I MIA, Audiophile, the Stevens .ant: The Elements R- Jr». tl\httl.:ntt Street 37109:“ \prn 9.1 \lt‘ nt nnhe. punl. .ztttl :ieeun we} l‘.1tlil\

I Los Hermanos Blancos I'm In in \luehell l me. ‘95. ill\ \pnt l tee lleeun \.:l\.: ttntn \.'ne/ttel.t l’m.‘ n' \xwku'tiui-

I The Everything Treatment lhe Hun (huh I 1.‘ l’mtlt l .:ne. 3% 1—“ Spin ltee llt'li'lt‘ lll illl‘ltl. L" .ttlt't l),ill. l‘It'itltl‘L'dl. ele.unnt..t.uh1 1.:// nnptn‘.1\.tt1nn ’../.' n' \It'iiferili \

I Soulcandy .tllil Evolver lhe litnnd \ltll‘. ln] lfi<(llt..1l\\k'\lk'llll<ll.l\l. lll l‘Ntl ‘Ipnt ltee /’.nlnt \iz'i’n'lliuix

I An Audience with Phono It h.u

()2 “.1. 1.‘ ( )t.1::n l we. 1591431 Spni L; /’..r.' u' \r;w'."\lu;4\

I The Midden .llltl Ian Davison (i‘\er|l\, I“ \uithtelmll Street. iii-1V1 \pin L‘- l enhile uin get up \xuh \itlllt‘ inntletn lnlL} \l'lllltl\ l’mtn/ \iajlullniAx I Gratis Quo \t.tt \ane} \. t: .l.un.ue.i Sueet. .‘ 1\ “SI ‘tpnt liee St.itu\ ()un llll‘lllt‘ Iii/7 iI' \li'lllllitll\

[ thnhurtth

I Uriah Heep Ilie l ltlllltl Rnnin. ‘le

\ ltli'llJ Street. I.“ I‘M "put [30, ( )ue nl the l l\\ lemhne hunt niet.i|. PIN“: inek .tt’l\ iii the filh

I FB Collective, MC Profisee and Nasty P Ihe l'\\'ll.lll_‘..‘t'. *5 ('irnx e Street. N i tilttl thui Ui HI}: latluihureh hip linp e\eut helpuij: tn iu.uk the .u'ii\;i| nl llll\ llt'\\ lt\e \enue Int the eupttul. l'.\peet ninre .lt'l\ tn lie .uinnuneetl .l\ \\ ell .l\ u \eleelinn til \{k't'lul f_‘llt'\l\

James Yorkston 'l he llntign (’luh. \liilu} llt'lht'. i“ lliil}l'tititl Rnutl. “(ittl " ‘Hpnt L“ 50 'l‘he l-ileulternunxe Inlk tinuhuilni lutx the i‘nutl.

I Super Paradise .llltl Mammal lhe \leit.tt. IS \\e\l .\l.titl.ilit| Street. 335 “M. llpin {-1 HM Inek \puee |.l// lll\litll. \nennler lllk'ltltllt'\ .llltl .unhient eleeunuleu. I Oatbeanie, Mexico .llltl The

Usual Suspects \\L~.z\ti.-ht:n.t;\. L rt

Snutt‘. lhnl;e. <‘- {111 "I‘m l ‘rx-tnz; nnhnzht :1 .zttet ( ~~t‘.‘.'\ .uni nttgtna. Inn.» .1 I nleht

ir‘ Hf»

I The Waterboys \luenun. [henna ll.uhnut\nie. 01:94 i] ‘01" |thnhtueh1.:t1\ltke\ntthtuiemetetutn the \\.itt'tl\~r}\ huek hntne Int Ilth .tenuxnt \hnu nt lttei.:te tnlk Inteeti inek

Saturday 30


I OFX, Dream Frequency .lll\l Mary Kiani (Luhne \e.itlern_\. III l :hntnn \m-e-riinnsnjnititititix‘ti"1jiitiii ‘tpni L I” link tn the l uttue ll.:Hnue'en pull}. \‘.llll .i lne luie up n! nlti \ehnnl t.i\e_\ tl.i\e_\ .tel\

