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Accommodation to let



Flats for sale Flats to let cont.


BF1/41 East London Street, Edinburgh. .v\ltt'acti\c liaxctncnl llat t'ctain ing pcriotl lcaturcx in tradi- tional tcncincnt \ituatctl in highl} tlcxirahlc .\'c\\ Town. Hall. loungc. littctl kitchcn. tltllllllt' hctlt'otult. \lttm ct'l'ooltt. (iootl \lol‘agc. l.o\ cl} \ltat‘ctl gat'tlcn. ()l'l'crx oxci‘ £90,000. Viewing : Thurs 7-9pm, Sun 2-4pm or tel 07855 081 890.

Commercial Property


Affordable quality workspace ttl l'l‘lclttll} Sltu‘kllt'ltlgc (Ill-ICC. Young. tl} namic. crcati\ c cm i- ronincnt iii ccntral litlinhurgh. lltlL‘l'LWlL‘tl'.’ \VL‘ lll‘lk‘ \03 Contact Richard 0131 343 2222 or Richard@lfee.net

Flats to let


I Short term let. Sccontt lloor onc lwtlroonictl flat in Quccn'x l’ark. £350 pcin. l‘ull} l‘urnixhctl. .Mailahlc inunctliatc- l_\. (‘all 07775 7l5 I77.

I Glasgow Southside, Mount l‘loritla. Stunning lull} l'tIl'ltl\llCtl l/2 lk‘tlt'oolll l'lttl tlargc lounch .\'c\\ tittctl kitchcn/ dining room and hath- rooin. £500 pcm. :\\ai|ah|c no\\. 'l‘cl: (lHl 570 I298.

I Garnethill, Glasgow. Attractive llal to rcnt in lan- taxtic cit) ccnti‘c location. 2 hctli‘oonh. loungc. «lining kitchcn. (i('ll. £480 + hi||\ pcni. ('all 0708-1 283 ISS.

I Knightswood, bright 2 bedroom, \\cll llll'lllSllCLl. “ootl lloot'x. lillctl kitchcn. luthrooin/xhtmcr. dining loungc. on bus routc. £400 / tnonth plux hills. 'I‘cl: (ll-ll 334 5882 / 07040 5th 822.

I Thornwood, sunny fresh, onc hctlrooin. lur lllSllL'tl. lirxt lloor. 'li'atlitional lcaturcx. lul|_\ llllL'tl kitchcn. hatht'ooni/ \houcr. (i('ll. llantl} l'or tranxpoi‘t and motor nu}. U‘m / month plux hillx. lcl: (ll-ll 33.158S2Jl704ll50l


Hyndland Studio flat, hright |i\ingrooin \xith oun kilcltctt. \lto\\ ct‘ room. \\'('. (}(‘ll. l'xc ol \hai‘ctl Iauntli'}. £350 pcm \\hich lllt'llltlL‘\ all hill\ and council ta\.

Tel: 0141 956 2830.

Glasgow Shawlands. l‘ul|_\ l'urnixhctl niotlcrn Hat. 2 tltllll‘lt‘ lk‘tlt'oolth. Sccut‘c cntrancc. l’ri\atc garagc. (ircat location. [550 pcni. :\\ailahlc L‘lltl ()ctohct'.

Tel: 07971 029 244.


The Strada, Fettes EDINBURGH

Brand new 2 bedroom luxury apartment with very high interior specifi- cafion.

Glass brick wall in lounge, balcony, fitted carpets. Fixed Price £178,500 Tel: 07971 205552

Gorgeous, ‘executive’ one bed flat on Royal Mile. l)ouhlc hctlrooni. \niall ho\- l’tltllll/\llltl}. lottngc. kitchcn/ dining room. hathrooni. RL‘l'lll’l‘BllL‘tl (1 tttttnllh ago. (i(‘ll. clcctric \houcr. “axhing machinc. turnixhctl. \Voultl \uit pt'ol‘cxxional pcrxon/ctiuplc. {tillllpcttl l’honc (ll 31 (102 SS'J ot' cmail jam©ednet.co.uk for details and viewing.

