I Strings Attached RSAMI). loo Rt'llllL‘U- Sliccl. N2 €05". Hpm. U3 «9-5 l. Illi. \iolixlx l’hilip Hukcx. \ohuko Imai and Scoll l)lL'l\lll\Hll. \th lhc lllfl' SSH and RSKMI) ('hamhcr (hon. pcrlorm lhc \tol'ld picnucrc ol l)a\ id |)or\\ard\ \iu/u (hm ulu. Pllh Vaughan \Villianh‘ /'/u\ (UNI/H and lillllHlxK Uri/(I ('Hllr ('I'IU. coinplclcd l\_\ \L'll}

Edinburgh I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (irc_\ ll‘l;ll\ Kirk. (il'C) ll'lill'\ l’lacc. -l.l7 Z-l i i. 7. illpm. £7 (£4). (iciaid l)ohcrl_\ conduclx SinclanaK Whoa. .lanacck\ .S‘m/unn'llu and l)\oi'al\\ .M/n/i/ium .\'u (l.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra Rcid (‘onccri llall. ladinhurgh lunch”). llrixlo Squarc. (i5ll 3-133. 7.5llplll. U) lL'il. Rolu'l'l

Hick conduch lhc orchcxlia in Slim lll\l\} \ Damn ('um (’I'lrmlrw and lla)dilK Sump/nun .Vn (/7. and 'l‘chaikm \k} \ lunar/um MI (I Ii’mm u l/Il'lllr' \\ llll ccllixl :\ndrc\\ Shcllillc.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Max’s Birthday Celebrations ()uccn‘x llllll. (.lt'l'lx Slrccl. (ihh’ llll‘). 7. illpm. Scc l‘ri 30.

I St Mary’s Music School Concert 8! .\lar_\ \ (’alhcdi'al. l’;lllllt‘l'\lHll l’lllL‘L‘. llL‘lxch: (ihH Zill‘) 1(‘)uccn'\ llall |§o\ ()llicci. 7.30pm. £3 (KS/t2). l'u‘sl conccrl in aid ol lhc \crdi 'l‘ruxl. \cl up rcccnll) to hpr musical!) gillcd childrcn in dil'licull circumxlanccx in \arioux plil‘l\ ol' lhc \iorld. including childrcn lraumalixcd h) war and ilx al‘lcrnialh. 'l'hc tll\llllf_'lll\llt‘(l compoxcr Nigcl ()xhornc \\ ill \pcak al lhc conccrl ahoul lllx \\()l‘l\ \\ ilh childrcn \iho arc \ iclimx ol conllicl. lirahinx‘ Daub/v ('um-vrlu and l)\ora|\'\ Sim/i/iuur Nu () makc up lhc programmc.


I Chisinau National Opera: Cavalleria Rusticana & Pagliacci (‘aird llall. ('il} Squarc. (H383 4340-10. 7.30pm. Scc 'l'uc 23.


I The Scottish Open Brass Band Championships and Scottish Youth Band Championships Royil ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 Xllllll. 0.30am. [5. lo ol' lhc l'K'x lop hraxx haudx compclc l'or lhc lillc ol' Scollixh ()pcn ('hampionx. plus lhc but of Scotland\ Youth liandx arc piucd againxl cach olhcr prcxcnling lhcir own conccrl pl‘ogl‘lillllllcx.

I Glasgow Sinfonia llcnr} Wood Hall. 73 ('larcmonl Sli‘ccl.-127 402-1. 8pm. '7 (£3 £5i. (icrard l)ohcrl_\ couduclx a pcrl'ormancc ol‘ l)chu,\\_\ '\ l.'u/n'¢'\-niir/i ll'un l'iumc' and Bcrlio/‘s Symphonic l'illllthHr/lh'.

I Strings Attached Viola Day: Tertis Competition Winners’ Showcase RSAMI). l()() chl‘rcxx Sli'ccl. 332 5057. .\'oon. [h (£4). l’ianixl Ian Brou n accompanicx lhc \\ inncrs as lhc_\ pcrl‘orm \xorkx h} Bach. lla_\dn. Schuhcl'l and Shoxlakox ich.

