3D Mania 11 ’1
1'111\ M1111 \V1‘11 4.15. 8.11 1\ 81111 11111111.
11111 1 15.
Wild Chimpanzees 11‘1 “1‘1'1111.1_\\ 12. 511.
11’11111/1‘1 1111113811AYLW
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban11’1i1
111. 8111& 11111: 7.00. 8.11 1\ 81111: 4.00.
T-Rex 3011'1 \\1'1'|\1l11_\\: 3.00, 4.15. 8.11 1k 81111: 11111111. 1.30. 3D Mania 1l'1 \\'1'1'1>1111I_\\1 1.15.
8111 1k 81111. 245.
Wild Chimpanzees 11'1 \\'1'1‘111111.\\2 12.311.
Odeon at the Quay, Glasgow
1111 1’111\11‘_\ 1(111111 111111119110 11101) 1111111\111'11\. 0141 41801 I I. 111111111111 ('(' 1111111111132: 0870 5050007. [1)]. Hi]. :\111111 £4.50 111"101‘1' (111111; £5.50111'11"1'11111111111 1111} 81111\ 811111. “1‘11 1111 (11‘111‘l\2 £3.00. 8111111"111\/('1111111111111‘1' 14: £3.75. 11111111} 1111111 £14.40. 1.11"1'11\1"11 11111".
1111111811AY 1' Ac Fond Kiss 1 151
Anchorman: The Legend ot Ron Burgundy112..\1 11111111. 2.15. 4.311. (1.45. “.15.
Bride and Prejudice 1 12.»\1 1.311. 4.1111. 11.311. 11.1111.
Collateral1l51 12.30. 3.15. 11.00. 8.45. De-Lovely11’111 12.311. 3.15. 11.011. 8.45.
Dodgeball: A Tine Underdog Story 1 12.41 11.4511111. 2.00. 4.15. (1.30. 11.00. HerO112..\1 11111111. 2.15. 4.30. 7.0()_ 0.30.
Layer Cake1151 1.311. 4.00. 11.45. (1.15. The Lite and DeathotPeter Seller51l51 11111111. 3.110, (1.1111, 11.1111. Mamboltaliano1l51 1215.215. 11.45. «1.1111.
Saw11.\‘1 2.1111. 4.311. 7.00. (1.311. Sky Captain and the World at Tomorrow 111111 2.1111. 4.311. 7.1111. (1.311. Wimbledon112.v\1 1.30. 4.1111. 11.30. 11.1111.
1.00. 3.30. (1.30.
1 HID/W 1‘3 11*11113SDAY 1/1
Ae Fond Kiss 1151
111111}: 1.00. 3.30. (1.15. 8.45.
Bride and Prejudice 1 12.»\1
Hull): 1.00. 3.30. (1.15. 8.45.
A Cinderella Story 11’111
8111 1\ 81111: 11111111.
Collateral 1 151
D1111): 3.45. (1.30. 11.15.
.\1x0 11111" 1511 1k 8111: 11111111112111.
.4\|\11 1111111111‘1‘ \11‘1‘111111}.\: 1.00. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 1 12.-\1 111111): 1.30. 3.45. (1.45. 11.00.
Garfield 11’( 31
8111 1& 81111: 11.3011111. 1.30.
Hero 1 I2..\1
111111}: 7.00. 11.30. .-\1\111111111111‘1"\\1‘1‘111111}\: 1101111. 2.15. 4.30.
Layer Cake 1 151
111111}: 1.30. 4.00. (1.45. 11.15.
.-\|~11 11111" 1511 1Q 8111: 1111111113111.
The Ute and Death of Peter Sellers 1 151 111111}: 11.00.
.-\1x11 \\1‘1"111111_\_\: 12.30. Man on Fire 1 l.\‘1 D1111): 2.15. 5.30. 8.45.
.-\1\11 11111" 1511 1Q 8111: 111i11111g111. Resident Evil: Apocalypse 1 151
D1111): 12.15. 2.30. 4.45. 7.00. 0.311. Mm 11111" 1‘11 1& .8111: 11111111114111.
Saw 1 181
111111}: 4.15. (1.45. 11.15.
:\|\11 11111" 1511 1Q 8111: midnight.
.-\|\11 1111111111‘1‘ \\ 111411111»: 1.45.
Shark Tale 111
8111 1k 81111: 1 1.0011111. 11111111. 3.00. 4.15. 5.00. 7.00.
