The tunes current/y fr/lrng an clearing the dancef/oors

y . I11

L an ma

Tiesto Parade of the fttft/OWN, 'l\l‘;l)ttl{i, 0 He's one of the fart/test [).J'i, rrt t'a; .vorirt and he's Just spun at the ()ryrnpms operand ’,t:f‘.:tti{,fty wrnen. lets face rt. rs pretty rmpr'essrve. He's r;omprled his spe'Lrally reeo'r le’l tra<;ks for the event. and if he was setting out to make a trance soundtrack to Grandstand he's ltrt the nail on the head.

Dosh Pure has/t lantreon:

OI. lvlartrn [)osh, on tlte otlter hand, makes tracks in his Minneapolis baserrrent. l'hrs rs a very personal album. all lllll()fil)()(lll‘.’(} trnklrng and eccentric beat patterns Wrth tracks even named after hrs krds. Andrew Weatherall / .tbrrr: It) tf‘abr‘teiOOOO Andrew Weatherall is a brt of a god. and thrs is fire perfect electro soundtrack to Ohostbusters. sltould anyone ever need one.

System 7 Inca/trade (A Wavet 0. Steve l tillage started off way back rrt fr'a//Ied aerd freakords Gong. then moved forward to System r' artd I'm aft'ard rt shows. Sorry Steve. but times have changed. Dated

ambient (i()(i nonsense.

5‘ Hexstatic 'Exaetshrt' tNrnta

l Tune) 00. Zen party generals l‘lexstatrr: (Ah. rt was all Just a clever anagram) pulp a couple of floor-filling blends. Eminent spitting prlls over Flawless and spacey. uni-(:ha refrx 'Naney's Boots' are hrghlrghts. Wagon Christ ‘Shadows' tNrnia Tunel 0... More punchy. cranial downbeat from one of Luke Vrbert's well frngered pres. Emotrve and fr'eethrnkrng. there's something rn those Cornrsh frelds.

Vector Lovers 'SurCrde

ArtdrOrd' tSomai 0000 Bleak.

hypnotic beats give way to a 3' funky dancefloor. electro banger that COLth almost be the setrndtrack to a not too distant future.

Engine ‘Strlt Standrng' rBagateIIe ReCOrdsi ooo Poppy. party dance musIC. There's a Strong Speakeasy Jazz element at play here. and a brass heaxy Latrn nod On the b-Slde steals the Show (Henry Northmore

8 Mark Edmundsonr

at For more reviews see Records _. sect/on.

42 THE LIST 4—1 8 Not. 10.:

iii Satchmo Club at llittte_\utltil‘

llt iftpm 3am LES l2 \ox \ew night tltat arms to hrtng underground talertt to tire capital for a series of one-oft eluh nights Krckrng off w rtlt tlte gins from 'ltlt Mrek l’ar'k arid Mark \thson Il’atks tk \\ tlsortr arid .-\rtd) Moor ltrttrttg l-.drnhurgh as part of then I. t/t/rrur alhum world tour

I SLOSH at Suhwa} llprtt 1am 1: rLlr \Vcekl}. l’errter \watd \\rrtner llar’r} :\Hls\\trllll unites )otr to Sl.()Sll cxct} l‘rrda} l'.\peet more of the same music and lttrt that‘s tnade Snatch so popular lhe weekend started _\estet‘da} keep on truckm‘,

I Special Blend at tlte \arrlrs renter \ ta \rcol ladwardsr lfolpm iatti Ll 2h \m.'wa\ artd tlte l)on hrew up a festnal \er\ trig of funk} hreaks. heats artd lte_\ond.

I Stet at life Bortgo ('luh llprrt 3am L5. l‘) \o\. Well he honest: it's a ltard one to sum tip so we'll lime to let tltertt do tlte talkrrtg. ‘\\'rth a purpose-lull} erratic arttt. a rttght at Stet \ettlttt’e\ ohrecttxel} through some fields of strr'grng hass. forests of micro-sampled clrcks artd wlttrr's. ex en

dr'n trig through tlte rttarshland of eskt—dtrh arid grrme.‘

I Tokyo Underground at tlte (‘ellar' Bar. ‘lpm 3am. £3.00 hefore midnight; [UN after. I: \m. Monthl}. .\ rtew rtrgltt hosted h_\ the dtto helttttd 'l‘ok}ohlu wrtlt h\ e percussion form l’epe Santamar‘ra arid a \eleelloli oli local guests.

