iMD/‘K 1~111URSDAK 7'

('111101 31 2284141/0131 228 2800111 [1111. up a ueeld} tnnetahle 1r11rn the unenia 101' perlnrnianee tune»

Sun matinee 11n 31kt:

Himalaya 113111 + The Story of the Weeping Camel 11’(11

Sun: I 30

18 Nehhalile 'I'erraee. 0131 447 4771. 111111: III 31 447 2001111110 447 8450.00 1111111111112: 0131 447 4771. Restaurant. Bar [1)]. Adult: Standard £5.20. Superinr £5.90. (‘Inenla 3/4 £5.901('1ne111a 3 1111111} £5,001. 131'11111'011111. 311111 111: Standard £4.00. Superinr £490. ('ineina 3/4 £4.90. (iililL‘L'\\liilIS/(llillili‘L'ill Standard £3.80. Superi0r £4.90. (‘inema 3/4 £4.00. l’lllliiiiiliSI Alternnnn £590. Iiwning £9.90. S11Itix/R1:L'1111er\: .'\ltern1111n: £0.90. l‘AL‘lillig £11.90. ('ineina 2 S11la\: Aliernnnn £0.90. Iixening: £7.90. Students (Sun 'I‘hu1 £399 lllL'ItitlL'\ a drink. 1.1111111 tielxetx 111101 £3.40 per permn.

11 IURSDAY 2:1

Coliateral1151 2.20. 5.20. 8.20.

Open Water1151 1.10. 3,20. 5.50. 8.30. Stage Beauty1151 1.40. 4.10. 7.40. TheTermInal112A1 1.30. 4.30. 7.30.


Collateral 1151 1‘11 8; .\111n 11111: Sat 11; Sun: 1.10. Layer Cake1151 Sun: 7.15. 9.40. 1110: 3.20. 0.05. Open Water1151 [’11 Wed: 1.30. 4.05. 0.50.& 9.0011101 Sun).


Sat 1% Sun: 1.01). 3.10.

The Terminal 1 HM

I)ai1}: 5.10. 8.10.

A1811 matinee \\ eekdap: 2.10. Wimbledon 1 l2.1\1

1'11 1% .\10n 11111: 1.50. 4.50. 7.50. Sal & Sun: 1.40, 4.10. (1.45. 9.20.

1’113IDAY 1.412111249591311

I’rngranune liker t11he similar 111 the Mex 1008 \\ CUR. l’llnne 0131 447 2000 1111‘ details and liliiCx.

Edinburgh Film Guild

at The l‘illiiliiille‘. 88 1311111210 R11ad. 0131 228 2088. Membership £20. (inest tiekets per \el’eening: £4.50. 1’16;th tune that there are 110 trailers 01‘ adverts and screening\ start at 5pm pi‘eeixel}.


Birth of a Nation 1151 (1.00. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 1 151 (1.00.

88 1.11thian R11ad.0131 228 2088. Bar. Restaurant. liil. 101 Main ewning \ereeningx: £5.501£4 Sun~'1‘hu 11111} 1. Iiarl) livening screenings 4pm 7pm: £4.50 I£3 Sun 111111111111. Matineex: £3.50 (£2 Sun 11111 011111; 15111111} bargain matineexz £2.50 (£1,201.


1. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 2.311. 0.00. 8.35.

2. The Basque Ball (La Pelota Vasca) 1151 3.15. 8.15.

I’m Not Scared 1 12.-\1 5.45.

3. Father and Son 1P(11 3.00. 5.00.

7.00. 11.00.


1. liero1l2:\1 2.00. (1.45. Central Station 1 151 4.15. 2. Bed Lights (Feux Bouges) 1 151 3.30. 0.30. 8.45.

3. Vodka Lemon 81 iiarvle Krumpet 1P(}1 3.00. 8.30.

The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 5.45.

1.20. 4.20. 8.20. 3.55. 0.35. 9.15.



SATJRDM 2': SEC 1.CentralStation1I51200

lierO112.-\1 4.30. (1,45. 9110 2.CatchThatGlri1t'1 2.00

lied Lights (Feux Bouges)1151 415. (1311. 8.4.5.

3. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 1 011. 8 30 Vodka Lemonaliarvle Krumpet11’(11 3.40. (1.00.


1.iler0112.1\1 2.00. (1.45. CentraiStation1151415. 2.SomeOne Uke iiodder(EnSom ilodder)1t'1 200.

Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1151 4.15.

(1.30. 8.45.

3. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 1.1111. 5.55. Vodka Lemonaliarvie Krumpet11’ti1 3.35. 8.30.


1. Hero: Parent 8. Baby Screening 1 12.-\1 10.30am.

iiero1l2.-\1 2.30. (1.00. 8.15.

