Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 18


I Music in the University: Nils Franke(11.1\:'n\1 1 111\1'l\1l}(1111111'11111111. l 111\1'1\11§ \‘.1'111112 H11111”: 1 11111111 111-1' 1’1.111u11'111.11111111111111g\\.1;111'1 11\/l\l'/.':'/111:\'(l111/11\1111111 lu’llllllu‘llw I. 1.1111'1 1'11'.1l'\ ( 1.",1111111 "11111 l .11 K 1’11'11111'11' .11111|1\/l\ 1,111. x 11111 1'1111111 .111 Ilium

I Scottish Opera: Tosca ll11~.1111- 1011.111.1111111'\111'1'1. 11311111111

" 1‘11111 11*” 1.“ \ 11.1-11'111111' 11'\1\.11 111 1111\1111111111111111111 l1'\1 11. 11.111111 11111113 1’111'1'1111\111111111.111.111'111 1\1|11’1'11l111_\ 1(111111'1111\\.11111111111'1.1x1'1x111111 I‘Wlx. 11.111.11111111\11111\111;7. \111.1111..111;'\ 11'.111\.1111111111 \111111111} 1l1w1‘11‘x 11119111111 1111111111111111v.1111111131'1 11111:: 1111111' 11111111\11l 1|1m1'\|.11111'111111111l1'1 11

I International Classical Season: Camerata Salzburg with Barbara Bonney 11111.11 (111111-11 ll.1|l.2 ~\.1111'1111'11.111\111'1'1. ;513111111. 711111111.

111* 1. 3*. 1).1\11| 811-1111'111111111'lx1111* 1'11.1111|\1'1 1111'111*\11.1111.1[11'1111111111111‘1‘111 11.1_\11II\ \1111/1l111m \11\\,\111/;11'l'\

l Hill/1H1 lulu/11h..\\m/1l1u/1\ \11."\. l’/.1g111 .11111 111'1111111x' l/1 lu'xlli (ll 1‘ Hal/g1 \. I St Aloysius Choral Series 81 \11‘.\\111\'('111111‘11.3‘1(m1'8111'1'1. (1.11111'111111. 113*1155“ l(111111.1151'1'31f1’111' RS \\11) ('1111111111-1 (‘111111 111'11111111x “11110 |\_\ 1l111'11.111111111111'11.

I Theatre Cryptic: Books of Silence l1.1111\1.1_\,11.\.15 H11 :5111, x111”, 1'1) .151 1'111111\\111;: 1111' \111'1'1*\\111 [ill/110111 l1’1 ll. 1111‘.1111‘ ('1'} [1111 111111' .1_~:.1111 11-.1111\ 11p \\ 1111 1.111 1.111 1(1111111 (111111. 1112111111 \\ 1111 1’.11.1g:1111 1211\1‘1111111'. 1111 .1111‘\\ 11111111111 upcm 11111111111111: 11\1‘ 1'11‘1‘11111111‘x. 11111\1‘1111‘11l.1111111‘.11 111111' 11)\1\11;11\,


I Boyan Ensemble of Kiev (3111111131111‘ K1111. 151(1111111135111'. 338 1155. "31111111. l1131111111.1111'111p111.111'1‘111111'111 1111‘ 1111.11111'1‘11111111111‘\ 11x 33 \111111‘K111111' \\11|1.111.11'.1pp1‘11.11‘11111‘1111111111 1511\11‘1‘11 (11111111111\ 1'11.1111\.111111'111'.11111.111111111

I Cappella Nova: Music from the Sistine Chapel and Beyond 1111- 8.11‘11'11 111‘111'1 (11111111. IX 1..1111‘1\11111 811'1'1‘1. (1115311111531111111. 1‘11 1131111511 (85111. ~\I1’1ll1111111.\ .11‘.l|‘l\‘11.l L‘11\C1111‘1L‘ 111‘1111111\l1.111‘\ 1111' .111 111 111.11111‘1111111 111111 1x111) 1111.11 11111111111111}. 111 \llt'gn'x “11111113: Wu 1111 . 1111111‘lx 11} 1’.111‘\l1'111.1.1111l (111111111411111.1111.

