With all their blatant warmongery and corruption, it just seems too easy to Yankbash at the moment. But whether we like it or not, our cultural lives, from music to art and film to food, are rife with good stuff from over the pond. So on the eve of the presidential elections, we dedicate this issue to embracing all that’s * great about the United States. Brian

Donaldson and Mark Robertson kick it

all off with the A—Z OF AMERICAN

TV COMEDY. D is not for Dubya.

Mirth of a nation

Ay carumba!

'I‘hc} uxcd to xa} that dragging on cclchrit} caincox to )our xIlo\\ \xax a xign ol dcxpcration in thc lacc ol lalhng ratingx. But cxcn \\ ithout thc \ocal appcaranccx ol I’aul .\Ic('artnc_\. I)a\ id I)ucho\ it}. John \Vatci'x. \\'inona R}dcr. Rohcrt Sniith. Sonic \outh. I).inn_\ I)c\'ito. Suxan Sarandon. Sting. I)onald Suthcrlaud. l’atriclc Stcuart. \Ic'i'}| Strccp. (ilcnn ('loxc and .lackic .\Iaxon lto namc hut ISl. .\Iatt (irocning'x hah} \xould xtill ha\c groun and thrncd. It'x all thcrc in thc \\ riting. thc chai‘actcrx. lhc xtoricx. thc I\IIH\\ ing cultural i‘clcrcnccx: li ma} hc into itx lSth war. hilt thc qualit} control hax l';tl'L‘I} \ILIk'hL‘IIL‘tI.

.'\nd \xc ina} ultiinatch ItawItacc} l'llinan to thank lor allouing Spi‘inglicld into our Ihcx. Inxcrtcd into hcr marginth chx xucccxxl‘ul xho\\. thc appcaranccx ol thc Cl'tltIL‘I} tIl‘;t\\ ll )L‘IItm [k‘tlph' \\ CIC tIL‘L‘lllL‘tI \tlc'c‘c‘\\lllI cnough to warrant thcii‘ (M n x|ot. I:\cr_\onc \xax tIcIigIllL‘tI. c\ccpt. [k‘l'ItLtp\. iIiI‘iICL‘ \\ Ito xtlL‘tI Iot‘ tt \Shlll xharc in prolitx.

So. \xhat‘x )our lamuritc cpixodc: ix it thc .\’-/~ilt'x onc \xhcrc Iloincr xcrcanix at lIlc hold ‘I )Ilz‘ \IxCICIIL'II itllo thc ground. ()nh l'oi‘ it to hc rcwalcd ax thc \xord 'I)IIi'I”. ('uc loudcr xcrcam. ()r ix it ‘.\Ir I’Iough'. in \ihich Iloincr l'allx out \\ ilh drinking hudd} llarnc} oici‘ thcir rcxpccthc xllim -cIcaring huxincxxcx'.’ ( )r ina} hc it‘x thc ratingx-happ} douhlc hcadcr. ‘\\’ho Shot .\Ir Ilurnx'fi’ What about 'I‘Iilllllll' .\Ioc'x'. ‘Burnx \crkaulcn I)cr Kraltucrlx'. ‘Radio Hart‘. ‘IIoincr thc Ilcrctic' or an} ol IIlL‘ 'II'l‘CCIitltlxc HI IIol'l‘tll“ ttlllIltlItlg‘tcx.

Fun fact \anc} ('aitu right oncc rcduccd a [hickinghani I’alacc guard to an uncontrollahlc lit ol' xinirking h} doing hcr Ban \oicc.

Beavis and Butt-head

.-\ pair ol tccn .\Ictal ducchx xitting on a thrcadharc couch and gurning inanch at inuxic \idcox: \iho'd uant to \HtICIl that.’ \IIIIIollx ill tlx. ;t\ It glk‘x. II \\;t\ thc xhou \‘.Itlc‘Il madc .\I’I'\' inorc than itixt a thrcc-ininuic pop promo pionccr and turncd hcrocx otit ol' /crocx \\ hilc launching a \ollc} ol p|a_\ground chattcr ahout hungholcx.

Fun fact .\'ot onl} docx hc haw a Il.-\ in pluxicx. hut .\IiI\c Judgc. crcator and \oiccx ol' hoth ho} x. ix alxo an Iiaglc Scout. thc highcxt accoladc )olt can gct in lhc ho}
