err/hr arr/arr- BANGKOK HAUNTED
(18) 130mm
ITartan 't/rrreo Dt/D retau.
lssentrally thrs rs a trro of pretty eorwentronal ghost storres. anrl rt feels a lrttle lrke an extenrlerl versron of the TWI/rght [one or [Zr/es of the Unexpected, only set rn rnorlern lharlanrl. Three young women take turns searrng ea<:h other wrth tales of a
pr ssesserl rlnrrn, an evrl pertrrrne and an apparent strrerrle. The whole thrng rs a(:te<l anrl (lrr'e(:terl arlegtrately enough, but there rs lrttle engagement Wrth the
LA. Hr/(flfu ,r
“NV”! (I; fix} ‘tA(:\l(’1‘ extras doesn't n‘rl'CJ: l"£1TT‘:Y‘)
KISS OF LIFE (12) 84min
~Artrtrr,:a' E,e DVD reta .0.
'l'hrs rs the debut trorn wrrter anrl (lrreetor Ernrly Young anrl. whrle Its an accornplrsherl start. It's not Wrthorrt flaws, Peter Mrrllan plays an arrl worker rn Eastern Europe tryrng to get hack to hrs tarnrly rn London, not realrsrng that hrs wrte (Ingehorga
A )K .A I": v v ’ 4.7 1 / 1‘ , p l‘v ‘\
"‘Irt .'. THU" ‘S‘f‘ filth},
lDorl’l Jennst
(15) 89min =Mosarr‘ DVD \"l l8 rental retarlr O
Sorne trlrns are so heroreally had they 'r‘r: funny and then there are
1-?E 5v. lv E-LASE l? Itliittll WHEN BOYS FLY (18)100min
IP-x' matlrirr, Ptrftr'et; [)Vlt Retarl 0. Strpppss-rll, a tly, MP The thrs Trrllo.'.s farm ga‘, n‘en as
.'.all «leerrrlranra.
the, prepare for anrl attenrl Mran‘rs rnt'antorrtr \‘Jhrte Part3. Pretenrlrng to we a <lo<;rrrnentar\.. rn the hope of herng rnore rnsrghtltll. ".'./nen Hot}; Hr; rs flawed. (:rass anrl arnaterrnsh. We care tor none of the (:haraeters.
an :'- ‘t ‘
4 l' A A' t , . '1' :‘ T": TW'tr 'r’ r‘ v {I TT- 14' t’.’ ' .
“ah: "tr "A 2 f 1 "1' t‘ .1 “‘3’ 1 t 1’ v 2“; 1 I. I t . tla" » ". nurt‘t a u, ‘am tr .\::;_ mm} g) /" t9 . 'y l. ‘ ,W (i
tarr‘r-rar, tr rrr‘ rum He 11 llr:‘.t'l farm's tr t'if. t :2'. u-n‘arr‘s fun"; ,1! rrr'wlovz rn tts; '>‘.'.'n n‘mlm‘rrt, Itlohn Hrnnrer
M mi 1 Mr“ tall SUDDENLY
(15) 90min
llartan Vrrleo l)\./[) retarli OOO
A parr of street‘xxrse, <:rrte loolxrng (l,'l\e. (lltltl'nf; lxrrlnap a porlg',. piarn. lonel‘, anrl
I. AAr 1 '1‘; to r r w M NH» r'
52 THE LIST 7—3 Oct 300.: