l IKIE‘} ll N l i/xl ,»'\1’\lll.'l/\l It )N 800, ZINO AND SNURKS (U) 91 min 0000

800, Zinc and the Snurks starts off like a worryingly bad Saturday morning cartoon show. Geek inventor 800 (complete with preppy glasses), and his handsome sidekick Zino have a Wacky Race-style competition against their sworn enemies, the trio of Snurks. The prize: a kiss from the mayor’s feisty daughter Atlanta. Painted in primary child-block colours, this banal opening sequence gives absolutely no inkling that it is

merely a false template of nihilism.

Like The Truman Show, the film is turned on its head when the characters are released from their cartoon world onto the darker hues of Earth. The realisation that they’re merely pawns of the imaginings of an author

rwrmarron SHARK TALE (U) 90min 0..

Consrderrnu the trln‘ testrxal den rated hurt“ that has surrounded the launch of Drmtrnlfi’orks' aquatrt‘ anrnrated answer to l’rxar 's suhlrrhe / rrrdrrrg;

.as the solutron to world peaee. As rt rs. It‘s an adequate lrrne kriler that henetrts tron‘

Nerrrry \orr'tr' thrnlx . hark lare

an rrnnressrxe noree vast heaolrnea' h\ erl Srrrrth. .'.he plans Osear. a frsn rn deht \.'.‘ho hooks up 2'.th lennx, ulat‘lx Blat‘lxr. a xeaetanan sham.

whose Matresr rather Don Lino rRohert


50 THE LIST ' 0.".

Ana ntlaljoy

sends Boo into a state of philosophical angst about the nature of liberty worthy of John Locke. The result is an existential crisis movie played out for the enjoyment of primary school children. There is even a bit of girl power feminism thrown in for good measure as Atlanta, given the chance to shine and not constrained by the rules of the cartoon galaxy, proves herself a far better hero than the dorky Zino. Pandering to its target audience even the Snurks become heroes.

But it’s the psychological voyage of 800 and his desire to meet his creator that is reminiscent of Animal Man meeting writer Grant Morrison in a comic universe in order to get answers to existential questions that have plagued philosophers for centuries that make this movie a must see. (Kaleem Aftab)

I (Se/rera/ re/ease t'rorn Fr'r 7‘5 Oct.

De Nrroi rules the reef. Best of the hunch rs Martrn Scorsese as nutter lrsh kes. soundrng; |rke he's sueked on helrurh. The lrvel‘, serrpt rs full of ll‘.()l'(3 trsh related plays on words than you (Zilll shake a frn at. hut rt lacks the ernotronal depths of Fr/rdrng Nerrro. l_rl\er.-.rrse. the CG anrrhatron rs good hut Prxar does rt hetter. Frn—tastre’? Not (rurte. rJarhes Mottranu.

I Oerrerar re’ease from Fr'r Oct.


(15) 93min 0

Viral and derivative

.‘rr'us escanes agarn and hefore ,Ou ean sa', 'Darm of The Dead rs hetter'. hundreds 'rtor‘e xerrrhres are create’r‘ and released.

This rs thorougyri, (terrxiitrf: frrnrn‘akr'rr; satin. lrttle Inpentrerr rn an", area. rDerj,r:k S.'.arr I Geee'n'a” ."efeasr,= ‘r'r;rr‘ F," (i Orr.

The sequel to ZUOQ's ‘.rr‘al xerrrhre rr‘onster rr‘ox re Resee'tf Eu'r/ rs exert

we norntéess and unrnsprred than rts prettenrtor, At least the detestable Pau? Anderson has rrro\.ed on to we: someone else rrrake the rr‘rstakes he‘s off destrt‘xung; Arer‘ '. s P,'e;.';'r.'o" out 22 O ftoherr.

Restrerr.’ EL .' Anetta/r. r>se nreks up trcn‘ ‘.-.here the orrgrnal left us. \‘Je're toosrde rn Raccoon Crt; and Our anrr’rog;nous herorne Alree. played ‘01. Mile) Joxouch. rs husy.’ gatherrng e tether another rr‘etre, crew to battle

PEPlQi; eoraeor Draw THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE (PG) 112min 0

Don't be reeled. Just because rt “Bernardo Bertelurxm' on the eredrts that's no sgh of qualrt‘. After all. this pretentzces adaptatron of Prerre rte l\larn.aux’s 18th centur, era, rs

he" out or to Of eeurse the T-

.‘ 3; cute. tilare

'. l‘t'r' liifljn

"‘17;’tlv- rt a trlrn ($0.41" nanny nou‘ll Ari \.'. f'at": no re.‘vnirr‘entlatren (to .zrrarrtmt r‘. l’er‘l: e liertoluvr‘r and ix'ra'rrJr t‘rrritlrn. the trlrn r‘ernes ar‘ross a Irr.‘.:e.;' rta. rut. .2th the vast arts as l rona Shas:

.tnrr S3,: Ho l\.rrr_;r;le‘,, [lesprte the

rr lrrx: much tht

tar taler‘ts of the (llOlt‘lltt‘llIlOllt?(l. talue rdentztres set rn the :trr run is r? a liik’.lliOllf\ rand rernarkahl‘. err‘rrt.» staid, nw llr' teels ll'rxt’ a rehearsal ltrr tn»- r-,-ar thrnrt. lJnahle to esoape Its statte onrlrns. and leelrnt; ‘llfSIllltiIl‘. unrirrrerrratre. the trinr's r‘astrnr; ot Mrra Sor‘ano as a rrrrrreess .‘.’lto dr rns a drsrturse to Inoratrate herself ‘.‘.rth Shaun's serentrst ar.rl Krrtosle‘,'s phrlr mopher was newr a (good rdea. \"t/lrrie the rnundane presentatron hardly rnerrts [)e Marr'.'au><'s dexterous word games. rl that doesn't put you oil. tr‘, thrs: rt eoneludes wrth the east taking a how. rnrnus their costumes and wearrng therr own <;|othes. One word: rhyrnes '.'.'rth ‘hank'. rtJarnes Mottrarn).

I Gene/a/ r'e/ease from In 133 Oct.

No bIOCR, nolwhite, ,_ n6 funny


Hr)ll\,".‘.rr)’)rl has a turbulent hrston/ ~.-.rhen rt comes to changrng the race of actors: early ernerna rnrnstrel shows and the 80s (gornerlres Sou/ Man and True /r/entrtj,/ farled ahysrrrally to frnrl n‘urgh hurnour rn thrs thankfully small rrenre. ‘.'//rrte Clue/<3. from the rneerrrgrhle \fr/ayans brothers. whrch sees two Afrrr;an Amerrcan FBI agents Change race and gender rn order to for! the krrlnapprng of a parr of sorgralrte srsters rn the Hamptons. makes these earrrer ahomrnatrons look Irke rrrasterpreces of Crnema. There rs not One funny moment. the plot sucks and .v'nat seems lrke a grven rn these gee." of rho/res the protagonists are c .‘errrone carrcatures. (Kaleem Aftab) I Gerrerar’ rer’ease from Frr 75 Oct.