The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagernent1l‘1 11.111} 1111111:1111. 13 55. 5115. 5411


11.1113 (1.311. 8.511. .-\1311111:111111'1-1111-1311333: 1045:1111. 1 111. 5511


|):111\: 11115.1111. 11111111111. 12.511 1.15. 3.45: .1111. 51111. 111111. 7.35. 315. White Chicks«12.\1

1):111_\' 12111111118:111. 5.411. (1.111 8.45. .-\|311111:111111'1' \11'1'1111:1}3' 1115111111.

UCC Parkhead, Glasgow

1111115111541: 151111113111, 11371 211112111111 111111 :11111('('11111111111§_':11371115551511.11)1.|1i|. .1\111111 {4.3511455 111'111r1‘ 511111 M1111 11111. ('111111/8111111-111/1);\1’: 15.511115 111'1111‘1' 511111 811111 111111. 11111111} 1111111 {15.411..-\1|111'111'13

111‘1111‘1' 11111111: 135.


Alien Vs Predator1151 1111111111. 115. .145. (1.15. 3.45.

Boo, lino and the Snurk511'1 1114111111. 1111. 1.111.

FiveChlidrenandit11‘1 111111111111. 12.15. 2511. 4.45.

Manon Fire1131 3.111.

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement11'1 111111111111. 12.55. .115. 5.511. 3.311.

SaW1131 11.211. 3.511.

SharkTale11’1 1111511111. 1111111111. 12.51). 1.15. 2.45. 3.311. 5.1111. 11.111. 7.35. 3.15. White Chick51l2.1\1 1111111111. 1311. 4.1111. 11.111. 11.1111.



151'11k 8:11: 1111111111. 1511. 4.1111. (1.511. 11.1111.

81111 11111: 1115111111. 12.511. 5.211 5.51). 8.311.

Alien Vs Predator1151

151113 8:11: 1115:1111. 1.45. 4.15. 11.45. 11.15.

81111 11111: 1114111111. 1.1111. 5.511. (1.1111. 8.511.

Boo, lino and the Snurirs 11'1

81111: 1114111111.

Five Children and It 111

8:111k 81111: 12.15. 2.511

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 11’111

8:11: | 1511:1111.

Man on Fire 1 131

1):111}': 8.111

The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement 11' 1

1);1i|_\: 1111111:1111. 13.55. 5.115. Saw 1 131

11:111}: (1.311. 8.511 .-\1311111:111111‘L‘ \\ L‘L‘k1l:1_\31 1114511111. 1.111. 5.511

Shark Tale 11'1

1):1i1_\: 1111511111. 1111111111. 12.51 3.45. 5.511. 5.1111. (1.1111. 7.55. 18' White Chicks 1 12.-\1

1):111_1: 1.2111111118:111. 5.411. (1.111. 8.45. .-\|311 111:111111‘1‘ \1 1'1‘1111:1}3: 111511:1111.

UCC Renirew Street, Glasgow

7 R1‘1111'1‘31 811111. 111111 :11111 (‘(' 111111111112: 11371 2111121111. 3111111 15.35 114.75 .\11111 111111. ('hi111: £5.25. 8111111‘1113 £5,511. (11111133111113: {5.1111 151111111} 111‘111‘1 £5.35 per [11'r31111 1i:ir1} 111111 :111111133111113111‘1111‘1' 12:1111: £5.25. 1'1111111111'11 (X1111: 1.11.5111 pcr 1111111111.


1.1.15. 1


Alien Vs Predator1151 11111111111. 11111111111. 12.211. 1.311. 2.511. 4.1111. 5.211. (1.311. 3.1111. 11.1111.

Boo, lino and the Snurirs 111 1 131111111. 2.1111. 4.311.

Bride and Prejudice 1 12.-\1 1151111111. 2.411. 5.511. 3.211.

Collateral1151 3.311.

Dodgehall: A hue Underdog Story 1 12.-\1 11.311. «1.1111.

Fat Slags 1 151 7.111. 11.211.

Five Children and it 111 111.411.1111. 1.111.


Hero112.-\1 11.211. .3511 lnsidel’mDancing1151 111111.111. 31111.

5.1111. 7.511

layerCalre1151 11111111111. 13.511. 5111. 5.511. 11.111.

ManonFlre1131 1111111111. 2.1111. 5111. 3.411.

