Rock& Pop

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to and for Edinburgh to henry© Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland . ' ' :. . Tickets Scotland ‘. 711 w

l"tipping Records " i‘l' ll"

Way Ahead

Thursday 7


I Avril Lavigne and Simple Plan

SI H '. lnnnmtnn ()tia}. (LVN ll-ill Milli). “pin [31.5Ii ()\L‘l l-lx shim. nn agc l\'\ll|\'llttll Ill thc \caIinf: arca. ’l'hc skalcr hn} pin up lt'llllllx \Kllil Innrc lincl} linich Iccn angxt and [‘\L‘lltitt rchclhnn. \xhcn icall} \hc\ clcancr than Britnc}.

I Whitesnake and Ouireboys (Init- .\Inhtnrnnn. Sl:('('. i'llllllL'\lttll Qua}. “5"” tl-lIH Iltlll. “pin. {TIMI/(25.5“. ('hcck nttI hnu intich Ihc Darkncxx ha\ c nickcd t'rnin lill\ actual nriginal hair nicIal I_\pc hand. l)a\ id ('nwrdalc had hctIcr ha\ c cttltdltlttltcd hl\ hickx \Pk't'lilii}.

I Soweto Gospel Choir Rinal (‘nnccri Hall. I Satichichall SII'ch. 353 Xilllll. ".illpin. (3350/9;I‘).5ll/£l".5ll. ll _\nn

' ~.. I n ‘v. I ~. A

‘l . , , ‘3-

didn‘t lll.Ill.I‘_’k' In \.l[\il liih Iianxccndcnt Lill’ll at Ihc l'iingc. dnn't nnxx lill\ \ccnnd cliainc \ I!Ili_\ tummy; and upliitin: cwciicncc

I Razorlight and The Duke Spirit Baiinuland. :71~1(i.tiiu\\j_‘.tlc. 55: Mail _|‘Hl SI )l.|) I )l 'l ()\ci> ivl\ chad Judging: h} thc rapid \Ciirttlll nt Ihc \ ill Rnck'n‘Rnll Rint Inui. it\ inI “1% innuth} Ra/nihght tinntnian .lnhnn} Bniicll uhn hchcxcx in ill\ hand

I The Ordinary Boys and Kaiser Chiefs 'lhc(iai.ig_'c. ~l‘)ll\.tllcillt'i1.tii Strcct. “I ll” "pin 1") \ptl} naincd pnxtrBiinnp inurnc§ incn \xhn iccall Ihc hch nl Paul \\chI and Bill} Bias; in Ihcn \ccnnd hand \ntlttd

I Laura Veirs and Mary Lee’s Corvette Kin}: link \\.ih \\ah lint. 352.: St \inccnt Strcct. 33] 53W. .\ illpni L‘). ScatIIc—haxcd .\ \nnguiitci uhn ha\ hcginlcd lll;tlt_\ \\llii hci dchut alhtlltt (Ur/mu (i/tit It I.

I Audience, Sycamore and X Ray Delta 5 iliilt' i'L'I'I'\. ‘1: (‘i-Hh' i’lacc. WINK 305 5| I. Spin. U35”, l’inggtcxxixc art rnckcrx uhn hax c rclni'nicd MIN .1 i3 )t'.ii ahwncc. 'lhc hnc up lcaItn'cx nrignial Incinhcrx iin\\.tl'd \\crlh. ilCMtl' \Vilhanix and Kclth (icnnncll. hut drtnninci 'l‘nn} ('nnnnr \‘Itllitilld hc pcrxuadcd In lcaw ill\ hclmcd llnI ('hncnlalc lnr lill\ rcnznnn.

I The Hidden Cameras and Aberfeldy \icc'n’Slca/_\. ~13] Sauchichall Strcct. 33 i (MINI. 0pm. [5 ('anadian trntipc \\ hn ha\c hccn tiL'\cl'li‘L'ti ax 'thc g_'a_\ l’nl_\phnnic Sprcc‘. 'l'hcn‘ alhum .l/iquxt/ugti (int/t/tim ix a dc\ntinnal cclchratinn nl inuxic and hndil} illllt‘llttllN. Snppnrt tinni \xinxninc lidinhtn'gh Irnulnidnurx x\hcrlc|d_\.

I Fallen Angels Club taunt-k Bar. 3-1 King: Strcct. 552 "I23. 3pm. £5. (’ntinti'wl'nlk hnc-up lcaIin'ing: acclaimcd \ncalixt Kariltc l’nl\\;II'l.

