
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

NH \IIIIIIII'IMH \111-1'1. III II “I I‘ll H1 L-l 12-3 “11.111.111111'1' L; “I 1L31 \‘1’ IIIIL'L' lIl111x 1111 my II11IIII1 11111' III-1'

r ‘I’1E//-" f.‘//l Launchpad IIIII I 11 I5 Rosenstrasse I 1'111 111111

Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World of Orgasm 1111» 1115

Super Size Me I I3.\1 51111

'I41 II).‘,[ " 'J 1, ForerunnersI111I 1 11 I5

Beloved Sister 11111-1 .\ 1111 1141'. I. . Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World of Orgasm IIIIL’I 1115.

Super Size Me I I3 \1 .\,I111.

f,1‘1II1'II?[ 1111' ' - MI 1.1'

Glasgay Shorts! 1 11111-1 1.15

Glasgay Shorts! 2 11111 1. I 5.

Min Sisters (De Meeling) llI‘L‘I 111111. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 x. 111.

531 1111 1/11 1.: NI 11/ Super Size Me I I3.I\1 1.1111. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 3.1111.

1111:;11/11 111N11V The Motorcycle Diaries 1 I51 x1111.

\‘.’1 IN 511/W 11‘ MN The Motorcycle Diaries I 151 11.1111. Festival Express I | 51 8.1111.

II II 11 MI 11W 1.“: N( )V Festival Express 1 I51 .\'.-15.

‘Il'111\1'1\11} .I\\c11111'. 53115522. L5. HIII MY 51 NUV

The Happiness of the Katakuris I 151 3.1111.


Promised Land (Ziemia Obiecana) 1 151 “,llll.

IIIII m N1‘1\I Shiri I l.\'1 x1111, SMIIIIIWI’ 111‘ N1)\’

Man of Marble (Czlowiek Z Mannuru) 1151 “.1111

Glasgow Film Theatre

I: R11xI'SII'I‘I‘IJIIJI 333 I\'|2\'.(’;1lc/|1;11'. .-\|l [11‘1‘l111'111;111t‘c\ I11111k11l1lc. ll)|. llil. lixcnmgx: L51L-I1. .\l;11111cc\: L4 1131. III 1l11‘l111'1‘ 5111111: [311.31.(Il’l'\;1\c1\: L2H ILIIH 111 we 5 IIIIII\ 1\;1|11I l111'll11‘1‘1‘ 11111III|1\1. (111cm \IIIIII:1}\ |1;1lI l111111‘ hcl'111‘c l'11'xl II|111\1;11‘I\ 111110 \:11‘_\.


The Corporation 111111 3.1 Coffee and Cigarettes I 15 ".1111, 11.1111.

Patrick Geddes’ Glasgow 111 11.311.

FRIDAN 5 NOV Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3.-\1

1.511. 5.45. 11.111. .\‘,.‘111. The CorporationII’m 3.15. 5.111. .\‘.1111.

SATLIRD »\\ 1i NO\

NO Brothers II’UI l 1.3“:1111.

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3.-\1 131). 5.45. 11. III. 8.3111.

The Corporation 11’111 315. 5.111. 5.1111.

5. 8.11). 1 1.1111. 51111.

Dear Frankie I3 \I I :11

The CorporationII’nI 315. 1 IIII Look at Me (Comme une Image) I: \1 z~1<.()lII. \ll)

Oberhausen Programme 1 I I5. 5 <11

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I3 \I 1111. 1.1511111 \111 The Corporation II’( ‘II 3 I5. Teknolust I I\I 111111

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3 \I 1111. 1115 x111

The Corporation I111}. 31$ (IIIII Oberhausen Programme 2 I I 51 11 :11 ATouch of Pink I l.\1 11 1111

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I | 3 \ I 1:11 {.15. 5111

The Corporation11'111 3 I5. 5 111. x1111 The White Stripes - Under Blackpool Lights I 151 11.15

11I71I555L1X~ '5'.“ . Look at Me(Comme unelmage)113 \I 1.111. 1.15. 11.111. .\.=11

The Corporation lI’(i) 3. I 5. 5111. .\ I1I1 I )rlL/ N" ,‘ ,

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3 \I l‘ilL 5,15. (1lll, NRII.

