Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Brian McGeachan.

Glasgow Fridays


Burly 'l llL' .'\lk'llt‘\. 35 i .'\lf_"\ lt' Slit't‘l. Sh5 It)“ It), illpIII iIIIn Llll ILM Mollllll}, H ()t'loht‘l' (‘oInt' ht'lp u'lt'hmlt' lht' 3III| hIIlhIl;I_\ ol HIII'I} III \I)|c \II'It'l (llt‘\\ t'lltlt' t'onxu'utuon IIIghl l\k't‘ (Ln llllL'l'L‘\l l’IIIIclI

LGBT Centre café bar I I bmm SlI't't'l. (ilil\f_'ll\\. 33o 5H5“ ‘) |3pIII l'l't't‘ \Vt't'kly Killillll'xk' I\ \llppllul lonthl loI thow uho lIkt' lht-II’ pcI‘loIIIIIInt't- .III up tloxt- .IIIIl lk'l\illl.ll


Fresh III lllt' l’olo l.Hllll_‘_'t‘. H-l \\'Il\on Slim-l. 55i l l3l. lllpIn 5.llll. L5 IUI \Vcckl}. 'l ht- on|_\ pIIIu' III lhc hunt ol lllt' t'Il} loI' .I hot and \ut-III) t'\[lt‘llt‘llt'k' .'\lltl'\ IInIl Micht‘llc pon ItlL' .I llll\ ol t'hgn‘l .IIIIl ilIIIIt‘t' lllll\l(.

Glasgow Saturdays


Violate “If; .loInl. lllNl South Sliu'l. (I‘NIU‘) llI.\'l7~l_ HpIII 3IIIII. L‘lllIL'5I 3 ()t'loht‘I: Monthl}. lxl SIIIIII'Ilu) ol lllt' lllHlllll. Rt'gIIIIII' l‘t‘ll\ll HUSH IIIIII gt'ncrnl lIIn.

Lush 'l'hc l’olo loungc. X-l \VIIxon SlIu'l. 553 ll3l. lllpIII hill]. [5 IN) SIIIIII'IIII} “inng I'Ulllltl IIgIIIn. and Il\ lllllt' l'oI‘ lUH'l‘x ol lllt‘ lll\ll lIl'c lo C(llllk‘ lo IlIc .IIIl ol Ihc p;II'l_\.

Club Mystyx llogxht'gul Hill. 30 .\'oIlh l-‘I'ctlcrick Slrt'cl. 553 Slot). Sal l l Scplcmlwr. h’pIn ltllll. IL'XI £5. Monthly :\ night l'or lhc lllk'llt‘ InIII'kt-l ulIcI‘t' cnlrunlx lllll\l Ilon l‘t'llewaur. BIIIt‘k IlI't-xx cotlc. no \poI‘Imt‘nI' pcrnnllt‘tl.



It has been a mere two years since the Burly boys started their cruisy, funky blokes‘ night. Since then they‘ve been offering the Scottish gay scene something new, fresh and exciting, and this month you can join a birthday bash which promises to be one of the wildest nights so far.

The line-up will include DJ Dave & Hifi Sean and the theme is construction gear, so seek out your hard hat and tool belt and dress to impress. It's certain to be a sell out so book your tickets fast, and ensure the birthday is celebrated in style.

I The Arches. Glasgow, Fr/ 8 Oct 8. 70.30pm—33m.

Glasgow Sundays


Mating Game lhc PHI.» 1 ouII-_\'. \3 \\ IlwII \llt't'l. 55‘ 1 I31 lllpln It M Iht' 1.le \uIIIl.I_\ ol lht' IIIoIIIh Int-.Im oIIl_\ l‘llL' lhIn; .llltl lh.II\ lllk' th.IIItt' lo j_'IIIl Mun lI‘lll\ .IIItl IoIII lllt' nun lug-ntan \lnlln; (i.llll‘t'

Angie ‘0’ \lcltlmnl l’llklk'. .‘ll (.IIItllt‘IIjgw~ 5o-l l3.\5 lIw \M'c'kl}. llll\ popnl.II h.II Lox t l.IIIII Io hmun; '\.lllll\'\l K.II.Iokt' III \ollhhl \xIlh ‘\ll[‘\'ll.ll|‘-t' \IIngt' ‘( )' ollI. I.IIIII_~_' .15 HIV llll\ll\'\\ ol tt'IcIIIonch

