They’re toppling the ivory towers of moody indie boys everywhere with their preening and pouting pop. SCISSOR SISTERS are the most fun you can have with your clothes on (or off). Camilla Pia finds out.
he Hustler store. Lexington. Kentucky a newly opened and highly contrm'ersial porn retailer smack hang in the middle ol' the extremely conseryatiye Deep South. What an appropriate place to
lind the Scissor Sisters on an alteration shopping trip in the middle ol‘
their ['8 tour. .-\l'ter they'ye sil'ted through the adult T-shirts. noyelty goods and leather whips. they‘re oil to haye dinner with bassist Babydaddy's parents. Well. what else would a band who so seamlessly combine tradition and downright debauchery do'.’ This is the .\'Y(' act. alter all. whose big-selling. sell-titled dehut. released earlier this year. has had eyeryone l'rom catchy chorus-loying children to disco queens. the hipster elite and 50-year-old businessmen l'alling for their immaculately attired. camp pop extrayagan/a.
When we finally grab guitarist Del Marquis‘ attention enough to entice him out ol' the shop's lingerie section and into the street to talk about how it feels to be in one of the modern music scene‘s biggest
18 THE LIST Se; '03. f
crossoyer hands. he is surprisingly quiet. He‘s the iiber-quill‘ed character with an endearing manner. The more subdued sister. il‘ you will. So how did this ex-industrial designer end up on stage night alter night with some oi the music world's most outrageous characters‘.’ ‘Well. Jake l8hears. yocalsl. Babydaddy and Ana [Matronie yocalsl had been perl'orming together at the local discos and gay diyes on the bar tops or on little stages they set up with their music playing oyer the PA. They wanted to llesh it otit as a hand and my best friend was actually seeing .lake at the time and suggested me as a guitar player. and a week later we flew to the [K to play our first show which was about two years ago. Paddy Boom ldrums. of course]. was the next step and six months ago we added a keyboard player. 1] (iarden. and I think we‘ll just keep adding members' he laughs. ‘Maybe a three-piece. lull-time horn section and two really hot backing singers who do that shimmy motion. We don‘t want to stop.‘