

I Petite attractive dark haiicd lctnalc tll'll\l/ll|ll\lt'l;tll. Yotiiig looking I5. cnio}\ lllll\lt'. dancing. canipnig. i'cad- trig. lllll\lt' lcxtnalx. \\'l.‘l'.\l positnc nian \\llll \iinilar intcr- L'\I\. llItH llHI l’/5ll7/ll


VI Saw You Sunshinc licarl You arc Ill} inagpic. lo\ c _\ott llllllllt'l'\. Schnngglc ntc' \\\ [750.7/l

U I Saw You \Vt-c l’tlll'lt‘lx. III in_\ llat drinking cndlcxx cupx ol lca complaining _\ou‘\ c nc\ cr had an ‘l \a\\ _\ou' in I'lii' lid. \thl _\ou plcaxc \tart \xasliing }otit cups licloi'c _\ou |ca\cl l.\ l 75072

I. I Saw You Hi lsl (u llic Hull . (iirl \xilh dcniin \lel'l and gi‘ccn \cxt chatting to lhc liariiicn and drinking Jack I). \Vantcd to talk lint “as too sh}. lct inc liu} _\ou that .ll)'.’ [7507/3

VI Saw You litllc licat'. in our ncu \\ cc Hall I IN c )ou \xith all lll_\ hcart. and llllxl “ant to inakc _\oui‘ lil'c ;t\ mcct and happ} and Inn and \\ondct'- llll as _\ou niakc ininc. .\l\\a nmal ('\\\ [7507/~l

V I Saw You rcall_\ hot ('(':\ tickct ho} \cr\ing inc a (non- \tttdcnlt lickct to lo I/uiiir' tllltl illthl. l \\t|\ aim in} \ltltlt‘tll lil'lk'lltl. Stit‘lctl )ttltl' ll)cr\ ottl. Sort )ott out too. Ii) llic \\a} . [7507/5

V I Saw You aci'o\\ li'oin nic on tlic tulic to Buchanan Strcct. You litttl gl'L‘) hood}. I litttl l't‘tl hag. You caught in} glaticc and inadc iiic liluxh. [7507/6

V I Saw You Sarah .\I l.\'. black hair. hlnc c}c\ and lip ring. You'rc loxcl}. l'ni \oi‘r} this is thc licst I can do. plcasc I‘cpl_\. [7507/7

0 I Saw You thc lit-st looking hcn part} around. at chax on thc chlrcu l‘crr}. 3nd Oct. l.o\[‘tl [IIC l't‘ttlltcl'C IILNI \\ I\IIL'\ to (icuinia l'or inarricd lilcl

\\\ [7507/3

V I Saw You Iron 'l‘licatrc prciiiicrc ol thc l)clia

|)crli_\ \hirc pla_\. You \xcrc thc unrcasonalil) licautil'ul girl \xith \tripcd skirt. lilaclx tights. rcddixh-lirouii hob and 3 girl- lt‘tt‘lid\. I “as Ihc titltltllc-ttgt‘d longhair iii liromi cord giackct \\ Iio couldn't takc his c_\c\ ol'l~ )tiii. 'l‘hink ol' this as nic sland- iiig um ing. \Va\ c hack and inakc iii_\ da_\. [7507M

VI Saw You Ill} litllc Kiitlc. cating tickcnx in our cox} tic“ draxkct. | lo\ c )titi so much. [7507/l0

0 I Saw You and \\ ill lic \\ith )ou again licautil‘ul littlc butting rain \xhcn our tinic is right. I am and ttl\\;t)\ \xill hc _\our litllc \“ixh. [7507/ll

V I Saw You [iclorc last Yalcntincs l)a_\ iii Bordcrx

hti) ing a card. and thcn )ou “orkcd in Schuh in Arg} llc St.

Richard .’ ll )ou rcnicinhcr.or an_\onc clxc lxnoux }ott l‘/Sn7/l 2

VI Saw You l’i\c\ l‘an loxcl} \lllllt‘ tSIc-;i/}\ l3tli ()ctolici‘i. sat at bar/pool talilc \xith \lllll liltic‘k-liiiii‘c'tl tircd tnalc. \Vc cliallcd. )ott ‘cori‘cctcd' in} \pccs thcn lclt. Would lo\ c to incct. [7507/l 3 V I Saw You SSH lcinalc lronl rou ccllixl at llad)n.

(i(‘ll. Hill ()L‘ltilk‘l'. l.o\ c to wt

)0“ iiiorc. .‘\n adiiiircr. [7507/H

V I Saw You in lltc Art School a \\ cck or l\\o ago. You'i'c ('anadian and _\ou didn't hax c a phonc. l \\;t\ \\ caring a lial and lliottglit )ott \xct‘c Imcl}. [7507/l5

V I Saw You in ilic :\l'l School. l'iii ('aiiadian. )ott had a hat . . . \ot‘r} it‘s tiic. l).-\.\llli.\'. But I |o\c )ou inorc thaii a ('anadian c\cr could. li|.:\.-\.»\ll. [7507/In


V I Saw You l".\pionagc \ch 3‘) Scp. Katc. 3rd )c';ii' lidiiiliurgh art histor} \tudcnt. \\orricd it isn't practical. Would lo\ c to [war )ou c\p|ain culiisni lo lliix old \tltttn‘c. ['/5(l7/l 7

9 I Saw You in l’im tZ/lll/llJ). You ucrc tr) ing to [k‘l‘filtttlt‘ ltlt‘ [0 gt) [0 [IN VL‘IIUC. hut in} lricndx \\ct'c too drunk [or us to go propcrl}. l drunk lio} _\ou hot ho}. our hands touchcd. plcasc gcl in touchl [7507/l 8

V I Saw You drix ing )ottt‘ rcd 'l‘o)ota in Ncuington on l"ri lxl ()ct around 5.30pm. You: \lllll. hcautil'ul lacc. mm long curl} hair. .\lc: liluc Audi dri\ct' IWL‘NttlL‘. IIIL'II lk‘ltlntl )ou. :\t‘L‘ }oti \inglc'.’ (‘ould u c iiicct'.’ What arc thc clianccs'.’ [7507/l‘) VI Saw You holding Ill} ga/c in Sainxhuryx .\lcado\\haiik “ailing l'or li'icnd at lag-dcxk. You. long brown hair. long uhitc. l‘loral skirt honcxtl} thc liltml licautil'ul girl I'\L' L‘VL‘I' \L‘L‘lt. .\IL‘. [it'tm It

iackct. shagg} lilondc hair.

\iniling l'roin chcckout and drcatiiing ol' iiiiprcxxing )ott in lltL‘ I\IICIIL‘III [I/Sll7/2l)

V I Saw You Spccialixcd girl in thc (’imgatc in thc rain. Yoti \xcrc quitc thc niosi gorgcous thing on that hikc. 'l‘hix Spcctalixcd lio) \\ottld lo\ c to

jump \ttlilL‘ stumps togctlicr.


VI Saw You You \ cutc. .\lc \ drunk. l abandoncd _\ou on tlic \trcct \xhcn )ou lost )iitii‘ l'ricnds. I don't dcsci'x c it. but L‘ltll lltL‘l'.’ [7.50703

V I Saw You in} \It‘l'ltillx l’olixh It‘\\l.\ll girl. snuggling \olo \\ iih thc huhcdi }c)'i which I \o lo\ c too. Ma}hc “C can gct togcthcr and sham \UIIIL‘ puiii_\cni'.’ [7507/23

VI Saw You .\Il\\ lluntcrt 1’) from (ilaxgou to li('.~\. Lost otit oii lit} )cllo“ tlat paintcd h} Mum and Dad at the ciid ol' Scptciiihcr. l'iii sorr}. \Yould likc to rcpair thc daiiiagc. [7507/24