DidBoy1131 1111111111. 2.111. 5111. 3111 The Princess Diaries 2 -The Royal

11'1 1111111111. 21111. 5.1111. 8.1111. 111.511, ResidentEvilepocaiypse1151 11 15.1111. 1311, 4.1111. (1.411. 11.311. Saw1131 12.211. 3.111. 111111, 111111. SharitTaled'1 11111111111. 1111111111. 115111111. 12.511. 1.511. 2.211. 5.1111. 4,1111. 5.111. 5.411. 11.311, 7.511. 3211, Sky Captain and the Wodd oiTomorrow 11’1i1 11131111111. 1.111. 5.411 WhiteChicksnLM 11111111111. 13.411. 5.511. (1.311. 11.311. Wimbledonil2.-\1 1112111111. 12511 5.211. 5.511. 8.411.


A8 Fond Kiss 1 151

1):111}: 11211


Dull}: 1150:1111. 2.111. 5.1111. (1.411, 3.1111. 11211

.-\1311 1:111' 1511 1% 8:11: 111.41).

Alien Vs Predator 1 151

151113 8:11: 11111111111. 12.211. 12.511. 3.511.

5.511. 5.311. (1.1111. 18.111. 8.411. 111.411. 11.11). 81111 11111: 11111111111. 1111111111. 12.211. 1511

3.511. 4.1111. 5.311. (1.511. 18.111. 9.1111. Boo,ZinoandtheSnurir511'1

l):111_\: 1112111111. 12.511

Bride and Prejudice 1 I2..\1

151113 8:11: 111511:1111. 1.411. 4.51). 7.511. 111511.

81111 11111: 115111111. 2.411. 5.511111111'1‘111'~ Wall. 18.511.

Bubba iio-Tep1131

1.:111' 1511 13 8:11: 1 1.111

Chaos 1 151 Daily: 1151111111. 2.1111. 4.511 (1.51). Coiieeand Cigarettes1151

Daily: 1111111111. 151). 4.111). (1.211. 3.411. .1\1311|:11c15ri& 8:11: 11.11).

Collateral 1 151

l):1il}‘: 8.511

DodgeballeTi'ue Underdog Story 1 12.-\1 Fri 15'; 8:11: 1115(1um. 1.111).

81111 11111: 1131111111. 2.111).

Fat Siags 1 151

Daily: 12.511.

FiveChildren and lt11'1

[)1111}: 1.211.

:\1311 111:111111‘1‘ 8:11 13 81111: 1 1.111111111. llero112A1

1):111}': 3.511. 8.1111.

.1\1.3111:111' Fri 1% 8:11: 111.111

Inside I’m Dancing 1 151

Daily: 1 1311:1111. 2.1111. 5.1111. 7.51). .1\1.3111:11c Fri 8; 8:11: 111.41).

Layer Cake 1 I51

1):111_\‘: 5.511. (1.1111. 8.51).

A1311 1:111‘ 1’11 1% 8:11: 1 1.111.

Man on Fire 1 131

1):1il_\': 2.41). 5.51) 111111 M11111. 111111 My Summer at Love 1 151

1):1i|): 11111111111 111111 “1111. 1.111. 5.51). 5.411. 18.111.

.-\|311 1:111' Hi 1% 8:11: 111.511.

Old Boy 1 I31

Dull): 18.111.

The Princess Diaries 2 -The Royal Engagement 11'1

1):1i|): 1111111111. 2.1111. 5.1111

Resident Evil:Apocalypse1151

1'11 1% 8:11: 5.41). (1.21). 3.511. 11.15. 81111-511111: 4.51). (1.51113 11211111111 “1111. Saved! 112.-\1

“111: 8.511

Saw 1 131

Daily: 3.11). (1.1111. 8411111111 Fri-8:111. .1\|3111"ri 18: 8:11: 18.511. 11.1111.

Shark Tale 11'1

Daily: 111.411.1111. 1 111111111. 11111 1.511. 3.311. 5.311. 4.1111. 5.1111. (1.311. 7.511. .-\131115ri 1& 8:11: 115111111. 111.111 White Chicks 1 l2:\1

1‘ri 13 8:11: 1 1411:1111. 2.411. 5.411. 8.21). 11.1111.

Sun—Thu: 11111111111. 12.411. 5.411. (1.41). 51211

Wimbledon 1 |2.-\1

11:111}: 11.511:1m. 5.311.


Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

5.811111111‘8111'1'1.11151338 4141 (1' 111111111111251151 238 4141 11.11 2-1 1111111 |111111‘111.11111111.1111- 11151 2318 381111 1111 {5511114511 111 1111‘ 111-1011*11111111 ('11111‘3 L5 511 \1111111'\1:1*111 11.11111 11111111.1}31.111111111513 15511. [)11111111'111113 181111 111.111111'1' 1111‘ 111121111 L4 5111155 51' 1‘11111'31 1113111111113 .1\.111.11111‘ 1111 111111113 1111111211 1'.11'11 11111111‘13 1111'.131' 111111.11‘11111'1‘11. 1’11‘.131‘ 111111" 1113: 81:11:.1111 31'1'1‘1‘11111g3 1111' [1.1111113 1‘.111'13.111111111‘11 11:11111'311111}.


Dead Man’s Shoes 1 1.31 4.111. 11.511. Fear and Trembling (Stupeur et tremblements) 1 121 1.115

Metallica: Some Kind oi Monster 1 15. 3.511.

The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 1 15.

Old Boy 1 131 1.1111. 1.45. 11311 1115 Super Size Me 1 12.v\1 4,1111. 11111

Under the Tuscan Sun (Parent and Baby Screening) 1 12.I\1 111.311.1111.

FRIDAY 92 111111181)1\Y

Coffee and Cigarettes 1 151

[)11111: 1.311. 4.1111. 11.311. 111111 111111 “1'11 1.

.-\1311\\1‘11: 9.55.

The Contormist (ll Coniormista) 1 131 “1'11: 11.511

My Summer of Love 1 151

1):111}: 1.411111111811111. 4. 111. (1.4111\ 51.111 111111 \V1'111.

:\1\11\\1'112 1).511.

Old Boy 1 I31

1):1il}: 5.25111111811111. 11.111111111\\'1-111. 3.55.

Shrek11'1+ Shrek211'1

81111: 1511

You’re My Hero (Eres Mi iieroe) 1 I2.-\1 l):1il_\: 1.211

81111 111:111111'1‘ 1111 51 (111:

The Boume Identity 1 12.\1 + The Boume Supremacy 1 12..\1

81111: 1511

Yu Ji-tae in Oldboy

Film mm—

18 \.'\\11.11111‘ 11:11.111'. 111 51 4-1“ .1331 111111 11151 -14"_‘111111.111114l3 \45111‘1' 1111111111; 11151 4434551 13‘1‘31.1111.1111 11.11 111' \111111 81.11111111115211.811111‘11111 :5 ‘111. 1 1111'111.1 54 L5 ‘111 11511131111 5 11111.13 1511111 111'11111-1111111. \11111 111 81.111111111 141111. 8111\1'11111 :4 ‘111. 1.1111‘111.1 5 4 {4"11 1511111'1'331111131'11111111‘11 81.11111111115811.811111'11111 11‘111.1'1111‘111.1 5 4 141111 1’1111111.1113 \11.‘111111111L5 “11, 13111111; 1511111 \111.13 13'1'1 11111'13 \111‘111111111 :11‘111.1\1'111113:Lll ‘111 (‘1111‘1111 2 8111.13 \111‘1111111112_11"11. 15111111; 15‘111 8111111‘1113181111 111111 L5‘1"1111:111111'3.111111111 1.1111111 111 11113 1111111 L 5 411 pm 111131111

Bride and Prejudice 1 12 \1 .‘ 111. 1 511.

511 De-Lovely11*1;1 2 :11. 11 13 iier01l2\11.111~ :53 .3111

LayerCake11513311 SharkTale11'1 1111. H11. 5511, .3111 Wimbledon112\111111

113‘11‘3: .. 1111593; Alfie1151 111111 21111. .1511. .335

Bride and Prejudice 1 12 \1 11.111}: 1211. .8315 De-Lovely 1H 11

11111} 5.45. 1115.

iier0112 \1

11.111}: 1.4111\-111111111118.111. (1111. 18.411.

.\1311111.111111'1‘ 8.11 12411

Shark Tale11'1 11.1111: 1.1111. 1311 5.111. 31111

Edinburgh Fllm Guild

:11'1111'1'1111111111131'.881.111111.1111<11.111. 11151 328 21188. 511-111111'13111111'111 (1111'31 11111113 1111 311111111132: 14.811 1’11-:131' 111111- 111:111111'1‘1-:11'1'111111':1111'13111 .111\1‘113 :11111 3111111111323 31.111 .11 1111111 1111-11311}.

81 JN1)/\Y ()1L1 L’Argent(Money11I21 11.111.

The Battleship Potemkin 111111 11 1111.

531 JNUAY 11 1)1;1

The General 111 111111.

Raging Bull 1 131 11,1111.

’1 ,' -'. .' -'~ THE LIST 63