I To Let: spacious, \\cll lutnixhctl Hat on .\laichniont Sll't‘t'l UH‘I'lUHkIltg‘ \lt'dtlth. 2 tltttllllt' llt‘tll'tutlth. l.tlll.l\llc ll\ ing i'ooin tinc. l'\' l. kitchcn thnct‘. \tutl} \xith gucxt lolt hctl. hath/\houci‘ rooin. \harctl gar tlL'll. (SUN pcnt. Suit laniil} pio lcxxionalx. \S ('all Sunon 05536 (13" Sill,

I Cheerful studio flat Ill (icorgian l'anul} hottw. .\'c\\ limit/1m ci'lcith. prunc liux l'ttlllt‘\. ncat' liotatiicx. Spacioux rooin. \\cl| cquippctl kitchcn. hatlu'ooin. oxx n tlooi'. phonc. \on Sniokcrx 'l‘cl: HI ;I 558

l l2~l.

I Leith Walk, Buchanan Sti‘cct. lnunaculatc l hctlrooin l'urnixhctl l‘lat lllllltllt‘\ li'oni cit} ccnti'c. (i(‘ll. pout-r \lttmcl'. polixhctl l'looi‘x. l'i‘cc parking. 9.115011an('alllVUSS RI‘HNNJ. grcigrcitlw hotntailconi

I New Town, Edinburgh. ()ualit} llll'lllSllt‘tl Hat. 2 Iargc hctlx. kitchcn/tlinci. \tutl}. luth/xhoucr. \'ic\\\ park and gartlcnx. conxcnation arca. Suit l‘t'ol'cxxionalx/ inatui‘c \llltlt‘lll\. £520 pcni. 'l‘cl: ()ltl25 2(wl (Ft) cinail: inikcharlou 2m ht intcrnct.coni

I Easter Road 1 bed Hat on 2 Inch. lull) lurnixhctl. kitchcn/tlincr \\illt all thc lo_\\. In c\ccllcnt oi‘tlcr throughout [-105 l‘cni. ('ontact tl"*)o.\‘ .R-l" 210.

I Edinburgh. Morningside. Spacious t’lat tor rcnt. l)ouh|c hctlrooin. ho\i’ooin. loungc. tlining kitchcn. hathi'ooin. \lttmct'. £500 pcni. Stiit non-\tnoking pt‘tllt‘\\ltttlttll\l. l’honc .lohn (WW—1‘) ")3 S".

I Edinburgh: MacDonald Road. .il’. l |)ouhlc hctl lur ttl\ltL‘tl lilttl. kitchcn.

li\ ingrni/tlining. hath/\houci‘. Strippctl llool‘\. \ icxu. ()nxlrcct parking. \S. {-120 pcni + tlcp. 'lt‘li “1.st (illl l2ll.

I Corstorphine - Bright first liltltlll 2 l‘L‘tll‘tutltl lilttl. ()ll \trcct parking. l'ull (i('ll and IX}. liax} acch to (i) lc. cit} ccnu'c. (‘).\ll‘(' K H“. Suit couplc or 2 ~haring. Non-xinok- itig. £450 pcm plux tlcpmit tk l‘lll\. \U USS. l’llttIlL' Ill .:l 33‘) 9H5 al'tcr -[\lll.

I Easter Road Flat 1 but pwr 2 llUHI'N. lull) t'urni\hctl. kitchcn/tlincr \\ ith all thc to_\ \. c\cc|lcnt condition. {-195 pcm. Contact: o"th M“ Ito.


