King of the Hill

.-\l'ter the roaring \ueeexx ol Burr/y (Ult/ Butt-head. Mike Judge turned to marginally more artieulate eharaeterx yy ith propane \eller llank Hill and hix redneek lamin and l'riendx. ’l'he eomedy \yax \omeyy hat nrore \ubtle than lid-If and there yy ere ey en llilll\ ol rayy tragedy going on in the lietional toyyn ol‘:\rlen. 'l‘e\a\. Fun fact The yoiee ol‘ Bobby Hill aetually belong\ to a yyoman. l’amela Segall. In a eareer yyhieh \taned \y ith a part in (irmw 3. \he\ had rolex under the name\ Pamela S :\dlon. l’amela Segall .-\dlon. l’anrela .-\dlon. l’amela .-\|don. l’am Seagull. l’amela Segal. l’amela Segall-.-\|don and Pam Siegal.

Larr David

A New linr/u'r artiele at the \tart ol' the year axked the quextion: ‘lx l.arry l)ay id lunnier than anyone elxe. or juxt more annoy irrg'." 'l‘he anxyyerx \yould hay e to be ‘alrrroxt eertainly ' and ‘yyell. it'\ a poxxibilily '. Then again. the question \ome people would haye to axk in return is: \y ho exactly ix Larry l)a\'id'.’ .-\ leyy laetx are \eeure. He had been a \y riter on the .S'utunluy .Vte/tl lire stall in the lllltl-Xllx but only a \mall \eleetion or lilx material ey er made it on \ereen. lle \yax Lll\() a stand-up in .\'eyy York improy elubs but audieneex were at bext indil'l'ererrt and at yyorst doyy'nt‘ight litixlllc. And he eo- yy rote the most \ueeexxl‘ul siteom in Arrreriearr TV llixlol'y alongxide the \hoyy 'x \[Ltl‘. Jerry Seinfeld.

But then thingy begin to get a bit blurred. ln ('urh lbur lint/ruyr'uwr. Larry Day'id play\ a writer ealled Larry l)ay id \y ho llitx lllx my n ol‘liee. a yy il‘e yy ith 'yyorld-yyeary \eratehed into her perrrrarrently l‘urroyy‘ed burn. a rrranager who eats a good game and a best triend doing lii\ best to ayoid any kind ol‘ \lt'e\\ during

Ted Danson confronts Larry David with a problem or ten

16 THE LIST Q“ Q". -'.


hrx reeoyery trom aleoholmri. Stan or 81 um M r.la\orr Alexander and Julia l.oui~-l)rey t'uxr yy rll oeeaxrorrally xhoyy up to \ee it they ean yyork agarrr yy rth Larry

But (in/r i~ not a dwumerrtary; rtK a beautrtully \eripted and rrattrrally aeted \iteom m u lrrelr the \ituation ix any yy here l.arry \ Irle ean go lrorrrbly yyr'ong. Be it at a \hopping mall yy here he ltN yyanh to btry a gilt. ear‘d. \eixxorx and y\ rapping paper \\ ith the minimum ot~ luv; at a \pon\ arena trying to who and yyateh a baxketball game; or at a \eript meeting \y here \ome old grieyanee yy ill btrrrr ayyay at lrrrrr. ()n eaeh and eyery oeeaxion he yy i|| inxult or injure or be the \ retim or an ayoidable mixunderxtandirrg. the ripple~ ol yy lrrelr \y ill go turther and yy ider than the \eerrario ey er yyarranted. .»\nd the rexult ix almmt alyyay \ bloody Irilar‘ioux.

Fun fact .'\t the height or his \ueeeo \\ ith Xe lure/d. l)a\ id deyeloped an allergy to eay iar'. "l'he per‘l‘eel metaphor lor rrry lil'ef he reekonx.