I Strings Attached: Viola Day RSAMI). lllll chl‘rcxx Sirch 333 5057. 3pm. £0 it'll. 'l'hc Bclcca quarlcl \xilh lxahcllc \an Kculcn pcrl'orm .\lo/ai'l\ Dim lor \iu/u um/ \i‘u/in in (i K433 and Quinlcl in (' K5 /5.


I RSNO Pops: Ally Bain and Phil Cunningham l’xhcr llall. Lolliian Road. 32% l I55. 7.30pm. Pcrl‘ormancc l‘.‘ Scotland‘s linourilc (‘cllic duo liddlcr .-\|_\ Bain and accordionixl l’hil (‘unningham lo cclchralc SI .-\ndrc\\ ‘\ \ighl “ilh \pccial gucxlx including RSNO Principal (iucxl (‘onduclor (iarr) \Valkcl'.

I St Giles’ at Six Si (iilcs‘ (‘alhcdraL lligh Sli'ccl. l5rcc al door. (rpm. Rudxamhcc Singcrx pcrl'orm

102 THE LIST 18 Nan—j Doc

They do seem to be the butt of joke-making among instrumentalists, but underneath it all there is growing serious respect for viola players and their contribution to music. One of the greatest of them all was Glasgow- born William Primrose, whose centenary year has sparked off BBC Radio 3’s special festival devoted to the instrument. In memory of his legacy, which has inspired many of the current generation of viola players, some of the most internationally renowned violists gather with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra for a weekend of concerts, workshops, master classes and talks. At one point, over 100 players from across Scotland join the orchestra’s viola section. The section leader is Scott Dickinson, who was drawn to the sound of the instrument. ‘lt’s deeper than the violin,’ he says, ‘and has a density to it, as well as a slightly soulful quality. It’s quite an introverted instrument - lots of elegies have been written for it.’ Not as many as the jokes, however. And his favourite? ‘How do you tell if the stage is level? Because viola players are drooling from both sides of the mouth.’ (Carol Main)

RSAMO and BBC Broadcasl’uig; House.

\camnal llllhlL‘ from man} counlricx and ccnluricx.

Monday 29


I Whatever Happened to Music? 'l‘hc Bar. Tron 'l'hcalrc. 552 L167. 8pm. lircc. .\lll\lC l‘Ul‘ llil‘CL‘ \UL‘Llll\l\ ixoprano. icnor. hllxxl and ha“ clal‘incl. cur'alcd. compcrcd and conduclcd h)

7l(lc)(/4\l... .,{1 \DJ .-

l’aragon lzuscmhlc'x arlhlic dircclor John llarrix. Suhmixxiom lor pcrl'ormanccs comc lrom acro“ ihc \xorld. \\ ilh compmcrx trawling lrom ncar and lar to hcar lhcir lllll\lc pla_\cd lor lhc lirxl Innc.


I Certain Circuits: John Cage 'l'hc (‘a\c\. Niddl‘} Slrccl Solllli. 'l‘ickclv 53‘) 387‘ oral door. ".J5pm.

(citaiu ('zicuilx. a progiainnic ol lnc clcclzonic lllll\l\. ax l‘.lll ol l t. \l \ \ll2\lt loi Ihc \\l\\‘lllllli\ll\ \cawn

Tuesday 30


I Music School of Douglas Academy Ix’.uu\hoin lhcalic. "\ Ingram \liccl. 55.‘ VA" 1 l5 .‘pin

1‘ \ \aiicd pioz‘ianunc ol \olo and \llllllll‘c'l numc pciloinlcd l\\

lllll\l\ l.ill\ lioni lhc \tlh‘l‘l loi llil~ inuxicalli gillcd

I Music in the University: New Athenaeum Orchestra ( il.i\f.'o\\ liii\ci\il} (‘ouccil Hall. I run-um \\c-nuc. H” W": zl’l‘ln licc