2. Red Lights (Feux Bouges) 1 151 2.00.

0.30. 8.45.

llayflovver and Ouiltshoe 1t'1 4.15.

3. Vodka Lemon 8. iiarvle Krumpet 11’(11 3.00.

521: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine

1181 (1.00.

The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 8.30.


1.iiero112.1\1 2.311. (1.00. 8.15.

2. Bed Lights (Feux Bouges) 1 151 1.45. 8.45.

The Boy and the Cow (La Vache et Ie President) 1P(}1 4.10.

Ma iluit Chez Maud mm (1.20.

3. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 3.011. 8.311.

Vodka Lemon 8. iiarvle Krumpet 11’( 11



1.llero112.1\1 2.30. (1.00. 8.15.

2. Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1 151 2.011. (1.30. 8.45.

Ellna1l'1 4.311.

3. Vodka Lemon 8. iiarvle Krumpet mm 3.00. 8.30.

The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 5.45.


1.llero112.1\1 2.311. (1.00. 8.15.

2. Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1 151 1.45. 0.30. 8.45.

ilordic Shorties1t'1 4.10.

3. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 3.00. 8.30.

Vodka Lemon 81 iiarvle Krumpet 11’(11 5.45.


1.llero1l2.»\1 2.00. (1.45. 9.00. Spartak and Kalashnikov 1t'1 4.15.

2. Vodka Lemon 81 iiarvle Krumpet mm 3.00. (1.15.

Father1ti1e1 9.00.

3. Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1 151 3.30. (1.30. 8.45.


1. Bolle Polle Olle: The Great Defender of Fun 1t'1 2.00.

llero112..\1 4.30. (1.45. 9.00.

2. Vodka Lemon 81 iiarvle Krumpet 1P(i1 1.30. 0.15.

Behind the Sun 1 121 4.00.

A Film About Love 1 151 8.30.

3. Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1151 1.00. (1.30. 8.45.

Earthmoving - A Trilogy 11he1 3.30.



1. The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear 0301 2.00.

liero112.»\1 3.45. 8.15.

2. Vodka Lemon 8. iiarvle Krumpet mm 1.30. (1.15.

Behind the Sun 1 121 4.00.

25 Fireman’s Street (Tuzoito Utca 25) 1 151 9.00.

3. Ballroom Dancing (Tancrend) and Yvette Boznik1PG1 2.00.

Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1151 4.15. (1.30. 8.45.

1.190;; 1’ .1 “1’1" 1.liero112.-\1230.11110. 815

2. The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover 1 181 3110

Behind the Sun 1 121 11 15

Vodka Lemon 81 iiarvle Krumpet 1 11111

8 311

3. Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1 151 3 30. 8.45.

Budapest Tales 1111.1 11 30


1. Hero112.-\1 2.30. (11111

Mephlst01151 8.15.

2. Vodka Lemon 8. iiarvle Krumpet 113111 3.00. 8,30.

The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover1181 5.45

3. Bed Lights (Feux Bouges) 1 151 3. 30. 8.45.

The Things of Life (Les Choses de la Vie)

11.51 (1.30.


1.1lero112.-\1 2.30. (1.00. 8.15.

2. Vodka Lemon 81 iiarvle Krumpet 1131 11 3.00. 5.40.

Colonel liedl 1 151 8,00.

3. Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1 151 330. 0.30. 8.45.


1,Hm113,.\1 3.30. (1.00. 8.15.

2. Vodka Lemon 81 iiarvle Krumpet 11’( 11 3.00. 5.15.

Sunshine1151 7.411.

3. Bed Ughts (Feux Bouges) 1 151 3.311. 0.30. 8.45.

lnstitut Francais d’Ecosse

I3 Rtiiidtllpli (‘i'exeenL 22.5 5300.

FRIDAY 1 OCT Asterix the Gaul 1t'1 4.00.

11813111112111R11ad.0131 221 1477.111111 and ('(‘ 1101111011; 0871 22 44007. liar. Adult: £5.80 taller 4pm Sun 1110 and all da} 1’11 8; Sat); £4.801he111re 4pm

Sun- 11101. Student: £4.201Sun 11111 011111. ().-\1’/('hi|d: £4.20 dail}.

THURSDAY 23 Ae Fond Kiss 1 151 8.50. Coliateral1151 1.1111. 3.30. (1.00. 8.40. The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151 2.30. 5.40. 8.30.

Super Size Me1l2.»\1 2.011. 4.20. 11.40. (1.00.

EBIDflfi/l—THURSDAY 30 Ae Fond Klss1l51

I)ai1_\: 1.50. 4.10. 0.20& 8.5011101 'I‘hu1.

Collateral 1 151

01111}: 1.011. 3.30. (1.10. 8.40. Hero 1 12:\1

Daily: 1.45. 4.15. (1.30. 8.45. Layer Cake1151

Thu: (1.30. 8.45.