Pink Devotion ('IIle bt-wnun. Ix ,l.llll.l|\.l Slim-l. \ 1“ H53” IIpIII inn 1* t'nIIlet't' \\llll ll)“ HI \wt'klt lht‘ t luh loIIIIt'Il} known .I\ l’t'nt'lopc'x ll.l\ IIIIIlt‘Igont' .I l|.llllL' \ ll.lll_‘_'k' .IIIIl IIIIIotlIItt'Il .I t|llk't'l III;_'|II on \IIIIII.I}\ .InIl llllll\tl.l_\\ \xIlh lllk' tll\lll\' |)| \lllllt‘

Glasgow Mondays


Passionality ('uht'. 51(‘)ll\'t'll sum. 33‘ MN“ ll “llllll i NLIIII ti \Mtkl} Kl\l\\l.lll lllt' \\ t't‘lx \Illlllt‘\} Ill lllnu‘ :51} lllk'lltll_\ \llill‘\ .IIIIl \‘ll.l|k'\\t'\ .II (‘IIht- ll lllt' t'htuip IlIInk .IIIII t l.|\ lung: \l‘lllltl\ ol I),| Shnun «lon'l t'lllkt' ton oIII ol tom poxl \xu'kcntl \lIIInht'I lllt'll lllt' It';_'II|.II I.Ilt'nl on IlI\pI.I_\ loI _L‘lll\ .llltl ho_\\ |lI\l lllllell

Glasgow Tuesdays


FUN (.lll‘t' ili‘hn‘cn \l. 33* NW”,

ll 5ll|llll UNLIIII. Li “wkh IoI Ihmc \\llll lhv \l.I} lllj.‘ .IIIIl \pt'nthng pout-I Io Cll|o} .Inolht‘l IIIIIl‘At-t'k I|.Int'c .I lhon. ('IIhc pIt'xt‘nlx le \t't‘ontl llllell ol lllll\|L’;ll III.I}lIt-III l\t't' l).l\\ltlll.llll}. .Ihowl

Glasgow Wednesdays


Allure l'hc IIIIIIIcl. Kl \lilt'hcll Sun-l. 3ll»l Illllll. ll 5UP!” 5.1”] ti \M‘t'kl} 'I'hIx nmxlxh gm} IIIghI pIoIIIIxt-x lI.Ipp). t‘hcm} pop In lllt' t'oInp.In_\ ol I).l l);II‘It‘II,

Glasgow Thursdays


Quiz Night lk‘lInonIt’nK. o8 \'II§_'InI;I Soul 553 ~lel3, \M‘ckl} l'lk'k‘. 'l't'xl )oIII‘ \\ le .IgIIIIle Ihc hml .Intl lllt' hI'IghIt-xl III llll\ popIIl.II‘ gm} III.IIII\I.I}.


Club Devotion \\|lll |).l .‘\lllllt'. Ix .IIIIIIIIIL‘J SII‘ch. .\’»l7 033“. llpIn ignn L' Vl‘Iu' \\ Ilh l'l_\cI1 St't‘ I’Ink l)t'\(lllllll. .Iho\ c.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


lcebreakers (‘(‘ lIIImIm. 2% (il't‘t'lhltlt‘ l’ltlt't‘. 5.50 4”“), l'l'L'L'. l'.\k'l'_\ 3nd & xllh \Vt'tl. 7. ill l).l5pIn, l on; running. lI‘Icntll} and no \II‘IIng group l‘oI‘ lht' ncxx l_\ oIII .InIl lht' llk‘“ lo lttlInhuI'gh

Edinburgh Thursdays


Toxic lzgo. H l’It'.II‘Il} l’l.It't‘. 4'8 “4 1-1. llpIn FIIIII. L“ “with. \c“ t'luh IIIglII launghctl h} llIc \IhcnI.I\IcI Lung-x l.Ull:_‘\\Ul'lll Ilild/cl .l.llllL'\ .Intl ll|\ gut-\Ix p|.I_\ II llll\L‘\l InIIxItnl lng ol IIII'III.Ihlc trick. {I IlI‘Ink pronon .Ill nIghl.