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 11513.15. 5.1111.

Peace One Day 11‘. .\.11I1_

SS1‘1I11‘HHIW - N1

Monsters, Inc. 111 I 11111111.

The Damned and the Sacred (Dans, Grozny dans) I1'1 13.311,

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3.-\1 1.511. 11.111. 3311.

Heart’s Desire (Fleurette) 11' 1 3. I 5. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

1l51 3.411. 3.15. Chantz My Louis Armstrong Years 111 11111.

Bola de Hieve 111 (1.1111.

SUNDAY '-1 N1>\_’

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3.I\1 1.311. 11.111. 3.311.

Nicholas Winton - The Power of Good 1l'1 3.01).

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 1151 3.111. 5.111.

I am From Nowhere 111 11111.

The White Diamond 111 3.311.


What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (Parent and Baby Screening) I 151 III..5(I;1111.

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3.-\I 1.511. 5.15. 11.111.

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 1151 3.1111. 3.311.

Warren Miller’s Impact I I3.-\1



Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I3.I\1 1.511. 11.111. 8.311.

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

.15. 21111, 515

Moulin Rouge 111 I

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I 3 \ 1111‘ 1:5 \111

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? .15.:1111 5111\15

Archive Live I3 \I 11:5

Look at Me (Comme une Image) I I.‘ \I ] :11. 11511111. \111 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

.15. 31111. 5111 \15

\xl111111 I .1111'. IIIIIIII-.III. 111 ll 11" \ I :2 III \1111 1‘ *11I1I'I11II'1111111.111*11111111 \IIIII U311. IIII' H111 L1 511I1I'I1111' 1111111. Li “1.11111 \IIIIII'IIIx ( I \I’ L i ‘11 11111111\.111.1l111'.1111'1 1111111|11 \11111. (Ink! 1““. KIle' ( 'l11l1 \.11\I1111111113 L.‘ *H

Alien Vs Predator I 151 111111. 11 111 Coffee and Cigarettes I 151 I 111.

11 311. x 511

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I I 3 \I III “1.1111

The Motorcycle Diaries I 151 I 1111. 11 1111



Bad Santa I 151

I);III}i I III. (1-11). ‘I III,

,\I\II 111:111111'1‘ III I\ \11111 “ml. 1 511 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I I51 8111.51111Ik 'I'I111. 55H. (1.3”. NS“ Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 151

I‘l111: Ill. “111111

Coffee and Cigarettes I 151

I II. 3.1! I\ \IIIII \\L'LI -I I”. I\ <II11111I \IIII .\|\I1 11111111111: 8.11 I\ Hm: I 5”. MouseHunt I 1 1

\IIIIHIL'L' 8:11 I\ 81111: III. “1.1111

My Summer of Love I 151

I);11|_\: |.|ll.

.-\|\11I'1'11\ .\II111 \\I‘II: (1.311

Saw 1 I151

$1111: IINI,

Shrek Il'1

.\l:111111-1‘ 8:11 I\ 81111:

IMAX Theatre

(Il.1\1_111\1 SI‘IL‘III‘I‘ (‘I'IIII’In 5H I’.II'IIII’ (‘)11.1_\. III-II ~12IISIIIIII, [(1_‘)51LI_‘)51 IlI'I I|1\I'1111111111111:11111'x11l 1111111-1I1.111111111

III. “1:1111.

II ll JFISI )1‘11/ -1

T-Rex3011'1 5.1111. -I.15.

3D Mania 111 1.15.