I St Petersburg Symphony Orchestra 1‘xl11‘1' 11.111. 101111.111 1(111111. 3381155.".311111111111 [351111281 1‘1'11'1\11111'3_' (111‘111w11'.1. 111 1111‘11‘ 1'11'xl 1‘\ 1‘1 l'\|11‘1 11.111 .1pp1‘.11'.1111‘1‘. [\1‘1'1111'111 1\’.11‘|1111.11111111\\ \l|[\1‘l'1‘1lll\1‘ Sump/111111 \u 3. (-1llll‘lll‘\ Phi/11' (Ill/ll (NH \1' l \\ 1111

1:111 1'1'111‘1111‘x..11111'1'1'11;111111\ \11} \

(1.71111 1 111 l.'1.'.7:111. (‘111111111‘11‘11 11} .\|1'\.111111‘1‘ 1)11111111‘\. “1111.1111'1‘-1‘1\111'1‘1'1 111111.11 11.311111“,


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra \1111'RU1‘L‘I‘1. [1111\L‘1'\11\ 1‘1 ~\'111‘|111;:. lll".\11.11111111»11, 311111. .\11111 1%111'11\1}1‘\ 1‘111111111‘1x 1’1'1111111'11‘x \ \11111‘111111g (‘1'11\\1.1.'.7 Sump/111m. 11:1}1111\('1'llu (111111131 \11 _‘ \\1111(‘111'1\1111111’11111‘1‘.1. \111/;11'l\ ()11'11111'1 In [/11 Hugh ll1111 111111 $1111\I.11111\11‘11\ 11\11‘11\11\|_\ 111.1}1111 Mum/111111 \11".

Glasgow I Tippett Centenary RS.-\.\ll). 11111

chl‘rcxx 811cm. 333 5115". 111111. {111(41.

100 THE LIST ':~‘ \q.

I Theatre Cryptic: Books of Silence 11.1111‘\.1..:§,11\L< 1:1. ;;..1 \11111 L" L“ \1'1‘ 11:11 1\

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111.111 1:11.111\ \.‘11:1\1~.\11:,1 1111'

11.1}1111K 011.1111! 1’," 71 \«1‘_ I Song for Peace: Beslan Appeal 111111111111111.111111‘1111.:11.1‘311\.;111.11t11-1.\ I The Magic of Mozart by Charity Gala (1111\1'1‘1-‘- ('.11l11-111.11, 1111-11 1111- 111-11.~1'111~:\ Candlelight 1111111 (111111111 11.1112 (5111- \111-1-1. ll: £1111 ‘1‘11111 L 11' I Edinburgh University Singers

\.11111111'11.111\111'1'1. 1“ “NW

:13 113%

a ;11111“ 1111'\111/.11111w11‘..11()11111'\11.1 11'11'111.111'\l111' g1'11111x111 \11~/.111.111.111 1-\u1.111\1'1.1111111‘111 \1-11111; 11.1111 11111 1\l11 11'111111}111\1111111'

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra

RS \\11). 11111 1(1'11111'v. \111'1'1_ “I <11“ " 11111111 L1<1L*.111.111\.11111~ ‘1‘ {1'1 1111' 11111.111111'11 \11‘\.111111'1 1 11'1111‘111111111111111\ 11.1}1111'x (ll/u (111111111111: ('111111 _\«11111;' 111'1111111'111x1(1.111111'1(L111111n11. 1l1‘1‘111m1-11K ( 1111111111: 111.1 1711/. .

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I Edinburgh University Music

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K Q ~ Q 0 o . . . . . E! :_1S1;3F£EE_Q In what IS now the National Theatre 1n Riga, the declaration of 1- MOW ~ '0 ‘~ ‘- f ° ‘5‘“ * - ‘9“ W Latv1a as an Independent state was made In November 1918.

It is there that ten-year-old Theatre Cryptic now premieres its latest commission, a chamber opera that crosses the genres of music, theatre and visual art. Written by Latvian composer Andris Dzenitis, Books of Silence is based on seven poems by the Lithuanian born Oscar Milosz. Uncle of Polish Nobel Prize-winning poet Czeslaw Milosz, he was a recluse whose work is darkly coloured, much of it concerned with loneliness and anger. In this new piece, directed by Cathie Boyd, his poetry is used to unveil a world of longing, love, death and the way that memory and dreams can bring about something far from what is real. At the age of only 26, Dzenitis already has an impressive catalogue of music, both acoustic and electronic, under his belt. For Books of Silence he uses the musical forces of eight voices (from the Latvian Radio Choir), string quartet, flute, clarinet, horn and electronics to combin with sculpture from Latvia’s leading sculptor and real time visuals. (Carol Main)

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