The Prince and Me11’(11

Tue: 11.00am.

‘hoy I 151

Tue: 11.00am.

Wimbledon 1 12.-\1

111111}: 1.011. 3.311. (1.00. 8.30.


I’mgranune Iikel} 111he similar 111 the pre\i11us \\ eek. 1’111111C 0870 50 50 007 1111‘ details and illiiL‘\.

Odeon Wester llailes

Wextxide i’Ia/a. I20 Wester liailes Rnad. \Vexter ilailex. 0871 2244007. [1)]. [1.]. Adults: £5.001hel11re 5pm £4201. ('hiIdren/().1\P/Siudeni: £3.80. I’amil} ticket: £15. Bargain Da} Tue: £3.50 all \eaix. i’re-n1111n \Ii(1\\\Z £3.50.


Anchorman: The Legend of Bon Burgundy 1 12.»\1 1.40. (1. 111.

The Boume Supremacy 1 12.41 3.30. 8.20.

1.50. 4.10. (1.30.

ACinderella Story11’111 1 _‘11, 111111 Collaterai11512211. 510. 81111 DodgeballeTrue Underdog Story11_‘\1 130. 3511111118111 Garfield11’111 121'. (1111 iiellboy112\1 1211. 8111 OpenWater1151 3111111118111 TheTerminai112-\1 2111. 5111. 81111 Thunderbirds11’111 l 111 Ti'auma1151211114111113114111 TheViilage1124\1 3511. 8311

FRIDA‘1 1111114511» \ Cellular 1 1.51 11.1111 350. 11 311 8.111

.\1\11111airnee311111 11111 1 30 A Cinderella Story 111 11 111 Sun 120 Collateral 1 151

1);111_\- 2.311. 510_ 8011 Dodgeball: A Tiue Underdog Story 1 12>\1 Hail}. 3 35. 010. 8 30 .1\|\111nailnee1'11 Sun I 30

Garfield 11’( 11

I).111_\ I III

Hellboy 1 I2 -\1

Sat 1\ Sun 12 411 liero1l2..\1 11.111}: 1.411. 41111 11311 8 =5

Home on the Bange11'1 111 Sun. 12 50.

Layer Cake 1 151

Sun 1k 11111 8 00

Open Water 1 151

Dad}: 1.20. (1115

The Punisher 1 181 I)aII_\: 3.00. 540. 820 Spivs1151

l);ill_\l 3.00. 0.10. 820 The Terminal 1 12.-\1 1)aII_\: 3.20. 8.0010111 Sun 1k 111u1 Thunderblrds 11’( 11

1‘11 Sun: 150. Wimbledon 1 I2.1\1

Dali}: 2.00. 4.15. (1.25.


I’r11g2'ranune 11111-1} 1011e 5111111111 111 the [11'L'\111tl\ \\ L‘L'I\. 1’1111111'1187115115111107 1111 detailx and 11111e8

Scotsman Screening Boom

Senixtnan 1111ie1. 20.\'11rth 1111113212022 2999 L8 50 (£38 ine ehainpagne i'eeepiinn and t11111'11111'x1' dinner. alw liiilL‘((1111111L'11L‘L'5 at 0111111.

SUNDAY 20S1P The Wizard of Oz mm 8.00

St Bride’s Centre

111()1.\\L‘11IIL'iiIlL'LXHI 31 340 1405. 'Ivielx'etx 80p.


Movie Movle1t'1 2.00.

FRIDAY 1 OCT Madame X1151 200.

Star Century Cinema

()eean 'I‘ernunal. ()eean I)ri\e. 1.11111. 0131 553 0700. Adult: £5.001hel11re511111 £4,001.('I1i1diunder 1511.330. Student/(MP: £3.50. i-anul} tiekei: £15.40. Kids (’Iuhz £2111ne

aeenrrlparning adult gnL‘x 1ree1.

THURSDAY 2’: Ac Fond Ki551151 11.20. Anchorman: The Legend of lion Burgundy112..\1 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 9.00. The Boume Supremacy 1 12.-\1 3.00.

5.40. 8.20.

ACinderelia Story1I’(11 1.15. 3.45. Collaterai1151 2.111. 5.10. (1.10. 8.10.


Dodgeball: A hue Underdog Story 1 12.31

1.45. 4.15. (1.45. 9.15.

llellboy112A1 2.40. 5.40. 8.40. I,Robot112A1 2.15. 5.00. 7.45.

Open Water1151 1.45. 4.00. (1.15. 8.30. Stage Beauty1151 1.00. 3,30. TheTennlnal112A1 2.50. 5.50. 8.50. TheVillage112A1 2.45. 5.30. 8.15.

Wicker Park112A1 (1.1111. 8.45. D

2991‘. THE LIST 47


1.20. 4.00. (1,40.

2, Sea-1 Cc