Wild Chimpanzees 111 13.111. I IQIIlf-‘.\'/ 7' YIII II‘TESIJ/‘KL ' Harry Potter and the Prisoner of

Azkaban 111111 8:11 Ik $1111: -l.IIII

T-Rex 30 II \.:II\ \II". f‘I‘I‘I‘. ‘11 \\\'\‘1.Ii.:j\\ : :5 3D Mania 1

\11I\\ \IIIZ _‘ 1‘ \\\‘\“I‘\\II..:\\ ;

Wild Chimpanzees I \\;.-1.I'..Ix \ '1.‘ 111

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban I'III

\II I\ \1111 21111

T-Rex 3D -1 \.:I .\ \1111 \\\'I'I\II.I\\ 51111 l 1‘ 3D Mania II

\11 I\ \1111 .‘ l‘ \\I-I-I.II.I\\ l5

Wild Chimpanzees II \\\"\'I\1I.I\\ I.‘ I"


(Ill I’.11\I1". I<I1.11I111111I1\111' II.‘.II\ |\’11111\II\'11'\. '11 ll lI\11I [11111.1111H ( IMHLHIII I1\'115115111111' I) I \II_;]1 1.1 511111-1111q111111. 15 511.1111-1I.IIIII.III Il11_\ \11 I\ \11111 \\1'II.1;1 IIIII'Ix 9:11" \IIIIII'I‘Ile'lIIIII 11111131 ll :5 ‘\ I.1.1111'I‘I IIII.\'I fill 111 I 111-11ch1 I~.:1

AlfieII5I 11111, 115.1115, 5:5 AlienIIsPredatorII5I .‘1111. 1:11 “1111 11111

Bad SantaII5I '1111_111111

Bride and Prejudice I.‘ \I I ‘~11. 15 Collateral I 151 111111

Exorcist: The Beginning I 151 I 1111. §§l).(1|§'1)|§

Finding Neverland II’1 II I I1 1. I 1111.

11111111111 Five Children and ItII I 15. < 111.

HouseoltheDeadII5I I.‘ I5. <11. 1.15. " 15_ 11 :11

LayerCakeII5I 1<11. 11111

Little Black BookII.‘\I IIIIIIII. .‘ 5. ‘IIII

Manon Firele. \ 15

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal EngagementIl 1 I <11 11111. (1 :11 Savedl113\1 11111111. .‘ l‘. l {11. 111‘, 1) [Q

SawIlm x115 SharkTaleIl 1 \IIII. ‘1 ll)

White Chicks I.‘ \I

l.‘ l‘. l‘. .‘ 111. 4‘”.


AlfieII5. I).III_\ I1111. :13 (,1; \ 1g

Alien Vs Predator 151

11.1111 1 :11. 115. 1115. 1115 \I511IIIl1' I II I\ \.II Bad SantaII5I


H.111} ||5. 11111~ 11:11~ 111111

\l\11 1.111' I 11 I\ \II IIIIIIIIIL'III Birth1l*1

H.111} 11111111. 3 IT 11*. "W1. ‘1 l‘

.\I\11|.111'I111\ \11 IIII1IIII‘..'III

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason I I 5 I 5.11. \1111I\ H111 If 1*. 1 “1111111 8.11 \11111. I “I. IN" 111111

\11 \11111. illll) (11H). (11‘. "1;. ‘5 1*. ‘1‘”. III ‘III\ II 1* 111111 \1111 I\ IIIII1. IIIIIIIIIL'III 111111 \1111I\ |I1111

'IIII': "UH Collateral I 151 I'll Ik \11111 “M 111111

The ("Sb 1 I31 'IIIL' IU‘IMIII Exorcist: The Beginning I I 51

I‘ll \M-II 111111

.\I\I1 IIIIL' I11 I\ \II IIIIIIIIIL'III Finding Neverland 11111.

11:1111: 1.15. 1.1111. 11.511. 11111,

Five Children and It I 1

8:11 I\ 81111: H “£1111. | “I. i “I The Grudge I 151

l);III}' 11111111. 3.15. I N1. "NH. ‘1‘” .-\I511I.11c I11 I\ 8.11: 111111111-3111

Layer Cake I 151 I11 I\ \11111 \VI‘II: WIII 111111 'Iuw.


13 :I,‘ ; 15. (.1111

III". -11111.’1“11\

'- THE LIST 65