I The Trap at \\ee Red Bar.

lflfiflprn 3am. [3 WISH with l.o\e Rats hadger. 5 .\'o\. Roek‘rt'roll. Northern Sottl. rndte. electro arid ftr//_\ toot rapper's with guest l).ls from tlte hest rttdte cluhs around tlte l'K.

I Trouble at the ('ellar' Bar. ()ptit .iatlt. £3.90 Hm). \Veekl} mot l3 \ox l. The Beat .la// Basement ts r'ehor'n iii a slightl} differertt format as tlte 'l‘rouhle gins hr'ing their ia// inflected dance selection hack ltotrte. 'l‘his week around it's a residents part} as llohhcs. lurik da Viking. l)orit l-lanagart arid lluglt de \\'tnton step to tlte fore rl)rumagick guest I‘) \m r.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Colours Live! at tlte l.iqtrid Room. .\'e\t date 37 .\'o\.

I Defected in the House at ('aharet Voltaire. llprtt 3am. Hf). l3 .\'o\. This lahel redefined tlte funk} house cotitpilation throughout tlte ‘lfls are hack witlt their rtew tittitillil} rtigltt at tlte ('ah. Hugg} arid ls'ippS are tlte residents of cltoiee arid the} ‘re joined h) Braitt 'l'appert of. Ja/I'n'(}roo\ e arid Soulfuric Records fartte.

I DEFinition at tlte ('ellar Bar'.

ltlptn Sam. [5. l3 .\'o\. .\'ast_\ l’ arid I’- St) l/ host a night of turntahlism ltip ltop front (‘hile tk l.ime as l)lil"inition makes its return. (ilasgow ‘s rertowrted M(' l.owkie guest for his literally ll'trr/t/ alhurn launch part}.

I Diggity at the listahltshtnent.

lflprn 3am. £7 rL‘Sr. \Veekl}. l)J l-‘ahulw. llat'r) 3|). Rico arid M(' l’low get down witlt their had sel\ es. pla}ing wildshle Rtle hip ltop and street soul.

I The Egg at \Vee Red Bar. 1 lpttt 3am. [-1.50 tl.‘3.5(lt. Weekly Still the hest mi\ of indie. (ills garage. Northern Soul. ska. 70s ptrnk arid rtew w a\ e )ou're likel} to stagger across. .\ well lo\ ed institution that refuses to change.

I Fever at ligo. I Iptn 3am. [Ill rL'S to 'l‘aste ntemhers hefore l l.l5pm: £8 for mernhers af‘tet‘i. l3 No\. The folk at 'l‘aste rlidinhurgh's original artd longest running w eekl) gin-friend!) nighti launch a rtew ntottthl) \enture. taking o\er a Sat rtigltt for those w ho reall} do ha\ c to work on Mon. Taste mainsta}s l’isher & l’riee arid Martirt Valentine are on the rttairt floor while the Visitor artd Kattpuss take art amthing goes attitude iii the ('oeteau lounge. l’re-cluh part} at Planet Out from 9pm.

I Fiesta Latina at Tex iot Row l'nion. New date 37' .\'o\.

I Give it Some! at the Bongo (‘luh .\'e\t date 30 No\.

I Gusto til the \.ftlll\ renter \ ta \lu‘l l‘.d\\at'dst llt .zltpm 3am {-3 l1 \o\ Specrall} selected electro. ass-tackrrr .utd funked-up house is simmered to perfection h) Mark Balrtea\es dhggm‘ lleepert torned h} special guest Mike Marshall «Randorttt

I Headspin at the Bongo ('luh

\ zllpm :attt £5 hetore llpttt. L" riflir after (t NM. \lottthl). l‘he hest rrr ltrp hop. ttrrtk. soul. house arid hreakheat as we sa} welcome hack to the resident l).| displa} tearrt featuring .\llart. the Resonance rl)a\a arid (‘oltn Mrllarr .rrtd Ste\e Spin .\nother hartd showcase front the lleadsprtt colleetne arid it‘s a qualtt} line up with pttrtk tunkers tlte .\-\eetots. swamp hlues from l'rtcle .loltrt t\ \\’lttteloek arid l'-l’l.m all on hefore tlte cluh proper kicks off at llpttt. so well worth getting trt tltete earl}.

I Hoffbeat at Berlrn Brer‘haus.

llprtt Rant. [5 (r .\'o\. Heep futtktn’ house from the might} I-unke}magtc crew wlto are routed h} original l)etrort ktd .loltrt |.arrtet. with IS _\e.trs of production attd I).ltng ttrtder hrs hell. alongside recent (‘lassrc Records stgmng .rrtd regular guest l'unk} 'l'r.’tnspor't with In e sa\ frottt Sa\trtgh.

I Jailhouse Rock at 'lex tot Row l‘nron. llprrt Sam. (5 IL‘.‘ L'Jr. (\ ,\'o\. 'l‘weak. Ste\ e arid cRil’ttrterster sprn old \krml rock arid ttielal alortg the lttie\ Hl .\('/l)('. Motor'ltead. Black Sahhath. Scorpions. .-\liee (’ooper. Judas Priest r_\ou get the picturefl'r.

I Joy at tlte Venue. \e\l date Ill \o\.

I Kaleidoscope at the \‘anlts tetitet‘ \ ta .\'icol lidwardsi. lflfiflpm 3am. H. (t Nov l)t' Awkward arid Kowalskr's \apotlt' trail of ps}chedelic rock arid pop.

I Kinda Loose at the \aults renter \ ta .\'icol l'.d\\al'dsl. .\'e\t date .3” Not

I Liquid Soul at l’o .\'a .\'a. ‘lprn 3am. l‘ree hef'ore l lprrt; 1.5 after. Weekly (let down earl} for this consistentl} capacit} retro disco artd funk} house night. featuring l’o's own .Mar'k B on the decks fusing classic arid hang trp-to-date funk} house liot' those it] tlte know.

I Luvely at the liquid Room.

llptn 3am. {l3 till) tnemhersr. l3 .\'o\. Motitltl}. :\ sauc} soit'ee. geared towards a ga}/mi\ed crowd arid featuring a music polie) of full-on. drixing house front residents 'l‘omm} K. (il’. Newton tk Stone and Jared.

I Messenger Sound System at the Bortgo (‘luh. llprtt 3am. Ur. ti .\'o\. l'iltl'llllglill). Bass Ul- how el-shif'ting proportions as the might} Messenger Sound S}stem hlasts otrt the hest in righteous roots and duh reggae.

I Mingin’ at the Venue. .\'e\t date 27 Nm.

I Mission at Studio 24. llprtt 3am. £5 (£4 memherst. \Veekl}. Night of" rrtetal rna)hem. goth rock arid more from the dar'kside a real lidinhurgh institution. still w itlt a lo}al farthase arid art opert door polic} for art_\one with a lo\ e of rock arid metal. Things are certaittl} afoot do\\ It Mission w a} as their rtew top floor polic} kicks irtto gear with the hem ier than thou Void to .\'o\ t and the (ioth How i l3

NM l.

I Motherfunk’s 8th Birthday at Hone) cottth. t)pm 3am. L'IZ. () .\'o\ ottl}. The famous funk eluh mm es to a Sat for tltis hirthda} hash. And what a hash it is with ('ut ('hernist tJtrrassic 5t. ligon arid of course the residents lir') er. (iitto arid Spectrum. St't‘ [tl‘t'i‘tr'ii.

3:3 Musotica at the Venue.

lf)..‘~llpm 3am. {Ill rtLXt. 13 .\'o\. The techno has heert on might} fine form of late'e Slater. Two Lone Swordsment so it's nice to see tltetrt reaching their first hirthda). Headed up h} two of .\'\'("s finest underground producers .-\he l)uque arid (iennero l.e l-‘osse w ho between them ha\e worked with arid rerni\ed the likes of DJ Hell. Blake Baxter. S\en Vath arid J-l,o r?! l. Plus if’ that ain't enough Jakeone «Red Snappert is pla)ing lixe mixing tip acid house. hip hop. breaks and techrto irtto one new wonderful sound.

I Nite Flite at the Vaults renter \ ia Nicol lidwardst. Next date 27 .\'o\.