3.15. (1.15.
1.00. 2.15.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 11’(}1
D1111}: 2.00. 4.30_ "011 11:11 .'\1\111111111111'1" 8.11 1k 81111. 11 30.1111 Thunderbirds 111111
81111& 81111: 113011111. 1 45
Wimbledon 1 12M
11””); 1,311. 4.011. 11311. «1.1111
You’ve Got Mail 0’1 31
1111": 10.3011111.
511 RL'11111‘111 .811'1'1‘1. (11-11 332 341 3. 111111 111111 (‘(' 1111111111134: 0870 51150 00" |l)| \1'1'1"1'11\ 5.0. 71111118. 111 81111 £5.25 (£3251; M011: £3; 1111" 11111: £51131. 151111111) 1111111: £12 £13.
11‘1111181)/\Y 1'
AeFondKiss11511311. «1.1111.
Bride and Prejudice 1 I2.-\1 1.30. (1,311 «1.011.
Collateral1151 12.311. 3.15. 11.110. 3.15. DodgeballeTrue Underdog Story112.\1 2.00. 4.15. 11.30. 8.45.
Rero112..\1 1,1111. 3.311. 11.15. x43. LayerCake1I51 1.311. 4.110. 11,311. (11111, Saw11.\'1 1.311. 4.1111 11.311. «1,1111.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
~1_(1(1_ (1. 311.
11’(11 1.00. 3.30. (1.15. 8.45. Wimbledon1l2.-\1 1.30. 4.00, 11,311, 11.00.
HilDAY 8» 1111111811AY 1-1
AeFond Kiss1151
1)1111_\': 8.45.
:\1\11\\'1‘1'111111)'\2 1.15. 3.45. (1.15. Bride and Prejudice1l2.'\1
1)111|_\: 1.00. 3.30. (1.00. 8.45. Collateral 1151
D1111): 12.301110181111k 811111. 3.15. (1.00. 18,-1.5.
Dodgeball: A Time Underdog Story 1 12.\1 D1111}: 12.15. 2.15. 4.15. (1.3011101 “1111.
8111 1% 81111: 1.15.
D1111): 11.00.
Layer Cake1151
D1111): 4.00. (1.30. 11.00.
.-\|.\11 11111111111 11 1‘1'111111)\: 1.30. Manon Fire11.\'1
1‘1'1& .8111: 2.15. 5.30. 8.45.
81111 11111: 1.45. 5.00. 8.15. Resident Evil: Apocalypse1151 D1111)": 11111111. 2.15. 4.30. (1.45. 11.00. Saw1l1\’1
D1111}: 3.30. (1.30. (1.00. SharkTale11'1
81111k 81111: 110011. 12.45. 2.00. 2.45. 4.45. (1.45.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (PU)
D1111}: 1.00. Wimbledon 112.-\1 D1111): 1.00. 3.30. (1.15. 8.45.
Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge
8111111 1'1151‘ 1.1‘15111'1‘ 1’111‘11. 11111121111111: R111111. (11111111111331. 111111 11111": 012311 434434. ('(‘ 110111111132: 0123(1 438000. |1)|. llil. £5.25 (£4.20 11111111 (1111111. ('111111/().-\1’: £4.20: 8111111‘111: £4. 1111‘ 1111 111111113: £3.75.
AeFondKiss1l51 111511111. 1.55. 7.10. The Boume Supremacy 1 12.-\1 7.1111. Cellular1151 5.30. 7.50. 111.115. ACinderella Story1l’131 11.30.1111. 1.511. 4.25. 7.00. Collateral1151 7.15. 10.00. Dodgeball: A hue Underdog Story 1 12.-\1 12.45. 3.00. 5.10. 7.35. 11.45.
Garfield (1’01 115511111. 2.25. llellboy112.-\1 4.211. 11.411.
11.0011111. 145. 4.30.
lierO112.-\1 12.211. 2.50. 5.20. “.45. 10.10.
LayerCake1151 113011111. 2.05. 4.35. 7.20. 0.45.
Mambo ltaliano1151 4.40. 7.00. 11.20.
113511111. 2.10.