I Flatmate required, fur- nished tlai (ilaxfjim \\.-a l'lltl. Scctnc puking. t loxc to unncrxit}. ho \pll.tl\ lit-xi

\ Ic\\ \ Ill (ilaxgoxx' lx’cnl U125” pcni w lullx l’llttllt‘ \I‘ig‘gic ll"\.\~l Shh l {H

I South facing, light tootti \\llll \icu Ill \xcll hcatctl. tluict. non \nioking Hat * niinutcx \\alk llillhcatl untlcigiountl l’iotanicx \\ailahlc \o\cnihci l\t. L' ‘50 pcni including all l‘lll\ c\ccpt tclcphonc man lantllinc .i\.tll.tl‘lc ('all llfi‘llll 5|!» USS outxulc noinial \\Hll\ tug hour»

I Bright, bed sitting room. lll \pacioux llat lll l)t‘lllll\tltl. \haictl kitchcn .\ hathrooin. (it‘ll. ncai l'ni\ci\it} lt‘\. o\\ nci icxitlcnt L225 [\cni. lu'caklmt Inclutlctl. no lullx. k”\\'k'lll phonc lcl

ol-tl 5513mm

I Double room in Iaigtz Southxttlc llat. ncuh icnoxatctl. ncxx lui'nituic. acccxx to luoatl hantl tk all inotl with. \t‘I} clmc to cit} ccnttc.tiau1\.\ hux routcx l \top to ccntial \la tion. {200 pcin Lrltt lullx. inclutling ("l lcl‘ “Ill 12{ 21”].

I Queens Park. Large rooni lot I I‘L‘I'Mtll lll \lll.tll tlat. \hai‘ctl kitchcn. \cpaiatc loungc. hath \\llll \houct'. (i(‘ll L225. uiclutltx ("I 'lt-l trwo .\.1\ "30.

I Post grad or ttlattnc \tu thlll ltt \llillk' 2 l‘t'tl llal Hll .\lc\antlcr l’aratlc. L210 in II] lcl 102555071 l-l-l tloatii

I Strathblane Gardens, double hctliooin. t‘lhtltlt‘. in2 hctl niotlcin lull} ctiuippctl tlat to \hai'c \Hlll l othcr. \\oultl \llll )ottttg pi‘olcxxional non \nioking tcnialc. L225 o ("l o l‘lll\. 'l'cl: 02S i-l 112


I 1 large single room .\

l lat'gc tlouhlc room It] a titnct & lricntll} honic \\tlllltl \llll pi'tilc‘\\itiii.il\ uho lllll\l likc aninialw 2 dog tk a cat i. L2 it! t\ £250 pcm. i‘c'\[wcti\cl} -7 L W [m littl' tlL‘llclth lllL'.ll\. 'lcl (ll—ll 9404542.

I Room available in \\c\l lzntl l‘lat. Sharctl kitchcn & lt\v ing rooin “NH 2 otltct\. clmc to \ltop\ & local tranxport. all inotl con» :21“ pcni. including ("l 'I’L-l ; (ll-ll 5M1 H.131.

Flatshare cont.

I Alexandra Parade. Double l‘cilinwz‘.‘ 2‘. 'i'ft'ri “mini :15“ "wand T‘an': Tat 1"..1‘ 3.2" 1::' 'i; 1.17 "Mist! .Ill 'i‘tul tow t..;;\..:~ \;‘....' 1‘ '1 3‘. mail. fro“ _ :'\ '1 \ 31““;‘czi. ' lynx lt' ll \g‘ kllll r. l \ I Double room in

\ l,.lil Tl.t'\; 31“»fiil"‘l‘ll.i't‘1‘\lkfll .\ Itaz‘.\i\wt' lllli\\ \i.11\ l‘. x with»

lituit‘a‘. (liict'r‘.

fl‘l'lixi" iticlanlm-fil I - l‘lii\ . l- l;‘ o'\\'l£\‘l

I Fun, easy going

\tonai '-‘...lllt'il. to \fiatc \tw

tlt"i\. \\t'\l l lHl ll.fl t'il ()tic.‘a \l.1l;'.tlt'1llll‘.t“.‘.llll otltci .“llixu. -( l 'l‘lll\ l.'i

ll \‘lll til L\'.

