
Annie Sprinkle gives us

8" Numbers

So they finally made 3 rom- com about Wimbledon. Here's the trivia score on that ace world of . . .


Uses of the word ‘tuck' or derivatives thereof in Any Given Sunday 1 1 7

Number of Siblings Richard Harris. star of This Sporting Life. had 8

Number of years between the release of classuc ice hockey movne Slap Shot

. and its anaemic sequel, ay es eyes mains ream

Times Tom Cruise is effortlesst upstaged by Robert Duvall in Days of ','t' ;" ;' ;,;:-" -.' :1 '22' ‘2' L ' 22.1 L Thunderatleast

Glasgay! seeks broader appeal in chase for Scotland‘s elusive pink pound. i : Robin Vandome

"i 1' : ': ' ~ :4 a :. ': ' NumberofAcademy 1. . 7. ;. ;. : --.; :-' .: ' Awards won by Chariots of 'ii ' :' I" .2 ' ' .' ‘. 2' 2 :'~ Fire4

is, in; ,u , 1., .' I. 1, z. ; ,I a 4. v.1 :4 1., - ;, H 3. ; Actual posution attained by the Cool Runnings- inspiring Jamaican bobsled team in Calgary 88 last

Number of white men who can Jump in White Men Can 't Jump 1

Number of pool shots in The Hustler not played by the relevant actors 1

. . . .. Position Escape to Victory 27.1' m": x.- ' ' enteredtheUKTOpTen

Poison threat to M74 build

Ark, For Your Eyes Only Contamination ruling could scupper new motorway plans. while

and Out/and) 4 Days it took Sylvester anti-Forth Road Bridge drive gathers pace. i David Pollock

Stallone to write Rocky 3.5

Years Big Wednesday director John Milius has been on the directoral board of the National Rifle Association 9

Number of Golden Rasberry Awards won by Tin Cup star Kevin Costner as actor or director 5

Number of hen nights endured by National Velvet star Elizabeth Taylor 8

4 THE LIST . 8-»: