appearing \kllll Jnnn} Hardie. the line fiddler/guitarist lrnin the Old Blind Dogs. and lnp hnn/nuki pla'wr Aarun Jones.
I Dunferrnline Folk Club Session Hunlerinline l‘Hllx ('Iuh. 'I'hislle 'l'awrn. Haldrnlgehurn. lll 383 72967 3. ls‘pni, l-ree. Sing a sung. pla} a lune nr lllxl ll\lL‘ll,
Thursday 28
321 Angelique Kidjo The Arc-hex. Arg} le Strum-l5“Ill23.Hpin.£151£l3an \lranger tn Setilland. Kldin's perlnrnianu's are ;l\l(llll\ll|ll}_‘l} d} nanne (she’s been a daneer \lllL'L' she was \I\ wars Hill! and \he has a \uinderlul \mee ller «m n wngx range m er the entire x\ll'|\‘llll miterienee, l’art «it [he HIL’ HUI/(l
ii? Bojan Z and Julien Lourau (‘(‘.'\. Sauehiehall Street. 353-100“. Spin, ill) tL'Xi, l'l'tllll l'i‘anee. \ll\tlpll(llll\l Julien l.nin'au and pianist Hinan /. explore eaeh nlher'x lllll\le;ll rtmts. partieularl} Hnian /.\ Balkan lmekgmund. in ereale a lresh and melting hlend (ll lllll\lL‘. l’art (ll-H12 “It liar/(l.
I Annie Grace Trio Si .’\lltll'L'\\ \ m the Square. nll Sallinarkel. St Andre“ '\ Street. 548 ()(lZUl Splits £7 l£5l. See \VL‘d 27.
I Out of the Bedroom Wawrl} Bar. St Mar} '\ Street. 556 3355.
9pm nndnight. See 'l‘hu 2|.
I Haggerdash l‘allxirk l‘nlk ('luh. The Polish (‘Iuh :\rnul Street. (ll 324 (il33‘)5. H.3(lpin. £5, l‘nlk mots lest \xilh the hop lruin Stonelinuxe.
Paisley I lain Morrison l’aixle} Arts ('enlre.
Ne“ Street. No" lltlll W350i. Yuung singer. wnguriter and piper lrmn Lexus. uith wngx lrttlll lll\ lit“ alhuin [till/FM [fur “UH/c \ and l’e u: I’ll'r‘ .Xmu/uz
3‘ lpin 1‘ 5H
3?: Renaud Garcia Fons (‘( I-\. Sauehiehall Street. 352 4‘)th hplll [5 (UH. l‘reneh haxs playng \ irtunw. duhhed ‘lhe l’aginini til the dnuhle hass'. play l‘lainenen. tango. guts} daneex and itnprm i\e\ amund Alriean l'll}llllll\. He is alw inined h} lllL‘llth‘l'\ til the Seiittish (‘hainher Orchestra in perlnrni the premiere nl Rem-mun In eelehrate the linlenle ('nrdiale. l’arl (ll lire li’iu Hor/i/ I The Big Bang! Gang (iilinurehilKill. l'nixersit} .-\\enue. 33” 5522. 7.30pm. L'lll lL'Xl. 'l'he Mugenky» drummers are imned h} ineinherx til the l'K'x ('entre l'nr 'l‘aikn Drumming lnr a ritual Japanese permission e\tra\agan/a, I The Hidden ()‘Neill‘x. 457 Sauehiehall Street. 353 4370. 7. illpni. £5. Strung Senttish l'nnlx with nriginal lllll\lL‘ lrnin these .»\lwrdeen\hire Iaxxiex pla}ing tunes lrnin their latest album pile/(m.
I Dick Gaughan (‘uitier ’l‘heau'e. H}ndland Street. 357 3303. Split. £8.50. Sendaile passionate pnlenneist; weialisin. \(mg and great guitar pla_xing. I Fergie MacDonald Ceilidh Band ()ran Mm'. (ireal Western Road. 353 8000. 3pm. L'll). West Highland legend. ela) pigeon shut and master huttnn aeenrdiunixt “hit his danee hand.
I The Sarod Dynasty of Ameen Ali Khan liast l’nlluekxhieldx Multicultural (‘enlre. l5 Keinnure Street. 42.3 32“). 7.30pm. £7 tL'Sl. ('Iaxsieal inuxieian :\ineen Ali Khan. \xhu play the \arnd. a lute-like stringed instrument ul' aneienl Alghanistan. is highl} eelehrated in lli\ nati\e India.
/\l~t‘|t '/'I ’ll (l
Melrose 01896 820 028
22 October ° me ARCHES
Glasgow 0870 240 7528
23 October ' CARNEGIE HALL _ Dunlermline 01383 314 000 ' a ,
30 October ° THE LEMON TREE , a " Aberdeen 01224 642 230
4 November ° CEILIDH PLACE 01854 612 103
.' ‘ [ 975F541
llk w \
5 November ° AN LANNTAIR . Town Hall
Stornoway 01851 703 444
l'i"'.‘ill r, [till i; 22’ j”. it"r.
HM} «lmrttr no; inurir
aidijf-“ [9.N5g
Buena Vista Social ClubTM presents
Ibrah Fer
Saturday 6 November
8pm £18 - £27
880 Radio 3 Awards for a}. World Music Winner 2004 "
Thursday 25 November bpm 216-22250. H
He‘s taken the African Alfir'fian roots of jazz to cradle massive global impact
‘ ’,'.' ~1’w,..//"1THE LIST 89