Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltinglt'lih. l'(i(' Budding. Renlt'eu Street. 03‘0" H7070? Spin. £7 Roger Monkhothe keep the lattglh rolling \\ ith ample help troin Parrot. lotil»mouthed :\ll\\lL‘ Brendon litirnx and London gent Jetl Innocent. The Thursday Show the Stand. 33.3 \Voodlattdx Road. “5'70 (till) 0055. b.3llpiii. to t£5 l. Ph} \ical comedian Ste\ e Bext [UNIS liar} [.tttle. .lohii McBride and lull lorce hoxt Ra}tnond Mearn»


Big Word 10th Birthday Special lite iron. 0 Hunter Square. High Street. 330 (NH. ‘Ipm. £3 t£3r l'oundet‘ .lem Rollx celehi‘;tte\ Ill )t'al'S ol Big Word Perloritiance Poetr} \\ itli a hoxt ol uordpla} magic irom long-time la\tllll'llL‘\ late} lingltxh. (ilamegtan comedian \’i\ (ice. Rtih (ice and theatrical \tondcr Michael Mc(iill.

Capital Comedy©The Counting House ('ouiititig Home. West Nicolxon Street. 0700‘) 5533-15. ‘lpm. £5. Next stand-up coined} titght \\ ith ltoxt ()uen Nihlock introducing some ol' lil\ la\otirite coined} acex.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night The Three 'l'unx Wine \atiltx. 7 l | Hanoxet' Street. 07W)” 5533-15. 0pm. liree. 'l'he ('apital ('oitied) crext mox e irom their regular ca\c \pol at Nicol l'.d\\at'd\ to create a Hill \ltllld-llp night at the Three 'l‘unx. leaturing a mi\ ol' lt'exh ittcex and eqierienced coined} talent\.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 553 7373. 9pm. U) 0.5). l‘t'ankie Bo} le kickx oil the laughter lest “ith help from guests Sand} 'monke)‘ ho'v Nelxon. Sitnon McKinne} and lixmond.

The Snatch Social The Liquid Roonl. ‘lc Victoria Street. 33.5 3.564.

l0.30pm 3am. H 0.350). 'l'on} ('arter and Hart") :\in\\\0l'lli compete at llii\ tilth} caharet—dixco t'uxion \\ ith hip ltop and t'utik} tunex trom Balk'x and 'l‘rend} Weird} tmonthl) resident).


Downstairs at Oran Mor ( )ran .\lor. 73| 735 (ireat \Vextern Road. 353 S000. Spin. {8. Part Dink (‘raig (‘amphell headlinex \\llll \upport l'rom itnpt'm dtio Sttt and Paul. plus compere Bruce Morton. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongletn‘\. l'(i(‘ Building. Renl't'exx Street. 08707 870707. Spin. L'l3. See 'I‘hu 3|.

The Stand The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 (100 6055. 3.30pm. £7 (UH. Stex e liext bring on liix out) hrand ot‘ tomt‘ooler} \\ ith cotnic \uppott l‘t'om (iarr) Little. Sitnon McKitine} and compete Stixan Morrison.

Capital ComedyGThe Vault The Vault. ll llll)tllltil’\\l1a\\\ Road. 04‘) 0007. ‘)pm. £8. The (‘apital ('omed} creu head to the Vault for ati ex ening ot~ lallglh “L‘xl coast \l} lL‘.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongletirx. ()mni ('entre. (it‘eenside Place. 08707 870707. SISpm. U3. l-‘rank tunn} lad} Jane} (iodle_\ lines up tlte lallglh \\ ith rising .xtat' Anthon) King. l)a\id Hadinghatn and Richard Morton. The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. .553 7373. 0pm. £7 (UH. Ronnie lidnardx. Rob ‘ruhhet' t‘ace' l)eermg. John McBride and lixittond join coined} t'orcex in the cotnpan} ot' |o\el} hoxtexx .lane Macix'a}. The Bedlam Impmverts Bedlam Theatre. | lh Brixto Place. 335 (’893. 10.30pm. £3.50 tt'3i. Return ol. the late night lattghter inxtitution. \\ ith audience participation. drunken re\e|r_\ and spontaneoux coined} gamex.


Comedy®The Cottier ( ‘. illl'c'l 'llieatt'c. 93 95 H_\ ndland Stteet. 0V“ 330 ill“ \Plll Ll 3 50 'lrtple hill ot hot Scotttxh coined} talent ax it'l\l_\ liaiikie Ho} le. ttexli-laced l)ex (lake and camp ('taig Htll teatii tip lot a night ot \l‘alkllll; latighx Sec panel. right Ha Ha Comedy ( )'.\etll\. 45“ Satichtehall Street. 353 4 3"0 Spin Lb till. ('omed}-cum-dt\co night kicking oil with \land-tll‘ liom Scot \gtic'\\. Sat. Sandra .ltililhlttnt' and .\e\\ /.ealandet Siiiioti \chmme Jongleurs Comedy Club .longletm. l'( i(' litttldmg. Rentt‘eu Street. 057'" 830303. Spin. U3. See Hitt 3l Madcap Comedy Club the State liar. HS Holland Street. 333 3l5‘) S 30pm L5 tHi. Ho~t Hill} Honkeh lllll'tldlch‘S acl\ ll‘tilil Hill l)euar. .lo .lo Suthetland and Vatiaxh Klll'L'Slll. The Stand The Stattd. 333 \\oodlatid\ Road. 0830 000 0055. H.3llpm [h See ill 33. hut .laiic Macka) lill'xtN o\er a~ hmt The Vault Comedy Club l‘lte \atilt. lllll l’tillttk\lla\\\ Road. 04‘) 000”. ‘lpm LS. lzdmhttrgh'x (iot’don Ht'ttnton introduch .lohn Rim. e\pert Hill} tickler Allen ('halmet'x atid the mam man. l)ex .\lcl.ean.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longletnx. ()miti (‘entre. (ireeiixide Place. 0le 370707. 3.15pm. U3. Seeltt 33.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7333. ‘lpm. LS. See ll! 33. but \\Illl compete Suxan .\lorri\on.


