Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art©list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Glasgow Public Galleries


2W)” l’nllnkxhaux Road. 287 255‘). Men 'l‘hu & Sal Illaiu 5pm; l'n & Sun llaun 5pm. l'rccl

One Million Days in China l'nul Sun 13 l'ch. l'rcc A lll.’l_|Ul' c\hihilinn lhail lllll'mlllL‘L'x and c\p|ni'c\ 4.3m )mi‘x nl ('lnnn's cmnplcx :unl lll\lnl"\ and cullui'c nllcn winclhing ml :1 lupin} [U lll.’lll_\ \wxlcrncrx. linlcr Iln'uugh ('hincwc g1;llL'\\;i_\\. llcul' lhc \ll‘L‘L‘l “Hinds HI Ultl Shanghai and hc linnxpnrlcll lhi‘nugh [mic and dixlgincc In a (lillci'cnl \Hil'ltl.


350 Snuchichall Sli‘ccl. 352 JOHN.

'l‘uc \Vcil & l‘ri Sun lluni (ipin; 'l‘hu llgun 8pm.

Emmanuelle Antille: Angels Camp - First Songs 00. Hull Sun 20 Scp. l‘i'cc. S“ i\\~h;i\cil :u‘lixl :\nlillc [il’cxclilx a hml} ul \uu‘k haxcil (in u liclinnal \lUl'}. \hmm :il lhc \cnicc Bicnnnlc 2llll3. and lculuring an arm} nl churuclci'x \xhu hznc run nun} li’nni \Ucicl} :Illtl (lcclilcil in cnnxli‘ucl lhcn‘

(M II l'lllc\. 'l‘hc \hmx L‘Ull\l\l\ ul' a lull: lcnglh lilin. \Ulllltl and \ ltlL‘U lll\l;|ll;lll(lll\. phulngi‘aphx. uhicclx. Illll\lt' and a nmcl. l’hc“. [ASl (Ll lANCl l() 8H


l l‘) (inl‘l‘alx Sllccl. >12" “H22 Citizens©Work l'nnl xii I 1 .\m Richard ('ainphcll \liu\\c.i\c\ PlcllllL‘\ hc hm lakcn hchunl Ihc \\L'llk'\ .ll lhc (‘il/ «lining; lhc l.l\l .\c.n\ u! (illk'\ ll.l\L'l_‘..'.ll. l’hihp l’i'mxxc and Ruhcn l).l\ nl \laclhinalll

GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Slrccl. 22‘) 19‘)“ \liin \\ Ctl t\ Sal lllani 5pm. 'l‘hu lllani Mill]. In K Sun ll;un 5pm,

Glasgow’s Art: Selected Works l'nul Sun Nlcl, Sclcclcil paintingx .unl \culplui‘c lnnn llic;_'.1llci_\\ Will 20”“ cullcclinn including \Mil‘lw h} lhc Illnlc l'anul}. (innwn l’cn'}. Slanlc} Spcncci' and John [lunch

Glasgow’s Art: New Acquisitions l‘nul Sal 35 Sch. (i().\l:\ llll\L‘|l\ ll\ nc\\ Aultllllnlh in lhc cnllcclinn \\ Ilh \\Hl'l\\ h} (ilaxgmx 'lltht'tl :u‘lnlx (‘hnxllnc Holland. lecnck Buchanan. (ii'aluun l-agcn. 'l‘nh} l’alci'wn. Rmx Sinclan and llannclinc \ixllcx. lASl (El l/leill l’ l SE l Country Grammar l'nul Sun H \m. l'i'cc. .'\n c\|nhiuun nl cunlclnpm'ai') illuming h} (ilaxgnw liaxcll :u‘lixlx. including; Kalc l).l\l\. .-\lc\ l'l'U\l. Kcnn llulchcwn. Suc ‘l‘nnipkinx. ll;|}lL‘} 'l'mnplum. Silll} ()th'nc and (li‘cgni' \Vl‘iglll.


22 «k 25 King: Sli'ccl. 552 (PH-l, 'l'uc Sal Illuni 5.30pm.

Steven Campbell 000 'l'hu 23 Sch. 0 Spin. .\'c\\ \lum lmin Slcwn (.lllllplk‘ll callcd .lc’dll-I’li’l'l'i' [ml/Ill] \\ Ill] 22 nc\\ lzu'gc \culc camaxcx linking: lhclncx impu‘cd h_\ lhc in} \lci'icx and unlhnlngicx lhal \un'numl lhc Ri)\\l_\ll ('hgipcl and ltlk‘£l\ nonuncd h} l'rcnch

. ,.l imam: It'll“ "ll lllllflll I IlllilOlllUl IIOPI HA 192960 F.