\ingcr/xnngu l'llL'l'\ 'l'nni ('Iclland and .»\la\dair Rnhcrtxnn and .-\ndrca l’arndi. an Italian [k‘l'ittl'lllt‘l' making hix lirxt \ iin In Scnllaitd.

m a“.

Malik has been a face around Scotland’s club circuit

since the early 90s, first as a DJ, club promoter and

producer and then as a singer in his own right. His debut album Diverse in 2002 was very much what everyone expected a deliriously funky homage to all those he loved, from Bill Withers to Terry Callier. His most recent album Aquarius Songs is a much more experimental affair that mixes electronica, breakbeat, hip hop and even the tango in a brave, some would say heroic, way. Live, the boy is a slightly undisciplined treat and ladies you may want to leave the boyfriend at home.

I The Exo‘tar‘tsie. Etit"t>;..r.;.“t. F" 8 Op:

76 THE LIST Cs: ....

I Alleschwindel, DeBass and Rutabega l'ht- I 1m \uit- (an: in NI Kin; \IIch. 55‘ 1h“ "pin 1‘

i)\}cill.1lllt R'c'ct‘lti\ night nt ctlcctic \nundx. hcadlincd h} thc lx’cxidcnIx'lnni \\.nt\ intlucnccd \llcthndcl llc ha“ incigc tan and hip hnp l‘calx \xhilc RIiIahcga .n'c Inipinx l\lll:_' dcnicntnh

I Stitch, How to Swim, Nilight’s Kiss and Mr Kite Haiti}. 3h” (hdc \Ircct. UV” WV H‘N" \pin :5 luihghtk Kl“ .nc a Icinalc-Iinntcd .iltinck tnin ptccc

I Uncle Jack, Stonesthrow, LSD, Stone Cold Rumours and The Ronelles iilL‘ (atiilittlu'. l lllttll \ilL'k‘l. :~1\(\(\H(i _ itllim :.15llt.tti\.tllcci_ Ui Idnnii (hci l~1~ \hnxx lx’nck pnp hnc up I Meeklejohn, Cortez, A Rebel’s Guide, Donphobia and The Hands iur} \illl'l}\. Uh \i.i\\\cl| \Iicct. III h5ll .\ illpin L4. lllcilltilll}: cnII_\ In pmt clnh. ’l'hc l'tn‘)\ Kin}: nt B.tttd\ cnnipctitinn cnnnncncc»

I Amateur Guitar Anti-Heroes, Murnie, The Rodents and El Dog Ran, ()uccn \largarct l'ninn. 3.‘ linu'nil} (iardcnx. 33" “"54. 5. Winn L ‘. including cntr} tn l‘tfllg‘lg‘ cluh. \Vcckl} \himcaw nl Incal hand»

I Toe Rag 'l'indcrhnv IN‘l Butw Rnad. i“) HUN. ‘lpni. l'rcc. ,\cttll\llc \ct.

I Mars Patrol Sltldtn ( )nc. (it‘nxu'ltttl HtilL'i. (il'tl\\t'lltl| lit‘l'l'ttt‘t‘ IUH ii}lC\ thttdl. i-H (i5lh. 0pm. l-icc.

I Open Mic ichar()\na.»12()tagnlanc. ‘5" 4524, Split. l’rcc. l-nrtnighth \L‘\\Ittll, I Phil’s Session l'ixggc Bt-atlia. 2‘2 \\nnd|and\ Rnad. 504 l5‘lh. 3pm. i'l'cc. \\'cckl} Iain.

I Jam Session Samttcl l)tl\\ \, I»? “I \iIhxdalc Rnad. 433 (HIP. 8.30pm. l'rcc. antcd h} lndcpcndcncc.


I Limehouse Lizzy 'I‘hc l~.\changt-. 55 (irnxc 511111.445 H404, "pin. (35”. 'l'rihutc tn 'I'hin l.i//} npcning thc inaugural night nl Ihix ncxx iidinhurgh Inc \cnuc lrnni Ihc l'nlk \xhn hrnttght )nn thc ('nrn li\chang_'c.

I 36 Crazy Fists, Eighteen Visions and Bullet for my Valentine 'l'ht- \cnuc. I" ll ('aIInn Rnad. 557 3073. "Sunni. U). 'l'riplc hill nl inclal hcadcd h} intich Intich .-\la\kan hardctnc/tnctal ntiIliI AI» ('i'aI} l‘ixtx.