Edinburgh Fridays


Polysuper-Disco Club \cu Itm n BIII‘. 36h Duhhn Succl. 538 7735.

lllpnI 3;InI. l'I'cc. \Vcckl}. .-\ \clccuon ol' camp gllllllL‘llh,

Blaze ligo. l4 l’It‘.II'Il_\ Plant-178 "-134. lxl. 3rd & 4th l'l‘l ol' CdL‘ll Inonth



The Carradine Diary ' : 0...

Lesbian literature is something of a rarity compared with the plethora of publications catering for gay and bisexual men. All the more reason. then, to cheer the efforts of authors who plough this lonely field and sometimes produce work which exceeds all expectations.

The Carradine Diary. billed as a ‘gripping thriller about natural wilderness - and the wild nature of love', is a novel that deserves to put the L word on every reader‘s lips.

Virginia Smith's debut, The Rainmaker's Daughter. published last year, propelled her into the rankings of best newcomers.

=stmgs Gay

the . carradlne dial

Tragically, just after finishing the first draft of this, her second novel. Smith

died in a car crash aged just 35.

This book is both epitaph and example, leaving us with the lingering promise of a talent cruelly cut short. A poetic, sensually—written thriller that will appeal to mystery lovers and followers of fine literary fiction, this novel

takes you on a suspense-filled voyage.

In many ways it replicates the theme (finding love in dangerous circumstances) introduced in The Rainmaker's Daughter, adopting a leisurely, descriptive prose before upping the pace and spooning on the tension. Abby Martin, a young graphic designer, lives with her partner Gayle in England. The domestic set-up is disrupted when Abby secures an assignment to illustrate a biography of the 19th century Canadian author Lucy Pritchard and travels across the world to the coastal town of Carradine, Canada.

Once there, Abby meets and falls for Elise, a sexy local French-Canadian whose grandmother claims to possess Pritchard's ancient Carradine diary, a journal which discloses an explosive, secret scandal. It transpires that the Lucy Pritchard revealed in the diary is not the same as the historical figure. As a result, Abby is forced not only to accept the unpalatable truth about the author‘s time in Carradine, but in doing so also to confront her very own truth. Far from home and enjoying illicit orgasms under the bedsheets with lovely museum guide Elise, she suffers a crisis of the heart. Where is her new life heading, and what manner of danger might there be lurking for her behind the thrilling facade that surrounds her?

(Brian McGeachan)

llpIn Mm U hcloI't‘ IIIItlnIgghl; H .Ilch. l‘Ullllllelll}. 31 Sup. I).| .IIIIIIt'x longuorlh I\ gII.II‘.Inlt'cIl lo llelllt‘ lllt' gn) \xt't'kt'ntl \\ Ilh .I t‘h.II‘I .llltl uIInIIIcI't‘Inl’lunk} lllll|\t‘ \oIIntllI'IIt'k

Edinburgh Saturdays


Mingin 'l'ht' \t‘nuc. l5 ('.II'|lon Rodd. lo" 355| llpnI 5tllll. .\lonIh|_\. 3 (M, It5I .\l;In .lo_\ \ IlIII'k. \t'\} IIIIII \oInclInIt‘x (hHHH'lleli thI'l} lll‘ll\\' nIghl. Polysuper—Dance Klub \t-u In“ ll H.II'. 20h l)IIhlIn Slit't'l. 533 ""5

lllpIn 3IIIn. l'I‘t'c \Vt-ckl}. \t-u III;_'hl ol t'ht‘t‘x} thxt'o pop .llltl chart} IIle loI bo}\ .Intl gII‘lx uIlh l).l\ l’ol}\IIpcI l’t-It'. .\II and gut‘xtx.