Gustav Klucis, showing as part of Avant-Garde Graphics

at the Hunterian, Glasgow

.icli‘l .lcan l’icnc l calnl 1n llllll\ l‘_\ l-iancun llllllalll ' - '

Jo Ganter: Paperpieces \n _ (M \n l“\n\. lH.un 5 ‘llpin licc \ ncu \i'llL'tllUll ml [\nnh .nnl light hn\c\ h} _ln ( ianIci. lllt lulhn; [‘l\‘\\\'\l papci madc .il lhc lhcu [lunnc l’apcinnll in \cxx \nik cach \xnh «lillcicnl .unl ialhci /cn likc lll.ll'l\lllf_’\ Museograbado: Mexican Contemporary Printmaking \gu _‘ ()cl Sal l“.\n\. lllani 5 Illpni l'icc \Mnk h_\ .l \.uicl_\ nl \lcucan cnnlcnipuiai} [\llllllllalxt'H l‘lll‘ll\llt'\l .ll \lll\t"‘}-'l'.ll‘.ulil lll /.lc.ll\'\.l\ .

Artist’s Talk: Jo Ganter lhu " ( m. -lpni. l‘icc. .lu ( ianlci llncuxxcx lhc nlcax hchnnl hci cuncnl mlnlnlmu.


'l‘hc .\l.l\‘l\llllii\ll (i.illcl_\. In" lx’cnlic“ Slrccl. 35‘ ~15HH. \lun lhu lll.llll "pm. In lllgun 5pm. Sal lll.un 2pm Kathleen Mann Embroidery l'nnl In 2‘) ()cl. l)l’;l\\lllf2\. puhlicanunx .unl cinhi'nnlci'} panclx h_\ l\'.ilhlccn .\l.inn. unc nl lhc kc} liguicx lll lhc lll\lill} ml [caching :il (llaxgmx Schmil nl \i'l. \xhu laugh! hcluccn I‘Hll 33.

Staff Exhibition Hull ‘1 In 2” ( )cl, .v\n c\hihiuun nl \\Hl'l\ h_\ (ilaxgim SL‘llUUl (ll .\ll \lall.

Clydesdale Bank Art for All l’nnl I'm 22 ()cl, lhc l\'\llll\ nl a \cncx nl nnc (la) all and «lcxign \\Hl'l\\lltl[‘ h} [\llpll\ lnun 2" \llllL‘l’Clll \ccnnllai} \c‘lliuil\ acmxx Scotland.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nnci'xil} nl (il;i\g_'u\\. X2 llillhcml Sli‘ccl. 3M) 54%|: Mun Sal ‘l_ {Ham 5pm. l'il'L‘L‘.

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection l'nul l'n KI l)cc. :\ \clcclinn ml lhc llunlcnank linc an cullcclinn nl lliiuxh an li'nni lhc 2(llh ccnlui'}.

Stubbs and the Hunters l‘nnl Sui 2 ()cl. 0.30am 5pm. 'l'lnx |\ a uniquc uppni'lunll} In \cc \\Ul'l\\ h_\ lhc git-.1! painlci' ul ginnnalx (icui‘gc Sluhhx l I"2-l lxnm L'Ulllllll\\l()llt‘tl h} John and William llunlci'. lASl (il kal’Ll lrsl l Mackintosh Architecture l'nul Thu 23 Du: £2.50. In lhc Macknumh llnuxc. :i lcnipnrai'} dixplgi} nl tll‘;l\\lll}.‘\ \\ hich chargiclci‘ixc lhc ilixunclnc llcxignx nl' ('li;ii'|c\ chnic \luclunlmh.

O Avant-Garde Graphics 1918-34 l’i‘i l ()cl Sail 22 NM. 9.30mi) 5pm. l‘i‘cc. .-\ cullccnnn nl pmlci'x. pi‘inh. hunk (lL‘\lf_‘ll\ and pnhncal and cnnnucrciul cphcinci'a. lugclhci' \\ llll uriginul |;i_\nul\ and phnlu inunlaggcx. including \mrk h_\ llulian lulunxlx. (lcnnan and l‘i‘cnch dullguxh and lllUl'L'. SL‘L‘ pl'c\ lL‘\\. Scc llllll\l Ni Si ll l... Historic Bloomers - 300 Years of Botany at Glasgow University l'nlil Hi 24 l)cc. 'l'hc lll\l()l‘_\ ul lmlall} :il (ilmgmx l'nnci‘xil) l\ lnld lhrnugh an c\hihiliun nl’ pci‘wnalilicx. placm and L'\L'lll\.