OpenWater1151 1215.315. 115. 54311. 11311 The Punisher1lx. 11511
Saw 1 1.81 111,113 Shrek211‘1 1101111. 2111. 1511
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 11’(}1 11.20.1111. 200. 135. '20. "15 The Terminal 1 1.‘ \1 1.15. '30. The Village 1 1.‘ \1 11. 35 Wimbledon 1 1.‘ \1 110011. 2 .‘5. 155. “.25. 11.50
Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie: Pyramid of Light
11’111 12,115. _‘ )0
121112111515. ' 10
1 1111110 1111 1131313511
Ae Fond Kiss 1 151
111111}: 11.15.1111. 2.00
The Boume Supremacy 1 1 2 \ 1 111111}: 11.20. .-\1\11111l1"1"111\ 8.11 Bride and Prejudice 1 1 2 \1
111111}: 111511111. 2 011. 1 10. '20. 11.5.5. .\1\1111111"1'111\ 8.11: Cellular113. 111111}: 155. .-\1x11 1.111‘ 1'11 1\ 8.11 1111111119111
A Cinderella Story 1 1’1 1.
111111}: 1131111111. | 50. 125. '00
Collateral 1 151
1.‘ 30.1111
1.15. ‘135
111111}: 11.00.1111. 1 15. 130. ‘15. “NM. .\1\0|1111‘ 1111K 8.11. 12 35.1111
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 1 1 .‘ \ 1
111111}: 12.15. 3.110. 5.111. “ 35. 1115 .-\1\1111111‘ 1'11 1\ 8.11: 12.05.1111 Hero112.\1
[)1111}: 12.20. 250. 520. 7 15 1010 .~\1\011111"1"1'1.\ 8.11 12 40.1111
Layer Cake 1 151
111111}: 11.30.1111. 2.05. 1 35. "15. 10.1111.
.\|\0|1111"1"1'11\ 8.11 12.25.1111
Man on Fire1181
111111}: 1215. 3.30. “.00. 1010 Open Water 1 15.
D101}: ".05. “.30
.'\1\0|1111"1'1'11\ 8111. 11 30
Resident Evil: Apocalypse 1 151
D1111}: 1101111. 220. 5.00. '2 30. ‘150 ;\1\0|.111"1'1'11\ 8111 12.20.1111 SaW1l81
H.111}: 12.111. 2111. 5.15. 510. 111115 .\1\0|1111"1"1'1.\ 8.11 12 30.1111. Shrek211'1
D1111}: 12.05. 2.30. 150
Sky Captain and the World ot Tomorrow
.11.. 111111» ‘1 3116" 11111 L\‘ 1'1 1) Li, \1\111.:I.'111.\ \.;; 1‘11“.
The Terminal 1.‘ \1
11.111\ 111111.:111. ‘00 115 111 11115
Wimbledon ‘ \.
l).111‘. 1111111} ‘ ‘\ ;\5 2‘“ I) \11 \1\1‘1.1'.' I11.\ \..1 1‘ 111,,“
(11111111 \‘3.."1111.‘ P11031111. 1111411.":11'411 011188 111111 1111011111 ~-\ 1111‘1111 111101111"11111552111111 11 1.
I! 1 .‘1111."11111"1111111~ ( 111111(1\1’ 1131'.
8111111‘111 11 11:1".1111111.1"1- 11 5 Ae Fond 1055.151 11 «1.11:1 1 ‘11 The Bourne Supremacy " \1 1111
Cellularli515311 ’511 111111 ACinderella Story11’1w 1‘115 \1)\‘ '1x Collateral 15 '15 1111111
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 1 ‘ ‘1 1
11111.11. 1:“ :w
15_ K1111_5|11. '~5 ‘1 15 Gaflield11’111 11‘\.1111 ‘ 1'1 115 Hellboy11‘\1‘1\ Hero11.‘\11“11 111]11 LayerCaker1~ 11 311.111. ‘115 :5 "1111\8
Mambo ltaliano.l5» 11 35.11;. 1.11. 1111, '(111 117‘11 OpenWater11511.‘1\.‘15 :5. ‘11\I11|\
ThePunisher11~ 11115 Saw11111.‘111.‘111.5‘15. ~1‘1. 111115 Shrek211. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow .1’(11 ‘211‘1111‘ 21111 1111‘ '111‘ 11111 TheTerminaltlw. 11 15.11:]. 31111. 115. ‘311’ [11.‘1. Wimbledon 1.‘ \. 1111.111. .‘ .‘5.
" ‘5 «1511
11 5".1111. .11"
Forlfilms showing between ..
7 see m.list.co.u11
'- THE LIST 65