Natalie Haynes Rtlllit‘\ Hallx. Kingdom ('entre. lll5‘)3 (il l llll. S3llpm. L'ti tL'5 r. the tormer teacher prox ldL‘\ ltitmg \\II and random “'0 M m alnioxl equal pt'opoi‘ttonx.


Phil Kay 'l‘tillititilll, .lall \V) lid. (ll ‘3“ 374000. "v.30pm. [I0 tL'o.50r Spontaneoux clounmg and high energ} manic impro\t\ation lrom the lttnloxmg Scotxman.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service .l‘llt‘ Stand. 5.5.5 Woodlandx Road. “37” (till) 6055. S3llpm. H tL‘3i. (ilaxgtm Iiard- man (Bar) Little and lixlnond ioin laid hack litHl Michael Redmond.

The Universal Comedy Club The l’ni\erxal. 5.” 5‘) Sattchiehall lane. 040 038‘). S30pm. £5 «£4». (ila\go\\ coined} legend Ra} mond Meat'tix PL‘l‘ltll‘IIIS att e\tended \et \\ ttli \upport lt'otti .'\ll\\lL‘ t'unn} man Kieran Butler. .\'eil .\lcl’arlane arid lltlSI Bill} lioiikerx.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway! lliL‘ Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. Iptn. l-‘ree. Regular l'reext} le coined} \\ i/ardx Paul (iraham atid Stuatt Murph} lire tip the itnagination \\ ith another \lice ot' impro\ aL'llttn.

Reg Anderson’s Night of Comedy The Lighthouxe. 33 34 The Shore. l.eith. 554 0-105. Spin. £5 t£.3l. liaxt coaxtei‘ (iot'don Bt'unton \tandx up \xith \ltppttt'l lt'om magical Stex en Dick and (ireg .\chugh.

Bruce’s Sunday Social Club The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 "3‘3. S3llpm. £4 ti3l. Guitar-toting t'tinn} man Roh l)eermg join~ John McBride and anarchic ho\l Bttice [)e\ Iiii lot" a tiight oi laugh»


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 333 Woodlandx Road. 08—70 000 0055. S3tlpm. £4. The tnonke} ho.“ tSand} .\'e|~on. Raynond Mearnx. Joe Heenan and l)C\ .\lcl.eani get together \tith ll‘thl} guitar and piano tor a night ot muxical impro\ coined}.

STAND xli’ FRANKIE BOYLE Stand, Edinburgh, Thu 21, 28 Oct & 4 Nov; Cottier, Glasgow. Sat 23 Oct

Frankie Boyle is a tough comedian to pin down. With nine years‘ stand-up tucked neatly into his girdle, he’s still most easily recognised by the moniker of ‘that ginger, speccy Glaswegian’. Any attempt to illuminate his act for the uninitiated, however, is a touch trickier. He‘s been described as a ‘sick fucker’ and has been known to terrify front rows with his abrasive manner. By the same token, he‘s also something of a cerebral beast, as much at ease with observations or topical gags as toilet humour.

Intriguingly, Boyle is one of the few comedians who can successfully dabble in ‘a little bit of politics’ without reducing audiences to snoring zombies. ‘lt’s about convincing the audience that what you’re talking about is less boring than they think it is,‘ says Boyle. ‘People are used to the reporting of issues in newspapers and on TV as being really dull and worthy. If you surprise them a bit then they’ll go with you.’ Boyle’s topical material has always danced a merry jog between the boundary-nudging and the seriously tasteless, such as the recent set in which he compared Glasgow to Palestine.

It‘s a fertile style he‘s put to good use, writing for such telly jokefests as ZDTV and BBC Scotland’s Live Floor Show. ‘A lot of writing for television is just sitting at home and squeezing your head and seeing what comes out onto the page.’ A virtuoso of the ad-lib and off-the-cuff putdown, Boyle has made a successful transition from stand-up to compere, performing host duties at Birmingham’s Glee and the Newcastle Hyena as well as a spell as resident host at the Stand in Edinburgh. It’s a discipline he loves, he says, because ‘you've got much more licence to piss about.’

He’s also not averse to sharing the limelight with some other up-and- coming Scottish turns. At last year’s Fringe, he appeared alongside his Live Floor Show co-star, blaring bible-basher The Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe Ill, and tours now in a promising triple whammy with Craig Hill and Des Clarke. ‘I used to get frustrated at being on bills in Scotland because I felt the standard was not as high as it should have been. Now the Circuit’s really strong and there are loads of great comedians even if not that many of them are known south of the border - and it’s great fun to be part of that.‘ (Allan Radcliffe)

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