I l .\lilchc|l l.anc. 22l (i302. Mun & \Vcil Sal lllllillgun 5pm; 'l‘uc lllun 5pm; Sun noun 5pm. L'.‘ (Ll)th

John McAslan and Partners l‘nlil Sun 3 ()cl. lulnci‘ging.‘ .u‘chnccluml prucuccx Jnhn .\lc.'\\l;lll and l’ai'lncix. making; a n;unc ax radical ilcxignci'x. \hmx nll' lhcu‘ lulcxl pmlcclx \xlnch includc lhc ('harlcx chnic \lackuumh llllL‘l'lnl' :il "8 |)ci'ng_';ilc. \nrthuinplnn and lhc |)c In “an l’;i\ illinn Ill Bc\hill nn Sca,

New Formations l'nnl 'l'hu .1 .\'m. Shmxcmc nl' \wrk h) yumg jcucllcr} ulcxignci'x plux lc\lilc \c;ii‘\c\. hug and ilL‘L‘C\\UrlL‘\.

Architecture in Scotland l'nul Hi 22 Oct. 'l‘hc launch ul‘ :1 biannual i‘c\ icu nl' Scullixh :n‘chilcclurc. lcaun'ing building and lamlxcapc pruicch cmnplclcd or duc lill‘ cninplcunn in 2003 and 2(lll-l.

lx {-24.4151 ' -.

Avant-Garde Graphics 1918-34 l ’« NI: ‘lfl

pinpananlia lnim the earl,

.zmn‘. and

xearr; n? we laul welttniy ‘.‘.lll'li l llllilhf mat; lll lz'lllli'lll anll pnpnlar arl l, )lll"ll lll flu- nzsnlllng; neat See inwxm'. //(//i{<,r'/.1/r, (Law. ll," x" ,l‘ -.‘w (5-5;; I, ;,'/lf/l \‘Ja‘.’ . ll,

Rosemarie Trockel: Retrospective Exhibition (Ilevei. lnnm (lllll llll[)l(}(ll(1l£ll)l(‘. (lennan arm! Rosemarie luxlwl'r; lllll}t:l,' vaned exlulnlt; ex; )lfllé' (ier .( ll ii relations; and return tmnple (?X[)l£lll£lll()llf$. See prevlew ll(ll7l'.‘l’(l\’, (E/asgan, (JP-1',» Kill/l ($350]: (/1231/ (ll ()lil.

Dancing with Bulls Hei'lianll l I[)f;()€? élllll l m: Aanip's; metal and glass; sculptures;1n<:ln<lealirmalzl ()l)](}(7lf‘) an<l anunalf‘. a inll gnanl glialle llll’Lllllltlll. currently lll()()l(:(l jllf;l rinlnllle the l)an|5;li lllf3lllllll2'3 entrance Dali/all ()1 Illnla/ /n:;!/f.'/I< *. [.(l/nlM/rgh, [’25) x'll‘u‘.‘ l/nfl/ / n 00!.

Paolozzi at 80 Helms;)eellue lealnnni; un'lalie‘. S;(:r'een pnnlf; and all rnanne' llliSlNlllK} ‘.‘/()r'l\fii t;el<l:er:). aim k , and space navel all lealaie Dean (Ea/mm; i Minna/(fl; flu! (i200. Ullll/ Sun 5‘] ()u'.

Virtual Migrants - Terminal Frontiers min laul chance to see llllf; unniplex.

ll u ;ll u lll ir;

searing (:elleellen ()l (ll’Jlll) Illfiléilléllllfllfs explnnnr; ae,lnnu, lfilfflllll“, and ()l()l)éll|‘)€1ll()ll Features Inleraen/e anrl C)l(:(§ll()lll(; .‘/()l'l<f, new aenxg', the UK. fit/eel / eue/ Plionnzlirks. (Magma Fry” 2 71') /. Unf/l Sal 2“ ()(;f. Nahuum Tevet llllf; hwy,- lllSlallEillOll from the l<;iael| amul analyses space. C’)il£1;;‘,‘: anrl modernist architecture .‘Jllll :: Sharp eye. Ergin Caxwmqln'u dark. almosneric adjacent exhibit. 'Entaglernenl'. l‘) alums? as Spe(,‘lal. See renew. UC/l. Nelhergafe. Dundee. 0 7 3'82 909900. Unf/l Sun 3 OCT.

7- THE LIST 93