I Global Battle of the Bands 'I‘Iic Bnngn ('hih. Mura} Hnnxc. 37 liti|}i‘nntl Rnad. 55K 7004. 7.30pm. U) It'5 i. 'l‘hc \\Ul'i(il\ higgcxl hilllit‘ 0i [BC ittllth cnnipctitinn \\ iIh a Slitlltllltl tinal pri/c. l5nr ninrc intn and iii)“ In cntcr chcck \\\\\\.giitti‘.cttlll.

I Full Moon Open Mic Banncrinan'x. \iddr} Strcct. 550 335-1. Spin. l-rcc. ()pcn mic l'nr anymc lrnin pnctx In hand\ In \nln \ingcrx. l‘ull hack-Iinc (guitar. ham ttlll[i\. drumx. llilL‘\ cIci prm idcd thix ninnth alw lcattn‘m l'unk} \lll'i rnckcrx .\Ii_\agi alnngxidc Ihc Ham and lilcctra. lt' _\nu “am In hnnk a \lnt call I-‘m/ nn H7766 I75 ‘4‘).

I Blackjack Blues Whixtlchinkicx. 4 (t Snth Bridgc. 557 5] I4. 0pm. lice lndic guitar actinn \\ ith a hhicx} l\\ N tinni Blackjack Blncx.

I Ursula Minor, Operator and Peanut \VL‘L‘ RL‘d Bar. iidlniillt'gh ('nllcgc nt' .-\rt. Laurixtnn l’lacc. 23‘) H43. 0pm. £4. Bah} 'I‘igcr and lidinhtn‘gh ('nllcgc nt‘ Art prcxcnt a night ni' :\I‘l Schnnl-hnkcd lllllNIc and clcctrnnica. itht tnr l‘rcxhcr‘x chk

I Tiger Wood Iign. I—l l’icard} l’lacc. 553 l3"|. l 1pm. £4. 'l‘igcr \Vnnd. :\K.'\ lid \\'nnd and 'l‘nn) 'l‘igcr. lllthil up clcctrnnicx. drum titachincx. \cqucnccn and ptixxiiii} cxcn a guitar all ax part nl alIcrnatn c cluh night l)t'rnt Drum. which alxn tcaturcw a [)J \L'[ lI'HIII .-\hcrt'cld_\ '\ lan Slitddarl alnngxidc lhcI‘L'\tdCI1l\l;ti\ttig)UUlitrtttlgiiltt5tilil.


I The Pearlfishers & the Tallpop Sinfonia i’tthh‘} .-\l'l\ ('cntt'c. \cn Strcct. 887 Hill). TRIIpni. {SSH IL'JNJI. It _\nu min} the llllhlc nt‘ Brian \Vilxnn and Burt Bacharach. )iiu \xill lmc thc t‘nlk pup \nttnd nt~ thc Pcarltidtcn. accnmpanicd h} strings t'rnni Ihc 'lallpnp Sint‘nnia.


All the gigs. cigs and unconvincing wigs in the wonderful world of music

It’s all change up at List Towers. In case you hadn’t already clocked it we've given the mag a bit of revamp, spring (well autumn) tidy up and generally made it a bit easier to handle. Book Now has been beefed up to help you plan ahead and now lives at the end of Folk Listings on page 88. Classical and Opera now lives in its own little self-governing principality from page 89 and all our music reviews: albums, singles and now incorporating music DVDs and books, kicks off on page 74 Let us know what you think, for better or for worse.

"‘3 The most eccentric and eclectic bill of the year has to he the very last gig of the year in Edinburgh at the Royal Highland Show Ground on Hogmanay. Supergrass. Ra/Orlight and the Levellers I!) have been teamed up With house dons Erick Morillo. Armand Van Helden and dub master Lee Scratch' Perryt!) for an all night extravaganza. It‘s a may idea but it might just work. Saves being outdoors jostling With tourists. some might say. We'll have full line-tips ot the Glasgow and Edinburgh outdoors shindigs in the next few issues.

1‘3; As if there’s not enough good live music coming up in the next few months, then here’s some more. Hip hop’s man of the moment Kanye West brings his bad self to the Carling Academy on 24 November, while former Queen of the Stone Age Mark Lanegan illustrates why he’s much better off without all those bickering ego maniacs as he does his solo show at the Garage two days after, on 26 November. Those who haven’t got enough of his bequiffed vizog over the last six months can come forth and worship Morrissey at the SECC on 13 December. Further ahead, those who missed Goldie Lookin Chain this month can catch up with them and their mother’s penis on 12 February. Highlight of the fortnight however, is the announcement of the welcome return of the mighty Modest Mouse, who will grace the stage at the Garage on 16 November. For more see Book Now on page 88.

M02 returns