I Dirtbox, Almighty Me, Splitbac .uitt Paige l he (i.u.1g_'e. 4"" \itlelllt'llull Street. “I III”, "pm in liltl\.llltt'l. L“ ltliiiill (her l-lx \hnu Skute punk .iuti nietul lull

I The Wolfetones li.tlli\\\ l.mtl. 31—1 (i.r|ln\\;_'.ite. ‘53 'l(\lll " ittpni ('elne tnek I Terra Diablo, Orko .llltl the February Solution Km; lut\ \\.lll \\,lll llut. 3‘3: St \ineeut Street. III 53“)

S. Wpur lntlie Inek llitl\t‘llll\\ [int n/ \IQ/Iflliil’k\

I Counselled Out 'I he lem. t: ('lxtte tint-e. th‘ix 3m 5! I .Spni tux' ' (‘nunnitnientx \t} Ie Rkll L‘ll\t'llll‘lt'

I Chase, Collette McKendrick .md Rio Grande Rebel Barth. Itinrhtle Sum-r ti.\"ii tin“ ntitiii up”; '

I Down the Tiny Steps, Scott McDonald, Mr William Bates .llltl the Rising Son the Ifith \nle (hue. SH hit King: Sheet. 55‘ Iti‘S. .iltlll. t3 .\enu~ue .itternnnn \t'\\ltill hnui the llnueketl Rt't‘i‘l'th [‘L‘let'. l’u‘l'l I" \Ig/lll‘iilln,

I Kain, the People and My Latest Novel 'l‘he lith \nte(';1le. 50 00 King: Street. 55* HHS. .\.3t)|\tii. £3. The e\eiiiii;_'

ittpn. 1%

E.” Yew Own E.” i. {)y .ll! iiigen‘ent wutfi l3 Ai trst: pi L‘bt'lft

James Yorkston and The Athletes

PM guestlM MORAY (20“. 2| 12m ADEM <30“ 3' t. 24'" 29”) “"6 CREOSOTE tS'“ 20w ABERFELDY (20th:.

SEPTEMBER 30'“ York Barfly 0870 907 0999


Peterboiough Metropolis Lounge 0| l.)) 57! 616

2"1 Cardiff ltor Bach 029 2023 2|99

3“ Sheffield The Fe: 0| H 276 7093

" Belfast Auntie Amines 028 9050 I660 6" Dublin Wheluus 08l 87! 9300

7" lewny ROSIH Dubh 0|978 264 940

8"“ \lVL‘St. Cork Connollys of Le.ip +353|4 780 700

l 0“


9‘” Limerst Dolnns r3536| 312 963

Cark Au Cruiseni L.in *3532l 43l 6428 Brighton Hanbui y Ballroom 0| 273 325 440 \Nrexhnni Centmt Stamon 0|978 304 940

14'“ Oxford ZOdl.]( 0|865 410 042

Brtxtol The Cube Miet‘ODlCX 0' ‘7 Q29 9008 I7‘“ Colehester Arts Centre 0 I 206 500 900

IB“ Cdiiibinlge ltiltLttL‘lt 0l213 5| 1 SlI I9' l-t.‘lCt.‘.\tCl Mnsn Lite OI to 255 4854

20‘“ LONDON SCALA 08700 600 |00

:4" Leeilu P’lt‘llt‘pt.‘lll.lll Unweixty 3| :3 2-H 15' ’7

84 THE LIST .2 \c

MJHLHCSLCI Night and Day 0|0| 831 SUHKIL‘H (jeergmn l‘T‘entte 'Jlo42 o

bungnw Career the.iue

Buntingde .ALJtlt‘llly: 0870 .77" 3000


:0 Ltyetpm‘t Ae.ini‘z“v OlSl ISO.

