Music Jazz listings

Saturday 2 continued

I Rumba Caliente llcnr} \ Jan (it'llill. 1‘; \llll'l'lxllll Slll‘l‘l. l“- 53””. midnight. Ur Six PIL'L'L' hand lcd h} Salxa ('cllil'a trumpctcr 'loh} Shippc}. prm iding lllL' lincxt Ill hol raunch} l.alin



0 Howard Alden and Warren Vache lll'lll} \ .la/l (l‘llal'. X \llirrtxolt Slim‘l. lo? 530”. Nillpm. Llll. Sec Hi I. I Paul Kirby Trio ()\_\gcn Bar & (irill. i 5 lntirmar} Slim-l. 557 9007. ‘lpni midnight, l'rcc. Su- Sun 30.


I Borders Big Band llrimlon

'l hvalrc. l.ad_\\wl| \Va}. .\l11\\L'llllll'f_‘ll. (m5 331”. 5. illpin. t l 3.5” it‘ll. 'l'hc hand turn\ ll\ attl-ntion lo \i/Iling wing laxourill'x ll-alurmg thc muxit‘ ol l)ul\c lzllinglou. ('ount llaxic. Bonn} (ioodman and (ilt'llll \lillt'r.

Tuesday 5


I Bill Kyle’s Sh“r Hot Jazz Quartet ( )\_\gcn liar & (irill. 3 5 luliirnar) Slrccl. 557 0007.

0pm midnight. l'rcc. Scc luv 35

Wednesday 6


I Open Mic llcnr} \ Ja/I ('cllar. h \lltl‘l'hllll Strccl. 4o" 53llll. willpm 2.5 .-\ ghancc tor axprrmg muncranx and \mgcrx lo pcrlorm \\ ith 'l‘odd Gordon and thc l)a\ Id l’all‘IL‘lx lrio. plcaxc l'tnail llpt'llllllL'm lliddgordonl‘om ll )ou arc mlcrcxlcd in taking part.


I Kenny Paterson ('uha Nitric. I4 .lohn Slrccl. 553 3505. 5 8pm. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 33.


I John Burgess Quartet llcnr} \ Ja// (char. 3 .\lorrr\on Strccl. it»? 5300. 3.30pm. L5 'l‘cnor \a\oplloni\l llurgmx lt'tHllx llllx lllll(t\;lll\C lourxomc. draxx mg on inllucnu'x ax diwrsc ax ('ohain. Radioltcad and l)_\ lan.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.


Karl Seglem is highly regarded as a groundbreaking musician and composer in his native Norway. The tenor saxophonist also plays a variety of animal horns, a nice visual analogy for the characteristic fusion of jazz and folk music that permeates his work. He will be joined in this Scottish debut by Hakon Hogemo, a regular collaborator on another iconic Norwegian instrument, the Hardanger fiddle, plus bass and drums, and a special guest, accordionist Mike Adcock. Expect some unusual and evocative soundscapes to emerge. (Kenny Mathieson)

I Queen's Hail. Edinburgh. Sat 2 Oct.

64 THE LIST 38 Son—7 Out


I Andy Irvine Inc at the Star. St .-\ndrt-\\ \ in thc Squarc. oll Sallmarkct. St .-\ndrc\\ \ Slrccl. 548 (ill3ll 8pm. {5 i£5t. l:\-Pl'an\t_\ \rngcr/mandi\lm pla_\cr uho liclpcd rcxhapc ll‘l\ll inuxil~ \\llll lux cclcctic and original llllhlt‘dl \ l\tlill.


I After Hours: Music of Scotland National (Balk-r} ol Scotland. 'l‘hc Mound. (i34 03””. (rpm. l‘rcc. Simon Bradlt'} and l.ul\c l’lumh pla) claxx} liddlc and hou/oukr \\tllllll Scotland’x national art collation.


I Folk and Jazz Double Bill Stirling l'olk (’Iuh. lll‘xt liar \om'. l'ppcr ('raigx. ill 35‘) 3 I H53 l. 3pm. U). .la// oclct outlil lligh Socicl} ioin

m llattlclicld Hand momhcr .lcnn} (’lark (\ocalx. guitar. dulcimcri and

m ’l‘annahill \Vcawr\ pipcr and \\lll\llL‘ plincr lain Macinncx.


I Ceilidh Dance l{l\L‘l'\lllL‘ (lull. l5o\ Slrccl. 34X .‘lJ-l. Split. [H lUil. .\lu\ic l'rom Rcri' 'l‘crr.


I Blues lnc lidcn llolt‘l. llclhawn llotcl. 0pm. l'rcc. Blucx night ;I\ part ol' thc H(’/ll(ll'(’ll Hm! lhm/mr 'Ii'm/ilimml .UIMU‘ l‘lWllt'rll. \\\x\\.dliiilalliiihai‘.oi'

I Claire Mann and Ewan McPherson Volunteer .-\rm\. Victoria Street. 9pm. l-‘rcc. lilulc. \ong and guitar/bouzouki. Part ol the [iv/harm liml Dim/NU 'li‘m/I'Iimni/ .lluu'i~ I'lwlii‘ul. \l\l'

. Home Made Jam lltll‘llx .\'C\\ llotcl. 0pm. l-rcc. l'p-tcmpo hlucgraxs. Part of lhc Ifi’l/mri'u Hm! /)llII/Hll‘ 'I'rm/ilimml .lluxii' l'iwln‘ul. u\


I Russian Tea with Music (‘al’c (‘oxxachok Ruxsian (‘ullural ('cntrc. King Slrcct. 553 ()733. 3 4pm. lilllo} Rll\\lilll lca and cakm “llll liw Violin/accordion. Parl ol thc llvrv/mnl (ill I'lwlii'ul.