\llc hacl Haulicc conduc l\ .l pciloiiuancc lllt hiding \lo/ail'x Hun: (ms. ( in. \w J. \\llll \i‘li\l\l ('luixlinc \nulh. .uid lhoiakk Min-[Malia \4' I RSNO Pops: Ally Bain and Phil Cunningham l\'\i_\.il ('onccii llall. .‘ \aulhichall \liccl. ‘5 i Mill” \k'k' \llll .‘\



I Edinburgh Quartet lx’l-lll (om cu Hall. I illlll‘lll'.'lll lll\\'l\ll}. lilhli‘ \lluaic. o5” _‘l.‘.‘ l lllpnl licc \ pciloiinanc c ol llliilll.l\ l l\l\lll\‘. | .ul ol l\\'ll} K (jinn/l I If! (‘ \Illli'l and \\alloli\ (jinn/c I

I Scottish Opera: Tosca l muml lhcallc. I i .“l \chlM‘ll \liccl. 5_“’ (illllll I5lilll \cc lhu l.\

Wednesday 1


I Electroacoustic Event: Transformations 1 RS \\ll). IHH lx’cnlicxx ~\liccl. “3 5H5” it 1 l. Solo ll\ c clcclionit [K'lltllllldllxk' h} Ix’ichaid llaiicll

' {lipin Hi


I The Belcea Quartet and the Callino Quartet ()uccn'x llall. ( 'lcik Slrccl. (i(i.\' Hilda-15pm L5 H“ l’rcxcnlcd h_\ lhc lunncll llll\l loi Young .\lll\lcl;lll\. lhc luo Ulll\l.lll\llllt' dIIailch collalioialc loi \lcndclxonmK mammoth ()1 (ll. .llHllj.,'\lll\' quark-Ix bx \lo/ail and Hallok

St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Youngci Hall. .\orlh Slit-cl. lll H1 .1023» 5. illpni 8(1) principal ll.lllll\l .\h\on \lilchcll [‘t'lliilllh \lo/arik (’om ( i/u III I). lllHllj.‘\ltlL' laurcK inclodioux I’ll/rm 4/ ll(‘/l\rIIIr/r’ and \lcndl-lxxolm'x M II/II\/l Sump/1mm, conducch Ii} l’aul Mun-r,

Thursday 2


I Music in the University: Ensemble Klang (ilaxgou l'nncrxil} (‘onccil llall. l’nixcisil} ,\\cnuc. “ll-UNI. l lllpin. l‘rcc l-ic\h ncxx llllhlc' including Kcu \cuiingciK Ill/nul. llllllll\ chaklx' I)I)lrlrlI/l¢’ll. .\lc|andro ( 'axlanox' Mi [h /i. .lacoh lcl \cldhiux' (I'm/i 11’ and l.o1n\ .\lllll'lL'\\t'lll\ Hull]. \l'l lHl lllt' unad\cnluiou\


I Gordon Ferries: La Preciosa lll\llllll l'l';lllt';ll\ d‘lzcosxc. l * Randolph ('rcsccnl. 225 5 W». (ipm. l'rcc. l-icnch and Spanixh haroquc guilar uumc pcrlornicd h} (iordon lcrric»

I Scottish Opera: Tosca l'cxlnal ’lillL'illliC. l 5 2‘) \lL‘HlMil] Sll'L‘L'l. 52‘) (Mill), 7.15pm. Scc 'l'hu IS.

I Childline Christmas Concert l'xhcr llall. |.olhian Road. 223 ll55. ".Sllpm. L'" iL'5i. 'lalcnicd _\oung muxicianx and \llljJL‘M lrom acroxx lzdmhurgh |Hlll Iogclhcr lo cclchralc (‘hildhnc\ lth hu'lhda}. .v\ll procccdx go to ('hildhnc ScoIIand.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)llL'L'll-\ llllll. (-lL‘l'lx Sll'L'L‘l. ()()H 201‘). -.5llplll. SL’L‘ \Vt‘d l,