I House share in l Pu-ti iooiii l\llllllll‘.' l’.:il. hum. a\.-.il.:l\lc \ozciiilw! lH Hillllllt" ll '\ it, Uni inn)

to whom. Isl I 1 room available in Sotitlixitlc. to \liaic ‘.‘.lll‘. i'lllt‘l l i'\t'l\ ll.1l l.t\ llr‘ ()uccih l’.‘.ll.. lll\ll\'tl. cmcllciil lat lllllt'x .\ ll.‘.l‘i\l‘ltll lilll\\ lot tit\ \t'lillt‘ Stiit cwk

\t'lllli‘ll.tl‘l\ llll

x'onit' l‘lt‘l\'\\l«‘ll.tl oi iiiattnc \llltlt'lll 9_‘\ti in Ill l.‘l til i] 12% WW ' .a il‘\tui "u

I Room in flat. \liaml kitclicii .\ toilct lllllk llll lll\llt'tl ltlcal lot i |l\ icnlic 9.22“ [uni lcl H' Will

I Student or worker It u l.tl'.'t' iooni \ll.tllll‘.' loi \l‘lll lllllll.tl loungc. kiltlicn. 2 ll.tll\. 2 liatlnooiii» lull} lllllll\llt'tl. * nunutcx to \k'lllltll 9_.‘IH [‘tlll. lullx int llltlt'tl (‘liicciix l’dl h. ( il.|\;'i\\\ lt'l ll h\ "\ ll“R (i(i;

I Ground floor flat uh lhtlklllt' Hll \lt"..lll\ll.l l’atailc \lalc to \ll.tlt' Hill im. int llltlt'\ ‘.'.t\ .\ clctltit llt'llinll

tctiuiictl lcl llllfi ‘l‘ll “H

I City centre, living room Ill lllllll\llt‘tl llat. all inotl i oin. tt'llllalllt'.tllllt'.tli‘lll‘lt‘1'l.t/lll'.'. liltctl l.ll\ llt'll. l‘.tllllIH'l!l. llllt'tl \liw.\.ci Slut lciiialc \tutlcnt l._2llll l‘\ lll lk'l l .\l L‘ i l l (i_‘ll I Southside, suit profes- sional, l.tt‘.'t' lmliooin lot I pciwn lll \liaictl Hat. 2 tilllt'l‘x (I( 'll. \ll.llt'tl kittlicn louiiL'c. l‘.tlllltuill| \kllll clt't lll\ \lltl'.‘.t'l lucllcnt ll.tll\lltill. ncai unilci :iountl .\ \l\ 9.252 in. lllllt'\ ('1 [Ct o'Mm Mk "V.

I West End flatmate 'x‘..tlllt'tl.lt'\ll.tlk'_1'lt'.ll llat lll \\lllltll.lll|l\ ’J-llll l othci \\on|tl \llll )oiuigixh [littlt‘wlltltal tic atnc t_\pc \\.tll.il\lt' lxt \HM‘llll‘t'l L2“! [\llt c( l lullx Icl 0“)“. 222042

I Pollokshields, large double iootii lll laluilom llat,

l nnnutc liotii tiain \tatiori. all niotl \llll\. ll \ t- it)" [xiii lilcllltlk'\ lull\ 'lcl 0—200 <llt >1‘l(i

I Bright, double room It] Slt.i\‘.l;it1tl\ llal. .t\.itl.il\lt' t'tltl Hl ()Lllll‘t'l. \ll.tlt' ‘.‘.llll l othci. \llll n \ \llltlk'lll oi lllttlt'\\lttll.tl lcinalc L213 [uni ~ lullx lcl o‘xol "3t; "3

I Single room, top llal. l)cnni\toun. \Voultl \tlll \ttnlcnt. USU [K'lli lll atl\ancc. 1 month tlcjltl\ll .lkI Z ll_‘)‘\5 (l;~l 1’15.