I Merchant City Festival Ceilidh Dance St Andrcu '\ in lhc Sqlrarc. ol'l' Saltmarkcl. St Andre“ \ Strcct. 548 6030. 3pm midnight. u). l.i\c hand.

I Ceilidh Dance Riwrxidc (‘Iutx l‘io\ Slrcct. 343 .il—l-l. 3pm. £3 lUil. SCL‘ Hi 34.

I The Midden Lauricx Bar. King Strcct. 553 7l35. l‘iw piccc all-uomcn hand pla} llulc and \klll\llc. and dance.


I Ceilidhs at the Caley (‘alcdonian llrcu cr). Slatclord Road. 338 5038. 7pm. to. .\lu\ic l'rom Lad 'l‘ram lo .-\uchcn\hugglc.


0 Preston Reed String Jam ('luh. the Salmon lnn. Bank Slrccl. (ialashiclx. Slit) pm. Hi. Drinking on hluc» rock. funk and jall. intlucncm among olllCh. and thing the \lholc indrumcnl as porcusxion. Rccd is uidcl} thought ol~ as

thc \xorldk mmt gillcd agoudit guitath \ phcnoincmon


I Ceilidh l)unl\ai ('axllt‘ Social ('lul‘. llclhawn Road. 5pm midnight U (arm-loch aka Sand} lcggct Hand pla) \ inuxit‘ lioi dancing Pail ol the

[it Him ( II [ii \i' [hm/nu [unlit/unaf l/ux/t I: \lnu'l

\\\\\\ dlml dunl‘ai org uk

I Claire Mann and Ewan McPherson llainx \‘mx Hull-l. "pin l‘rcl‘ li’i Hitlll'll Hm! [hm/nu [unzifinnuf l/lim It \Iluli' SCL‘ l‘ll 3-1

I The Picts \\c\t llallh lloxxhng ('luh. l'tlllll‘tllg‘ll Road. ‘lpin l-il‘c lutorinal puh \t'\\|llll lioni lhc t'cltit‘ litllx lik‘lxl‘h l’all ill lllL' [it “title II [it \i' [lull/nu liiiil'iliuiiiu' Hum I(\l/ll1/ \uxxx dtml dnnhai org uk


I Ben Kearsley Si t’cici'x (lunch. l'..l\l:3.llt'. HI’L‘IZ‘HI is it it St'otlixh. llaincnl‘o. taugtit"milonga. llia/rlian and liltil'gi.i\\ liom thc ladinhuigh horn guitaiixl


I Acoustic Heaven Rallhllnllt lhl‘atrc. ‘).\' lngram Stru'l. 553 H5") 3pm. Hit-1i. Popular al‘ouxtil’ night ll‘aluring lhc gmpcl \oundx ol Suxau Rita. .\lag\ \lL‘Nlill} and l.auia l)unn

I An Evening with Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham (ilaxgou Ro};il (‘onu'rl Hall. Saul‘luchall Stu-cl. i5i Hlitltl. 7.3” pm. L l-l.5ll & L'l3.5ll. 'l‘hc liugcl} popular pair Illa} tiddll'. aL't‘UI'lltnll and lt‘ll lliidg} lulu‘\

I Acoustic Heaven @ the Ramshorn Ramxliorn lllk'illlk‘. Ingram Slrcct. 553 3-13‘lh’pm. L5 (Hi. ’I hc (ioxpt‘l \olllld\ oi Sllxall Rita. \lagx .\lc.\'ull} and l.aura |)uim

I Koshka ('alc ('oxxat‘hok. l<ll\\l;lll ('ultural ('cntrc. King Strcct. 55 i ll7 l i. 3.3” ()Jllpm. £5 it'll. Virluoxo playng gun} luncx lrom round thc \Hllltl. \xilh clcincnts ol |a//. rock and llamcnco, Parl ol lltc .lli'n him! (in /'(’\Illil/.

Edinburgh I His Worship and the Pig Wu- l-olk ('luh. l{o_\al ()ak. lnlirmar} Slim-t.

557 3070. 3.30pm. L' i. \L-r} tunn} and lllll\lL'ill (llll).

5 illpm L5


I Belhaven Best Family Ceilidh Dance (ioldcnxlonm lllllt'l. ()uccm Road. 3pm. £3 il-‘rcc tor undcr 14w. .\llt\lL‘ lrom lhc Piclx. Part ol lhc Ht'l/llll'l’ll Hm! Him/Mir 'Ii‘iiillliiriiiil .llmii Int/ml. uuwdlml.dunharorguk.


I Beneche Stirling l‘ollx ('luh. But liar Nonc. l'ppcr ('raigs. (ll 35‘) 3lt<53 l. 8pm. U). l‘lixron ol lrixh and Scotlixh lllll\lL‘ and \ong lrom thc ('cltit~ (‘onncction award \xinncrx.

Tuesday 28


0 The Legendary Shack Shakers 'l‘hc Archcx .-\rg} lc Slrccl. 0870 3407538. 3pm. L'lll. 'l‘rul} mcmorahlc Amcricana. ’l‘hc) We hccn hrandcd 'an cntcrlainmcnt at luan L‘ollllltg (low to [)()\\L'\\lll:._’ all the charm ol' a tairgrouml lrcak show. l‘ront man and hlucx-harpixl ('oloncl Jl) \Vilkcx could hc a natural \alcxman tor a Wild \cht trawlling mcdicinc show; a \cr} \l)li\h quack. Don't let that put _\ou ol'l'. though.


I Folk’n’Friends 'I‘hc (‘ununs' (iait. (‘anongalu 556 4-18]. 9pm. l‘rcc. Inl'ormal \xcckl} l‘olk club.