08 ’0 140

~\':\,ev th‘L‘I' Lenten 'I'ee GI :24 04:

:9“ tainl‘uigt‘ Bennie L'ht‘ 0| 3| 558 7004

V ., I J. \y‘, \ .3“. 1H.“ _'r‘1n -,‘.-‘~» . t.» t, ~‘.\N\\' ‘.l"i“\i ii“

g. -

Some bands never make it back from

the edge. Kilmarnock‘s Trashcan Sinatras were in a financial and creative mire but have struggled back with their nerves intact. Their first new record in eight years, Weightlifting, is re-establishing the band in the US and these crafted. soulful retro pop songs should be enough to bring the rest of the world

round to their way of musical thinking.

trf‘) .".~(M'.".!r

tliet nl llu.iel\etl lllll\|t' leuturex lne.il \trutting: tnek'n'rnllerx Kain/1mm \iulillliier I Remnants of Alex \iee'n‘Sleu/_\. -l_‘l Sgiuehtehzill Street. “i090”. iltlll, I The Fusion Experience 'l'he lhut ('luh. HI Huth lune. 3-13 V“. Spur l-ree helni'e “hillltlll; :ilter, l.nung.'e |;i// groin ex, Purl I” \ig’llllliil‘kx. I The Free Candy Collective l.lt|llltl l.nun:_'e.‘)~1\\'e\t Regent Street. 35‘ 0333. (rpm. l’i‘ee. Return nl the lltt‘llim ilt‘tilhllt‘ \t‘\\ltill. \\ llll guext l‘illltlS. l’url u! .VIQ/Illlii/‘kx. I Jamie Barnes 8- Cochise \lueSni‘le} \. 43 .lutiiuieu Street. 34S SSSI. (ipiii. l‘ree. Bluex l'L‘\ltlt'llt‘_\. l’ur/ n/ \idillliu‘kx. I Tons of Slobs \lttL'SHl‘lL'}\. t: .qunueu Street. 2.18 8581. ‘lpni. l~ree. ’ill'l HI Nit/Illtiirlu.


I The Cellars \Vhiulehinkim. .t (i Sntith Bridge. 557 5| l4. (ipni. l'i'ee hel'nre niitlnight; £3 :ilter. Snuthern hluegruxx tn intlie rnek t'i'nui \enii Reeni‘th neuext \ruuuigx.

I Lee Paterson, The Cellars uml Jojocake \Vlnxlleluukiex. -1 Sntltli Bridge. 55" 5l|-1.(ipni. l-ree helnte niitliiiglit; £3 utter. Snuthei'n hlueeruxx tn llltllt' rnek ll‘tilll \enn Reenrtlx nexkext xignuigx the (‘ellui'x

I East Meets West The liquid Rnnni.

9e \ietnriu Street. 235 350-1. "pni. £5. The latlinhurgh lil1;|l\ lit the hand ennip. I Sufjan Stevens and Gravenhurst 'l‘he Value. I“ ll (Killnn Rnutl. 55- ill—‘3. "pni. Lia. \L'U-ltllhlk‘ \kllii t‘Hllltl gn e the hunln u enntl nuine \\ ith lll\ tender. heuutitul t‘tilllpthlllttlh. m \hnueuxetl nu hi\ Sri'rn .SnuIH ulhuiu. Suppni‘t llUlll ne\\ \Vurp \igtiingx (ii';i\eiilitu\t uhn \Ulllltl nnthnig: hke the eleetrnnieu the label I\ \n lfiunnux hit.

I Robert Scott & the Classic Swing Orchestra l'xher llull. l.ntlil;in Rnud. 22S IISF. ".RHpiu. {IS £21. The Stun III l'lu-ir /'.\¢'\ runner up. eniiiplete \\ itli :9 pteee ni'ehextixi tk hi; huntl. tukex n\ er the l'xher llull tnr gi tine-night Sinutru \peetueulur.