Wiggle l:;_'o. ll l’ItnI'Il} Pluto-135

"J H. IlpIn i.InI. \lonlhh I) (M Rt'xltlcnl I).|\ lit-ml} \Vt-ntl} .Intl loll l’IcIIwIl hlcntl t‘IInIp \\ Ilh t'l;l\\lt‘\ .Ind llt‘“ \UllllilN

Joy ’l'ht' \L'Iluc. l5 (".Illon Roml. «lo—7 355i. IIpIn idlll. L‘lll ILM. Monthly 35 Scp. l’opIIIIII' (llll‘ hcltl on No lL‘\t'l\ .llltl lculnI'In; l).l\ Mugglc .lo} and Man .lo_\,

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste The llqunl Room. 9c \‘It'loI‘III SII‘L‘CI. 335 35o4. llpnI Run. £5 hcloI'c ll.3l)pIn; £8 Ito lllL‘llll‘t'l'\l IIlIt'I‘; L'lll non IncnIth'x on gut-xi l).l nIghix. \Vcckl}. SIInIplc lhc \IIpcI'h and IIle} hit-xx ol honxc .Intl gnmgc III [llh

\\ L‘L‘le‘lltl t'L‘lL‘l‘l'IIiloll ol till llllllgh qllL’Cl‘ .Intl thkc}. ll' _\oII nun! lo \lltlle‘ _\oIII‘ hoot} Io Ihc hot \Ulllltl\ III Ihc cIIpIIIIl. Ihcn IIIIIkc Illl\ II 'nIIle tlo' III _\our \ot'ml L‘dlL'lltldl‘.

BootyLUSHous \lt'thnn \Ighlt‘lnh. llllltlk'l \cjgot'mnlxl l5 W l olhI.III Slim-l lllpIn 5tllll. [3 Hill} l‘L'lHlt' IIIIIlIIIphl. ti lht'I’t‘ullt'I' \Vct‘kl} .\ hlot'k p;III} hmlul ll} l).l l).llt' l,ll\ll .l\ \M‘ll .I\ It‘\lilt'lll\ SIIIIont‘ Illnt‘k. l’IIIIpxlt'I I\ (it'\' .InIl lIt'nIl} \Vt'lltl}.

CC Blooms Kill’dillu‘. 3; (il't’t'lhltlt' l’IIIt't'. 55o UH] (IpnI inn 'I III\ No llooI‘ It'xwl III lllL' t‘onxn ol l'.IlIIIl\III'§:lI\ \t‘t‘nt- l\ .Il\\.I}\ .I \ll'llllfJ goIIlt'nIlt-I' 'I lit' hIII \I;Ill III't' lI'It‘IIIIl} \thlt- hill.“th I\ II l'lHlIlll\ .IllnII'.

Edinburgh Monday


Polysuper-Cheez \luml ('lIIh. (IIIIIII ('cnlrt'. (il't't‘lhlilt'.lqubb~1q-l~ll~l

lllpnI Run L11 1L3: Wot-kl) \ polpcuml. \II'.II3_'hl lI'It'ntll} gun t'IIIh llllell mlh .I L'nol. ll.l\\lt' ll'L‘L‘ llllllltl \kllL'l'L'. Ill lllk'll Hull \Ull'tl\. 't-\t-I'_\lhIng_' got-V.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


THE HUB III Hilil (‘t'nlI‘t- loI‘ llmllh ,& \Vclth-Ing, ‘) llouc SI. 5.3i llllll.

4.3M T‘sllpnl. l)I'op III loI' lI‘IcIIIll} ilt't‘t'\\ lo lt'thIIn. gII}. hIquul or ll'illl\f._'L'll(lL'l' Inlo. contacts and \crx It'cx. .-\n no}. lI'Icntll} IIml \wlt'oInInj; L’ll\ll'illllllL'lil l\ guIII‘IInlt'L-tl It‘ollt'c on lilpl. 'l'hIx wrun- l\ Ileo pI'o\ ltlL'tl on \le & 'I hII


Vibe Iago. l’IuII'Il} Place. 473 7434. llpnI 3am. £3 (£3 mcmhcrxl, \Vcckl}. JillllL‘N Longuorlh prm Ides lhc \(lllll(l\ llp\l;lll’\ ill llllx popular. \pIIrkl}. chart} purl} ulIIlc .\’.'IIh;In Scuntlchur} Pill-\\ ;In Rtkli llll\ (l()\|.ll\l;lll'\.

'x'.’ -1 THE LIST 79