M *A* 5* H

While the Korean War only lasted three year\. thix series abotrt a mobile army \urgieal hoxpital dtrring that eonlliet managed to \rreteh to l I. But l‘or anyone yy ho yyax a fan. that wax elearly barely enough. A rrrere IZSm Arrrerieans \211 down for the linal epixode in MS}. a 'l'\' record at the time.

Fun fact Jamie lian‘ who plays Klinger yyax the only east member yy ho aetually xery'ed in Korea.


The ('lu'ery bar roorrr bard lelitlly \ummed up llix plllltrxtiplly ol lil'e yy ith a \nappy remark on entering the bar. ‘What are you up to Norm.” My ideal yy eight il'l were I I feet tall.’ ()r: ‘\\'hat'.\ the story. Nornr'." "l‘hirxty gtry walks into a bar. . .You liliixl] it.'

Fun fact ( ieorge \\endt appeared m an eprwde ot ll l‘.\' H a\ a rrrar'rne yyrtlr a pool hall \tuek rrr hr\ mouth

on My God, They Killed Kenny!

\Vhen \latt l’arker and Hey Stonek eruder drayyrr animation lirxt appeared nr I‘M". you'd haye thought hell yyax tree/mg oyer the yyay the moral guardrarrx yyent ape. .\rrd lor onee. they yy ere rrglrt lherek \onrething to ollend e\er'_\otre here. yyhether rr‘x the \ight ol a eheery ('har'lre \lalrwtr. a \rngrrrg darrrp trrrd or a dixabled ehild berrrg rrrade lrrrr ol.

Fun fact Kenny \ laee lra\ been reyealed ru\t tyy ree

Police Squad!

liel'or'e .\irku/(irrt1. there yyax ’or'ru .M/rtml'. m yy lrreh l.L‘\llL‘ \lL‘l\L‘ll‘\ l)eteetiye l'l‘;tlll\ lh't‘l‘ltl lil\l \yreaked hi\ ('louxeau—exque hayoe in MRI oyer a rlrea\ly \r\ epixodex lint the \tudro e\ee\ r'eekoned it \\a\ too eomplieated tor \ reyyerx to get a handle on. \\ lrrelr doexn't quite e\plain the maxx appeal onee the dam yy hen onto the big \er‘een.

Not so fun fact .lohn lieluxhi lilmed a \eene m \ylrrelr he dr'oyy ll\ yyearing eement \hoex. .-\ neyy \eene had to be \ltot \yhen lielthlti died l'or' real \lror'tly alteryyardx


:\meriearr 'l‘\' \ya\ \loyy on the uptake yy hen rt earrre to \e\ual politiex and the outrage \parked by a gay eharaeter in Sou/r in the mid7tlx \\a\ an e\anrple or the \till attitudex 'l'he outing ol’ lullen l)e( ierrer‘ex probably made lile eaxier liol‘ pilelting gay ehar‘aeteh and llrexe dab mainstrearrr .'\rrreriean\ on e \lioyy \ \uelr a\ WIN A (have and Queer [in [or I/lt’ Mime/rt (my.

Fun fact 'l‘he on—xer'een \nrooelr betyyeen Rtrxt'allllt‘ Barr and .\larie| llemingyyay in NH yya\ the lirxt \atrre xey kixx e\ er on .'\rrreriean netyyork 'l V.


.\l\ Barr yyerrt l‘rom being a yyartrexx to \rteorn \uperxtardom \ery nearly oyernight alorrgxrde her dry yyall yyorking huxband l)arr t.lohrr (ioodrrranr and delightl'ul ehildren l).l. Darlene and lieeky. .\t rt\ height. the dim gr‘oxxed W l nr a year hrrt by it\ end \yax dripping yy ith \entimentality ax RirxettllllL‘ reinyented herxell a\ a glanrourpuxx.

Fun fact ('ol'l‘ee ix mentioned at leaxt onee in eyery \lliglL‘ Cpl“)th U\ Cl' lllL' nine-y L'ttl' eour‘xe til the \llr ryy.