I Desc and 0 without U (liletinniun Buekpuekerx. 3 ()ueenxlerr} Street. 4‘0 "224. S..‘~Hpui. £4. llullnue‘en \peeiul enlleeting u \eleetlnn nt' spine ehilling uetx Hill in the right \xu} nl enurwi \kllll ninre tn he unnnuneetl.

I TWO Lone Swordsmen I he \enue, I" _‘l (liltnn lx’nml. "V' W '1 altn l l.l-l. \t‘t' l ll .“l

I John Townes Van Zandt, Sandy Watson .mtl The Sunshine Delay Ih.‘ \ I|l.i;_'e. In Snuth lnith Street. l'\ \IH

" illplu Ui Snn nl the l.ue. ‘.'l\‘.tt lemn tinuli.itlnui. ,lnhn nn lux l utnpe.in tntn


I Hoobastank .tllil Three Days Grace ()ueeti \l.uf_'.uetl ninn. Ifl lllh'hlt} (Lirilenx H‘) 99M Hl‘lll Ll§ (he! llx \linu 'l he hr: nev. t’i'llllllt'lt l.ll \Ineth .lll Inek \llllh liill\ uitn tn\i.n

I Kathryn Williams ('ntner lllt'Jllt' llttiilluntl Street. {in “M 7' llll‘lll 9|< \\1\t\).\\|itxiit't} \et llnrn the ileln .it.- \l\_ \\|lll.t|ll\ \xhn \\tll hnpelulh llx‘.ll u\ tn \nine nl hei nhnxyitmtn \l“»k'l xerxlnn~

I 805 Matchbox 8 Line Disaster lhu (i.u.13:e.»l‘)tlS.iuehieh.ill Street. W? l|.“t "put l.ntett.unuij_'. ethliennz' unthtlnll'. ll.l\li \t}le Itnni the Inntle} l)l\.i\lei treat.

I Kain, V “min .mtt Viva Stereo ( irin \lHl. li}lt'\ Rihtil. :0: “NW \[‘III 9. It'leetle \HlllltlS ttnin Ine.i| lt"..'t'll\l‘~ \ l‘n. 1H nn .1 lug: \.i|ue l‘lll v. 1th nitlte lll\ leer \ Nun .tlltl \ l\.t Slt‘leii

I Red Bee Society, Echelon, the Aerials and Tamara Schlesinger l\tn:' |ut\\\.ih\\.ih llut. 3-1.t\l \uhent Succt ill 5399 .\ ‘Hpin t.‘ l,.iti1t‘\t}uitttt'_' unh- lmntl ptnnintuij; then eunent \lllt'lt' ‘\\ hen “C lttlh ill llnheV

I River Detectives, Figure 8 MM John Alexander \teien. lx'elx nth.:u;'h Street. 5'!» 5013 " llll‘lll LS Inhtl hernn 1n the e;u|_\ ‘llh. S.un (‘nnj. .tllil [Mn ()‘\k'lll .ih.t lllL‘ RIM‘I l)e'lt‘tll'.t'\ lI.i‘. 'l‘e‘ 'll tpuet in the Intenni hut nn'n. the, tennn \kllll .i llL'Vx .ilhtnn Ame wt [/14 (imm' /u./r [tilt/i

I Billy Mitchell l’itel. \\htnn l..:ne * 1.7 JUN», Spur in l‘.\ l.llltll\l.llllt' nmn

I Man Must Die, Psyko Dalek, Mosh untl MiSfitS Tribute Until}. 30“ ( iljule Street. Hx'Wt Wt)" H‘N‘) \pni \n etnn; nt hurtlenre tluhhetl (‘h.unhet nt llnttnt~ 3001 I End of the Month Club lhe 1 ith .\'nte(‘.ite. 50 (it) Kin: Stieet. “4 In“ ‘lpni Li lin/tllu pt‘exnle naet the tl\tl.il entertaining: prnteethnb

I Kieran Docherty (tint \ennxne Sunday. the (hut. 12V -\r§_'j.le Stteet. 1‘" "3‘3. .Sptn l-ree \ev. ehtHetlnut .lLt'll\ll~.