V I Saw You cwr} Sunda}

(0 Boonluxhoux in Medina

Sarah. I.o\ctl [llc \c‘ltool glt'l \xnh suxpcndcrx gct up' \\ [750705

0 I Saw You l)a\ ltl .lolin (".‘L’I’ | tnct )ou in ()Ncills on l‘rida) thh Scptcnilicr. I could not pick up _\ottt‘ calls or gct )ttlll' nuinlicr co\ in} phonc “as l" ' 'cd . plcaxc call incl Y()[ "Rl: ’l‘llli ().\'l-.l [7150720 VI Saw You handxoiiic titan chatting to a girl h} thc \[ttll'\ tn Baroquc. l‘ri 2nd. You short dark hair and \xhitc \lllllL‘. l.ct'\ c\changc glanccx again \tHllC- tinic'.’ 'l'hc \Il'lpt'tl shirt. tall lio} Ii) thc liar. [7507/37

V I Saw You l.i\inorc liar. Sat llltli ()ct. You'rc a dcnlal lllll'\L‘. l “as sh}. You likcd Ill} tccth. l likcd )ott litll ltL‘H‘l‘ \gtld. l.ct inc tr_\ again. [7507/28

0 I Saw You llt&.\t lidinliurgh I0/|0/04. You lilond S“ C(IL‘ Cttllctl :\tld_\ \'. .\lc Ito} \\illt lilack iaclxcl rcd/uhitc piping. in \littp \xitli iiialc and lt‘lllttlt‘ tricndx. You arc \crul'l'} cool. So am I. l‘anc} nicctiiig‘.’ [7507/2‘)

VI Saw You )ou: \lickcd hack hair. black shirt. looking tnood} & gorgcoux as alxxa'u. .\lc: pink top and jcanx. lccling a liit sad. “as adniiring )ou l’roni across thc room at ll'x part}. l.ool\cd likc )ou \xcrc loo. l'ni \cr} sorr} . . . [7507/30

V I Saw You \xorldng upstairs at thc ()ttllltttlxt‘ l/l0. l \\a\ sh} gu_\ at bottom ol' stairs “caring thc ga} cxt strip} l—xhirt in thc \\ot'ltll You inakc inc tingl}? [7507/3l

V I Saw YOU IIL‘llxott. \c\} licaxt looking hot stul'l. gun? I Want Youll [7507/32

V I Saw You standing at lhc hat. I hopc _\ou sau inc across thc \llltilxt‘ l‘illcd rooin. :\Illlt)\pllt‘l'lc. Will trax cl. [7507/33

VI Saw You in Xllt‘. loolxin'

l‘rcxli as al\\a_\\ . . . l)o llic) c\'cr gix c yin a da} ol'l"? [7507/3-1

9 I Saw You at the 'l'raxcrxc 'l'licatrc. Sat 81h ()ct (0 ldcax Mcn. l “ax thc gu} \\illi ilic llauaiian shirt. _\oti \xci‘c thc gu} “hosc \xig lcll ol‘l'.\c thc tsunami \\ c (tlxo rolch into llilo. Hawaii tooll .\loni ck Kirxtccn [7507/35

V I Saw You \cr\ing iii thc l’cartrcc. l'd ho a lord lcaping il~ _\ou'd hc iii} partridgcl [7507/30

V I Saw You in 'l‘ra\cr\c bar. hunk} man in long dark coat. nicc ass. 'l'houglit )ou \xcrc liotll ('all incl? [7507/37

VI Saw You .\'i\ ...ln in} lk‘tlt‘ooml You'rc so hot. \Vclconic hack aii_\tiinc. Mnunuah. :\. \\\ [7507/38

V I Saw You \xriting a job application ((1 thc BihL‘lIlClll. You had no cxpcriciicc. hut )ou ucrc hot likc thc sun. \\ 'l‘hc l.o\[ I30}. [7.5II7/5‘)

V I Saw You in Irmcrxc liar. )otl had short dark hair. black top & grccn arm} -\t} lc jackct. You arc so hotll (ict in touchll [7507/40

OI Saw You ()\'I) . . . It's Um. I |o\c )ou iiiorc than lil‘c itxcll'l 'l‘akc carc. l)a\ \\\ [7507/-H



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1/ 923-1 Hz. 27,-". TNE LIST 125