‘.l". dump. II;.I-II .II 1' “I HuvquIIu-I'. II.|‘.‘. .II I' “I‘HYI Attivii‘uinii l‘. I 0. (III . I .i‘MIIIIP.1mntn-I-.III;II-.t1II!)(>.i,.it»lI-rmfir-.lvmht Campa’gns and DOI’C'eS Managing Events: From Planning to _. s h I \ (Advanced level 2 day course: 23-24 Profits 13111352225 2;; "I November. GIaSgOW) HOW to take an event from planning and - EDINBURGH Last Saturday 0' tho month / _ . ' ‘K— K H P I . Eat that Frog; Mastenng budgeting through to monitoring and YXEGEULAEIER E. Mm c E R 0 c int IlllIIIIl) I ()IH‘III'IO' III'IJIIHN'I'. distractions (Introductory Level: 2 February 2005 Edmburgh) Tel: 01324-613 209 - E-mail: Organise your day and take effective self- All courses run from 103m _ 5pm tt / I manageme" O a new eve FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: (Open entry course: 1 December. Edinburgh) WWWIQmUC'aCUk/gam The Assertlve Advantage COURSES CAN ALSO BE GIVEN AS IN- A guide to healthy and positive HOUSE TRAINING. TAILORED TO YOUR communication EXACT NEEDS...


(Open entry course: 8 December, Edinburgh) I GENERAL SERVICES . MISC I PROJECTS Powerful Presentations

Build your confidence and become more , _ a: to an t- 9

(Open entry 2 day course: 19-20 January e -

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11/5‘, \-.. .)... ' ' ' . "I i -- “““““'"*‘-‘ "M advertlsmg In The List call “gowns; ' We" Dem m"

: . "i' (x {I N 'klzir BI 'rilitll\.

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T‘I‘ (II “I ' ' 7 0' -53 ( ougtitc. Sign up lor ti hall L ' -‘ 556 (T 5 hour or one hour \II)! b} culling

L‘cllaita‘haisilputmxonxouk m 3] 557 278” or pup mm hurl \\ \\'\\‘.hil.\‘iIptllL‘l'M)l].C0.llI\

128 THE LIST 15 NO.—.: Dec SSS-'-