I Play at llotk‘}eorrth lit zttpm Iartt L'" o5 each for groups of st\ or more: I: \o\ Scott (‘onchar of Suhltme fartte is re ertterrng the eltrhhmg lta} w ttlt this new rttgltt of all out purttprng house part}

\rhes liltete ts rto musical genre it refuses to touch as long as it‘s good the} "II pla} It. with Streets‘ tour ltl Mr Meaks arid tlte \ Hells

I Progression at the l rqtrrd ls’oortt \e\t date In \o\

I Rewind .tt the l tqurd Room

I“ iltpm iatit (5 o \o\ the | rte lslartd his will he on ltartd for some camp llr \R(i action iii the hack room rtomed In new ho} r\l\'(i “(it while old skool disco rocks Mick ('ool arid Shugg} Bear dish otrt the hest rrt "its arid .Sfls poptastte tunes lit the rnarnroortt

I Sophistifunk at (‘tt_\ l‘drnhutgh

Ill ‘flpm iam LS \\eekl} Resident l).| .loltrt llutchtson play ftrrtked up R.\B rentr\es arid house tunes to a heautrlul crowd

I Tease Age at (‘rurrs (‘luh

llpttt 3am l-r'ee hefore ll iflprtt. Li alter, \\eekl_\ lhrs rrtdre stalwart dishes up exerwthmg ftorrt swinging rrtts hits to hagg} Manchester la\ es as well as a host of current \flll chart hotherers with Ill Mortkee Mrckee ltdtrthurgh's longest cortttntrall} r‘trnrirttg trtdte night

I 2Hot at lzgo (r45 9 sliprn Li \Vcekl}. New trttder lSs rttgltt of hip hop and urhart Rth fltnas wrtlt Richie Rttftorte. l).l l)r//le. la). Sonn). in arid lirttcee l’rofisee rstrret age restriction of IS I" r.

I Ultragroove at (‘aharet \oltaltc. ll..‘~flprit iant. L'S' hefor'e midnight. lfl ttSi after. fr .\'o\. lzdtrthurgh‘s peerless real house part) ser\es up track} gttto\e\. soulful \oeals arid tr'thal tunes frottt resident (iar‘eth Sorrtmenrlle strrel_\ still fit i‘eco\ct‘_\ rttode front their fiftlt htt'thda} a few weeks hack. Bruce Nicholson. llohhes. lartk da \‘tkmg and Horn lilanagan join the part} ralso note ottl} l'ltr'agrooxe dtrrtrtg \m due to tltetr tnxohement wrtlt Bootrt Slta Boom down ()cean 'l‘erntrnal 2f) \o\ i.

I Vain at in iot Row l'nton.

lflpnt 3am. H ith. I‘ .\’o\. ’l‘eehno. goth. industrial. Sfls arid ttew romantic tunes. So that'll he cheer} then”

I VEGAS! at ligo. .\'e\t date 3” .\'o\.

3:1 VEGAS! at Ocean 'l'ernttnal.

lflpm .‘tam. L'lsl. Ii .\'o\ oitl}. l-rankre Sumatra. Bugs} Seagull. |)tno Martini arid the Vegas show girls ltost one of the hest parties itt town tttorttlt rtt rttorttlt otrt. Now when _\ou hear it's their se\ertth hirthda} )ou know it‘s gorttta he a htg one. All the usual crew w ill he on hand plus croorter e\traordtnair‘e (‘r‘atg McMurdo attd his ()rehestra tall I l of thetnr for a hit of Rat Pack sounds. ftrrtk masters Button l'p arid the queert of hut'lesque .Miss l.rl} \Vhite herself .\'ow that‘s ltrrn )(ttl do a hirthda} part}.

I Velvet at ('ontrnplex lflpm 3am. Ur tL'St. (t .\'o\. Monthl}. Women‘s trrgltt for ga} girlies and their speciall} rm tled ho} friends unen cim ortl_\ gartt adrrtrsston rl accotrtpartred h} a lad} l. hosted h} Micltelle rJo}. \Vigglei. .-\lso note pre» cltrh performance poetr} from Mtcltelle Scall} ('lzrr'ke tXptn. Uri.

I Wiggle at ligo. llptri 3am. L'Ifl. (r .\'o\. Monthl}. Maggie a Alan Jo} need rto introduction as tltetr rtigltt of ga} fttrt arid frolics reaches its second hirthda}. 'l‘rend} \Vend) arid Jort l’leased pla} tracks that are a little htt camp. at lrttle htt cutting edge htrt a whole lotta f'trn. Downstairs l)J l)ale arid Michelle will he deplo} trig Rkll. hip hop. indie arid chart tunes attd how could we forget the lmel} l’enn} l’ornstar on hand to meet and greet the purtters'.’

Edinburgh Sundays


I <any excuse> at l’rixe (‘ouneil lflprn 3am. liree. Wee-kl}. Back 2 Mine st}le sets from a selection of lidinhurgh f'asourites. Funk}. chilled. uplifting \‘ihes. I BootyLUSHous at Meditta.

lflpm 3am. £3 before midnight; B after.